ROBERT SWAINThis project is not for beginners. The builder must adhere to
procedures that commonly apply to delicate electronics, static grounding and
chip lead temperature tolerance when soldering. You must be familiar with
pinouts of integrated circuits. Of course any modification to a unit under
warranty will void that warranty! This is a consumer installed
modification and the consumer must accept resposibility for the result.1)
OVERVIEWThe following are instructions for connecting the Doppler/RS-232 interface
to a doppler unit. Since there are many different types of doppler DF units
currently in use, be sure to use the instruc-tions that apply to your unit. (This
is especially true for the Roanoke variations) Although the following instructions
are written for the interface unit to be added as an external unit, it is also
just as easily installed inside your doppler unit if space permits. If you
decide to install the interface in the doppler, you will need to install a
DB-9 or DB-25 connector in the back panel of your doppler for the RS-232 cable
to connect to your computer.All doppler DF units are interfaced the same way:1.
Mount an external connector (female recommended) onto your DF unit. 2.
Install wires from the connector to various points on the DF circuit.3. Wire a
mating connector to the interface card.4. Set the jumpers on the interface card.5.
UNITSInstall a connector of your choice with at least 7 pins onto the DF box. D B-9
or DB-15 connectors work well.One of the first considerations for the Doppler/RS-
232 interface is DC power. The circuit runs on +5 VDC and draws about 100 ma.
Your choices are (1) Add a tap from +5 volts inside your doppler unit to run the
interface, (2) Use +12 VDC and reduce it to +5 VDC via a 7805 or similar. If you
have a heavy duty regulator in your doppler unit, you may choose to simply add a
wire from +5V to your connector. If you have only +12 VDC available, you can add a
regulator inside the doppler unit or on the interface board without much
difficulty.When taking taps off IC pins be sure to have the power off and use a
grounded soldering iron. If you have your ICs in sockets, a better way to make
these connections is to insert wire wrap sockets into the soldered sockets. Then
install the IC in the wire wrap socket. Solder the tap on to the wire wrap socket
legs.Add a tap from ground to your connector for the external circuit
ground. Add tap from the audio input, before the first capacitor, to your
INC.Locate the 74154 IC. It is a large 24 pin IC that drives the 16 LEDs used for
direction indication. Pins 20, 21, 22, 23 are the pins needed for the interface.
Pin 23 is the least significant digit (LSD) also called bit A. Pin 22 is bit B, 21
is bit C and 20 is bit D, the most significant digit (MSD). Add taps from these
pins to interface pads A, B, C, and D via your connector. These are the data bit
lines. Locate the IC numbered 4520 (U10) not (U18). Add a tap from pin 13 to R on
the interface board via your connector. This pin has the 18.75 hz clock signal.
This is the character rate line. NOTE: No latch line is required. This DF unit
provides latched data to the interface automatically. Set jumper (J1) on the
doppler interface to the DIS position. 3.2 ROANOKE AND VARIANTSNOTE: There are
several versions of the original Roanoke Doppler unit. Below are the instructions
for the most popular variations.3.2.1 The 8 LED Original Model Roanoke Doppler Unit
(N4FQ shown in "Transmitter Hunting: Radio Direction Finding Simplified" by K0OV
and WB6UZZ)NOTE: This is the original circuit shown in the book without any of the
book mods added.NOTE: This unit will be referred to later in the instructions as
"Roanoke version 1".Locate the IC numbered 7445. It is the IC that drives the 8
LEDs used for direction indication. Pins 13,14,15 are the pins needed for the
interface. Pin 15 is the least significant digit (LSD) or also called bit A. Pin 14
is bit B, 13 is bit C or the most significant digit (MSD). Add taps from these pins
to interface pads B, C, and D via your connector. These are the data bit lines.
Run a wire from pad A on the interfaceto ground.Locate the IC numbered 4024 (U9).
Add a tap from pin 3 to R on the interface board via your connector. This should
read near 62 hz in operation. This is the character rate line. NOTE: No latch line
is required. This unit provides latched data to the interface automatically. Set
jumper (J1) on the doppler interface to the DIS position. 3.2.2 The 16 LED
Modification of the Original 8 LED Roanoke Dop-pler Unit. (N4FQ shown in
"Transmitter Hunting: Radio Direction Finding Simplified" by K0OV and WB6UZZ)NOTE:
This is the original Roanoke unit in the book with the book 16 LED modification
added.NOTE: This unit will be referred to later in the instructions as "Roanoke
version 2".Locate the IC numbered 4514. It is a large 24 pin IC that decodes data
for the 16 LEDs used for direction indication. Pins 1,2,3,21,22 are the pins needed
for the interface. Pin 1 is the LATCH pin. Pin 2 is the least significant digit
(LSD) or also called bit A. Pin 3 is bit B, 21 is bit C and 22 is bit D or the most
significant digit (MSD). Add taps from these five pins to theinterface via your
connector. These are the data bit lines. Locate the IC numbered 4024 (U9). Add a
tap from pin 3 to R on the interface board via your connector. This should read
near 62 hz in operation. This is the character rate line. NOTE: This model requires
the external latch chip included on the interface. For this unit, set the LATCH
jumper (J1) to the EN position.3.2.3 The 16 LED, Single Board Roanoke Doppler DF.
(N4FQ/KK6VF) Also known as the Douglas RF Devices Doppler Board.NOTE: This is the
most current modification of the Roanoke dop-pler. This unit has the book
modifications for LOW signal detect as well as an improved 16 LED display.NOTE:
This unit will be referred to later in the instructions as "Roanoke version 3".
Locate the IC numbered 74154. It is a narrow 24 pin IC located in the center of the
16 LEDs used for direction indication. Pins 23,22,21,20 are the pins needed for the
interface. Pin 23 is the least significant digit (LSD) or also called bit A. Pin 22
is bit B, 21 is bit C and 20 is bit D or the most significant digit (MSD). Add taps
from these four pins to the interface via your connector. These are the data bit
lines. Locate the IC numbered 4024 (U9). Add a tap from pin 3 to R on the interface
board via your connector. This should read 62 hz in operation. This is the
character rate line. NOTE: No latch line is required. This unit provides latched
data to the interface automatically. Set jumper (J1) on the doppler interface to
the DIS position. 3.2.4 DOP-SCAN RDF (WB2AOZ)A 16 LED modification of the original
8 LED Roanoke doppler unit with 8 antennas instead of the original 4. NOTE: This
unit will be referred to later in the instructions as "Roanoke version 4".Locate
the IC numbered 4514. It is a large 24 pin IC that decodes data for the 16 LEDs
used for direction indication. Pins 1,2,3,21,22 are the pins needed for the
interface. Pin 1 is the LATCH pin. Pin 2 is the least significant digit (LSD) or
also called bit A. Pin 3 is bit B, 21 is bit C and 22 is bit D or the most
significant digit (MSD). Add taps from these five pins to the interface via your
connector. These are the data bit lines. Locate the IC numbered 4024 (U5). Add a
tap from pin 3 to R on the interface board via your connector. This should read
near 590 hz in operation. This is the character rate line. NOTE: This model
requires the external latch chip included on the interface. For this unit, set
the LATCH jumper (J1) to the EN position.3.3 DICK SMITH RADIO DIRECTION FINDER
Locate the IC numbered 40174. Pins 5,7,10,12 are the pins needed for the interface.
Pin 5 is the least significant digit (LSD) or also called bit A. Pin 7 is bit B, 10
is bit C and 12 is bit D or the most significant digit (MSD). Add taps from these
four pins to the interface via your connector. These are the data bit lines.
Locate the IC numbered 4024 (IC10) not (IC3). Add a tap from pin 3 to R on the
interface board via your connector. This should read near 312 hz in operation.
This is the character rate line. NOTE: No latch line is required. This unit
provides latched data to the interface automatically. Set jumper (J1) on the
doppler interface to the DIS position. 3.4 QST / DOPPLESCANT (WA4BVY)Locate the IC
numbered 4515. It is a large 24 pin IC that drives the 16 LEDs used for direction
indication. Pins 1,2,3,21,22 are the pins needed for the interface. Pin 1 is the
LATCH pin. Pin 2 is the least significant digit (LSD) or also called bit A. Pin 3
is bit B, 21 is bit C and 22 is bit D or the most significant digit (MSD). Add taps
from these five pins to the interface via your connector. These are the data bit
lines. Locate the IC numbered 4024 (U1). Add a tap from pin 3 to R on the
interface board via your connector. This should read near 75 hz in operation. This
is the character rate line. NOTE: This model requires the external latch chip
included on the interface. For this unit, set the LATCH jumper (J1) to the EN
position.3.5 Other unitsDue to the vast number of variations possible, here are
some general rules that must be followed to connect
a unit to the Doppler/RS-232 interface.*If your unit allows more than one LED/lamp
to be illuminated at a time, you must add circuitry to interpolate the two LEDs to
a single direction (one lamp at a time lit). Example - South and East lamps lit
would light a single SOUTHEAST lamp. AND gates?*The voltages must not exceed 5 VDC.
*The output must be ACTIVE HI LOGIC. (5 volts = logic 1, 0 volts = logic 0)*Only
one LED on at a time. Once these requirements are met, you can continue with the
inter-face connections. For dopplers without 8-line-to-3-line encoders: Tap from
the output of your circuit to an 8 line to 3 line encod-er (74148). This will
output your LED direction in binary for the interface however the output of the
74148 must be inverted first (7404). The top LED should be the lowest number on the
encoder chip (0). The first LED clockwise is the number 1 etc up to the maximum of
8 LEDS. Do not exceed the voltage limits of the encod-er IC. Connect the output
from the encoder/inverter to pads A through D via your connector. These are the
data bit lines. NOTE: If your unit uses the 4514 or 4515 chip to drive the LED
display, an external latch is required and included on the interface board.
Set the LATCH jumper (J1) to EN and include the latch line from the 4514/5 to the
interface board.4) GETTING THE DATA TO THE INTERFACEYour connector on the doppler
unit should now contain, 5 VDC, GND, 3 or 4 data lines, a character rate line,
and a LATCH line. (if your unit requires a separate latch) On the interface card
you will find the pads for connections required. LATCH and DATA-A may go
unused if your unit does not require these connections. Tie DATA-A to ground if
not used.Install a cable of your choice from the doppler unit connector and the
interface board.Add wires from your TX(3) and GND(7) near U4 on the interface board
to a connector to mate with the serial port on your computer. If you use a DB-25,
connect TX(3) to pin 3 and GND(7) to pin 7 on the connector. If you use a DB-9,
connect TX(3) to pin 2 and GND(7) to pin 5. 5) SETTING THE JUMPERS ON THE
DOPPLER/RS-232 INTERFACEThe interface designed for 2400 BAUD, No parity, 8 bits, 1
stop bit. If your unit does not require a separate LATCH line, be sure to
DISable jumper (J1) or the interface will not operate properly.Set jumper (J2) to
the CW (clockwise) position. This is a jumper for doppler units that rotate
CCW (counter-clockwise). The dopplers listed above all rotate CW.Set jumper
(J3) according to the chart below. This is the characters per second jumper.
Set for 8 characters per second.TYPE J1 J2 J3 input
rate----------------------------------------------------Doppler Systems dis
CW B 18.75 hzRoanoke ver 1 dis CW D 62 hzRoanoke ver
2 en CW D 62 hzRoanoke ver 3 dis CW D 62
hzRoanoke ver 4 en CW G 590 hzDick Smith dis CW
F 312 hzQST/Dopplescant en CW D 75 hz6) OPERATION AND
ADJUSTMENTIf you installed a connector between the doppler and the interface board,
operate your doppler unit and radio without the interface connected to make
sure everything works as before.Connect the interface unit after all jumpers have
been set.When power is applied to the doppler unit, the interface LED 1 should
also indicate power on.Set the radio volume to normal doppler level (mid range if
using an HT).Open the squelch to noise. You should hear noise on your doppler
monitor speaker (if equipped) and adjust the VOX sensitivity so that the VOX LED
just lights. When you close the squelch, the LED should go out indicating no audio
signal present. A more accurate way to set the VOX is to listen to a local
repeater or strong signal that has very little traffic. During the quiet period
(no modulation, just doppler whine) adjust the VOX such that the LED just lights.
It should go out as soon as the signal stops. NOTE: The data stream is not going
to the computer any time the LED is not lit. Connect the output from the
interface to a computer communications port.Using Procomm or a similar
communications program, configure the program for 2400 baud, N,8,1 and set the
comm port for the port you are using.With the doppler, radio and interface
switched on and the squelch open, you should see the capital letters A-O and
sometimes the @ symbol is displayed.If you are using the APRS program, configure
it for a DF unit to be connected. NOTE: You must have the registered copy of APRS
or later and have a DF validation code for the doppler interface to be recognized.
See README.DF in APRS documentation files for further assistance.7) WHAT IF IT
DOESN'T WORK? (TROUBLESHOOTING)Check all connections.Are all units switched on?Is
power going to everything?LED 1 indicates power to the interface board. Is it lit?
Is the LED installed with correct polarity?Does the radio work by itself?Does the
doppler unit work by itself?Does the doppler unit and the radio work together
without the interface connected? It the doppler antenna connected to the radio?Is
audio going from the radio to the doppler?If your doppler has a monitor speaker,
does it have the proper sound? (doppler whine)Is audio going from the doppler to
the interface?Are jumpers J1, J2 and J3 set properly?Is the VOX sensitivity set
properly?LED 2 indicates an audio signal present. Is it lit when the squelch
is open to noise or an audio signal? Is the LED installed with correct polarity?Is
the radio volume set to normal listening level?Is the BAUD rate and comm
port set correctly in the communications program (2400,N,8,1)? APRS is set to
2400,N,8,1.Are the letters going across the screen in your communications
program (Procomm) upper case? Make sure J2 is set to CW. Is your REGISTERED copy
of APRS version 3.0 or later activated with your DF validation code and in the DF
mode? -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Update 7/12/95DATA MUTE This circuit mutes the data going to the computer
serial port while the local APRS radio is transmitting. This is necessary for
enhancing the DF system accuracy and allow APRS to decay the transmit period.
Without this circuit, each time the local radio transmits APRS data, the DF radio
hears the signal from the nearby transmitter. This causes the DF unit to output
false information to the computer. Also, APRS is now modified to decay the transmit
period from the DF if there is no data. Without this modification, when the local
APRS transmitter causes interference with the DF unit, the interface will output
data to APRS and never allow the transmit period to decay.Connection To The
Interface Board 1. Tap off from your TNC's "PTT" line and connect it to the
cathode of diode "D1".NOTE: The value of C3 and R6 set the "hang time" of the
circuitafter the PTT line returns to "not transmitting" state. Thisdelay is
necessary for the transmitter to stop, and the Dopplerreceiver to squelch.
Increasing the value of either R6 or C3 willincrease the hang time. If the circuit
is built using the valuesprovided in the schematic, the hang time should be
sufficient for mostradios.Bench TestSet the interface card for operation by it's
instructions. (ie. Squelch open-LED 2 lights, squelch closed-LED 2 out)Proper
operation of this circuit will cause the data LED (LED 2)on the interface card to
go out when the TNC is transmitting.Open the squelch on the Doppler unit radio with
the volume set normal DF setting. When the TNC PTT line goes low, the flow ofdata
to the RS-232 port stops and LED 2 goes out. When the TNCreleases the ground signal
from the PTT line, there will be a delay (less than 1 second) before LED 2 lights.
Real Time TestWith all components of the DF station reconnected, and the TNC/radio
combination ready, start APRS. Open the squelch onthe DF radio and LED 2 will
illuminate. When the TNC keys the transmitter, LED 2 will go out and delay
slightly beyond the transmit duration.With everything operational, and no signal on
the DF radio,APRS (version 6 or later) will start to decay the transmit interval.
When a signal is being DF'ed and the TNC transmits, interference may be heard on
the DF speaker. No data will flow to the serial port during transmit. This
prevents the interference from skewing the data to APRS. It is important to note
that NO DATA, skewed or otherwise, is going to APRS during TNC transmit. OPTIONAL
BAUD RATESChanges were made in APRS that require additional baud rate options
between the interface and the computer. This allows several serial port units to
share a single port provided they are all using the same baud rate. APRS
originally required 2400 baud from the Doppler interface but recent changes have
caused this requirement.Four pins on the AY-5-8116T (U3) set the outgoing baud
rate.These pins are 13,14,15,16. If you are familiar with binary counting,you will
quickly see there are 16 baud rates to choose from. (50thru 19,200 baud). As
orginally designed, 2400 baud is "hardwired" to these pins. Here's how to change
it:Presently for 2400 baud pins 13-16 are tied as follows: 13 hi, 14 lo, 15 hi,
16 lo, for 2400 baud.To change to 4800 baud, cut traces and rewire as follows: 13
hi, 14 hi, 15 lo, 16 lo, for 4800 baud.To change to 1200 baud, cut traces and
rewire as follows: 13 lo, 14 hi, 15 hi, 16 hi, for 1200 baud.To change to 9600
baud, cut traces and rewire as follows:
13 hi, 14 hi, 15 hi, 16 lo, for 9600 baud.-30-