LP2 Process of Communication

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SHS School Grade Level Grade 11

Teacher Learning Area Communicatio

Quarter 1st
Date & Time

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards The learner understands the nature and elements of oral
communication in context.

B. Performance Standards The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled
oral communication activities based on context.

C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Competencies/Objectives a. identify the stages involved in the communication process;
b. illustrate the process of communication; and
c. demonstrate understanding of the process of communication
through given activities.

II. Content / Topic Lesson 2 Process of Communication

III. Learning Resources Time Allotment: 2 hours

A. References

1. Teacher's Guide pages Teaching Guide

2. Learner's Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Oral communication module
4. Additional Material from
Resources (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources

Printed picture, Manila Paper and White board marker

IV. Teaching Procedure

A. Daily Routine Greetings, Prayer, Checking of attendance, Checking the cleanliness of

the classroom

B. Introduction/Simple Review The teacher will ask the following questions to the students to review
or Recall the previous lesson.

1. What is communication?
2. What are the characteristics of communication?
3. Why is it important in our daily lives?

C. Motivation PAIR AND SHARE

The teacher will ask the students to find a partner and share their
insights about the notion, “A good speaker is a good listener.”
D. Development of the Lesson The teacher presents the lesson and introduces the learning objectives.

Teaching Strategies Guided discovery approach, constructivism, and cooperative learning

a. ACTIVITY The teacher will show a picture to the students and will ask some
questions related to the picture.

1. What is in the picture?

2. How is it used?
3. Do you have any idea how the message travels from one tin can
to another?

After asking the questions, the teacher will connect it to the lesson.

Stages Involved in the Communication Process

1. Conceptualizing- whenever you communicate something to

others, you activate, organize and evaluate forms of
knowledge that you have stocked in your brain since you
began developing your personality.
2. Encoding- You have to think of codes or symbols to embody,
signify or represent these concepts or ideas you want to
communicate to others.
3. Transmitting- having decided on appropriate codes or
symbols to stand for the ideas you want to express to others,
you think and feel you are ready to transmit or transfer them
to your listeners.
4. Receiving- the message or idea represented by verbal or
nonverbal symbols and transmitted by the sender or speaker
reach the receiver or listener through his senses of hearing
and seeing, the deaf or blind, through his sense of touch.
5. Decoding- where you decode or translate the symbols to
ordinary language that mirrors you cultural, sociological,
ideological, institutional or environmental understanding of
your world.
6. Responding- finding the symbols meaningful, you tend to
react, respond or give your feedback to the sender or
7. Verifying- to make sure that your acts of exchanging of
views or ideas with other people really cater to their interest,
likes, dislikes, you have verified or check the effects of your
communication to them.

The students will share their take away from the lesson through
answering the questions below.

1. What is the first role of the sender in the communication

process? How about the receiver?
2. Why is it important to decide the appropriate symbols to use in
transmitting the message?
3. Does communication process follow a spiral movement? How
does it happen?

Directions: Illustrate the process of communication that takes place in

distance learning environment (Online/ Modular). Explain the different
stages and the possible barriers that will be encountered during the




100 the illustration is

exceptional. The drawing is
neat, creative and well-
labeled. The explanation is
complete, related to the
drawing and no grammar
97 the illustration is above
adequate. It is neat and
well-labeled. The
explanation is complete,
related to the drawing but
There are slight mistakes in
95 the illustration is adequate.
Organization of thoughts in
the explanation is a slight
90 the illustration is lacking in
majority of areas. There are
statements in the
explanation which needs
further elaboration.
80 the illustration needs a lot
more of creativity, neatness
and label. The ideas in the
explanation is lacking for the
thoughts are unorganized.

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