Otura Tikun
Otura Tikun
Otura Tikun
1. Ifa assures you that all the great things of life shall be yours. You shall be
able to attract all good things to yourself and to your home. You shall lack
nothing good in this life.
Ifa advises you to look for the stick that was used to dry a rat and a fish,
look for the cage used to keep birds and the rope used to tie an animal. All
these items will be pounded into fine powder and mixed with soap. The
soap will be placed beside your Ifa and you will use it to bath regularly
You also need to offer ebo with 2 rats. 2 fish, 2 pigeons, 2 hens, 2
cocks, 2 guineafowls and money. On this, ifa says;
Ada sele ewu {alias of}
Adatitun adiro {an Awo}
The rain which fell on me yesterday did not reach home
It stopped by the boundary of the town
This was Ifa’s message for Osun Oyele
When going to Ibisa forest
She was advised to offer ebop
She complied
The rat stick is what accompanied the rat to the city
Gradually, free gifts will enter my home, gradually
The fish stick is what follows the fish to the city
Gradually, free gifts will enter my home, gradually
The bird cage is what brings the birds to town
Gradually, free gifts will enter my home, gradually
The rope of a beast will brings the beast to the town
Gradually, free gifts will enter my home, gradually
Ifa says that free gifts shall be yours for the rest of your life. You however
need to feed Osun regularly.
2. Ifa says that you shall always succeed where many others had failed. In
terms of competition or struggle for a position, Ifa says that you shall
always come up triumphant.
Ifa advises you to get a Sekere, beaded calabash and use it to greet your
Ifa regularly, every morning. If you do this, success and accomplishment
are guaranteed for you. On this aspect, Ifa says;
Ada sele efon
Ada tikun oro
The rainfall that will disgrace them will fall on them in the boundary of
the town
This was Ifa’s message for 165 drums
When going to Oyo land
Only Sekere offered ebo
Behold! Sekere is the King of all drums
The 165 drums were going to Oyo land to perform. They went to the home
of the Awo mentioned above for Ifa consultation. They were advised to
offer ebo. Only Sekere complied. When they got to the boundary of Oyo
land, rain started. It fell on them. All the other drums got wet and became
useless. Only Sekere was not affected. So, only Sekere was used to play.
Sekere got all the praises and accolades.
3. Ifa promises that you shall be blessed with beautiful children. Obatala will
ensure that all your children are good looking and highly intelligent.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 4 hens and money. You
also need to feed Obatala with 16 snails, a bundle of white cloth and
shear butter. On this aspect, Ifa says;
Otura lo Kunbo
Olokanran lo Kunbo
Ona Ab’Oosa digbe
Dia fun Bamgbala
Tii somo Orisa Gbowuji
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbe’bo, o ru’bo
Orisa o ba bami gbala
Ki n gbomo o
Otura offerd the wrong ebo
And Okanran picked the wrong ibo determinant
When an Orisa devotee had no child of her own, the path to her Orisa
shrine was covered with weeds
These were Ifa’s messages for Bangbala
The offspring of Orisa Gbowuji
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Orisa, please give me a white sheet
For me to carry my baby
4. Ifa foresees the ire of a good baby for you. If you have any one close to
you suffering from barrenness, then this stanza is equally relevant to her.
Ifa assures her that she will be blessed with the fruit of the womb. By
extension, if your own spouse has delay in becoming pregnant, this is what
you need to do for her to become pregnant;
There is the need to offer ebo with one hen and one rooster. You also
need to feed Ifa with one Okete, big rat. You will remove all the bones of
the Okete and clean the bones thoroughly. You will get a sash or loin. You
will get a needle and sting. You will then attach the bones to the middle of
the sash with the needle and string. You will imprint Otura-Okanran on Ifa
tray, recite this stanza and then sprinkle the powder on the sash. You will
place the sash on your Ifa. The woman in question will be blessed with the
fruit of the womb and will use that sash to strap her own baby on her back
very soon. On this, Ifa says;
Otura tikun
Won lo ko’se re de
Dia fun won l’otu Ife
Ekun omo ni won nsun
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
O ba fun mi l’ewu kan
Ki n fun o ladibo kan
Otura closed his door
They said that he had started again
This was Ifa’s message for them at Otu-Ife
When weeping that they had no children of their own
They were advised to offer ebo
If you give me one Okete, big rat
I will give you one baby who will be helping you hold your ibo
determinants in future
5. Ifa says that if there are no set of twins in your extended family, then you
will be blessed with one.
You need to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 hens and money. You also need
to feed the Agba drums, Edan Ogboni with a female sheep and feed
Ibeji (twins) icon with black beans and fruits. On these, Ifa says;
Mo ti tikun, mo ti tikun
Dia fun Agba
Ti n menu sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbe’bo, o ru’bo
Nje mo waa b’Edan
Mo si b’Alaworo
I have closed and locked the door
This was Ifa’s message for Agba, the Ogboni drum
When weeping in lamentation of her inability to have a baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
She theen gave birth to Edan
And to Alaworo
6. Ifa says that the Ori of your mother is responsible for your victory and
success. Ifa assures you that if not for the Ori of your mother which had
been giving you constant protection you would have been forgotten a long
time ago. Ifa says that you have a very tough character. In fact, your
character is just like that of Esu-Odara. It is your mother that had been
protecting against all evils and against consequences of your tough
There is the need for you to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and
money. You also need to feed Esu-Odara with another matured he-
goat. After these, you need to feed the Ori of your mother with a big cat-
fish. If your mother is dead, you need to feed her spirit with cat-fish. On
all these, Ifa says;
7. Ifa says you are going to have authority in your life. Ifa says whatever you
says shall become law. Ifa however warns that there is the need for you to
offer ebo against untimely death at the prime of your authority and success.
There is the need for you to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and
money. You also need to feed Esu with one rooster. On this aspect, Ifa
Bi o ti wi o, bee naa lo ri
Igba kannaa lawon mejeeji n gbagbon soke
Dia fun Arenu-keran
Tii somo okunrin Idile
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Ototo, Iku se ngba iru eyi lowo eni
As you have said, that was the way it turned out to be
It was at the same time that the two of them lift up their lower jaws
This was Ifa’s message for Arenu-keran(He who has authority on
many issues)
The offspring of the lineage
He was advised to offer ebo
What a disaster! How can death snatch this one away from us
Oh! What a pity!
8. Ifa says that you are going to meet a woman whom you will be interested in
having a very serious relation with. This woman in question will be of
either royal birth or high social-economic status or both. This same woman
would have been involved in three serious relationship before. You are
going to be at least, the fourth man in her life. Please, run away from this
woman. This woman is morally bankrupt. The only thing you can achieve
in your relationship with her is everlasting sorrow.
Please, offer ebo with one matured he-goat and run away from this
woman. On this, Ifa says;
Two tree branches are rubbing against each other, and you accuse
them of speaking intelligibly
And an elder is speaking, you say that he is full of excesses
This was Ifa’s message for Soborinyan
The offspring of the Blacksmith of Ikopa land
As soon as she arrived in the land
She had relationship with Akaja
She had known Aro
She also knew Surepegbe
And was familiar with Jagun
Soboriyan, we do not want you in this land anymore, please go away.
9. Ifa warns that you must never be a Moslem or allow any of your children to
be. If you do, it is most likely that you may lose your eyesight and your
inner mind. This is the reason why you should not allow it to happen at all.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with a matured he-goat and money. On this
aspect, Ifa says;
The dross with its rough face
They cast Ifa for Adaginnijo
Who would initiate his child into the Islamic religion
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The eyes opened
And the inner mind sharpened once again
10. Ifa advises you to be a practicing Ifa practitioner and if this is not
practicable, you need to align yourself with Ifa in all your ways of life. You
also need to let Ifa guide and guard you in everything that you are doing.
There lies success and accomplishment for you in life.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 4 pigeons and money. You also need to
feed Ifa with a matured she-goat. On this, Ifa says;
11. Ifa says that you shall be blessed with all the great things of life. Ifa
assures you that you shall lack nothing in life; you shall also be victorious
over all your enemies.
Ifa advises you to have gun, pistol, revolver or rifle by your Ifa(Please
ensure that this weapon remains unloaded at all times). You also need to
feed Ogun regularly. By so doing, victory and success are assured. On
these, Ifa says;
Otura tilekun
O gbe’bon sekunle
Dia fun Bakee
Ti nsode lo ile e Ketu
Ebo ni won nui ko se
O gb’ebo, o rubo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni wowo ire
Otura locked the door
And placed a gun by the backyard of the house
This was Ifa’s message for Bakee
When going on hunting mission to Ketu land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all ire of life
12. Ifa warns you to beware of food poisoning. Ifa says that three of you are
being warned against food poisoning.
Ifa says that only one of you will heed this warning. Ifa advises you to be
the person who will heed the warning in order for you to avoid untimely
Ifa advises each of you to offer ebo with 3 roosters, 3 hens and money.
After this, each of you needs to procure elubo, yam flour, imprint this Odu
on it and recite this particular stanza. After that, you will add palm-oil and
mix the two together. Each of you needs to do it separately. You will then
lick the mixture. The threat of food poisoning will be put under check. On
this, Ifa says;
O se, o se
Awo Eja lo dia f’Eja
Tii somo Onibu
O po, o po
Awo Alakan lo dia f’Alakan
Tii somo Ikoko odo
Oro ti ko lohun-un fo
Ka dake lo to
Dia fun Okete Ewusa lagbala
Won ni ki awon meteeta rubo ija oogun
Alakan nikan ni nbe leyin ti nsebo
Alakan nikan lo rubo re lo ye
What a pity!
The Awo of the fish cast Ifa for the fish
The offspring of the deep sea
This is too much
The Awo of the Crab, cast Ifa for the Crab
The offspring of the river side
When something does not require to talk about
We better keep quiet
This was Ifa’s message for Okete Ewusa, the Big Rat living in the
They were all advised to offer ebo against food poisoning
Only the Crab complied
Only the Crab survived
13. Ifa says that any time your wife becomes pregnant; it is advisable for you to
return her to her parents’ home when the pregnancy had reached its 7th to
8th month. You need to let her stay over until she is delivered of the baby.
That is the surest way to avoid any complication and threat to life for the
pregnant woman.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 hens and a lot of
money. You also need to feed Esu with one big rooster and feed Ifa
with one she-goat. You need to find out what Odu wants and feed it
accordingly. On this, Ifa says;
The coconut in the forest murmurs about (while the breeze blows)
Ifa’s message for Odu
When going to Ikosa town
When going to take a new land
Because of children
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Our Odu calabash is for joint propitiation
The Odu calabash of Irese land
Our Odu calabash is for joint propitiation
14. Ifa advises you that whenever you plan to make baby with your woman, you
need to feed Osun and offer ebo so that you will not only have the baby,
but the baby will be useful to you.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 hens and money. After
this, you need to feed Osun with a hen. You also need to tie the pot of
Osun with palm-fonds. On this, Ifa says;
Fine dust in the main road
Akamo poro nimogun Oloja yele-yele-yele
They cast Ifa for Ewi Otoo (Osun)
Who tied palm-fond round her shrine
Because of children
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of children
15. The door of success and accomplishment which had hitherto closed against
you shall open and you shall be able to make use of opportunities that will
be coming your way.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 8 pigeons, 8 guinea fowls and money.
You also need to feed Ifa with a guinea-fowl. On this, Ifa says;
Otura tikun re gbonhin-gbonhin
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti ona ifa oun owo se mo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gbebo, o rubo
Alado-Ewi ki letu now loko
Letu now loko
Otura locked his door firmly
That was the Ifa cast for Orunmila
When the road of luck and business locked out against him
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Orunmila, the Oba of Ado-Ewi
What is the movement of guinea fowl in the farm
In droves
That is the movement of the guinea fowls in the farm
16. Ifa promises that you shall not lose your life to any form of sickness. Ifa
says that whenever you fall sick, you shall always gain back your strength,
health vitality. The only problem you have however is that you need to
offer ebo that will spare you against sudden but untimely death. When you
are very strong and healthy.
Ifa advises you to offer ebo with 4 roosters, 4 guinea fowls and money.
On this aspect of your life, Ifa says:
Eni para a ku
Eni gereje a dide
Dia fun aayan
A bu fi ose
Ebo ni won ki won se
Ose nikan ni nbe leyin ti nsebo
Yoo dide o
Eni gereje yoo dide o
The strong one will die
And the invalid will rise up
This was ifa’s message for Aayan
And abo for Ose
They were advised to offer ebo
Only Ose (the invalid) compiled
He will rise up
The invalid will rise up.
Ayan (the drum deity)
- Must never eat or use Okete, the Big Rat – to avoid loses
- Must never eat or use crab – to avoid unconsummated fortune
- Must never use palm-kernel oil for anything – to avoid the wrath of Esu
- Must never drink palm-wine – to avoid the wrath of Obatala
- Must never use guinea-corn for anything – to avoid the wrath of Osun
- Must never marry a wayward woman – to avoid sorrow and disaster
- Must never be a Muslim – to avoid blindness and senility
- Must never maltreat anyone – to avoid people revenging on your children in