PMT Reflection

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII – Eastern Visayas
Schools Division of Calbayog City
SCHOOL ID: 313811
Brgy. Peña, Tinambacan District, Calbayog City, Western Samar 6710

N 2020
(PHASE 1-4)
Prepared by:

Noted by:
Head Teacher II

Prior to the implementation the program we were informed that we will be

A seminar that would help us rekindle our faith and be more positive in our outlook.

This Philippine Moral Transformation Orientation, a program of our government

is valuable and timely in the sense as human being we need to be reminded
always of our rights and obligations, we always need the guidance to walk in the right
path, especially in the sight of God.
Through this program of our government, we the Filipino people will be
guided how to conduct ourselves morally and in order everyone will become an asset
in our society. Parents will be a role model to their children, and will produce respectful
and productive young generation in the future. Above all, through this program,
Filipinos in different religion affiliation will know and believed that only God can
transform one’s life by changing our mind and lifestyle into something that pleases God.
As human being, sometimes I forgot my obligations as citizen of the nation,
for example how to act as good public servant. Specifically, in dealing with people.
The importance of seeking the guidance of God in my life, through continuous
personal devotion and meditation because sometimes I forget to pray and ask
God guidance in my life.
Grateful and blessed to our government through our President Rodrigo Duterte
for implementing such kind of program, because I know I will learn a lot and this will
serve as reminder to me as a public servant and most especially as a child of God.
Phase 1
Philippine Moral Transformation 2020 was advocated during the 2019 State of
the Nation Address by President Rodrigo Duterte This program is a Two-pronged
Program Gabay ng Bayan – Gabay ng Barangay: a kontra-Corrupt; Kontra –
Droga iniatiative, implemented by Yeshua Change Agents and Bawat Tahanan,
Sambahan – Bawat Pamilya May Kapilya: an Anti-Rebellion and a Drug Demand
Reduction initiative implemented by Yeshua Men of Covenant.
Bawat Tahanan, Sambahan has an immediate goals and objectives and these
are: 1.) to help men and women develop godly moral character and work ethics; 2.)
to help them assume their godly roles in their homes as parents or members of a
family so they prosper, be in good health even as they enjoy their married life and are
committed in nation-building; 3.) to help men and women with troubled marriage to
regain peace in their homes. Moreover, this program has a long term goal: build a
nation of godly men – servants of God, leaders of men and households – who share one
another’s burden in pursuit of their goal. To wit: 1.) to build ideal, godly homes; 2.) to
be active in their community, providing leaderships and; 3.) to be an honest public
servant, engaged to nation building; 4.) to be a Covenanted Man with our Creator,
and helping others to be fulfilled and successful.
Indeed, this program is a great help for every Filipino for social transformation.
It is often said that what is legal is not always moral, and religious devotion is not
synonymous with a morally upright life. If all the Filipino will undergo this kind of
seminar, anyone can be transformed not just moral reform, and our country badly need
Phase 2
Phase 1 started with the topic about Republic Act 7836: Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994, an act that strengthen the regulation and
supervision of the practice of teaching in the Philippines and prescribing a licensure
examination for teachers and for other purposes.
Aside from the parents who should take the responsibilities in building their
children’s morality, school also plays an important role as an institution which promotes
moral development and transmits the moral values for the students.
As a teacher, as a second parent or In Locu Parentis, I must conduct morally
and be a role model in words and in deeds. A teacher that will practice empathy and caring
characteristics especially in this time of pandemic that they need someone to help
them cope with their struggles and difficulties brought about this pandemic.
For the topic about Introduction of SOAP for Daily Devotion, I was grateful
that this is one of the topics in seminar because I was acquainted with another strategy
in doing devotion. SOAP – Scripture we need to read the Bible – the Word of God and
look for a verse that particularly relates to us that day, then we need to journal it, then
Observation, we need to observe the verse, what is the verse means to you and what
God is trying to say with those words. Application, you are going to apply what the
Bible verse means to you and how are you going to apply it in your life right now, will it
be encouragement, instruction revelation eye-opener, etc. Then close it with
Prayer I believed that in order for a man to be transform, he needs God guidance
in his life. We can do nothing apart from God, we need God to direct us to the right
path, to change us morally and we need His blessings in our life.
As government employee we should conduct our work with transparency and
honesty and the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 is very helpful to me. This act reminded
me to promote honesty and full responsibility as public servant. Treat all people fairly and
The third topic, is a great challenge in my part, to be a Model of
Transformation, that is if we want other to be change, we will the agent of change itself,
let us not wait others to change first however let us strive and determined that change must
start within ourselves. We will surround ourselves with positive and motivated people to be
transformed. We need support networks in changing our behavior, we need
families, friends, colleagues that will helped us to be better individual and most
especially we have the motivation, determination and courage to be transform in
order we will feel happy and fulfilled.
Family is smallest unit in the society, and it is better that transformation must
start in the family. The topic to be a God-fearing family is what God desires for us.
God-fearing family obey the rules of their religion and live in a way that it is morally
A God-fearing family understands each other’s weaknesses and recognizes
each other’s strength. Parents must always encourage their children to do better. Children
must be allowed to make mistakes and must not be pressured to accomplish
something because of too much expectations from them however their holistic capacity
must be considered. To build God-fearing family let us make sure that God is the center
of our home. This topic brings me to reflect myself how to discipline my children, especially of
this time that they are occupied with gadgets and television and social media.

Phase 3
Family is the foundational institution of society ordained by God. Family is
important because it is where we feel secure, whom you can share your issues
with. It is where we share love, encouragement, understanding, desire, comfort,
advice, ideals and beliefs. It shows the value of love, understanding and open
Importance of family and communication was the first topic stressing
that effective communication within the family can lead to loving and strong
relationships, it must be built based on trust, listening and understanding.
Without healthy communication families may struggle with disconnection and can
cause misunderstanding. Mostly this is the problem of the Filipino families,
communication within themselves is not practice. Children come and go to
their house without telling the parents their whereabouts, eating together was
not practiced inside their home. Children never tell their personal problem and
issues to their parents.
This topic reminded me a lot the importance of communication in the
family, because my children never tell their issues and problems to us as their
parents. That is why, this topic is eye opener to me that open the
communication is important in my family, and it is a great challenge in my part
especially as a mother.
Support system of Community and School was the second topic that
emphasized that link between them to achieved their goals and objectives.
School and community should have a mutual relationship to support students to
have quality education for all children and youth in the community. It is hard
that school will have a conflict among the stakeholders in the community, because
this will bring chaos and difficulty to facilitate the projects and programs of the
school even for the sake of the children. Therefore, School and Community
must help each other in implementing each program so that parents and other
citizens will be able to recognize their responsibility for the quality education
of their children.
Stakeholders are a big part of the success of the school and students,
they have been supporters and has a great contribution in achieving the goals and
objectives of the school to offer quality education to every student. Good school
community relationship provides every students opportunity to be an important
and useful member of society.

Phase 4
Having Quite Time in essential in man’s life. It is the time that we are going to
experience God presence through our life experiences, our friends or colleagues
through intuition but most of the time, He speaks through His Written Word. This is the
time that we need to be quite and listen the presence of God, and ask the Holy Spirit to
guide and direct us as we face the whole day activity. This is the time that we need to
surrender all our problems, our struggles to God and let Him take control of our life. Before
having the Quite Time, ask the Holy Spirit to empower us, to guide us as we read His Holy
Scripture, then we will meditate the Word, let us asked what is the Word saying to us?
Is there a command that is must obey? And close it with a Prayer. In this busy world,
chaotic and sinful world, I need to have a rhythm, a rhythm to have a quite time.

Human mind is powerful one, it can build or destroy one’s life. We become
what we think, Proverbs 23:7 says “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he, that is why
immorality is caused by corrupt mind. If one’s mind is not morally guided by the
Holy Scriptures, there is a possibility that we can commit immorality. God requires purity not
only in our outward dealings with self and others, but also in regard to the inner life of
our souls. This topic center on how God view on sex, and it is in the sacred union of
marriage. Sex outside marriage is immoral.

God give man his freewill, however that freewill most of the time bring him into
destruction as Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it
leads to death”. If we let our selfish desire control us, one day we will wake up that we
are doing Corruption, because Corruption is Caused by the Devil. Corruption is a
form of dishonesty of criminal offense undertaken by the person or organization
entrusted with a position of authority to acquire illicit benefit or abuse power for one’s
private gain. That is why we should be vigilant enough to evaluate our doings
because corruption begin at home, work, offices, church and politics. Therefore, to avoid
corruption we need to put God at the center of our heart, let God control us, not our
will, will be done but the will of God. Let us meditate always the Word of God
Psalms 119:105 says “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”.
Truly, if the presence of God is in us, we can avoid corruption.

Republic Act No. 3019, Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, it is the policy
of the Philippine Government, in line with the principle that a public office is a public
trust, to repress certain acts of public officers and private persons alike which
constitutes graft or corrupt practices.
It is not only the corrupt individuals that is to be blamed but also those who let
corruption foster. Corruption must be prevented through following strict rules and
regulations, exposing corrupt activities from the very beginning, keep public sector
honest, transparent and accountable and ensure and offer good public services.

Maybe we cannot fight graft and corruption all at once, but if we do things right today,
we can help our country became progressive. Free from poverty, graft and corruption,
all are served well, and everyone are treated well and equally.


“Without God we are nothing” this is principle that human being must believe in,
that apart from God, we are nothing. Therefore, we need God to guide us, to bless us,
to teach us to the right path. Personal Devotion is one way that we are connected to
our Creator, by meditating His Word through the Bible. Joshua 1:8 says “Do not let this
Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may
be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”.

I’ve been doing my personal devotion since I’m in high school, because I
believed I am weak and I need the strength of God through His Word. Back then, I just
read a passage in the Bible and a short prayer. I downloaded the Bible Application which have
a Bible Verse every day and I posted it to the social media particularly in Facebook, to
spread love and positivity especially in this time of pandemic. Moreover, when I
attended the Philippine Moral Transformation, the I was glad and grateful that it has a
topic about Personal Devotion, introducing the SOAP Method of Personal Devotion and for
me it is the most essential topic, for 1 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is God-breathed,
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the
man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work”.

Prepared by:


Head Teacher II

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