Performance Analysis of A Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant

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Performance analysis of a

Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant

Michelle Melo Cavalcante, João Lucas de Souza Silva, Marı́lia Pinto Fonseca Lins
Marcelo Gradella Villalva, Member, IEEE Facilities Data Center/Green TI
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) Operational Technology Center Itaú Unibanco
University of Campinas (Unicamp) São Paulo, Brazil
Campinas, Brazil Email:

Abstract—Companies from the most diverse sectors are rapidly Companies are identifying strategies that will allow subsidy-
applying and using renewable energy in their businesses. The free projects to be profitable in different markets [2].
idea is to reduce electricity costs, lower carbon emissions and Example of this, in an effort to reduce carbon footprints and
get publicity. In this context, the objective of the research is
to evaluate the performance of the photovoltaic system to be increase the sustainability of operations, dozens of companies
implemented for electric energy compensation in bank branches. [1]–[11] notably Facebook, eBay, and Cisco Systems – are
The photovoltaic solar power plant is will implemented in Mogi implementing solar energy projects. The movement to solar is
Mirim City, Brazil. For this, a case study is carried out. The not limited to giants of the Internet, nor is it limited to sunbelt
PVSyst tool is used to evaluate parameters such as effective locations; McGraw-Hill is building a 14.1 MW facility in New
energy output of the PV array, energy injected into the grid,
performance ratio and other normalized energy productions per Jersey, according to Data Center Knowledge. And Rutgers
installed kWp. The simulations show that the PV system of 3 University, also in New Jersey, is experimenting with a small
MW generates 4677 MWh/year, of which 4560 MWh/year are roof-top array to power a 150-server micro-Data Center [4].
injected into the grid. The annual performance ratio is around In way general, the growth of the solar energy market is
76% and the useful energy is 3.82 kWh/kWp/day. The favorable
driven by an increase in environmental pollution, provision of
indexes of utilization are mainly due to the favorable location of
the bank branches, being this more dependent on the climatic government incentives and tax rebates to install solar modules.
conditions than limited by the technical conditions. In addition, a decrease in water footprint associated with solar
Index Terms—Solar Energy, Performance, Power Generation, energy systems has fueled its demand in power generation
Bank Branches, Case Study sectors. For more, the trend of electric vehicles and smart cities
in the world increase the potential of solar energy [4]–[6]. In
I. I NTRODUCTION this work, the performance of a photovoltaic solar power plant
applied to the energy compensation of a set of bank branches
The electricity sector is undergoing a period of rapid, is analyzed. Fig. 1 shows the schematic summary of the work.
unprecedented change in the scale and breadth of deployment
of renewable power generation technologies. Since 2012, these
have accounted for more than half of new electric power
generation capacity additions, worldwide. At the end of 2016,
total renewable power generation capacity surpassed 2000
GW, meaning that it had more than doubled in the space of
nine years [1], [2].
Renewable power implementation is currently benefitting
from a virtuous cycle, in which policy support for renewable
power generation technologies leads to accelerated deploy-
ment, technology improvements and cost reductions, with
these then reducing the cost of electricity from renewable
power generation technologies and encouraging greater uptake
of these technologies [2].
Thus, in many parts of the world, utilities, industry players,
project developers, and asset owners have rapidly embraced
this new dynamic and are finding ways to profitably navigate
this new landscape. In the absence of direct financial support, Fig. 1. Photovoltaic system (A) without connection to the grid (B) with
project developers are also using new business models to grow. connection to the grid to provide power to the branches

978-1-5386-8218-0/19/$31.00 2019
A. Context
While the primary purpose of using renewable energy such
as solar is to reduce electricity costs and reduce carbon
emissions for businesses, advertising is another good moti-
vation for using green energy in your ventures. Given the
daily improvement in the renewable energy industry, today’s
greening infrastructures make more sense than before as they
have been price competitive compared to fossil fuels. As a
result, companies are seeing their ventures as part of their sus-
tainability goals. In short, renewable energies are increasingly
pushing businesses to turn green [12]. In these perspectives,
the design of a PV solar power plant (PVSPP) was carried
out. The location of the park is in the city of Mogi Mirim,
state of São Paulo, Brazil.
In order to succeed in the implementation of the PVSPP,
we will consider aspects such as solar energy available on the
spot throughout the year, amount of solar radiation reaching
the earth’s surface, amount of possible power generation from
the PVSPP, types of components and installation of the plant.
This will be possible by conducting computer-based simula-
tion studies. Computer-based simulation studies were more
advanced and useful tools for analyzing the operational and
performance characteristics of PVSPP under varying climates
and capacities [13], [14]. Fig. 2. Schematic of Power Flow in grid-connected PV system
In this work, the PVsyst software tool is chosen to study
and analyze the performance of the 3MW PV system to be
implemented. PVsyst is software that performs photovoltaic • Inverter
(PV) simulations using data from real solarimetrics stations Model: Ingecon Sun 125 U B208 Outdoor
(Meteonorm and data interpolation) and a set of algorithms. Manufacturer: Ingeteam
In this way, it is possible to simulate the PV system throughout Unit Nom. Power: 125 kWac
the year considering all the seasons (summer, winter, spring, Total Power: 3000 kWac
and autumn) and various variables that make up a PV system, Nb of inverters: 24 units
thus it is possible to consider the PV losses. Operating voltage: 330-820 V

B. Description of grid-connected photovoltaic system C. Photovoltaic system parameters for performance analysis
Conventionally, the energy flow in a grid-connected PV International energy agency (IEA) developed performance
system is illustrated as Fig. 2. The inverter, in addition to parameters [15]–[19] for analyzing the performance of grid-
converting direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), also connected PV system. These parameters would give the com-
performed the synchronization of the system with the grid. plete pre-feasibility analysis of the PVSPP and that includes:
For the present study, the energy will be injected directly reference yield, array yield, final system yield, array capture
into the transmission line through transformers. This need losses, system losses, performance ratios, capacity utilization
arises from the lack of a distribution grid near the place factor, inverter efficiency, system efficiency, energy injected
where the SPP will be installed. The grid to be connected to the grid, etc [15]–[19]. In this study, the parameters used
to the system is from the Elektro Electrical Distribution for assessing the performance of grid-connected PV system
Company. The planned structure for the PV system will have was reference yield, array yield, energy injected to the grid,
the following configuration: final system yield, array capture losses, system losses, and
• PV modules performance ratio.
Type/Model: Si-poly/CS3U-330P-AG • Reference Yield (Yr ) is the total amount of energy
Manufacturer: Canadian Solar Inc. produced in the system when the system is said to be
Number of PV modules in series: 18 modules running at nominal efficiency. This nominal efficiency
Number of PV modules in parallel: 550 strings of the system is predefined by the array manufacturers
Total Number of PV modules: 9900 modules at STC and can be seen on the name plate details.
Unit Nom. Power: 330 Wp It is mathematically represented as the ratio of total
Array Global Power Nominal (STC): 3267 kWp horizontal irradiance to the global irradiance at STC. Yr
is numerically expressed with the units as kWh/m2 /day components, PV array, and system efficiency also computed.
[15]–[19]. The computed values of each variable mentioned in balances
• Array Yield (Ya ) it is the amount of DC energy produced and main results were obtained in terms of monthly and yearly
by the PV array. It is defined as the ratio of DC energy values. Yearly values of the variables are possible as averages
generated from the PV array to the nominal power of the for temperature, efficiency, and summation for irradiance and
PV array [15]–[19]. energy.
• Energy injected to grid (EGrid) is available monthly For the study location, annual global irradiance on hor-
and yearly by means of analysis of daily values. It is izontal plane (GlobHor) is 1744.7 kWh/m2 and the global
considered the average, maximum and minimum values incident energy on annual basis on the collector without optical
of energy injected into the grid. corrections and effective global irradiance after optical losses
• Final System Yield (Yf ) is the amount of energy injected (GlobInc) are 1837 kWh/m2 and 1713.7 kWh/m2 respectively.
to the grid on annual, monthly or daily basis. It is defined With this effective irradiance, annual DC energy produced
as the ratio of AC energy output of the PV system from the PV array (EArray) and annual AC energy injected
(Inverter terminal output) to the peak power i.e. per to the grid (EGrid) is 4676.7 MWh and 4559.8 MWh respec-
installed kWp of the PV array at STC [15]–[19]. tively.
• Array Capture Losses (LC ) is the difference of reference
yield to the array yield. This loss mainly occurs in PV B. Normalized productions
array due to various factors like temperature rise of the Normalized productions such as collection losses, system
PV cell, partial shading, dust accumulation on PV array, losses and produced useful energy per installed kWp/day were
maximum power point errors, mismatching [15]–[19]. evaluated from the simulation study, see in Fig. 3. These
• System Losses (LS ) is the difference of array yield to the normalized productions are defined by the IEC norms [18]
final system yield. This loss is due to the inverter system and are standardized variables for assessing the PV system
and other electrical components used for grid integration performance. LC is the Collection losses or the PV array
[15]–[19]. capture losses i.e. 1.11 kWh/kWp/day. LS is the system loss i.e.
• Performance Ratio (PR) is defined as the ratio of final 0.10 kWh/kWp/day and the Yf is the produced useful energy
system yield to the reference yield. It can also be defined i.e. 3.82 kWh/kWp/day.
as the ratio of energy injected into the grid to nominal
power mentioned in the name plate details of the PV
array [15]–[19]. The closer the PR value determined for
a PV plant approaches 100%, the more efficiently the
respective PV plant is operating. In real life, a value of
100% cannot be achieved, as unavoidable losses always
arise with the operation of the PV plant (e.g. thermal loss
due to heating of the PV modules). High-performance PV
plants can however reach a performance ratio of up to
80% [20].



Simulation results of a proposed PV system are analyzed

in this section. The results were obtained from the simulation
model of the 3 MW PV system modeled in PVsyst as per
the project specifications and constraints. In this simulation,
mainly produced energy, specific production, performance
ratio, and arrow losses were obtained. Obtained results were Fig. 3. Normalized energy productions per installed kWp
analyzed for assessing the performance of the PV system for
the bank branches. Table II presents the Normalized Performance Coefficients
Yr , Ya , Yf , LC and LS (all in kWh/m2 .day) monthly and
A. Balances and main results annually in numerical format.
Balances and main results are shown in Table I includes
the variables like global irradiance on the horizontal plane, C. Energy injected to grid
ambient average temperature, global irradiance on collector Energy produced by PV array cannot be the same as energy
plane without any optical corrections, effective global irra- injected into the grid. Energy from the PV array is DC which
diance considering soiling losses and shading losses. Apart has to be converted to into AC energy in order to feed the
from these variables, DC energy produced by the PV array, grid. During this some amount of energy is lost in terms of
energy injected into the grid considering the losses in electrical AC wiring loss.

Balances and Main Results Dialy and Monthly Energy injected to grid
Daily Daily Daily Monthly Monthly
GlobHor DiffHor TAmb GlobInc GlobEff
PR EGridav EGridmax EGridmin EArray EGrid
(kWh/m2 ) (kWh/m2 ) (o C) (kWh/m2 ) (kWh/m2 )
(MWh) (MWh) (MWh) (MWh) (MWh)
January 162.8 77.38 23.1 158.1 147.2 0.747 12.449 22.044 2.187 396.1 385.9
February 151.9 79.02 23.54 151.8 141.3 0.75 13.289 21.66 3.791 381.5 372
March 150.2 79.88 23.41 155.6 144.9 0.752 12.325 21.714 2.291 391.8 382.1
April 131 55.52 21.9 143.4 134.1 0.76 11.867 19.233 1.483 365.1 356
May 121.2 46.37 18.77 139.4 130.1 0.775 11.389 16.131 1.729 362 353.1
June 106.6 38.87 18.05 126.4 117.5 0.777 10.692 14.726 1.42 329 320.8
July 123.4 37.84 17.49 146.2 136.3 0.777 11.982 16.132 2.845 380.8 371.4
August 142 48.8 19.31 160.2 150.3 0.771 13.019 16.84 3.81 413.8 403.6
September 145.4 61.55 19.95 154.1 144.5 0.761 12.779 20.619 1.938 393.3 383.4
October 161.4 78.76 22.28 163.2 152 0.752 12.937 20.501 2.163 411.3 401
November 178.5 82.55 21.95 174.8 162.8 0.752 14.322 22.004 3.775 440.8 429.7
December 170.3 78.42 22.95 163.8 152.6 0.749 12.928 21.505 1.839 411.3 400.8
Year 1744.7 764.97 21.04 1837 1713.7 0.76 12.492 24.063 1.028 4676.7 4559.8


Yr Ya Yf
Ls Lc
(kWh/m2 .day)
January 5.1 3.91 3.81 0.1 1.189
February 5.42 4.17 4.07 0.103 1.25
March 5.02 3.87 3.77 0.096 1.15
April 4.78 3.72 3.63 0.092 1.054
May 4.5 3.57 3.49 0.089 0.923
June 4.21 3.36 3.27 0.084 0.856
July 4.72 3.76 3.67 0.093 0.957
August 5.17 4.09 3.99 0.101 1.081
September 5.14 4.01 3.91 0.101 1.125
October 5.26 4.06 3.96 0.101 1.202
November 5.83 4.5 4.38 0.113 1.329
December 5.29 4.06 3.96 0.104 1.224
Year 5.03 3.92 3.82 0.098 1.111

Conform Table I, the designed PVSPP injects 4559.8 MWh Fig. 4. Performance ratio
of energy into grid on yearly basis. Annually, the average
(EGridav ), maximum (EGridmax ) and minimum (EGridmin )
values of energy injected into the grid were 12.5 MWh, 24.1
MWh and 1.0 MWh respectively.
the loss of energy i.e. 1.2% due to irradiance level. When this
D. Performance ratio
effective irradiance falls on the surface of a PV module or
Performance ratio (PR) for the simulated 3 MW PV system array, electricity or electrical energy is produced.
is 76%, which is the annual average PR value. There is small
variation in PR value on monthly basis, which can be seen in After the PV conversion, array nominal energy at standard
Fig. 4 and monthly values were tabulated in Table 1. testing conditions (STC) is 5602 MWh. The efficiency of the
PV array at STC is 16.64%. Annual array virtual energy at
E. Arrow loss diagram MPP is 4677 MWh. The various losses occur in this stage
Arrow loss diagram is obtained from the simulated studies, are 3.8% losses in module degradation, 8.9% losses due to
which help in analyzing the various losses that are to be temperature, 1.3% loss due to irradiance level, 2.3% loss due
encountered while installing PV plant or constraints to be to module array mismatch and 1.0% is the Ohmic writing
considered. Arrow loss diagram is seen in Fig. 5. Which losses. Available energy on annual basis at the inverter output
represents the various losses in the system. Global irradiance facility is 7564 MWh and the same is injected to grid. This
on a horizontal plane is 1745 kWh/m2 . But the effective value is considering the loss of 2.5 % of the inverter during
irradiance on the collector is 1713 kWh/m2 . This result in inverter operation.
mainly due to the favorable geographical location and little
shading in PV sheds.
This work was supported by the agencies CNPq, CAPES
and Itaú Unibanco S.A.
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