Possible Research Questions
Possible Research Questions
Possible Research Questions
2. What was the sample size and methodology used in your study?
The sample size was 33 Civil Engineers from the Department of Public Works
and Highways in Poblacion, Medellin, Cebu. The research methodology used was
purposive or convenience sampling where the data gathering method was through in-
house surveys.
4. What are the long-term implications of the pandemic on the civil engineering
sector, according to your study?
The study found that the majority of respondents believe that some engineers
may lose their jobs as a result of the pandemic and that there may be a negative
financial impact on the sector due to the lockdown. The results highlight the need for the
sector to adapt and respond to the changes brought by the pandemic.
5. Did the study find any relationship between the work field and the beliefs of Civil
Engineers about the impact of COVID-19 on their jobs and the financial health of
the sector?
Yes, the study found that there is a significant association between the work field
and various beliefs about the impact of the pandemic on their jobs and the financial
health of the sector. This suggests that the work field of civil engineers may play a role in
shaping their beliefs and expectations about the future of the sector.
6. What led to the decision to study the impact of COVID-19 on DPWH Cebu 1st civil
The decision to study the impact of COVID-19 on DPWH Cebu 1st civil engineers
was driven by the need to understand the experiences and beliefs of Civil Engineers in
the construction industry during the pandemic. The limited literature review due to the
recent emergence of the pandemic and the aim to explore the significant associations
between the Civil Engineers' Work fields and various beliefs further justified the decision
to conduct this study.
7. Can you provide more details on the specific objectives of the study?
The study has several objectives, including exploring the impacts of the COVID-
19 pandemic on the construction industry and understanding the significant associations
between the Civil Engineers' Work fields and various beliefs. The study also aims to
describe the experiences and beliefs of Civil Engineers in the DPWH Cebu 1st regarding
the pandemic's impact on their work and the construction industry.
9. How will the data collected on the years of experience, academic qualifications,
and company specialization of civil engineers be used in the study?
The data collected on the years of experience, academic qualifications, and the
company's specialization of civil engineers will be used to understand the demographic
profile of the participants. This information will then be used to understand the significant
associations between the work field of civil engineers and their beliefs regarding the
impact of COVID-19 on the construction industry.
10. Can you elaborate on the project implications and long-term effects due to COVID-
The COVID-19 pandemic has had several implications on the construction
industry, including decreased productivity, disrupted supply chains, and negative
financial effects. The long-term effects may include changes in work practices,
decreased employment opportunities, and reduced investment in the construction
11. How will you measure the beliefs of the civil engineers about losing their jobs due
to the pandemic, negative financial effects on the sector, working from home, and
social distancing in the workplace?
The beliefs of the civil engineers about losing their jobs due to the pandemic,
negative financial effects on the sector, working from home, and social distancing in the
workplace will be measured through questionnaires. The participants will be asked to
answer questions regarding their beliefs and experiences during the pandemic.
12. How will the study determine the significant associations between the civil
engineers' work field and their beliefs?
The study will determine the significant associations between the civil engineers'
work field and their beliefs by analyzing the data collected through the questionnaires.
The researchers will compare the demographic information of the participants, including
their work field and academic qualifications, with their beliefs and experiences during the
13. What methods and techniques will be used to collect and analyze data?
The methods and techniques used to collect and analyze data in this study
include questionnaires and a descriptive quantitative research design. The data
collected through the questionnaires will be analyzed using statistical methods to
understand the significant associations between the civil engineers' work field and their
14. How will the study determine the significant associations between the civil
engineers' work field and their beliefs?
The study will use survey methods, interviews, and statistical analysis to
determine the significant associations between the civil engineers' work field and their
beliefs about the impact of COVID-19 on their job and industry.
15. How will the results of the study be used to inform decision-making in the
construction industry?
The results of the study will inform decision-making in the construction industry
by providing insights into the beliefs and attitudes of civil engineers toward the pandemic
and its effects on their job and industry.
16. What are the potential limitations of the study and how will you address them?
Limitations of the study may include self-reported data and selection bias. The
study will address these limitations by using multiple data sources and statistical
techniques to account for confounding variables.
17. What led to the decision to conduct a study on the impact of COVID-19 on DPWH
Cebu 1st civil engineers?
The decision to conduct the study was made to understand the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic on the work and beliefs of civil engineers in the DPWH Cebu 1st
18. What are the primary objectives of this study, and how does it fit within the larger
context of research on the impact of COVID-19 on various industries?
The primary objective of the study is to examine the impact of COVID-19 on the
work and beliefs of civil engineers in the DPWH Cebu 1st division, and how this fits
within the larger context of research on the impact of the pandemic on various industries.
19. How do you plan to quantify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
construction industry, and how will you account for any potential biases or
confounding variables that may impact your results?
The impact of COVID-19 on the construction industry will be quantified using
statistical analysis, and potential biases and confounding variables will be accounted for
through the use of multiple data sources and regression analysis.
20. What ethical considerations do you need to keep in mind while conducting this
study, and how do you plan to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the
Ethical considerations include protecting the privacy and confidentiality of
participants, obtaining informed consent, and ensuring that the data collected is used
solely for the purpose of the study.
21. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the progress of projects in the civil
engineering sector?
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the progress of projects in the civil
engineering sector, influenced work processes, impacted employment opportunities, and
had financial consequences.
22. What led to the decision to study the impact of COVID-19 on DPWH Cebu 1st civil
This study was conducted to specifically investigate the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on the Civil Engineers working for DPWH Cebu 1st, as the pandemic has had
a widespread impact on various industries, including the construction industry.
23. Can you provide more details on the specific objectives of the study?
The specific objectives of the study are to analyze the demographic profile of the
Civil Engineers, to investigate the project implications and long-term effects due to
COVID-19, and to examine the significant associations between the Civil Engineers’
work field and their beliefs regarding the pandemic.
24. How was the demographic profile of the civil engineers determined?
The demographic profile of the Civil Engineers was determined through data
collection methods such as surveys or interviews. Information on their academic
qualification, company specialization, years of experience, and work field was obtained
and analyzed.
25. How will the data collected on the years of experience, academic qualifications,
and company specialization of civil engineers be used in the study?
The data collected on the years of experience, academic qualifications, and
company specialization of the Civil Engineers will be used to understand the profile of
the subjects of the study and to determine if there is any correlation between their profile
and their beliefs regarding the pandemic.
26. Can you elaborate on the project implications and long-term effects due to COVID-
The project implications and long-term effects due to COVID-19 will be
determined through the analysis of data on the Civil Engineers' work and the impact of
the pandemic on their projects. The study will investigate if the pandemic has caused
any delays, changes in scope, or financial implications for their projects.
27. How will you measure the beliefs of the civil engineers about losing their jobs due
to the pandemic, negative financial effects on the sector, working from home, and
social distancing in the workplace?
The beliefs of the Civil Engineers regarding losing their jobs due to the pandemic,
negative financial effects on the sector, working from home, and social distancing in the
workplace will be measured through data collection methods such as surveys or
interviews. Responses from the Civil Engineers will be analyzed to determine their
beliefs and perceptions on these topics.
28. How will the study determine the significant associations between the civil
engineers' work field and their beliefs?
The significant associations between the Civil Engineers' work field and their
beliefs will be determined through statistical analysis of the data collected. The study will
investigate if there is any correlation between the Civil Engineers' work field and their
beliefs regarding the pandemic.
29. What methods and techniques will be used to collect and analyze data?
The methods and techniques used to collect and analyze data in this study will
depend on the specific research design and methodology selected by the researcher.
Common methods for collecting data include surveys, interviews, and case studies. Data
analysis techniques such as statistical analysis, regression analysis, or content analysis
may be used to analyze the collected data.
30. How will the results of the study be used to inform decision-making in the
construction industry?
The results of the study can be used to inform decision-making in the
construction industry by providing insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
Civil Engineers and their work. This information can be used to implement measures to
mitigate the impact of future pandemics or emergencies on the construction industry and
its workers.
31. Can you give more detail on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the progress of
the civil engineers' projects?
The majority of the civil engineers surveyed reported that their projects were
affected by partial stoppages due to the COVID-19 pandemic, indicating that the
pandemic has significantly impacted their projects' progress.
32. What do the results of the study suggest about the role of the work field of civil
engineers in shaping their beliefs and expectations about the future of the sector?
The statistical analysis showed that there is a significant association between the
work field of civil engineers and various beliefs, such as the belief of engineers losing
their jobs as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the expectation of a negative
financial effect on the sector due to the lockdown, the belief that working at home
substitutes for office work, and the belief of applicability fully implicating social distancing
in the workplace. This suggests that the work field of civil engineers may play a role in
shaping their beliefs and expectations about how the COVID-19 pandemic may impact
their jobs and industries.
33. What are the implications of the results of this study for the future of the civil
engineering sector?
The results of the study highlight the significant impact of COVID-19 on the civil
engineering sector and the need for the sector to adapt and respond to the changes
brought by the pandemic. The findings also suggest that the work field of civil engineers
may have a significant impact on their beliefs and expectations about the future of the
sector. These results can be useful in shaping the future of the civil engineering sector
and improving the response to similar challenges in the future.
34. Is the study still relevant, now that COVID-19 has subsided?
Yes, our study is still relevant even though COVID-19 has subsided. The impact
of the pandemic will continue to be felt in the civil engineering sector for some time, and
the results of our study provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by the sector
and how it can adapt and respond to these challenges. Additionally, the findings of our
study can be used to inform future preparedness and response efforts in the event of
similar pandemics or other challenges that may affect the sector.
36. Is your study still relevant now that covid 19 has subsided and work has returned
for many?
The relevance of the study depends on the perspective and the purpose of the
study. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided and work is back, the study
provides valuable insights into the impacts of the pandemic on the civil engineering
sector. The study's findings can be used to inform future planning and preparation for
similar challenges, as well as to understand the changes and adaptations that the
industry made in response to the pandemic. The study's findings could also be useful in
terms of policymaking, as it provides insight into the challenges and opportunities facing
the civil engineering sector in the wake of the pandemic. So, in that sense, the study
could still be considered relevant.
Focusing on a specific group such as civil engineers would allow for a more
targeted approach and a deeper understanding of their needs and challenges, leading to
better results. By limiting the scope to civil engineers, resources can be better utilized
and more relevant and impactful to this specific group. This approach can lead to more
effective and efficient results, compared to a broader and more generalized approach.
38. Why should we conduct a research study on the impacts of COVID-19 on civil
Conducting a research study on the impacts of COVID-19 on civil engineers is
important because it can provide valuable insights and information on how the pandemic
has affected the field of civil engineering, including the projects, professionals, and the
industry as a whole. This information can help to inform decision-making, policy
development, and future planning efforts. Understanding the effects of the pandemic on
civil engineering can also help to identify areas where support and resources are needed
and highlight opportunities for innovation and adaptation. Additionally, a research study
can contribute to the broader knowledge base on the impacts of COVID-19, which can
inform the development of strategies for mitigating future pandemics and other global