Prototype-Dlp in Eng 8
Prototype-Dlp in Eng 8
Prototype-Dlp in Eng 8
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
A. Preparation
Activity, Drill,
Review of Past
5 minutes
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
B. Presentation What are visual-verbal What are visual-verbal What are visual-verbal What are visual-verbal
(Activity, illustrations? illustrations? illustrations? illustrations?
Visual-verbal illustrations Visual-verbal illustrations Visual-verbal illustrations Visual-verbal illustrations
are the ways of are the ways of are the ways of are the ways of
15 minutes presenting information in presenting information in presenting information in presenting information in
a simple and attractive a simple and attractive a simple and attractive a simple and attractive
manner to catch the manner to catch the manner to catch the manner to catch the
readers’ interest. These readers’ interest. These readers’ interest. These readers’ interest. These
illustrations help explain illustrations help explain illustrations help explain illustrations help explain
concepts easily using concepts easily using concepts easily using concepts easily using
graphs, maps, tables, graphs, maps, tables, graphs, maps, tables, graphs, maps, tables,
infographics, charts and infographics, charts and infographics, charts and infographics, charts and
the like. the like. the like. the like.
Below are the commonly Below are the commonly Below are the commonly Below are the commonly
used visual-verbal used visual-verbal used visual-verbal used visual-verbal
illustrations. illustrations. illustrations. illustrations.
1. Graph is a diagram that 1. Graph is a diagram that 1. Graph is a diagram that 1. Graph is a diagram that
shows the relationships of shows the relationships of shows the relationships of shows the relationships of
information presented. information presented. information presented. information presented.
The The The The
following are the following are the following are the following are the
different kinds of graphs. different kinds of graphs. different kinds of graphs. different kinds of graphs.
A. Line Graph is a kind A. Line Graph is a kind A. Line Graph is a kind A. Line Graph is a kind
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
of graph that presents of graph that presents of graph that presents of graph that presents
information trend using information trend using information trend using information trend using
data dots data dots data dots data dots
connected by straight line connected by straight connected by straight line connected by straight
segment line segment segment line segment
the highest number of enrollment data of the enrollment data of the enrollment data of the
students (50), followed three Grade 8 sections in three Grade 8 sections in three Grade 8 sections in
by section Sampaguita which which which
(48), and lastly, section section Gumamela has section Gumamela has section Gumamela has
Rose (45). the highest number of the highest number of the highest number of
students (50), followed students (50), followed students (50), followed
3. Map is a diagram or
by section Sampaguita by section Sampaguita by section Sampaguita
visual representation that
shows the relative (48), and lastly, section (48), and lastly, section (48), and lastly, section
position of the parts Rose (45). Rose (45). Rose (45).
of something. It could be 3. Map is a diagram or 3. Map is a diagram or 3. Map is a diagram or
a drawing or a visual representation that visual representation that visual representation that
photograph. shows the relative shows the relative shows the relative
position of the parts position of the parts position of the parts
of something. It could be of something. It could be of something. It could be
a drawing or a a drawing or a a drawing or a
photograph. photograph. photograph.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
C. Abstraction
10 minutes
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
D. Practice
10 minutes
2. Evaluation
15 minutes
3. Assignment/
5 minutes
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
Prepared by: