Prototype-Dlp in Eng 9

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Region VII-Central Visayas

Weekly Prototype Plan for Grade 9 English

Quarter 1- Competency 1-Week 1
MELC: Make connections between texts to particular social issues, concerns, or disp
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
I. Objectives  point out  give particular  illustrate  illustrate HOME-ROOM
A. Knowledge connections between issue, concern or connections connections GUIDANCE
B. Skills text and self; disposition between two between two texts -Preparation of
C. Attitude/ connecting two texts through a through a Lesson Plans,
Values texts: and diagram. diagram. Checking and
Tasks’ scores.
-Facilitate in the
3. Subject Making Connections: Making Connections: Making Connections: Making Connections:
Republic of the Philippines
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Region VII-Central Visayas

Matter Text-to-Text and Text-to- Text-to-Text and Text- Text-to-Text and Text-to-Text and Text-
Self to-Self Text-to-Self to-Self
4. References ⮚ "Making Text-to- ⮚ "Making Text-to- "Making Text- "Making Text-to-
Text Connections Text Connections to-Text Text Connections
Between Written Between Written Connections Between Written
Works." Works." Between Works."
August 31, Written Works."
⮚ 2014. August 31, August 31, ⮚ 2014. August 31, 2014.
ademy/lesson/makin 2014.
g-text-to-text- academy/lesson/ academy/lesson/m
connectionsbetween making-text-to- m/academy/less aking-text-to-text-
written-works.html. text- on/making-text- connectionsbetwe
Retrieved on connectionsbetwe to-text- enwritten-
October 02, 2020 enwritten- connectionsbetw works.html.
⮚ http://c-cluster- works.html. eenwritten- Retrieved on
110.uploads.docume Retrieved on works.html. October 02, 2020 October 02, 2020 Retrieved on http://c-cluster-
uploads/ ⮚ http://c-cluster- October 02, 110.uploads.docu
ead4b4824e20- 110.uploads.docu 2020
⮚ 4d7a-b793- http://c-cluster- /v1/uploads/
d1ad25eb2691~110/ /v1/uploads/ 110.uploads.doc ead4b4824e20-
original?tenant=vbu- ead4b4824e20- uments.cimpress 4d7a-b793-
digital. Retrieved on ⮚ 4d7a-b793- .io/v1/uploads/ d1ad25eb2691~11
October d1ad25eb2691~1 ead4b4824e20- 0/original?
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⮚ 07, 2020 10/original? 4d7a-b793- tenant=vbu-

⮚ https:// tenant=vbu- d1ad25eb2691~ digital. Retrieved digital. Retrieved 110/original? on October
7-picture-books-for- on October tenant=vbu- 07, 2020
teaching-students- ⮚ 07, 2020 digital. https://
tomake- ⮚ https:// Retrieved on
textconnections/ www.litinfocus.c October m/7-picture-
Retrieved on om/7-picture- 07, 2020 books-for-
October 08, 2020 books-for- https:// teaching-students-
⮚ https:// teaching- www.litinfocus. tomake-
www.kirkusreviews. students-tomake- com/7-picture- textconnections/
com/book-reviews/ textconnections/ books-for- Retrieved on
marie-bradby/more- Retrieved on teaching- October 08, 2020
than anythingelse/ October 08, 2020 students- https://
Retrieved on ⮚ https:// tomake- www.kirkusrevie
September 27, 2020 www.kirkusrevie textconnections/
⮚ https:// Retrieved on reviews/marie-
www.raisingareader. reviews/marie- October 08, bradby/more-than
org/2016/11/18/ bradby/more-than 2020 anythingelse/
thank-you-mr- anythingelse/ https:// Retrieved on
falker/#: Retrieved on www.kirkusrevi September 27,
⮚ ~:text=Falker September 27, 2020
%20tells%20the 2020 reviews/marie- https://
%20story ⮚ https:// bradby/more- www.raisingaread
%20of,share%20the www.raisingaread than
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%20stories%20a s anythingelse/ 2016/11/18/thank-

%20well. 2016/11/18/ Retrieved on you-mr-falker/#:
⮚ Retrieved on August thank-you-mr- September 27, ~:text=Falker
04, 2020 falker/#: 2020 %20tells%20the
⮚ https:// ⮚ ~:text=Falker https:// %20story %20tells%20the www.raisingare %20of,share
m/images/blogs/ %20story %20the
learning/pdf/ %20of,share 2016/11/18/ %20stories%20a s
2013/13- %20the thank-you-mr- %20well.
⮚ 1553_K12_Compare %20stories%20a falker/#: Retrieved on
Text_LearnNet_RP2 s%20well. ~:text=Falker August 04, 2020
.pdf. Retrieved on ⮚ Retrieved on %20tells%20the https://
August 02, 2020 August 04, 2020 %20story graphics8.nytimes
⮚ https:// %20of,share .com/images/
graphics8.nytimes %20the blogs/learning/
.com/images/ %20stories%20a pdf/2013/13-
blogs/learning/ s%20well. 1553_K12_Comp
pdf/2013/13- Retrieved on areText_LearnNet
⮚ 1553_K12_Comp August 04, 2020 _RP2.pdf.
areText_LearnNe https:// Retrieved on
t_RP2.pdf. graphics8.nytim August 02, 2020
Retrieved on
August 02, 2020 blogs/learning/
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Retrieved on
August 02, 2020
5. Procedure

A. Preparation Directions: Read and Directions: Read and Identify what Identify what connections
(Introductory answer each question. Write answer each question. connections are made are made on the given
Activity, Drill, your answer on a separate Write your answer on a on the given situations. situations. Write the letter
Review of sheet separate sheet Write the letter of the correct answer on a
Past Lesson, of paper. of paper. of the correct answer on separate sheet of paper.
Motivation) Finding out connections that Finding out connections a separate sheet of 1. While reading,
5 minutes makes sense may depend on that makes sense may paper. Anthony notices that the
many factors. Try depend on many factors. 1. While reading, main character in the
answering it to check your Try Anthony notices that story is
knowledge about the lesson. answering it to check the main character in tough, just like the main
Test 1. Identify whether the your knowledge about the story is character in the book he
following comprehension the lesson. tough, just like the main read yesterday. What
questions ask about Test 1. Identify whether character in the book he kind of connection did
connection between text-to- the following read yesterday. What Anthony show?
text or text-to-self. Write TT comprehension questions kind of connection did 2. My dad and I were
for Text-to-Text or ask about Anthony show? solving math puzzles. My
TS for Textto-Self. Use a connection between text- 2. My dad and I were dad loves math and is
separate sheet of paper. to-text or text-to-self. solving math puzzles. very
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1. How is this text similar to Write TT for Text-to- My dad loves math and quick at it. I am a little
other things I‘ve read? Text or is very scared of numbers, but
2. Have I changed my TS for Textto-Self. Use a quick at it. I am a little with my dad by my side,
thinking after reading the separate sheet of paper. scared of numbers, but I
text? 1. How is this text with my dad by my was having fun!
3. Have I read about similar to other things side, I Connection response:
something like this before? I‘ve read? was having fun! That reminds me of a
4. How did I use my senses 2. Have I changed my Connection response: time I read a story about
to recall experiences? thinking after reading the That reminds me of a numbers fighting with
5. What are my feelings text? time I read a story each other.
when I read the text? 3. Have I read about about 3. Eddie is reading a
something like this numbers fighting with book where a character
before? each other. visits a loved one in the
4. How did I use my 3. Eddie is reading a hospital.
senses to recall book where a character It reminds Eddie of a
experiences? visits a loved one in the time when he visited his
5. What are my feelings hospital. grandmother in the
when I read the text? It reminds Eddie of a hospital.
time when he visited his What connection did
grandmother in the Eddie make?
hospital. 4. Marshall is reading a
What connection did book and notices that the
Eddie make? main character's aunt is
4. Marshall is reading a very similar to his Aunt
book and notices that Maria. What connection
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the main character's was made by Marshall?

aunt is 5. It was a hot summer's
very similar to his Aunt day and there was no
Maria. What connection breeze. Linda wanted to
was made by Marshall? open
5. It was a hot summer's the window, but it was
day and there was no stuck. Instead, she went
breeze. Linda wanted to outside. Connection
open response: That reminds
the window, but it was me of the time we
stuck. Instead, she went brought home a turtle!
outside. Connection 6. Carly is reading a non-
response: That reminds fiction book about the
me of the time we Civil War. She thinks that
brought home a turtle! the
6. Carly is reading a author of the book would
non-fiction book about disagree with a point
the Civil War. She another author made
thinks that the about
author of the book the Civil War. What
would disagree with a connection did Carly
point another author create?
made about 7. Liz was homesick one
the Civil War. What day and she was bored of
connection did Carly lying on her bed. She sat
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create? up
7. Liz was homesick and looked out of the
one day and she was window. Spring was just
bored of lying on her beginning, and yellow
bed. She sat flowers were growing in
up the field outside.
and looked out of the Connection response:
window. Spring was That
just beginning, and reminds me of a story
yellow that I heard on the news
flowers were growing about the Carlsbad
in the field outside. Flower
Connection response: Fields.
That 8. Ben is reading a book
reminds me of a story about Hispanic culture. It
that I heard on the news reminds him of his friend,
about the Carlsbad Robby, and the food his
Flower family makes. Which
Fields. type of connection did
8. Ben is reading a Ben
book about Hispanic show?
culture. It reminds him 9. Gary is reading a book
of his friend, about rockets. He thinks
Robby, and the food his that something he read
family makes. Which contradicts a fact he saw
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type of connection did in another book, so he

Ben makes a note to look it up
show? when he gets home. Gary
9. Gary is reading a is making a .
book about rockets. He 10. Bonnie was eating
thinks that something mac and cheese for lunch.
he read It was her favorite meal.
contradicts a fact he She
saw in another book, so liked eating chicken
he makes a note to look nuggets but not as much.
it up Connection response:
when he gets home. That reminds me of the
Gary is making a . time I read about how
10. Bonnie was eating chicken
mac and cheese for is good for you.
lunch. It was her
favorite meal. She
liked eating chicken
nuggets but not as
Connection response:
That reminds me of the
time I read about how
is good for you.
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B. Presentation

15 minutes

C. Abstraction Making connections is a Making connections is a Making connections Making connections is a

(Discussion) critical reading critical reading is a critical reading critical reading
10 minutes comprehension strategy that comprehension strategy comprehension comprehension strategy
helps that helps strategy that helps that helps
students make meaning of students make meaning students make students make meaning
what they are reading. When of what they are reading. meaning of what of what they are reading.
students make connections When students make they are reading. When students make
to the texts that they are connections When students make connections
reading, it helps them to to the texts that they are connections to the texts that they are
make sense of what they reading, it helps them to to the texts that they reading, it helps them to
read, make sense of what they are reading, it helps make sense of what they
retain the information better, read, them to make sense read,
and engage more with the retain the information of what they read, retain the information
text itself. Students can better, and engage more retain the better, and engage more
make connections between with the text itself. information better, with the text itself.
the text and another text; the Students can and engage more Students can
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text and themselves and make connections with the text itself. make connections
the text and the world between the text and Students can between the text and
around them. another text; the text and make connections another text; the text and
A. Text-to-Text Connections themselves and between the text and themselves and
• These connections are the text and the world another text; the text the text and the world
made when a student can around them. and themselves and around them.
connect what they are A. Text-to-Text the text and the A. Text-to-Text
reading to other books that Connections world around them. Connections
they have read or songs they • These connections are A. Text-to-Text • These connections are
have listened to made when a student can Connections made when a student can
before. connect what they are • These connections connect what they are
• They may make reading to other books are made when a reading to other books
connections that show how that they have read or student can connect that they have read or
the books share the same songs they have listened what they are songs they have listened
author, to reading to other to
have similar characters, before. books that they have before.
events, or settings, are of the • They may make read or songs they • They may make
same genre, or are on connections that show have listened to connections that show
the same topic. A solid text- how the books share the before. how the books share the
to-text connection occurs same author, • They may make same author,
when students can have similar characters, connections that have similar characters,
apply what they‘ve read events, or settings, are of show how the books events, or settings, are of
from one text to another text. the same genre, or are on share the same the same genre, or are on
You may use the following the same topic. A solid author, the same topic. A solid
prompts as your guide in text-to-text connection have similar text-to-text connection
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Region VII-Central Visayas

making text-to text occurs when students can characters, events, or occurs when students can
connections: apply what they‘ve read settings, are of the apply what they‘ve read
• What does this remind me from one text to another same genre, or are on from one text to another
of in another book I‘ve read? text. the same topic. A text.
• How is this text similar to You may use the solid text-to-text You may use the
other things I‘ve read? following prompts as connection occurs following prompts as
• How is this different from your guide in making when students can your guide in making
other books I‘ve read? text-to text connections: apply what they‘ve text-to text connections:
• Have I read about • What does this remind read from one text to • What does this remind
something like this before? me of in another book another text. me of in another book
Here are the sample I‘ve read? You may use the I‘ve read?
introductory lines in stating • How is this text similar following prompts as • How is this text similar
text to text connections: to other things I‘ve read? your guide in making to other things I‘ve read?
1. This part of the book is • How is this different text-to text • How is this different
like… from other books I‘ve connections: from other books I‘ve
2. The pictures make me read? • What does this read?
think of… • Have I read about remind me of in • Have I read about
3. The cover reminds me something like this another book I‘ve something like this
of… before? read? before?
4. I have read another Here are the sample • How is this text Here are the sample
book… introductory lines in similar to other introductory lines in
How to make INSIGHTFUL stating text to text things I‘ve read? stating text to text
CONNECTIONS? connections: • How is this connections:
1. Don‘t settle for shallow 1. This part of the book is different from other 1. This part of the book is
judgment. like… books I‘ve read? like…
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2. Peel the ―layers‖ of the 2. The pictures make me • Have I read about 2. The pictures make me
text think of… something like this think of…
o Layer One includes fact- 3. The cover reminds me before? 3. The cover reminds me
based, knowledge, of… Here are the sample of…
comprehension level 4. I have read another introductory lines in 4. I have read another
questions book… stating text to text book…
(Who, What, When, Where How to make connections: How to make
questions). INSIGHTFUL 1. This part of the INSIGHTFUL
o This requires you to recall CONNECTIONS? book is like… CONNECTIONS?
information given in the text 1. Don‘t settle for 2. The pictures make 1. Don‘t settle for
and answers are shallow judgment. me think of… shallow judgment.
found in the text or other 2. Peel the ―layers‖ of 3. The cover reminds 2. Peel the ―layers‖ of
available sources. o Layer the text me of… the text
Two requires analysis, o Layer One includes 4. I have read o Layer One includes
synthesis, and evaluation fact-based, knowledge, another book… fact-based, knowledge,
questions. comprehension level How to make comprehension level
o The Reader has to put questions INSIGHTFUL questions
together information from (Who, What, When, CONNECTIONS? (Who, What, When,
different parts of the text Where questions). 1. Don‘t settle for Where questions).
to answer questions. o You o This requires you to shallow judgment. o This requires you to
can‘t find the answers by recall information given 2. Peel the ―layers‖ recall information given
recalling one specific in the text and answers of the text in the text and answers
passage. are o Layer One includes are
o Layer Three requires you found in the text or other fact-based, found in the text or other
to apply knowledge gained available sources. o knowledge, available sources. o Layer
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from the text to new Layer Two requires comprehension level Two requires analysis,
situations. analysis, questions synthesis, and evaluation
o The reader has to put synthesis, and evaluation (Who, What, When, questions.
together information from questions. Where questions). o The Reader has to put
the text and information o The Reader has to put o This requires you together information
from his own thinking to together information to recall information from different parts of the
answer the questions. from different parts of given in the text and text
o ―Why,‖ ―How,‖ and the text answers are to answer questions. o
―What do you think‖ to answer questions. o found in the text or You can‘t find the
questions lead to discussions You can‘t find the other available answers by recalling one
of answers by recalling one sources. o Layer specific
other issues and concepts specific Two requires passage.
related to the text. passage. analysis, o Layer Three requires
Why Make Text-to-Text o Layer Three requires synthesis, and you to apply knowledge
Connections? you to apply knowledge evaluation questions. gained from the text to
❖ To be better readers and gained from the text to o The Reader has to new
writers. Developing these new put together situations.
skills will help you in situations. information from o The reader has to put
not just your English classes o The reader has to put different parts of the together information
but your other classes as together information text from the text and
well. from the text and to answer questions. information
❖ To develop writing skills information o You can‘t find the from his own thinking to
that can be used in the from his own thinking to answers by recalling answer the questions.
workforce. These answer the questions. one specific o ―Why,‖ ―How,‖ and
reading and writing skills o ―Why,‖ ―How,‖ and passage. ―What do you think‖
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can continue to grow and be ―What do you think‖ o Layer Three questions lead to
challenged by making questions lead to requires you to apply discussions of
connections between texts. discussions of knowledge gained other issues and concepts
❖ To help with your other issues and concepts from the text to new related to the text.
comprehension. You will related to the text. situations. Why Make Text-to-Text
have to not just read the Why Make Text-to-Text o The reader has to Connections?
material but evaluate it. This Connections? put together ❖ To be better readers
will help you become ❖ To be better readers information from the and writers. Developing
familiar with the writing and writers. Developing text and information these skills will help you
and discuss its importance these skills will help you from his own in
more clearly. in thinking to answer not just your English
❖ To lead you to a more not just your English the questions. classes but your other
critical thinking and classes but your other o ―Why,‖ ―How,‖ classes as well.
analysis. When you read a classes as well. and ―What do you ❖ To develop writing
story to connect it to ❖ To develop writing think‖ questions lead skills that can be used in
another, you will have to ask skills that can be used in to discussions of the workforce. These
yourself questions and the workforce. These other issues and reading and writing skills
find these answers. You will reading and writing skills concepts related to can continue to grow and
have to learn more about the can continue to grow and the text. be challenged by making
literary elements be challenged by making Why Make Text-to- connections between
of the story and how to connections between Text Connections? texts.
discuss them correctly. texts. ❖ To be better ❖ To help with your
B. TEXT-TO-SELF ❖ To help with your readers and writers. comprehension. You will
CONNECTION comprehension. You will Developing these have to not just read the
skills will help you
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❖ It is a highly personal have to not just read the in material but evaluate it.
connection that a reader material but evaluate it. not just your English This will help you
makes between a piece of This will help you classes but your become familiar with the
reading material and the become familiar with the other classes as well. writing
reader‘s own experiences or writing ❖ To develop and discuss its
life. and discuss its writing skills that can importance more clearly.
❖ It is an active reading importance more clearly. be used in the ❖ To lead you to a more
strategy which is used to ❖ To lead you to a more workforce. These critical thinking and
promote critical reading critical thinking and reading and writing analysis. When you read
skills. analysis. When you read skills can continue to a
❖ It involves previewing a grow and be story to connect it to
texts and making story to connect it to challenged by another, you will have to
connections in order to another, you will have to making ask yourself questions
construct ask yourself questions connections between and
meaning. and texts. find these answers. You
find these answers. You ❖ To help with your will have to learn more
❖ It focuses on the students‘
will have to learn more comprehension. You about the literary
prior knowledge and
about the literary will have to not just elements
elements read the of the story and how to
Focusing on text-to-self
of the story and how to material but evaluate discuss them correctly.
connections, here are some
discuss them correctly. it. This will help you B. TEXT-TO-SELF
examples of good questions
B. TEXT-TO-SELF become familiar with CONNECTION
that enhance understanding:
CONNECTION the writing ❖ It is a highly personal
❖ What does the story
❖ It is a highly personal and discuss its connection that a reader
remind you of?
connection that a reader importance more
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❖ Can you relate with the makes between a piece of clearly. makes between a piece of
characters in the story? reading material and the ❖ To lead you to a reading material and the
❖ Do you relate to a certain reader‘s own experiences more critical reader‘s own experiences
event in the story? or life. thinking and or life.
❖ Does anything on this ❖ It is an active reading analysis. When you ❖ It is an active reading
story remind you of anything strategy which is used to read a strategy which is used to
in your own life? promote critical reading story to connect it to promote critical reading
skills. another, you will skills.
❖ How did you use your
❖ It involves previewing have to ask yourself ❖ It involves previewing
senses to recall experiences?
texts and making questions and texts and making
❖ What are your feelings
connections in order to find these answers. connections in order to
when you read the text?
construct You will have to construct
❖ Have you changed your learn more about the
meaning. meaning.
thinking after reading the literary elements
❖ It focuses on the ❖ It focuses on the
text? ❖ What have you of the story and how
students‘ prior students‘ prior
learned? to discuss them
knowledge and knowledge and
Why Make Text-to-Self correctly.
experiences. experiences.
Connection? B. TEXT-TO-SELF
Focusing on text-to-self Focusing on text-to-self
❖ Helps you deepen your connections, here are CONNECTION connections, here are
learning by appreciating the some examples of good ❖ It is a highly some examples of good
ways in which knowledge questions personal connection questions
is interrelated and that enhance that a reader makes that enhance
multifaceted. understanding: between a piece of understanding:
❖ Increases your ability to ❖ What does the story reading material and ❖ What does the story
retain and retrieve the reader‘s own
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information. remind you of? experiences or life. remind you of?

❖ Helps you engage ❖ Can you relate with ❖ It is an active ❖ Can you relate with
emotionally with the text. the characters in the reading strategy the characters in the
❖ Creates a clearer picture story? which is used to story?
in your head of the text read. ❖ Do you relate to a promote critical ❖ Do you relate to a
❖ Enhances conception of certain event in the reading skills. certain event in the story?
story details and story? ❖ It involves ❖ Does anything on this
understanding of character ❖ Does anything on this previewing texts and story remind you of
motives. story remind you of making connections anything in your own
❖ Forces you to become anything in your own in order to construct life?
active readers. life? meaning. ❖ How did you use your
❖ Keeps you focused. ❖ How did you use your ❖ It focuses on the senses to recall
Here are the sample senses to recall students‘ prior experiences?
introductory lines in stating experiences? knowledge and ❖ What are your feelings
text to text connections: ❖ What are your feelings experiences. when you read the text?
1. This reminds me of… when you read the text? Focusing on text-to- ❖ Have you changed
2. I understand how the self connections,
❖ Have you changed your thinking after
character feels because… here are some
your thinking after reading the text? ❖ What
3. The setting makes me examples of good
reading the text? ❖ What have you
think about another place… questions
have you learned?
4. I experience this myself… that enhance
learned? Why Make Text-to-Self
Why Make Text-to-Self Connection?
❖ What does the
Connection? ❖ Helps you deepen your
story remind you of?
❖ Helps you deepen learning by appreciating
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your learning by ❖ Can you relate the ways in which

appreciating the ways in with the characters in knowledge
which knowledge the story? is interrelated and
is interrelated and ❖ Do you relate to a multifaceted.
multifaceted. certain event in the ❖ Increases your ability
❖ Increases your ability story? to retain and retrieve
to retain and retrieve ❖ Does anything on information.
information. this story remind you ❖ Helps you engage
❖ Helps you engage of anything in your emotionally with the text.
emotionally with the text. own life? ❖ Creates a clearer
❖ Creates a clearer ❖ How did you use picture in your head of
picture in your head of your senses to recall the text read.
the text read. experiences? ❖ Enhances conception
❖ Enhances conception ❖ What are your of story details and
of story details and feelings when you understanding of
understanding of read the text? character motives.
character motives. ❖ Have you changed ❖ Forces you to become
❖ Forces you to become your thinking after active readers.
active readers. reading the text? ❖ ❖ Keeps you focused.
❖ Keeps you focused. What have you Here are the sample
Here are the sample learned? introductory lines in
introductory lines in Why Make Text-to- stating text to text
stating text to text Self Connection? connections:
connections: ❖ Helps you deepen 1. This reminds me of…
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1. This reminds me of… your learning by 2. I understand how the

2. I understand how the appreciating the character feels because…
character feels because… ways in which 3. The setting makes me
3. The setting makes me knowledge think about another
think about another is interrelated and place…
place… multifaceted. 4. I experience this
4. I experience this ❖ Increases your myself…
myself… ability to retain and
retrieve information.
❖ Helps you engage
emotionally with the
❖ Creates a clearer
picture in your head
of the text read.
❖ Enhances
conception of story
details and
understanding of
character motives.
❖ Forces you to
become active
❖ Keeps you
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas

Here are the sample
introductory lines in
stating text to text
1. This reminds me
2. I understand how
the character feels
3. The setting makes
me think about
another place…
4. I experience this
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas

D. Practice
10 minutes

2. Evaluation Direction: Identify each Direction: Identify each

(Assessment) statement whether true or statement whether true or
15 minutes false. false.
1. Making connections 1. Making connections
includes Text-to-text, text- includes Text-to-text,
to-self, and text-to-world. text-to-self, and text-to-
2. Text-to-self connection is world.
for passive readers. 2. Text-to-self
3. Connecting text to the connection is for passive
reader‘s experiences creates readers.
confusion. 3. Connecting text to the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas

4. The more the readers reader‘s experiences

relate to what they read, the creates confusion.
more the information is 4. The more the readers
retained. relate to what they read,
5. Critical thinkers study the the more the information
text in isolation. is
6. Text-to-text connections retained.
require fact-based 5. Critical thinkers study
knowledge using the text in isolation.
comprehension 6. Text-to-text
questions. connections require fact-
7. Recalling one specific based knowledge using
passage may answer comprehension
evaluation questions in questions.
making 7. Recalling one specific
connections. passage may answer
8. Text-to-text connections evaluation questions in
may include comparing two making
connections in different connections.
stories. 8. Text-to-text
9. Interpreting a story and connections may include
connecting it to another comparing two
makes a reader more connections in different
proficient stories.
in critical thinking and 9. Interpreting a story
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas

reading abilities. and connecting it to

another makes a reader
more proficient
in critical thinking and
reading abilities.
3. Assignment/
5 minutes

Prepared by:


Teacher I-Carnaza NHS
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas

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