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Grade 10 Unit 1 Investigation Pack

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Name: ___Isaac Miller__________________________________________ Block: __D_____

Due Date: __Thursday, September, 29th of 2022____

Our Mission

AIS Kuwait inspires students to be responsible and adaptable world citizens who retain their cultural
values while persevering in the face of new challenges.

،‫ ومحافظين على قيمهم الحضارية‬،‫تلهم المدرسة األمريكية الدولية في الكويت طالبها ليكونوا مواطنين عالميين مسؤولين ومبدعين‬
‫ومثابرين في مواجهة التحديات الجديدة‬

Individuals and Societies MYP 5

Unit 1: Causes, Practices and Effects of WWI
Investigation Booklet

Mr. Harold Hutchings, Mr. Steve McEvilly

and Ms. Bisma Shahid Loan

Global Context: Orientation in Time and Space

Global Context Exploration: Interaction

Key Concept: Change
Related Concepts: Innovation and Globalization
Statement of Inquiry: Change and innovation alter globalization and interaction

CONNECTION TO SOI: The student must formulate a research question that is clear and focused with a
clear connection to the statement of inquiry. The student’s research must address the
research question.

GOAL: The student will document their research process in this document. The student will also
evaluate stages of the learning process and stages of the research process where indicated in
this document (Bii and Biv).

ROLE: The student is producing individual work. The student will choose their own topic related to
the unit, create their own research question, justify the relevance of their research question,
create a plan to finish their work, find sources, document what information they intend to use
in their essay, and document which sources they are using with MLA9 convention.

AUDIENCE: Your class teacher.

SITUATION: The student will have approximately two weeks to complete this Investigation Booklet.
This Investigation Booklet will prepare students to write on informative essay/expository essay.

PRODUCT: A completed Investigation Booklet with three to five relevant and appropriate sources.
STANDARDS: Bi, Bii, Biii, Biv, Ciii, ATL-Self Management

IB MYP Bi, Bii, Biii, Biv, and Ciii

C3 Gathering and Evaluating Sources
D3.1.9-12. Gather relevant information from multiple sources representing a wide
range of views while using the origin, authority, structure, context, and
corroborative value of the sources to guide the selection.

CCSS ELA Key Ideas and Details:

Social Studies CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.1
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary
sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.

IB Learner Inquirer, Communicator, Reflective


Feedback: Feedback cannot be given on work which is assessed to determine the student’s ability
to do work independently. Feedback is given on practice work when student form their
skills in the classroom.
ATL Skills:

Self-management - Students will demonstrate organization skills by managing their time and
tasks effectively by creating plans to prepare for summative assessments (examinations and
performances). [This ATL is attached to strand Bii].

Your score
Research Questions AND Bi
Justification of Research
Plan of Action AND Reflection Bii
of Plan of Action
Evidence & Tracking of Biii
Reflection of Investigation Biv
MLA Works Cited Ciii
ATL Self Management (linked
to Bii)

Research Question (Must write three) (Criterion B - Strand 1)

Clearly indicate which Research Question you are using for your project by underlining or
circling your chosen Research Question. If you do not clearly indicate which Research Question
you are using, you will lose points as the lack of clarity causes confusion and misunderstanding
with your assessors.
1. How did the soldiers and leaders of countries who participated in the war view it?
2. How did the US. change the outcome of the war?
3. What were the effects that were left by the war when it was completed?

Justification of Research Question: (Must write three. Each justification must be

associated with one of your research questions) (Criterion B - Strand 1)
*This should be linked to purpose/ goal of the product

** One justification is required for each research question

Clearly indicate which Justification of Research Question you are using for your project by
underlining or circling your chosen Justification of Research Question. If you do not clearly
indicate which Justification of Research Question you are using, you will lose points as the lack
of clarity causes confusion and misunderstanding with your assessors.
1. Outlines how the view of the 1st World War and war in general changed overtime.
2. Explains the outcome of the war.
3. Explains the impending effects that the war had on people.
Plan of Action: (Criterion B - Strand 2)

Create a timeline and outline necessary steps to ensure all strands of each criterion are
being met successfully. Ensure to describe each step & why it is necessary. Your teacher will
verify at the end of each step.

Options: You can complete this table or create your Action Plan

Action Steps Respons Timeli Resources Potential Communication Teacher

ibilities ne Barriers Verification
What Will Be 1. Res 1. Who is
Done? Who By our 1. What working
Will Do When ces may with you
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labl difficu step?
Month e lt to 2. How are
) 2. Nee acco you
ded mplis documen
reso h? ting your
urc 2. How communi
es will cation?
whi you
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are ome
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avai barrie
labl r?

Step 1: Acquire By 1. AIS 1. AIS 1. AIS

Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait
(1+ pieces) Day
Library Library Library
Library Library Library
Sept. Book Book Book

2. --- 2. --- 2. ---

Step 2: By 1. AIS 1. AIS 1. AIS

Acquire Day Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait
Library Library Library
(1+ pieces) 26,
Library Library Library
Book Book Book
2. --- 2. --- 2. ---

Step 3: By 1. AIS 1. AIS 1. AIS

Day Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait
Evidence Library Library Library
(As many
pieces as Library Library Library
there are left
to collect)
Book Book Book
Finish Other 2. --- 2. --- 2. ---

Extra: 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

Also, part of action plan are reflective questions below:

Evidence of Success of your Plan of Action (How will you know that you are making
progress? What are your benchmarks to identify success of your Plan of Action?)
I will know that I am making progress and achieving success with my plan of action due
to the increasing amount of evidence that is being added to my Investigation Pack.
Evaluation Process of your Plan of Action (How will you determine your goal has been
reached? What are your measures?)
My goal will be reached once I have completed the other activities in Step 3. These
activities have been made to resemble my “Homestretch” of sorts.
2. Evidence & Tracking of Sources: (Criterion B - Strand 3)
Add more rows for Evidence and Tracking sources as you need them
What is the information in the source which you believe useful for Tracking source
your research?
(MLA in-text
Describe in your notes how a writer used those details to arrive at a citation with page
particular conclusion. Notes that merely list quotations without giving number if text, no
any sense of why they are important will be of little help to you once page or paragraph
you start writing. number if website).
The intext citation
you identify here
· Three minimum MUST match a
· No block quotes. source entry in the
· Summarize your source’s information ‘MLA Works Cited,
Ciii’ portion of this
Tracking sources are
NOT hyperlinks to
Evidence/ A View of War and Soldiering in the Carey MLA Citation to
Information Novels of Ronald Welch.: EBSCOhost track source
Direct quote “The First World War, and the adult literature BARNES, C. A View of
that followed it, called into question the whole War and Soldiering in
Paraphrase of text idea of war as a noble and heroic enterprise.” the Carey Novels of
Thought which is Ronald Welch, a man of the Carey family who Welch. Children’s
clearly your own participated in the war, wrote journal entries Literature in
Education, [s. l.], v.
and, later, novels about it, which were then 47, n. 4, p. 300–324,
shown to the British audience. 2016. DOI
During the times of the war and directly after it, 9269-8. Disponível em:
people tended to still have the old belief that https://search.ebscoho
causing war for the “greater good” of your st.com/login.aspx?
country was noble. direct=true&db=ehh&A
ost-live. Acesso em:
22 set. 2022.

Evidence/ Immigrant Heroes of World War I.: EBSCOhost MLA Citation to

Information “The fact that so many foreign-born soldiers track source
served loyally, and some with great distinction,
Direct quote made a huge difference in terms of acceptance
BUBAR, J. Immigrant
Heroes of World War
Paraphrase of text and understanding of groups that were often I. New York Times
vilified.” Upfront, [s. l.], v. 154,
Thought which is n. 6, p. 16–21, 2021.
clearly your own Antonio Pierro, a foreign child, assisted the US Disponível em:
in the first World War after working as a https://search.ebscoho
gardener. He served the US well, saying that he st.com/login.aspx?
would even die for the country. direct=true&db=mat&A
While the idea of serving your country to assist ost-live. Acesso em:
in a war is good in some ways, I generally prefer 26 set. 2022.
finding an alternative, which is what I feel is
more enforced nowadays (not that the belief of
serving your country in war has completely left).

Evidence/ And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda: MLA Citation to

Information Australian Picture Books (1999–2016) ...: track source
Direct quote KERBY, M. C.;
“The increasingly sentimentalized construct of BAGULEY, M. M.;
Paraphrase of text MACDONALD, A. And
the Australian soldier as a victim of trauma, the
the Band Played
Thought which is challenge of providing a moral lesson that Waltzing Matilda:
clearly your own reflects both modern ideological assumptions Australian Picture
and the historical record, and the traditional use Books (1999–2016)
of Australian war literature as an exercise in and the First World
nation building have all exerted an influence on War. Children’s
Literature in
the literary output of a range of authors and
Education, [s. l.], v.
illustrators.” 50, n. 2, p. 91–109,
2019. DOI
The Australian Soldiers who participated in the
war were quite traumatized. Due to this, their 9337-3. Disponível em:
thoughts influenced many writers and others https://search.ebscoho
when it came to ideology to do with war. st.com/login.aspx?
The fact that the traumatization of soldiers N=136404731&site=eh
could have such a great effect on so many ost-live. Acesso em:
people and change their entire opinion on war 27 set. 2022.
is mind-blowing. The Australian soldiers alone
caused plenty of discourse due to their
reformed beliefs due to their traumatization,
which quickly spread even to those who didn’t
participate in the war.

Evidence/ MLA Citation to

Information track source
Direct quote
Paraphrase of text
Thought which is
clearly your own

Evidence/ MLA Citation to

Information track source
Direct quote
Paraphrase of text
Thought which is
clearly your own

MLA Works Cited: (Criterion C - Strand 3)

Your sources must be in correct MLA format. Please refer to “Citations by format.” MLA
Style Center, 2022, https://style.mla.org/works-cited/citations-by-format/
The sources in this Works Cited bibliography MUST correctly match the intext citations in
your Evidence & Tracking of Sources.
Reflection on Investigation Process (Criterion B – Strand 4):
What strengths and weaknesses of my research process can I identify?

Strengths of my research process Weaknesses in my research process

- Performs all that is required - Crunches in the final step, making the end
- Less stressful on me, thus making it easier to process more difficult or taxing
work - Gives little time for other assignments than

How can I strengthen my weaknesses to improve my research process/outcome?

- More time for assignments other than evidence

- Less crunch and slightly less time for evidence to support other assignments
Criterion B: Investigating
Achievement Level descriptor Task Specific Descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described
by any of the descriptors below.

The student: i formulates a research question that is clear or

focused and describes its relevance
i. formulates a research question that
is clear or focused and describes its A) Research questions must contain 1) appropriate
MYP I&S command term, 2) specific location, 3)
one specific viewpoint/perspective, 4) second
ii. formulates a limited action plan to
specific viewpoint/perspective, and 5) definite time
investigate a research question or frame.
does not follow a plan
iii. collects and records limited B) Justification must relate your research question
information, not always consistent to the unit concepts: Changes (political, social,
with the research question economic, technical) and innovations (new ideas,
iv. Not in this assessment new technologies, new methods) alter the process of
how we influence each other on an international
scale (i.e., globalization) and how we influence each
other or how we respond to each other (i.e.,

ii. formulates a limited action plan to investigate a

research question or does not follow a plan, does not
include dates and evidence from class/work does not
support that it was followed.

iii. collects and records limited information, not

always consistent with the research question,
missing or erroneous key details for a complete
investigation booklet.
The student: i formulates a research question that is clear and
focused and describes its relevance in detail
i. formulates a research question that
is clear and focused and describes its A) Research questions must contain 1) appropriate
MYP I&S command term, 2) specific location, 3)
relevance in detail
one specific viewpoint/perspective, 4) second
ii. formulates and somewhat follows a
specific viewpoint/perspective, and 5) definite time
partial action plan to investigate a frame.
research question
iii. uses a research method(s) to collect B) Justification must relate your research question to
and record mostly relevant the unit concepts: Changes (political, social,
information economic, technical) and innovations (new ideas,
iv. Not in this assessment new technologies, new methods) alter the process of
how we influence each other on an international
scale (i.e., globalization) and how we influence each
other or how we respond to each other (i.e.,

ii. formulates and somewhat follows a partial

action plan to investigate a research question, some
dates included, minimum evidence from class/work
to support it was followed.

iii. uses a research method(s) to collect and records

mostly relevant information, some missing or
erroneous details/evidence in investigation booklet,
may not be entirely complete.

The student: i formulates a clear and focused research question

and explains its relevance
i. formulates a clear and focused
research question and explains its A) Research questions must contain 1) appropriate
MYP I&S command term, 2) specific location, 3)
one specific viewpoint/perspective, 4) second
ii. formulates and follows a substantial
specific viewpoint/perspective, and 5) definite time
action plan to investigate a research frame.
iii. uses research method(s) to collect B) Justification must relate your research question to
and record appropriate, relevant the unit concepts: Changes (political, social,
information economic, technical) and innovations (new ideas,
iv. Not in this assessment new technologies, new methods) alter the process of
how we influence each other on an international
scale (i.e., globalization) and how we influence each
other or how we respond to each other (i.e.,

ii. formulates and follows a substantial action plan

to investigate a research question, includes dates and
a description of each step of the plan, evidence from
class/work to support it was followed.

iii. uses research method(s) to collect and record

appropriate, relevant information with examples
and details in booklet, all aspects of research booklet
are complete.

The student: i formulates a clear and focused research question

and justifies its relevance
i. formulates a clear and focused
research question and justifies its A) Research questions must contain 1) appropriate
7–8 relevance MYP I&S command term, 2) specific location, 3)
ii. formulates and effectively follows a one specific viewpoint/perspective, 4) second
comprehensive action plan to specific viewpoint/perspective, and 5) definite time
investigate a research question
iii. uses research methods to collect and B) Justification must relate your research question to
record appropriate, varied and the unit concepts: Changes (political, social,
relevant information economic, technical) and innovations (new ideas,
iv. Not in this assessment new technologies, new methods) alter the process of
how we influence each other on an international
scale (i.e., globalization) and how we influence each
other or how we respond to each other (i.e.,

ii. formulates and effectively follows a

comprehensive action plan to investigate a research
question, includes dates and a description of each
step of the plan, evidence from class/work to
support it was followed.

iii. uses research methods to collect and record

appropriate, varied and relevant information with
examples and details in booklet, all aspects of
research booklet are complete.

Criterion C: Communicating
 Sources are required to have clear 1) origin (often this is the author or editor), 2) title, 3) source
(can be the title/container or URL), and date of publication or date of access. And any other
information relevant to documenting a specific source, such as journal articles must also have
volume and issue number. News articles must have day and month of publication, etc.
 Titles and sources are not to be repeated in the Works Cited bibliography. Incorrect examples
o Repeating the title more than once in the same entry
o Repeating the source more than once in the same entry
o Title and source which are the same language in the same entry. For example, if the title
is "Bees in Connecticut," and title cannot also be Bees in Connecticut.

Achieveme Level descriptor Task Specific Descriptor

nt level

The student does not reach a standard described by
any of the descriptors below.

The student: The student:

1–2 iii. documents sources of information in a iii. MLA Works Cited is incomplete. A separate
limited way. works cited section using MLA format is not
provided. Does not cite all sources used in

The student: The student:

iii. sometimes documents sources of iii. MLA Works Cited is complete with several
information using a recognized inaccuracies. A separate works cited section is
provided. All sources used in analysis are

The student: The student:

iii. often documents sources of information using iii. MLA Works Cited is complete with minor
5–6 a recognized convention. inaccuracies. A separate works cited section is
provided. All sources used in analysis are

The student: The student:

iii. consistently documents sources of iii. MLA Works Cited is complete and accurate.
information using a recognized A separate works cited section is provided. All
sources used in analysis are documented.

Individuals and societies glossary

Term Definition
Action Plan Steps and information that the student defines in order to complete the
investigation. The plan might include stages such as: identifying sub-
questions; defining methods to be used in the investigation; defining sources
of information; a plan for the main stages for the investigation that can
summarize the above information. There is flexibility in the process, and
students can revise their plans depending on their findings during the
Bibliography A list of important sources used to undertake a task.
(Works Cited)
Research The series of systematic steps necessary to search for pertinent information
methods on a specific topic. Research methods to collect information will vary
according to the individuals and societies discipline being studied. Research
methods include, but are not limited to: selection of sources (type and range);
questionnaires; surveys; interviews; observation; experiments; measurement;
collection and analysis of quantitative data; formulation of questions/
Research The methodological point of departure of an investigation, guiding the scope
question and nature of the research. Clear and focused research questions consider:
relevance; manageability; originality; ability to be assessed; availability or
resources; level of student interest; and connection with the discipline or
subject group. Research questions can be formulated as general statements or
as distinct lines of inquiry.
[Source: International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).
Individuals and societies guide. Pearson, 2014, p. 52.]

MYP command terms for individuals and societies

Term Definition
Analyze Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. To
identify parts and relationships, and to interpret information to reach
Demonstrate Prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence, illustrating with examples or
practical application.
Describe Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments,
factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly
and supported by appropriate evidence.
Document To credit sources of information used by referencing (or citing) following a
recognized referencing system. References should be included in the text and
also at the end of the piece of work in a reference list or bibliography (Works
Evaluate Assess the implications and limitation; makes judgments about the ideas,
works, solutions or methods in relation to a selected criteria.
Exemplify Represent with an example.
Explore Undertake a systematic process of discovery.
Formulate Express precisely and systematically the relevant concept(s) or arguments(s).
Identify Provide an answer form a number of possibilities. Recognize and state
briefly a distinguishing fact or feature.
Interpret Use knowledge and understanding to recognize trends and draw conclusions
from given information.
Investigate Observe, study or make detailed and systematic examination, in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Justify Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.
List Provide a sequence of items or brief answers.
Recognize Identify through patterns or features.
Reflect Think about deeply; consider.
Summarize Abstract a general theme or major points(s).
Synthesize Combine different ideas in order to create new understanding.
Use Apply knowledge or rules to put theory into practice.
[Source: International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).
Individuals and societies guide. Pearson, 2014, p. 53.]

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