12804-Article Text-22714-1-10-20220624
12804-Article Text-22714-1-10-20220624
12804-Article Text-22714-1-10-20220624
Power, lift and drag coefficients analogy of wind turbine blade from aerodynamics
characteristics of NACA2412 & NACA0012
karthikeyan k v#1, R. Niranjan#2, Kumaravel.M #3
l,3,Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering , Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering and
Technology, India
2, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering , Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering and
Technology, India
Abstract:In this paper analysis of two dimensional airfoils model of NACA002412 and NACA0012 for
the aerodynamic characteristics at various Reynolds number for a range of attack from lift through stall,
based on the chord length of the airfoil. Using the Spalart-Allmaras, the k-epsilon (RNG) and the k-omega
shear stress transport (SST) models are used to simulate drag, pressure coefficient, local characteristics
and the lift. In the wind tunnel of NACA(National Aeronautics Advisory Committee) experimental
measurement and comparison prognosis for selected aerodynamic airfoils are presented. The geometric
parameters of blade including twist angle distribution and chord are determined based on aerodynamic
parameters results at a specific Reynolds number. This study is carried out by providing an optimal blade
design strategy for horizontal-axis wind turbines operating at different Reynolds numbers. In this approach
can be further developed to create the most efficient of horizontal axis wind turbine blade design. As a
conclusion the experimental results were compared with simulation results, good concordance were noted.
keywords- Wind turbine, aerodynamics, turbine blade, lift coefficient, drag coefficient.
Nowadays in market the upward three bladed horizontal axis in wind turbine are leading player.the
range of the different turbine construction found to be best industrial compromised(P. J. Musgrove-1987).
When the development of individual turbine components to conducting the current wind industry
innovation.the blade performance of output measure response the blade geometry(M. O. L. Hansen-2000),
the chord , twist, airfoil type distribution along the span.therefore the overall turbine performance(J.
Johansen& N. N. Sorensen-2007) can be improved the optimal wind blade geometry.the control problems,
aerodynamical and structural involved the design of optimal blade.iterative and stepped method where the
design cycle is approached practically. the blade can be model as serious section along pitch axis by the
aerodynamical optimization.the results of collection of pitch angle and local twist one by each section has
an airfoilshape,chord length and attach angle the control strategy of whole energy systems depends of this
last property of blade while pitch angle.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.11 No.03 (2020), 1305- 1311
Research Article
The purpose of this paper is to asset twist distribution and chord of wind turbine design. The design
process includes thedetermination of the blade airfoil, twist angle chord length distribution along the
radius and the selection of the wind turbine type.There are enhance based on theory of aerodynamic forces
on an airfoil and conversion of angular momentum. BEM (Blade Element Momentum) theory is first
derived then used to conduct a parametric study that will determine if the enhance values of blade twist
and chord length create the most efficient blade geometry. One of the most efficient wind turbine blade is
analyzed finally from the two different airfoils. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software is used to
simulate wind turbine and offer aerodynamic blade analysis. This experiment includes a analysis of the
most important parameters of maximum efficiency for wind turbine blade. Lift and drag coefficient,power
output around airfoil and lift to drag ratio were calculated and compared.In this study, numerical
simulation of NACA2412 & NACA0012 airfoils was performed to determine optimum angle of attack.
The governing equations are the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations. This has the advantage of
making our simulation not require a moving mesh to account for the rotation of the blade.These
equations are written in a frame of reference rotating with the blade.
The K-epsilon is the most one of the general turbulence models(W. P. Jones, B. E. Launder-1972).
Even though it is doesn't perform well in case large adverse pressuregradient(B. E. Launder, B. I. Sharma-
1974). This is that two equation model that means including both extra transport equation can be
represented the turbulence flow of property. Here involving the two equation is like convection and
diffusion of turbulent energy. Denoted by K. The second variable of type turbulent distraction , Denoted
by ε. To variable that determine the scale of turbulence , the first variable is K, secondary energy has been
determine the turbulence. The RNG model was developed using Re- Normalization group (RNG) method
by the Navier-Stokes equation , the effect of smaller scale of motion(V. Yakhot, S. A. Orszag et al-1992).
To study of the incompressible flow. so assume to be turbulence over all entire airfoil. The computational
domain is the located at chord length is 100 away from the leading edge, and The chord length 200 located
at the trailing edge . Boundary condition and flows as show in Fig(1).
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.11 No.03 (2020), 1305- 1311
Research Article
and lift coefficient for different angle of attack are calculated and shown in Table 1 and Fig(II)
Fig.(2). (a) CL variations vs. angle of attack Re=1.106; (b) Cd variations vsangle of
attack at Re=1.106from the current numerical work by using three different
turbulent models’ simulation compared with the numerical data.
Fig(II) shows that the result for the drag coefficient and lift coefficient is obtained by Spalart-Allmaras
model, the k-omega SST, the k-epsilon RNG turbulence model. The k-omega SST, the k-epsilon RNG
turbulence model are not able to predict stall condition but the Spalart-Allmaras model predict well, also
the experiment can be divided into two system (i) pre-stall and (ii) post-stall. In pre-stall regime different
experiment setups give similar lift and drag coefficient for a given angle of attack. This means we can
quantitatively compare against the experiment values to validate our simulation methods.
NACA0012 NACA2412
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.11 No.03 (2020), 1305- 1311
Research Article
Fig. (3). (a), (b) Comparison of pressure distribution over the surface of NACA0012 and NACA2412
airfoil between angle of attack of 4 and -4 at Re=1.106
As can be seen from the Fig(3), with decreasing angle of attack from 0 to -4 degrees, the pressure
distribution between upper and lower surface decrease. The pressure difference between upper and
lower surface starts to increase again when the angle of starts to increase after 0 degrees. The pressure
difference between upper and lower surface reach maximum when angle of attack around 4 degree.
Fig. (4). (a) Power output as function of wind speed of NACA0012, (b) Power output as function of tip
speed ratio of NACA0012.
Fig. (5). (c) Power output as function of wind speed of NACA2412, (d) Power output as function of tip
speed ratio of NACA2412.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.11 No.03 (2020), 1305- 1311
Research Article
Fig. (6). (e) Chord length as function of radius for NACA0012, (f) Chord length as function of radius for
Fig. (7). (g) Twist distribution as function for NACA0012 of radius, (h) Twist distribution as function
for NACA2412 of radius.
This paper consider maximum angle of attack for two airfoils NACA2412 & NACA0012 to find
maximum lift and drag ratio for Reynolds number of Re=1.106. In this paper the k-omega SST, the k-
epsilon RNG, the Spalart-Allmaras using these models we study simulate air flow around airfoils. Lift,
drag, pressure coefficient, lift to drag ratio, chord,twist distribution and power output of the airfoils are
calculate, airfoil simulated and results are compared initially. There is a range of angle of attack where the
lift coefficient varies linearly at some point, further increase in angle of attack a lift coefficient reaches
maximum value. This referred to as stall, there is a region having a lowest value of lift coefficient.
Outside of this range it increases again sometimes rapidly for both of airfoils. Good agreement of all these
model with experimental data from angle of attack between -5 to 5. The ultimate parametric study was
conducted to determine if the airfoil had an appreciable effect on the efficiency of the turbine. Based BEM
theory it was confirmed that changing the airfoil could have an appreciable effect on the turbine efficiency.
Through this experiment shows that the NACA2412 airfoil have a higher efficiency at tip speed ratio of 7
and also have higher maximum power output than the NACA0012.In choosing between the two airfoils, it
is clear that the NACA 2412 creates a more efficient turbine blade than the NACA 0012. Additionally,
continuation of this analysis would include analyzing different airfoils such as the S-Series airfoils created
specifically for wind turbine blades.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.11 No.03 (2020), 1305- 1311
Research Article
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