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School Ozamiz City National High School Grade Level: Grade 7

Teacher Marbel M. Barola Learning Area: Health

Date Quarter 3rd


To learner
A. Content Standards

understanding of
mental health as a
dimension of holistic
health for a healthy life
To learner demonstrates understanding of mental health as a
dimension of holistic health for a healthy life

B. Performance The learner consistently demonstrates skills that promote mental

Standards health

C. Learning
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define the meaning of stress
b. Identifies the situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress
c. Use and explain ways to manage or cope with stress


1. Teachers Guide Teacher’s Guide Physical Education and Health Textbook

2. Learners Material Physical Education and Health Textbook
B.Other learning resources

III.Procedures 3I’s Method

A. Introduction -Prayer

-Checking of Attendance

1.1 Review Directions: Clap your hands if the answer is correct and stamp your
foot if the answer is incorrect.

1. Liturgy is the sacrament of the Eucharist or the mass.

2. kinesthetic a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of art,

beauty and taste.

3. Folk dance is a song that originates in traditional popular culture or

that is written in such a style.

4. The thin pliable stems of a palm, used to make furniture is rattan.

5.Ensemble is a group of musicians, actors or dancers who perform


1.2 Motivation

1.3 Statement of the Subject a. Define the meaning of stress

Matter b. Identifies the situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress
c. Use and explain ways to manage or cope with stress

B. Interaction Activity 1: Get to know ME


1. The class will be group into 5 groups.

2. Each group will be given a puzzle to be solved.

3. Each group will have a representative to explain their work here in

Arts and Crafts of MIMAROPA and Visayas


-The art of the Mangyans displays their rich, artistic heritage. One of
their art forms is the ambahan. A variation of this is this is the urukay,
which uses eight syllables.

-The Iraya-Mangyan are fond of making baskets with intricate

patterns and design of humans, animals, trees and other objects. It is
made of dried nito grass and forest vines, meticulously and patiently
woven to create these very unique baskets.


-The Moriones Festival in Marinduque is a much-awaited Lenten

tradition that is celebrated every Holy Week. “Morion”means masks
that are made from wood or papier-mache, adorned with colorful
shells, animal hairs, tassels, and crepe papers. People who act as
Roman soldiers during the festival wear these masks together with
vest, capes, and wooden shields.

- Weaving is a skill that has been passed on through the years by the
people of Marinduque. Because of the abundance of buli (buripalm)
and raffia that grow in their areas, these leaves become staple
materials in the weaving of Marinduqueños


-Romblon is known not only for its fine marble products but also for
the beautifully woven mats and bags out of romblon plants.

C. Integration Activity 2: MA- ARTE


1. The class will be divided into 5 groups.

2. Each group will be given 5 minutes to create an art out of recycled


3. Each group will be given 2 minutes to explain their work.


Content – 8 points

Creativity – 7 points

Neatness – 5 points

= 20 points

Value Integration 1. What value is developed in making arts?

2. Do you think being resourceful will help you in life?

IV. Evaluation Directions: Answer the following questions with the best of your
ability. Write your answer in a ½ sheet of paper. (Crosswise)

1. What are the benefits of making arts in crafts in your life as a


2. How will you give importance to the arts and crafts in MIMAROPA
and Visayas?

V. Assignment Directions:

1. List down different festivals in MIMAROPA AND VISAYAS

Prepared By: Checked and Reviewed By:

Marbel M. Barola Rebecca T. Cagang

Secondary School Teacher I, MAPEH Secondary School Head Teacher I, MAPEH

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