Business Proposal Final
Business Proposal Final
Business Proposal Final
Business Mapping
Sari-Sari Store 82
Bakeshop 5
Milktea 11
Laundry 8
Takoyaki 3
Computer Shop 6
Karinderya 12
Coffee Shop 4
Barber Shop 7
Burger Store 6
Figure 2. Statistical presentation on the result of the business mapping using
A. Business Background
The first cocktail was the Sazerac, a blend of whisky, absinthe, and
bitters, and sugar. Created in New Orleans in the mid-1800s, this is one of the
first cocktails recognizable by name and remains a favorite to this day. The
business products have a variety in which people who will buy can choose if the
drinks that they will buy have a mix of alcohol or not and also the buyers can
choose how many percent of alcohol they want to put on their drinks. The newly
developed ingredients make the abstrock-tail unique and different from other
existing cocktails this is perfect for people who wanted to explore new things and
this place is perfect for people who want to relieve their stress and bond with
Bee’ng Chillin’
The business name "Tamagoki" is derived from the Japanese word for the egg
which is “卵 or Tamago” which is the main recipe of our product and “Ki” is
derived from the name of the founder of Tamagoki which is “Yuki". The black
background is very common in Japanese businesses and it makes our logo pop
off the surface. We can see that we used the Japanese flag on the logo since the
word “卵 or Tamago” comes from Japan, above is where you can see a red circle
which represents the sun in the Japanese flag and lastly, we can spot a sandwich
which will be the main product for this business.
The name of the business is “Bee'ng Chillin'” because it is derived from the
Chinese word for ice cream called “Bīngqílín”. Since honey is one of the
product's constituents, the word “Bee” is derived from it. Customers can chill out
and feel comfortable while eating; that's why it's called "Chillin”. A bee holding
honey is depicted on the top because one of the ingredients in this delicacy is
honey instead of sugar to decrease the sweetness. As shown in the middle of the
logo is the main product, bingsu, or shaved ice is colored blue and red to
represent the colors of the South Korean flag. Lastly, the design features
snowflakes that might represent happiness, delicateness, clarity, and change.
But the most important symbolic meaning is unique because every snowflake is
different just like the ingredients of this product.
C. Strategic Location
Abstrock-tail is located at Barangay Duyan-Duyan, 37-A Molave Street,
Anonas. The location we've chosen can accommodate a large number of
customers while also being accessible to commuters and Students of TIP and
WCC. This location is close to Cubao, where many people visit, they can quickly
see our business because it is new and there are many nearby well-known
In line with this, Tamagoki is a start-up food business located at 75 Mabilis St.
Brgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City, Philippines. With a population of approximately
22,000 residents, the location is strategically suitable for the business mentioned
above. Alongside the brief info about the location, Brgy. Pinyahan is widely
known for its large establishments, infrastructures, offices, educational
institutions, and several households. Hence, the business's target market is
composed of residents of the barangay, students, employees, and consumers
who are fond of trendy products. With high foot traffic in the previously mentioned
area, the proposed start-up business can attract a wide range of targeted
consumers daily. Therefore, with this concept of strategic location, the business’
profitability is likely achievable. Overall, the ideal location for the business meets
the demand of its target market in terms of its budget, type of cuisine, and
Bee’ng Chillin’ is located at Francisco Street, beside the barangay hall of Krus
na Ligas. It is the busiest road as it consists of markets, schools, churches, and
barangay halls nearby. People from other places even visit this dynamic site
since there are a lot of establishments there.
D. Product Description
Leader’s Evaluation