4th QTR Week 8 - Eng.5

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School Palawan Hope Christian School Grade Level: 5

Teacher Beverly E. Florano Learning Area: English 5

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Week 8 Quarter: Fourth


Content Standard The learners will demonstrate basic language skills using a variety of media and uses these to learn varied contents.
Performance Standard The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; and demonstrates interest in reading to
meet various needs.
Learning Competencies  EN5OL-IIb-1.26  EN5OL-IIf-3.5.1  ETW5VE-IX-1.14  EN5OL-IIIi-4
Defines extemporaneous Differentiates impromptu Respects other people’s Writes on extemporaneous
speech. from extemporaneous opinion. speech.
 EN5OL-IIIi-4
Writes on
CONTENT Writing an Extemporaneous Writing an Extemporaneous Writing an Extemporaneous Writing an Extemporaneous
Speech Speech Speech Speech
LEARNING RESOURCES Materials: Materials: Materials: Materials:
Board and marker Board and marker Board and marker Board and marker

Sources: Sources: Sources: Sources:

The Phoenix World of Grammar 5 The Phoenix World of Grammar 5 The Phoenix World of The Phoenix World of Grammar 5
Grammar 5
Motivation/Review Why is it important to listen to what Review the previous lesson. How important is it to respect Review the previous lesson.
the others are saying? other people’s opinion?
Lesson Proper  Start the class by asking the  Point out that the topic for  Review what an  Recall and review the
pupils to orally answer the today is the same with extemporaneous points to consider in
questions in Break In. activity. speech is. writing an extemporaneous
 Guide the students in doing  Compare and contrast  Discuss how to write an speech.
Break in. extemporaneous speech extemporaneous  Discuss the introduction
 Ask the pupil to orally and impromptu speech. speech. and conclusion.
answer the post-activity  Tell the students to take  Have a reflective
 Visualize the similarities
questions. note of these points . discussion about
and difference.  Make a necessary extemporaneous speech.
adjustment if they need  Let the pupils express their
to do it in their outline. insights.
 Pinpoint the importance
of outlining ideas to
write an essay.
Generalization An extemporaneous speech What makes an extemporaneous How do you write an Introduction
involves the speaker’s use of notes speech different from an extemporaneous speech. a. Start with an “attention
and some elaboration to deliver a impromptu speech is that the 1. Choose your topic. getter”
speaker will be given a time to
speech. The speaker does not 2. Make a thesis b. State the topic or question
prepare for the speech and may
need to memorize anything; he/she use note cards to have a guide statement. exactly as is worded.
just uses cues to know how the line. 3. Give points to support c. State your answer to the
speech will be presented. for your thesis. question.
4. Develop to support for d. State why this is topic
your thesis. important to the audience.
5. Write down your e. Preview your main points.
introduction and Conclusion
conclusion. a. Restate the question and
your answer to it.
b. Briefly explain how your
points and evidence
demonstrate that your
answer is correct.
c. Close by referring back to
your introduction.
Application  Do the pre-writing activity. Find a partner. Think of a topic Fill out the statement table on Write an extemporaneous
that concerns you as student. It p. 255. speech.
could be school, local, or national
issue. Make sure that you can
give your ideas and opinions
about your chosen topic.
Valuing It is important to develop oral and When we speaking or writing we It is important to develop oral When we speaking or writing we
written communications. remember to be tactful and and written communications. remember to be tactful and
courteous at all times. We should courteous at all times. We should
respect other people’s opinion.
respect other people’s opinion.

Evaluation Outline an extemporaneous Share to the class your ideas and Write an introduction and Present an extemporaneous
speech about the topic “Are Social opinions about your chosen topic. conclusion for your speech in front of the class using
networking sites a bad influence” extemporaneous speech using your written speech. Consider
1. Thesis statement your outline in Focus A. how a speech should be
2. Main points. presented and the techniques in
3. Support and evidence. writing an extemporaneous


Prepared by: MS. BEVERLY E. FLORANO Checked by: MS. MARILOU U. DIAZ Reviewed by: MS. NANETTE G. HEREDERO
Subject Teacher Department Coordinator School Principal

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