Wind and Seismic Design
Wind and Seismic Design
Wind and Seismic Design
1|P age
Structural Design - Steel (CVET-431) Fall 2017
Wind Load: The typical floor plan and elevation of a six-story office building measuring
100 ft. by 100 ft. in plan and laterally braced with ordinary moment resisting steel frames as
shown in the figure. The office building is located in downtown, Rochester, New York.
Determine the wind load on the building and on each moment frame. Assume that the
building is enclosed and the roof is flat with the minimum roof slope for drainage).
1. Risk Category
a. Table 1.5-1 = Risk category II
2. Wind Speed (V)
a. Fig. 26.5-1A = 115mph
3. Wind Directionality Factor (Kd)
a. Table 26.6-1 = 0.85
4. Exposure Category B
a. Section 26.7
5. Topographic Factor (Kzt)
a. Fig 26.8-1 = 1.0
6. Velocity pressure coefficient (Kh)
a. Table 28.3-1 based on building height and exposure = 0.85
7. Internal Pressure coefficient (GCpi)
a. Table 26.11-1 based on enclosure = +/- 0.18
8. Velocity pressure (qh)
a. qh = 0.00256*kh*kzt*kd*(V2) = 0.00256*0.85*1.0*0.85*1152 = 24.46psf
9. External Pressure coefficient (GCpf)
a. Fig 28.4-1 = see chart for load cases
10. a = min(10% of least horz dim, 0.4h) = 10ft
11. Calculate wind pressure (p)
a. p = q_h[(GC_pf)-(GC_pi)], see below
b. 2 load cases for different wind direction
Load Case A
2|P age
Structural Design - Steel (CVET-431) Fall 2017
Load Case B
12. Add pressures from windward and leeward walls and multiply by length of wall
13. Multiply tributary area of each floor to get wind load at each floor, 2 moment frames each direction.
3|P age
Structural Design - Steel (CVET-431) Fall 2017
Wind load
Level Tributary Area (ft) Wind load (k)
Per Frame (k)
Roof 5 13.7 6.85
6th 10 27.4 13.7
5th 10 27.4 13.7
4th 10 27.4 13.7
3rd 10 27.4 13.7
2nd 10 27.4 13.7
6.9 k
13.7 k
13.7 k
13.7 k
13.7 k
13.7 k
4|P age
Structural Design - Steel (CVET-431) Fall 2017
Seismic Load: For the six-story office building, determine the seismic forces on the building
and on each moment frame assuming the following design parameters:
2. Check Csmax
1. T~Ta = Ct*hx = 0.028*600.8 = 0.74 seconds
5|P age
Structural Design - Steel (CVET-431) Fall 2017
W3 = Floor 3 DL + Floor 3 LL + Floor 2 Cladding = 955k
h3 = 20’
CV3 = 955k*20’/(166830k-ft) = 0.11
F3 = 0.11*191.4k = 21.9k
6|P age