Elements and Compound Activity
Elements and Compound Activity
Elements and Compound Activity
Learning Competency: Recognize that substances are classified into elements and
Code: S7MT-Ig-h-5
Matter can be classified into pure substances and mixtures. Pure substances can
be elements or compounds. An element is composed of only one type of atom and
cannot be broken down into smaller pieces. A compound is made from two or more
types of atoms that are bonded together. A compound can be separated by chemical
means. Mixtures are made of two or more different elements or compounds physically
combined. Mixtures can be separated into their parts by physical means.
I. Objective: Recognize that substances are classified into elements and compounds
III. Procedure:
1. Prepare all the materials needed.
2. Cut the set of symbol cards in the worksheet 1.
3. Sort the cards into two groups based on the symbols shown.
4. Create a “rule” in grouping the symbol cards.
5. After grouping the symbol cards label the symbol cards as “Elements” and
“Compounds”. The teacher will guide you in properly sorting the symbol
6. Paste the correct sorted symbol cards on Table 1 Element and
Compound Symbols Card. Column 1 is labelled as “Elements” and
column 2 is labelled “Compounds”.
7. Write your own definition of elements and compounds based on the rule
you used.
David A Katz, http://www.chymist.com/Common%20chemicals.pdf, 2012
Worksheet 1