Grade7 Chemistry Module

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Module 1: Elements & Compounds

I. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
II. Objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
III. Pre-Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
IV. Reading Resources and Instructional Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Activity #1: Naturally Occurring & Synthetically occurring! . . . . . . . . . 8

Activity#2: Watch me, discover me, and Learn from me! . . . . . . . . . .11

Activity #3: Let us do DIScovery! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..14

Activity#4: Let us dig (DEEP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 16

V. Summative Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
VI. SUMMARY/SYNTHESIS/FEEDBACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Glossary of Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
References and links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24



I. Introduction

If we are going to explore our surroundings, there are various of things that we
can see. Everything in this world is made of matter. As you have learned in your science
subject in the past that matter is anything or everything that occupies space and has
mass. Everything around us weather it is solid liquid or gas is composed of matter. This
matter is made up of tiny particle which we call “atom”. When atoms combine, the
molecules are formed, which this makes up different substances around us.

Also, during your past chemistry class, you have also learned about mixture.
Mixture can be homogenous or heterogenous. Let us recall them. When we are
pertaining to homogenous mixture, from the word “homo” which means the same, this is
type of mixture that has the same composition all over its mass. You cannot see the
particles of homogenous mixture. For instance, imagine when you combined the sugar
and water you will get homogenous mixture once the salt dissolve in water. On the other
hand, heterogenous mixture are mixture that has non-uniform composition all over its
mass, from the word “hetero” which means different. We can see the particles of
heterogeneous mixture. For instance, when you make salad and when you combined
the water and oil.

Now, we already recall matter and mixture. Let us explore and learn more about
substances specifically the elements and the compounds.

II. Learning Competencies/objectives

In this module you will be able or expected to.

1. Differentiate elements and compounds.

2. List some natural elements and synthetic elements.
3. Enumerate common elements and compounds.
4. Use periodic table of elements.

5. Appreciate the importance of elements and compounds.

Note: You are also required to answer the activities as well as perform
tasks/produced an output at the end of this module.

III. Pre-assessment

Multiple Choice

Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer. This pre-assessment
will not be recorded. This is just to test your prior knowledge about elements and
compound. Comprehend and answer the following based on your own understanding.

1. What can be found in Periodic table?

a. Mixture
b. Compound
c. Elements
d. All of the above

2. Which does not belong to the group?

a. CO2
b. C
c. O
d. Cu

3. The chemical symbol Au represents what element?

a. Gold
b. Silver
c. Argon
d. Aluminum

4. Who discovered periodic table?

a. Isaac Newton
b. John Dalton

c. Marie Curie
d. Dmitri Mendeleev

5. Those elements are currently present in our nature without the aid of artificial.
a. Synthetic elements
b. Natural elements
c. Elements
d. Compound

6. Which of the following statement is true?

a. Each element has symbolic letter that are always start with a small letter or a
small letter followed by capital letter.
b. Each element has symbolic letter that are always start with a capital letter or a
small letter followed by small letter.
c. Each element has symbolic letter that are always start with a capital letter or a
capital letter followed by capital letter.
d. Each element has symbolic letter that are always start with a small letter or a
small letter followed also by small letter.

7. _______________are the simplest substances which cannot be broken down

further by physical and chemical means.
a. Compound
b. Element
c. Atom
d. Molecules

8. Compound is another type of substance that is distinctive to element because

this contains of more than one element. There are two or more elements
combines or bond together in stable proportions to form a compound.
a. First statement is true, second is false.
b. Only first statement is true.

c. First statement is false, second is true.
d. Both statements are true.

9. __________ is considered to be the smallest component of a compound that

consist of the entire properties of that compound.
a. Atom
b. Molecule
c. Elements
d. Compounds

10. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Water
b. Table salt
c. Ammonia
d. Sucrose


IV. Reading Resources and Instructional Activities.

Elements and Compounds

The substances are those have constant structure or composition with either the
same type of atoms or molecules. Mainly there are two type of substances the element
and the compound. First and foremost, let us define what are elements all about to
further understand what compounds are.


When we say elements, those are the simplest substances which cannot be
broken down further by physical and chemical means. They are just existed substances
that cannot be simplified or divided. An element is made up of atom, it is consisting of
only one type of atom. Elements are natural or pure substances that contains of single
type of atom and this single atom comprises with an atomic number.

Have you ever seen or do you familiar with the periodic table? If yes, we can find
lots of elements or simple substances there.

Periodic table of elements was discovered by Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev

in year 1896. Actually, the periodic table of elements comprises 118 elements. Those
elements that are presents in the periodic system cannot be simplified or broken down
into simplest substances by physical means as well as chemical means. Implying that it
is just it is.

(Image source:

These substances can be either synthetic or naturally occurring. In Fact, there

are 92-98 naturally occurring elements and the rest are synthetic elements. When we
say naturally occurring, those elements are currently present in our nature without the
aid of artificial on the other hand, synthetic elements are those substances that have

been made in laboratory using processes. Hence, in the following activity, you will learn
about common naturally occurring elements and synthetic occurring elements.

Activity #1: Naturally Occurring & Synthetically occurring!


At the end of this activity, you will be able to:

1. Enumerate naturally occurring and synthetically occurring elements.

2. Know the symbols and names of naturally occurring or synthetically occurring
3. Find the atomic number of the named elements.

Material Needed

 Periodic table of elements

 Pen and Paper


1. Get a periodic table, read, do not memorize instead, familiarize their symbols and
atomic number.
2. Go to this website,
( ).
Look at the list of natural elements.
3. Go to this website, ( .
Loot at the list of artificial or synthetic elements.
4. Fill the table below. Give at least 5 examples of naturally occurring elements and
synthetic/artificial elements, their symbols and atomic number.

Naturally occurring Symbol Atomic number



Synthetically occurring Symbol Atomic number


Questions to answer:

1. You enumerated naturally occurring elements and synthetically occurring

elements, what are the most element that you are familiar with? Why you are
familiar with that element?

2. What do you think the importance of atomic number in those elements?



Each Element has symbolic letter that are always start with a capital letter or a
capital letter followed by small letter. For instance, H represents Hydrogen while He
represents Helium.

Helium & Hydrogen Symbols

(Image source:

Then, each element is different from one another. They have characteristics and
behaviors. We can say that Hydrogen is different from Helium. Hydrogen is an odorless
and colorless gas and is basically insoluble in water on the other hand, helium is the
extremely complicated gas to liquefy although it is also colorless and odorless. In fact,
each element has different set of properties, this means that no one of them are

%Abundance of Elements in Earth’s Crust

(Image Source:

In our earth crust’s, there are various elements that can be found here. The most
abundant elements that can be found on our earth’s crust are Oxygen (O), Silicon (Si),
Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca). The oxygen has the highest percentage which

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is about 46.7 %, followed by Silicon which is about 28.2 %, then Aluminum (8.2 %), Iron
(5.6 %).

Elements of the Human Body

(Image Source:

In our body there are four most abundant elements. These includes 10 % of
Hydrogen (H), 65 % of Oxygen (O), 18 % of Carbon (C), and 3 % Nitrogen (N). Is in it
surprising that our body contains elements? Those elements play vital role to human
body and is essential to human life. In fact, we need minerals to help of our body to
function normally. Minerals refers to those elements that are present in our foods we eat
and is essential for our health. These includes sodium, calcium, phosphorus,
magnesium, potassium, sulfur, and trace minerals which our body needs a little bit of
the following including iron, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese, chromium, and selenium.

Hence, on the next activity you will going to find out more about elements and its

Activity#2: Watch me, discover me, and Learn from me!


At the end of this activity, you will be able to:

1. Discover the uses of some elements found in periodic table.

2. Identify symbol of some name elements.
3. Recognize the importance of those elements.

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Material Needed

 Pen and Paper


1. Watch this provided link video on YouTube (

2. After watching the video link provided, you are very much familiar about the
elements, what are the common uses of those elements or what are things which
made up of each element due to those images that are presented in the video.
3. Answer the following questions. Write your answer a one whole sheet clean

Questions to answer:

1. What is the symbol for Gold, Zinc, Sodium, Fluorine, Neon, Silver, Barium,
Tungsten, Manganese, Potassium, Copper, and Iodine?
2. What is the importance or Oxygen in living things?
3. Give things that are made up of Aluminum?
4. Enumerate 3 foods that are rich in potassium.

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6. Do you think elements are essential or non-essential? Why?


Now, you are familiar with what elements are. Let us continue and learn about


Compound yet is another type of substance that is distinctive to element because

this compound contains of more than one element that combines or bond together in
stable proportions. This implies that its composition is constantly similar. In compound,
we have what we call “molecule”. Previously, we have learned that element consist of
just one type of atom. A group of more than one atom or two or more atoms refers to
molecule, and this molecule is considered to be the smallest component of a compound
that consist of the entire properties of that compound. In fact, all compounds are made
up of molecule. Most substances our us are compound or mixture of compounds.

The majority of elements on earth form chemical compounds as they combine

with other elements in between their atoms, chemical bonds form. One of the best
examples of chemical compound is table salt that are very useful for seasoning as well
to preserve our food. Surprisingly, our table salt is made up of elements like sodium
(Na) and chloride (Cl) (NaCl).

Chemical reaction of Na (Sodium) & Cl (Chlorine)

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(Image Source:

To find out more about compounds, let us do an activity again.

Activity #3: Let us do DIScovery!


At the end of this activity, you will be able to:

1. Cite some examples of chemical compound that can be found in products.

2. Explain the uses of the chemical compound you discovered.
3. Appreciate the importance of chemical compound.


1. Find at least 5 food products that you can get examples of chemical compound.
2. List the discovered chemical compound with its name and symbol.
3. To verify it, please refer to the ingredients that can be seen mostly at the back of a
4. In a clean whole sheet of paper draw the table and copy the questions to answer.
5. Search for the uses of those chemical compound you found. & Do not forget to cite
your resources you used.
6. Explain your work individually in front of the class or make simple video

Let us Discover!

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Product Chemical Compound Symbo Uses
Found l

Questions to answer:

1. What chemical compound you discovered are the most familiar to you?
2. Choose one chemical compound you have found. What do you think the elements it
3. Do you think that checking the ingredients of a product are important? Why?
4. In your point of view, are all chemical compounds you listed have both good and bad
effects to your health? Justify.

Now, you have learned that there are lots of chemical compounds or combination
of two or more elements that can be found in lots of food product. Let us scrutinize more
about compound.

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Unlike element that cannot be broken down into simpler substance because it is
just as it is, compound can be broken down into simpler elements not by physical way
but by chemical means. Meaning, since it is compound as it is made up of more than
two components that bond together, we could say that there is a way in separating
those components to make it simpler and become an element again.

Compounds has properties that are distinct from those of its component
elements. The properties of element Oxygen (O) alone and Hydrogen (H) alone would
be different from the compound (H2O) when we combined two atoms of Hydrogen (H)
and one atom of Oxygen.

Also, there are two things you need to more understand. The elements in a
compound are often in the same proportions. For instance, carbon dioxide (CO 2) still
has two atoms of oxygen(O2) for every atom of carbon (C).

Carbon dioxide Molecule Illustation


Then, the composition of a compound remains constant all over. For instance,
water in the river, oceans, or lakes its proportions of the
elements are the same as (H2O)

Water Molecule Structure

(Image source:

H2O, CO2 and NaCl are the most compounds we know and familiar with. For
further examples, let us have again an activity.

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Activity#4: Let us dig (DEEP) Determining Essential Elements Present!


At the end of this activity, you will be able to:

1. Distinguish what elements can be found in the compound given.

2. Acquaint yourself with examples of compound.
3. Know the different compounds.


1. Write the table and questions to answer in a clean whole sheet of paper.
2. Complete the table below. Identify what elements are present in the given
3. Answer the given questions based on your own understanding.

Determine Essential Elements Present

Name of the Compound Compound formula Elements present

Ethanol C2H5OH
Acetic Acid CH3COOH
Ammonia NH3
Sucrose C12H22O11
Baking Soda NaHCO3
Methane CH4
Magnesium oxide MgO
Aspirin C₉H₈O₄
Calcium nitrate Ca (NO3)2
Carbon monoxide CO

1. What do you think the uses of methane?

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2. Is ammonia a dangerous/harmful compound to living things?
3. Give at least 3 uses of baking soda.
4. Differentiate Carbon monoxide and Carbon dioxide.
5. Is ethanol useful? Why?

Common Compounds and their Uses.

There are lots of compounds that are very useful in our everyday life. In fact, they
are essential because we use it regularly and it plays significant role for our
development and survival. These compounds are in the food we consume, the air we
breathe as well as the water we use and drink. Let us find out common compounds we
use in our daily life.

1. Water (H20) – Water is the most valuable and essential compound in order for us to
survive. Without water, we can say that no one living things can exist. Our planet
comprises lot of bodies of water such oceans, river, ponds, streams etc. Water is

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essential to our daily life. We use water of course for drinking, for agriculture,
household purposes as well as in industries.
2. Table Salt (NaCl) – This compound is almost present in our foods we eat; this is a
simple ingredient which is very useful for seasoning our food as well as it is the most
useful and act as a preservative. NaCl makes up nearly 96-99 percent of table salt,
with the remaining 1-4 percent made up of impurities or other chemical compounds.
3. Sucrose (C12H22O11) – This compound consisting of 12 atoms of carbon, 22 atoms of
hydrogen and 11 atoms of oxygen. The common sugar sucrose is the main
ingredient that can be useful in cooking and baking.
4. Baking powder (NaHCO3, Sodium-bi-carbonate ion)- Baking powder is a sodium,
hydrogen, and carbonate ion-based compound. It is used in cake and pie baking. It
is also useful to reduce stomach acidity.
5. Vinegar (CH3COOH (Ethanoic Acid/Acetic Acid) - It is commonly act as a
preserver as well as for useful also for seasoning our food, especially salad. This
vinegar also used as natural cleaning substances it can remove dirt from sinks and
household surface.
6. Alcohol (CH3CH2OH (Ethanol) Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that is highly
addictive. It is commonly applied for manufacturing wines and beer. Also helpful for
manufacturing perfumes as well as use for disinfectant and hand sanitizers.
7. Aspirin (C9H8O4 (Acetylsalicylic acid)- Since we were young, aspirin has been one
of the most widely used drugs. It is very effective to treat fever, inflammation, and
pain. Aspirin and many other drugs contain acetylsalicylic acid as a main ingredient.

Not all compounds are good for us. Some compounds are harmful to living things
such as ammonia (NH3). The fumes created by ammonia can irritate our, nose, eyes,
throat as well as our lungs. Ammonia should not be used for people who have asthma,
lung problems as well as those who have heart problem. When ammonia is mixed with
chlorine-based products (such as bleach), a potentially fatal gas is generated. Also, a
compound carbon monoxide (CO) is very dangerous when we inhaled it, because it
shifts the oxygen from our bloodstream, depriving our brain, heart, other essential

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Elements and Compounds

Always remember that elements and compounds are all substances, they are
two different types of substances to be exact. They are consisting of atoms, the main
difference of an element and compound is that element consist of just one kind or atom,
on the other hand compounds consists of two more different kinds of atoms/molecules.

Performance Tasks: Basic Infographic Making

Topic: Macro minerals and Micro minerals

Goal: Your goal is to present very important information about macro minerals and
microminerals that are essential to human body.

Role: Assume that you are a nutritionist and at the same time a beginner infographic
maker. You are tasked to produce basic infographic about macro minerals and
microminerals that are essential to human body.

Audience: You will present your basic infographics in front of your classmates.

Situation: You have been asked to convince your audiences that macro minerals and
micro minerals are essential to human body by including and stating their functions.

Product/Performance: Produced/create a basic infographic which includes 5 macro

minerals and 5 micro minerals, their roles (what they do inside our body) as well as
where we can find it (sources in food).

Standards: You will be given at least 4 (four) days to plan, conceptualized and outline,
then apply it in making your basic infographics. Once your output is done, you may
explain or present it in front of your classmates to be evaluated by your teacher.

V. Summative Assessment

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Each of the item is equivalent to 2
points. Comprehend and answer it well.

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1. ________________________ are the simplest substances which cannot be
broken down further by physical and chemical means.
a. Compounds
b. Elements
c. Atoms
d. Molecules

2. Which of the following statement is true?

a. Each element has symbolic letter that are always start with a small letter or a
small letter followed also by small letter.
b. Each element has symbolic letter that are always start with a capital letter or a
small letter followed by small letter.
c. Each element has symbolic letter that are always start with a small letter or a
small letter followed by capital letter.
d. Each element has symbolic letter that are always start with a capital letter or a
capital letter followed by capital letter.

3. Suppose your teacher have designate an assignment in which you will identify the
atomic number of the given elements. What is the best reference you will use?
a. Periodic table of elements
b. Elements of compound
c. Table of compounds
d. Periodic table of compounds

4. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. H2O
b. (NaCl)
c. H
d. NH3

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5. Compound is another type of substance that is distinctive to element because this
contains of more than one element. Molecule is considered to be the smallest
component of a compound.
a. First statement is true, second is false.
b. Only first statement is true.
c. First statement is false, second is true.
d. Both statements are true.

6. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. C
b. Cl
c. O
d. O2

7. What symbol represent element Iron?

a. Ir
b. I
c. Fe
d. Fl

8. Elements and compounds are all substances, they are two different types of
substances to be exact. Element consist of two or more different kinds of atoms,
on the other hand compounds consists of just one kind or atom.
a. First statement is true, second is false.
b. Only first statement is true.
c. First statement is false, second is true.
d. Both statements are true.

9. Your sibling is in pain and has a fever. What medicine/compound that contains
acetylsalicylic acid might help him/her to feel relieve?

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a. Aspirin
b. Alcohol
c. Table salt
d. Sugar

10. The most abundant element in our body is Hydrogen (H). The most abundant
element that can be found on our earth’s crust is Oxygen (O).
a. First statement is true, second is false.
b. Only first statement is true.
c. First statement is false, second is true.
d. Both statements are true.
VI. Summary/Synthesis
 Mainly, there are two type of substances the elements and the compound.
 Elements are the simplest substances which cannot be broken down further by
physical and chemical means.
 Elements can be either synthetic or naturally occurring.
 Periodic table of elements was discovered by Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in
year 1896 which comprises 118 elements.
 The most abundant elements that can be found on our earth’s crust are Oxygen (O),
Silicon (Si), Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe), Calcium (Ca)
 In our body there are four most abundant elements this includes Hydrogen (H),
Oxygen (O Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N).
 Compound is type of substance that contains of more than one element that
combines or bond together in stable proportions.
 Common compounds are water (H20), table Salt (NaCl), sucrose (C12H22O11), baking
powder (NaHCO3, sodium-bi-carbonate ion, vinegar (CH3COOH (Ethanoic
Acid/Acetic Acid), alcohol (CH3CH2OH (Ethanol), Aspirin (C9H8O4 (Acetylsalicylic
acid). Harmful compounds include ammonia (NH3) & carbon monoxide (CO).

Glossary of terms

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Atom- are the basic unit of matter which are made up of particles such as electron,
proton and neutron.

Compound - type of substance that is distinctive to element which contains of more

than one element.

Elements - simplest substances which cannot be broken down.

Naturally occurring elements- those elements are currently present in our nature
without the aid of artificial.

Minerals refers to those elements that are present in our foods we eat and is essential
for our health.

Molecule- is a group of two or more atoms, is considered to be the smallest component

of a compound.

Periodic table – is a list of chemical elements ordered by atomic number in a tabular


Synthetic elements- substance made by chemical synthesis, mainly to replicate a

natural product.


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