Properties and Transformation
Properties and Transformation
Properties and Transformation
Submitted by: Liana Monique San Lorenzo Submitted to: Miss Minerva R. Basilio
The experiment was focused to Properties and transformation of matter. It will help differentiate physical properties form chemical properties and physical change from chemical change. We observed many reagents and compared the difference of the changes and properties of matter. II. INTRODUCTION Everything around us is made up of matter. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Matter has two classes of properties, namely: Physical Property and chemical Property. Matter is also subjected to change, because everything changes. The only constant thing in this world is change. So, matter has changes too. Its the Physical Change and chemical change. Different substances have different properties and different changes happen to each of them. They are not the same. And also, there is the transformation of matter. Knowing these things will be very useful in the future and this experiment showed how different Physical change form chemical change is, and also for physical property to chemical property. III.METHODOLOGY
1. Place a piece of ice in a 250 mL beaker. Allow it to stay at room temperature. 2. Allow a 5 mL of ethanol to stand on watch glass for 5 minutes. 3. Hold a piece of magnesium ribbon using a pair of thongs and ignite in a Bunsen burner or Alcohol Lamp. 4. Using a metal spatula place a few amount of Naphthalene in 250 mL beaker. Cover it with the watch glass and heat gently over a low flame. 5. Hold a small piece of paper using a pair of thongs and ignite in an alcohol lamp. Observe 6. Place a small piece of mozzy zinc in a test tube. Add 5 mL of diluted HCl 7. Place a few crystals of (sugar, salt and Iodine) in a separate test tube. Add 5 mL of water while constantly stirring. 8. Dissolve a small amount of baking soda in 5 ml of water. Do the same using 1 M HCl instead of water.
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Observation Process Evaporation of alcohol Melting of Ice Ignition ot Mg ribbon Sublimation of Naphthalene B urning of paper Before
Li quid can be seen Solid G rayish in color Solid Has a firm structure
Property Physical/Chemical
Phy sical Physi cal Che mical Ph ysical Ch emical P hysical Ph ysical Sugar dissolved Zinc Dissolves Solid to Gas Forme d new Substance ge of color Solid to Liquid Chan quid to Gas
Liquid evaporated completely L iquid Co lor White Ga s Turned to ash
Reaction of Zinc metal with HCl Reaction of sugar with water Reaction of Iodine with water
Comp letely Dissolved Water color changed, crystal still defined Baking soda dissolved but small particles still visible Bubbles formed. Particles still visible
These are the data gathered from the experiment. Different substances have different physical and chemical change, and also differ with their properties. There is a big difference from physical change and chemical change. In physical change only the appearance changed. But in the chemical change, there are new substances formed. Tranformation of matter occurs due to changes in temperature