q2 Week 7 Dll-Entrep
q2 Week 7 Dll-Entrep
q2 Week 7 Dll-Entrep
Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Sibugay
Surabay, R. T. Lim, Zamboanga Sibugay
School ID: 303866
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, underlying principles, and processes of starting and operating a simple business.
B. Performance Standards The learner independently or with his/her classmates starts and operates a business according to the business plan and presents a terminal report of its operation.
1. Implement the business plan- 1. Implement the business plan- 1. Implement the business plan- 1. Implement the business plan-
CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0a-i-18 CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0a-i-18 CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0a-i-18 CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0a-i-18
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives 2. Operate the business-CS_EP11/12ENTREP- 2. Operate the business- 2. Operate the business- 2. Operate the business-
0a-i-19 CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0a-i-19 CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0a-i-19 CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0a-i-19
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Business Implementation Business Implementation Business Implementation Business Implementation
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in the learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages N/A
2. Learner's Material pages
3. Textbook's pages N/A
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal Powerpoint Presentation
B. Other Learning Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zib93WO90w
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that the students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can
IV. PROCEDURES infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes and
draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Catch Up: LITERACY Catch Up: NUMERCY Catch Up: LITERACY Catch Up: NUMERCY
presenting the new lesson (Reading Comprehension) (Multiplying Functions) (Reading Comprehension) (Dividing Functions)
Rapid Growth https://edumantra.net/learn-english/19- Motivation
reading-skills-comprehension-rapid-growth/ 3 min: do a quick review of multiplying Reading Skills Comprehension: 3 min: do a quick review of dividing
integers. Motivation (edumantra.net) integers.
3 min: Spelling of unfamiliar words given its
definition. 6 min: illustrate how to multiply 3 min: Spelling of unfamiliar words 6 min: illustrate how to divide functions.
functions. given its definition.
6 min: Reading and sharing of ideas. 6 min: Simplifying functions by applying
6 min: Simplifying functions by applying 6 min: Reading and sharing of ideas. the concept of division.
6 min: Comprehension Check the concept of multiplication.
(5-item multiple choice) 6 min: Comprehension Check Review of the past topic:
Review of the past topic: (5-item multiple choice) What is business plan? What are the
Business Plan Implementation What are the distinct body of Business parts of a business plan?
The student will guess and describe the pictures. Plan? Review the past lesson:
What are the different forms of Business plan is blueprint or roadmap
1. Description of the business ownership? of a business. It will serve as a guide of
2. Marketing Plan Sole/single Proprietorship the different processes involved in a
3. Management Plan Partnership business. It consists of 5 distinct
4. Financial Plan Corporation sections. The description of the
5. Production Plan Cooperatives business, marketing plan, management
plan, financial and production plan or
operating plan.
B. Establishing a purpose for the In this lesson you will be able to implement your new Why Business Plan Should be What is the importance of studying When are we going to prepare a
lesson developed business plan. Planning is “today’s Prepared? the different sections of business business plan? Before, during or after
preparation for tomorrow”. It is looking ahead by It provides you with the road map that plan? the launching of the business?
arranging a structure for doing a project. you need in order to run your It is important because you cannot Business plan should be prepared
start a business without a plan and before starting or building a business
business. It will serve as your guide
your plan doesn’t work out well if because you need to plan first so that
about the process of the different one of the sections are not well- you will have a brighter future.
distinct sections of your business. planned.
C. Presenting examples/ Business Plan is a written document that describes in Management Plan – Managing a Financial Plan and Production Plan Does any business have a business
instances of the new lesson detail how a business — usually a startup — defines business demands dedication, Financial Plan – Sound financial plan?
its objectives and how it is to go about achieving its persistence, and ability to make management is one of the best ways
goals. A business plan lays out a written roadmap for decisions, the ability to manage both for your business to remain Any business, regardless small,
the firm from each of a marketing, financial, and profitable and solvent. medium or large enterprises need a
your employees and finances.
operational standpoint to attract investment before a Production Plan- is a detailed business plan before starting a
Marketing and management plan work business because the plan will guide
company has established a proven record (Hayes hand in hand because it sets as document that outlines the structure
them on how they will run the business
2020). The body of the business plan is divided into foundation of your business. of the company’s operation.
five distinct sections (Rafael 2005):
6. Description of the business
7. Marketing Plan
8. Management Plan
9. Financial Plan
10. Production Plan
D. Discussing new concepts and Description of the business -Provide a detailed Forms of Business Ownership Financial Plan – Sound financial Guidelines for successful business plan
practicing new skills #1 description of the business. It answers the question (Paragas, Alma and Fulgencio, Maria management is one of the best ways implementation:
“What business am I in?” The business description is Garcia A. 2005) for your business to remain
divided into three primary sections: Sole/single Proprietorship profitable and solvent. To effectively Objectives- the entrepreneur should
Business Description Partnership manage your finances, you should have a clear idea on what is his
Corporation plan a sound, realistic budget by purpose of putting up his enterprise.
Product/ Service
Cooperatives determining the actual amount of
Choosing your Location (Paragas, money needed to open your Tasks- this means that the entrepreneur
Alma and Fulgencio, Maria Garcia A. business (your startup costs) and the must know what the tasks are he has to
2005) amount needed to keep it open (your perform in order that his objectives will
Know the population of the operating costs). be realized.
trading area Income statement
Study the competition Cash flow Time allocation- This means that the
Study the location’s Balance sheet entrepreneur should have a timetable or
accessibility. a schedule to follow every task, so that
it will be accomplish on time and realize
his objective.
Progress- This means that the
E. Discussing new concepts and Marketing Plan -Know the customers likes, dislikes SWOT Analysis-A compilation of your A production plan is a entrepreneur should monitor the
practicing new skills #2 and expectations to come out with marketing company's strengths, weaknesses, detailed document that outlines the development of the tasks and the
strategy. Describe your target customers. Marketing opportunities and threats. The primary structure of the company’s accomplishment of the objective.
plan divided into three sub sections: objective of a SWOT analysis is to operations. Enumerate the steps in starting a
Competition help organizations develop a full business
Pricing and Sales awareness of all the factors involved in Forecast market demand
Advertising and Public Relations – making a business decision. Know the production
Registering your Business -Every available
business small or large has to register Determine the Human
with various government agencies. Resources
DTI Monitor plan control
SEC Make the necessary
SSS/PAG-IBIG/GSIS/ adjustment
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Why do we need to prepare a Business Plan? Why we need to do the SWOT analysis In implementing your business plan Obtaining Facts for a Business Plan
Formative Assessment 3) 1.Provides you with the road map that you need in in our business? make sure that all the sections or (Bernardino 2005)
order to run your business. It helps the business know the different body of the business plan are well-
2.Assist in financial aspect. weakness and strengths of the product planned by different department
as well as the opportunities and head because it’s their specialty. If you are planning to put up a business,
3.Tells how much capital to invest. you need to gather an information
threats of selling the product. It will
4.Guides you to generate business ideas. needed about the location, kind of
help the entrepreneur to be aware of
5.Establishes check and balance to avoid mistakes. all the factors involved in making a business and potential customers.
6.Sets up benchmarks to keep your business under business decision. 1. What are the trends?
2. Who are your potential and
7.Develops your competitive spirit.
target customers?
8.Analyzes market competition.
9.Helps you decide to “go” or “not to go” the 3. Who are your competitors?
business. 4. How much is your capital you
will invest?
G. Finding practical applications of In a business plan you need to write first the The third distinct parts of the business In the implementation of your 5. What are the equipment and
concepts and skills in daily living description of your business. In describing the plan is the management plan where it business plan, it is necessary facilities you will need?
business, it explains legalities (business form), needs the ability to manage the to check the different sections
workers and finances.
6. What kind of staff you will
licenses and permits you will need, what is your of the business plan to ensure need in your business?
To support the Marketing and
product/ service offering, and time of operations. that it is well-planned. The key
Management Plan of the business plan 7. How will you organize your
Product/ Service – Describe the benefits of your to the successful business
the entrepreneur must do the SWOT business?
goods/ services from your customer’s perspective. analysis where it demands the implementation is that you are
8. How to keep records and
Location – It should be strategic, accessible and weakness, strength, opportunities and going to stick to your purpose profits on track?
secured to consumers. Then you are going to do threats of the business. of having a business.
next, the marketing plan where you are going to
explain the competition, pricing and sales and most
importantly the advertisement of the product and the
public relations.
Most of the time now, entrepreneurs used the social
media in promoting their product to have a larger
market and customers.
H. Making generalizations and The first two distinct body that you can find in the The management plan should work What is the reason why we need to Starting a business involves many
abstractions to the lesson Business Plan are the product description and the hand in hand with the marketing plan follow the steps? Is it in activities related to organizing the
Marketing Plan. as well as the financial and production chronological order? organization, generating of an idea for
plan because it involves the workers in The reason why we need to follow the enterprise, researching the idea's
The description of your business explains the nature different department of the business the steps for us to be aware and so potential for success, and writing a
of your business most specifically the product/service where the basic function of the that we can easily monitor in case business plan. Starting a business of
and the location. management plan is the workers. The there is a problem in the process of any size requires an investment.
manager must ensure that the workers starting the business. Since it is a Regardless of the size of a business, it
The marketing plan explains your strategy especially are safe and well benefited such as step, you must follow it from the very must be unique in order to succeed.
in promoting your product. In this section you may their SSS or GSIS, Pag-ibig and first step up to last so that you can Many large, successful companies
also find your closed competitors and how are you Philhealth. ensure the success of your began as small organizations with a
ensure your sales and profits despite of your business. business idea that was significantly
competitors. The business must also seek for any different from anything else on the
legal documents to operate such as market.
LGU, DTI, BIR and different agencies
of the Government to be insured and
legally run.
I. Evaluating learning Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Formative Assessment
Identify the different sections of Analyze and identify the following
If you will start a business, what kind of product you 1.It refers to single ownership and Business Plan through the statement.
are going to sell? Make your own description of your receives all the benefits of the statements below. 1. It is a road map of your
product as well as the Marketing plan. business. business.
2.It refers to two or more people 1.It answers the question “What 2. It is a form of ownership
Rubrics: binding together to share money. business am I in?” composed of two or more
Content…………………………..5 3.It refers to two or more compony that 2. Know the customers likes, dislikes people sharing money.
Organization…………………….3 runs by stakeholders. and expectations to come out with 3. Ione of the sections of
Timeliness……………………….2 4.It refers to an associations or marketing strategy. business plan where you can
Total……………………………...10 corporations established for the 3. It is the ability to manage both find the schedule and duties
purpose of providing a non-profit your employees and finances. and responsibilities of any
products/service. 4.It is realistic budget by determining manpower.
5.An analysis to help organizations the actual amount of money needed 4. It what section you can find
aware of all the factors involved in to open your business the advertisement and
promotion of your product
5. a detailed document that outlines 5. It is a tool to help the owner
the structure of the company’s develop an awareness of all
making a business decision.
operations. the factors involved in making