q2 Week 1 DLL Entrep
q2 Week 1 DLL Entrep
q2 Week 1 DLL Entrep
Department of Education
National Capital Region
25 G. Lazaro St. Dalandanan Valenzuela City
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in the learning. Ensure that
there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages N/A
2. Learner's Material pages DepEd Entrepreneurship Quarter 2 – Module 6 4 M’s of Production and Business Model
3. Textbook's pages N/A
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal PowerPoint Presentation
B. Other Learning Resources https://youtu.be/ckG_3vjyGnwv
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that the students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing
students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes and draw conclusions about what they
learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Catch Up: LITERACY Catch Up: NUMERACY Catch Up: LITERACY Catch Up: NUMERACY
presenting the new lesson (Reading Comprehension) (Simple Interest) (Simple Interest)
Rich Businessman 3 min: (Noun Hunt) list 5 nouns
https://edumantra.net/learn-english/32- 3 min: Do a quick review of that can be found inside the 3 min: Review of Fractions
reading-skills-comprehension-rich- converting percent to decimals. classroom. and how to find its simplest
businessman/ form.
6 min: Discussion of Simple 6 min: Discussion about nouns
3 min: Spelling of unfamiliar words with its Interest. and its classification. 6 min: Discussion of Ratios
definition as their guide. and proportion.
6 min: Independent Practice 6 min: (Sentence Construction.)
6 min: Reading of selection and sharing of (Problem Solving) Make 5 sentences using given 6 min: Independent
ideas. nouns. Practice
PICTURE ANALYSIS (Problem solving)
6 min: Evaluation (5-item multiple choice) Review: Why is it important to
know the 4M’s of production Review: What are the
Activity: Word Search. Let the learners think a Process? How is it important to branches of organization in
word that is related in the 4M’s of the your daily living? the business?
production process. It is important to know for us to be
aware that business is not easy (Management, Financial,
The students there are many things to be and Human resource
will identify the 4M’s in the given considered. It affects our daily section)
picture. lives because every day we are
buying our basic necessities.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Out of the ten words that they find. They will now The learners will describe the Let the learners describe the 4Ms The students are asks
lesson determine the 4M’s. pictures and let them connect to of operations in relation to the about the terms they
1.Machine, 2. Method, 3. Manpower, 4. Materials, the past lesson. business opportunity learned in the lesson.
5. Production, 6. Input, 7. Process, 8. Output, 9. It helps the business to achieve 1.Machine, 2. Method,
Management, 10. Operation all its objectives. Therefore, the 3. Manpower, 4. Materials,
firm may increase its sales. 5. Production
C. Presenting examples/ Define each term of the 4M's Production Ask the learners to give some 4Ms of operations in relation to Ask the learners to explain
instances of the new lesson Process. scenarios where they can see the the business opportunity or defined the terms they
Production Process (4M's). learned.
Manpower is the worker or Operations Management refers to Machine-A manufacturing
human workforce involved in the Possible answers: the activities, decisions and equipment used in the
manufacturing process of business. Milk tea shop responsibilities of managing the productions of goods or
Method refers to the system and step by step Department store resources, which are dedicated to delivery of services.
process in the business. The process or Restaurant the production and delivery of Method-The process of
technique of converting raw materials to Bakery products and services. It can technique of converting
finished products. contribute to the success of raw materials to finished
Machines are also important in the operations business by using available product.
of the business. It refers to the manufacturing resources to effectively produce Manpower-The human
equipment used in the production of goods or products and services in a way workforce in the
delivery of services. that satisfies the customers. manufacturing process of
Materials simply refers to the raw materials Production Management is business.
needed in the production or manufacturing of important in the business firm Materials-The raw
a product. (YGOAL 2016) materials needed in the
production process.
Production-An activity that
converts materials into
useful forms.
D. Discussing new concepts and Answer the guide questions. Elaborate the 4M's Through its 1.It helps the business to achieve How is it related to the
practicing new skills #1 1. Do you think that these 4M’s are own characteristics and all its objectives. Therefore, the Production Process?
necessary for production? Why? description firm may increase its sales.
Manpower: It is measured as 2.It helps the business to satisfy It is related to the
Possible Answer: Yes, the 4M’s the most serious and main factor its customers. Therefore, it production process
framework is instrumental in reducing of production. increases the firm's reputation, because it is the
breakdowns by restoring the equipment, Method: Operations proper goodwill and image. framework of the business
correcting basic weaknesses, and implements and runs the factory 3.It helps to introduce new which is the 4M’s.
preventing issues from coming back. or service shop that converts the products in the market. Therefore,
Working together, 4M’s helps the pillars input into output the firm can develop and offer
Machine: Without proper newer and better-quality products.
to understand where the weaknesses are
equipment, business will not be
and address them through restoration able to perform the needed tasks
and prevention. efficiently and fast
Materials: Basic ingredient in
management be it service
industry or a product industry
E. Discussing new concepts and 2. Is it possible to produce a product with the Why is it important to hire right 4.It helps the business to face How does it affect the
practicing new skills #2 absence of one of the 4M’s? Why or why not? people? competition. Therefore, the firm business firm?
Possible Answer: No, these four domains So that your business will be can produce products of right It affects the business firm
are also applicable to business successful, because the people quantity, right quality, appropriate because it involves
opportunities since it is in essence-tied to is the main factor in business. price and at the right time. production in which it
manufacturing as well. Your business will Why is it important to know the 5.It helps the business to facilitate determines the opportunity
not be succeeded if one of this 4M’s is right method in the production optimum utilization of resources in business.
absent. process? such as manpower, machines,
In order to run a business methods and materials.
smooth. Therefore, the firm can meet the
What will happen if you use the objectives.
wrong method? 6.It helps the business to reduce
Your business may suffer a great the cost of producing products
loss. and services. Therefore, the firm
How does machines affect the can achieve cost efficiency
production process? objectives.
The machines can affect the
production process because it
will help to produce more product
and help the manpower to word
efficiently and effectively.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Learners shall be able to orally answer the Learners shall share their insights Learners shall be able to answer Group Activity: Let the
Formative Assessment 3) questions given by the teacher. and opinions about hiring a right orally. students think of their own
1. What are the qualifications if you are manpower in their selected 1. What is the importance business. Ask them to
going to hire a manpower in your business. of production process in determine the 4M's of their
business? a business firm? production Process.
2. What are the factors in the selection Example: Bakery business 2. How does it affect the “MILK TEA SHOP”
of the method? Qualifications: HRM graduate business? Manpower-saleslady
3. In selecting an equipment to Skills: BPP NCII Machine-milk tea maker
purchase, what are the elements to Experience: not required Materials-glass, straw
be consider? Age: 18-25 Method-milk tea making
4. What are the factors to be consider in Sex: Male
selecting raw materials?
G. Finding practical applications Give a real-life scenario, and let them If you are going to produce or Why do we need to study the Why did you choose this
of concepts and skills in daily determine the 4M's in a given situation. build your business, how would business opportunity of the Business?
living you apply the 4M's in your production process in a business
Production Process? firm? We choose this business
Possible answer: I will apply the It helps the business to because most of the
4M’s of production process by expand and grow. students love to chill with
considering its qualifications, Therefore, the firm can milk tea with their friends.
elements and factors especially earn higher profits. This is also the trends now.
in analyzing the process. I will It helps the business to
use the fishbone diagram to help generate employment.
me analyze the circumstances It helps the business to
that i may encounter in building boost the economy.
my business.
MACHINE Gas Stove, Frying pan, and
H. Making generalizations and Provide a real-world example or scenario that Why is it important to know the How does Production What is the importance of
abstractions to the lesson can be expressed as 4M's in Production uses and meanings of 4M's in the Management affect the Business Production Process?
Process. production process? Firm? The importance of
It affects the business firm production process is to
A sari-sari store business For us to be aware in selecting because all of the business has identify the steps in
MATERIALS Foods, groceries and etc. the right manpower, method, the production process. building a business. It will
MANPOWER Saleslady, cashier
materials and machine so that serve as a guide to follow
our business will run smoothly. It to ensure a profitable
METHOD sailing is beneficial for us to discuss this business.
MACHINE Calculator or billing machine in case if we are going to build a
business it may serve as our
I. Evaluating learning Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Formative Assessment Formative Assessment
(5-item Multiple choice) (Essay writing) (5-item true or false Test) (5-item multiple choice)
1. It is referred as a human resource. Explain briefly: How does 1.It helps the business to expand 1.It is referred as a human
a. Manpower c. method production process be done? and grow. Therefore, the firm can resource.
b. Machine d.materials. a.Manpower c. method
2. It refers to the system and step by step earn higher profits. b.Machine d.materials.
process in the business. Rubrics: 2. It helps the business to 2.It refers to the system and step
a. Manpower c. method Content………………….5 pts generate unemployment. by step process in the business.
b. Machine d. materials Organization……………3 pts 3.It helps the business to fall the a.Manpower c. method
3. It refers to the manufacturing equipment b.Machine d. materials
used in the production of goods or delivery of
Timeliness………………2 pts economy. 3. It refers to the manufacturing
services. Total ……… ………….10 pts 4.It helps the business to achieve equipment used in the
a. Manpower c. method all its objectives. Therefore, the production of goods or delivery
b. Machine d. materials firm may increase its sales. of services.
4. It refers to the raw materials needed in the 5.It helps the business to satisfy a.Manpower c. method
production or manufacturing of a product. b.Machine d. materials
a. Manpower c. method its customers. Therefore, it 4.It refers to the raw materials
b. Machine d. materials increases the firm's reputation, needed in the production or
5. This is a tool designed to identify, explore, manufacturing of a product.
and graphically display the possible causes goodwill and image. a.Manpower c. method
related to a problem or condition. b.Machine d. materials
a. Fishbone c. t-chart 1.true 2. False 3. False 4. True 5.This is a tool designed to
b. Flow-chart d. ladder chart 5. true identify, explore, and graphically
display the possible causes
related to a problem or condition.
a.Fishbone c. t-chart
b.Flow-chart d. ladder chart
Performance Task -Create an Infographics (Flyers or Leaflets) Instructions:
J. Additional activities for In starting a business, getting the right people is not quite easy. Imagine that you are a Human Resource Manager of SM Clark during this Pandemic Covid 19:
application and remediation 1. What are your suggested programs to protect your staff when they are in duty?
2. What are your strategies and techniques to motivate the employees to work?
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done
REFLECTION to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask relevant
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of students who caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:
Noted By:
Teacher-III Master Teacher-II
Excellent 5 Acceptable 4 Minimal Unacceptable 2
REQUIRED ELEMENTS The poster includes all required elements as well All required elements are included on All but 1 of the required elements Several required elements were
as additional information the poster. are included on the poster. missing.
LABELS All items of importance on the poster are clearly Almost all items of importance on the Many items of importance on the Labels are too small to view or no
labeled with labels that can read from at least 3 poster are clearly labeled with labels poster are clearly labeled with important items were labeled.
feet away. that can read from at least 3 feet away. labels that can read from at least 3
feet away.
GRAPHICS- All graphics relate to the topic and make it easier All graphics related to the topic and All graphics relate to the topic. One Graphics do not relate to the topic or
RELEVANCE to understand. All borrowed graphics have a most make it easier to understand. or two borrowed graphics have a several borrowed graphics do not
source citation. Some borrowed graphics have a source source citation. have a source citation.
ATTRACRIVENESS The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of The poster is attractive in terms of The poster is acceptably attractive The poster is distractingly messy or
design, layout, and neatness. design, layout, and neatness. though it may be a bit messy. very poorly designed. It is not
GRAMMAR There are no grammatical mistakes on the poster There are 1-2 grammatical/mechanical There are 3-4 There are more than 4
mistakes on the poster grammatical/mechanical mistakes grammatical/mechanical mistakes on
on the poster the poster