Activity 2 - Prof Ed
Activity 2 - Prof Ed
Activity 2 - Prof Ed
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answer to the following question.
1. What other needs of teachers can you identify?
Ans. The teachers need a protection from the parents of the students who would blame thE
teacher why their child got a failing grade.
2. As future teachers what do you think is the best way that the government can do to meet the
needs of teacher?
Ans. The best thing that the government can do to meet the needs of the teachers is to providE
quality assured learning resources and raise their salary.
3. Do you believe that teachers are treated unfairly compared to the other professions? Why?
Ans. Yes, because: An unhealthy person doesn’t affect a doctor’s salary but low test scores can
result in a pay cut for teachers. Architects expertise isn’t questioned, yet teachers are constantly
doubted as highly qualified. Dentist aren’t blamed when their patients don’t brush and floss, but
it’s the teachers fault when students don’t complete work. Pilots aren’t forced to fly into a
hurricane but teachers are expected yo continue ‘business as usual’ despite countless hurdles.
Chef’s isn’t expected to feed diners who aren’t at the restaurant but teachers are expected to pass
students who don’t come to school. Companies only cater to their target market while teachers
have to engage all students. The public views skilled laborers as irreplaceable but believe any warm
body can lead a classroom.
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. Examine the Bill of Rights in Article III of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Do you think all teachers
are enjoying their rights as citizens?
Ans. Yes
2. What is your opinion about teachers joining anti-government rallies?
Ans. It’s their right to do whatever they want as longs as they do not bring their personal
endeavour to the school.
3. How do we encourage teachers to become human rights advocates in their communities?
Ans. Teachers are already doing more for human rights than 10 protest combined. They givE
knowledge which helps people live independent and productive lives
Critical Question: Reflect and write your answer to the following question.
1. Looking at the triumphs and failures of teachers today, do you think that teaching Is still the noblest
profession? Explain your answer.
Ans. Yes. Because teachers are humans too. They can make mistakes but that mistake won’t lessen
how noble and fulfilling teaching is.
2. What are the things that should be improved in the professional life of teachers?
Ans. Focus on feedback and reflection. To improve professional development for teachers,
there must be clear focus on the groups attending and what their needs are. Educators often ask
feedback from their students.
3. Interview a model professional teacher in your school. What made him/her an outstanding
Ans. Qualities like honesty, punctuality, a spirit of service, the ability to meet deadlines and many
others are also essential. Without them, a professional, no matter how talented, will find it difficult
to work with others, and in the end, his technical skills will be largely wasted.
Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How can we engage teacher to be a good community leaders?
Ans. Tell your teachers, to be unafraid and strong individuals who ask what they want, believe
they need it, and are prepared to get it
2. What forms of advocates or advocacies should a teacher participate in the community?
Ans. Advocacies about honest sex education because most of the victims of sexual
violence are kids. It will help the teachers to teach young people what constitutes
sexual violence, that sexual violence is wrong and how to find help of they have
been assaulted
3. Can you identify teachers who are good community teachers and advocates? Set an
interview with them. What are the things they do to serve in the community?
Ans. I don’t personally know some community teachers.
Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. What are the problem and issues related to teacher character and behavior that you are
aware of?
Ans. Some teachers express bias and prejudice, do not accept responsibility for what occurs in
the classroom, and teachers who uses discriminatory and/or incorrect language
2. What are the factors that influence the value system and character of teachers today?
3. Who among your former teachers have greatly influenced you to become a teacher? How?
Ans. None, actually. It was all my auntie and uncle’s idea that I should take education not until I
hear my auntie’s story about my cousin who has an autism and how his teacher helped him to
get better and I realized how nice it is to be the reason why this child is getting better and
Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions
1. How can we help develop expert teachers?
Ans. Provide professional development opportunities: Teachers should be given access to high-
quality professional development that is tailored to their specific needs and interests.
Professional development should focus on topics such as educational technology, school
improvement, classroom management, curriculum design, and other areas related to teaching
and learning.
2. What are the factors that have contributed to the mediocrity of teaching profession in the
Ans. Requirements that all students must pass. It doesn’t take long for a teacher to figure out
that if he/she has to reteach and retest until every students passes (having to not only take time
to reteach, but take time to make a new, equivalent test, that has not been used before) that it is
not worth it.
3. Identify an expert teacher. Set an interview with him or her. What made him/her as an expert
teacher? What lessons can be learned from his/her life as an expert teacher?
Ans. I don’t personally someone but according to Professor John Loughran, an expert teachers are
aware of what they are doing; they monitor and adjust their teaching behavior to bring out the
best in their students. Expert teachers know what they are doing and why because they carefully
consider how to structure their teaching in ways that will have a positive influence on their
students’ learning. he way an expert teacher reacts in such a situation may not be immediately
noticeable. This necessity for subtlety is perhaps one reason why expertise in teaching is not so
well recognized or understood by those unfamiliar with the real demands of the role.
Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.
1. How does history shape the educational system of the country?
Ans. The education system of the Philippines has been highly influenced by the country’s colonial
history. That history has included periods of Spanish, American and Japanese rule and occupation.
The most important and lasting contributions came during America’s occupation of the country,
which began in 1898. It was during that period that English was introduced as the primary language
of instruction and a system of public education was first established—a system modeled after the
United States school system and administered by the newly established Department of Instruction
2. What are the significant contribution of the following fields to education?
A. Philosophy - The study of philosophy helps students to develop both their capacity and their
inclination to do critical thinking. Other disciplines also help in fulfilling this function, but philosophy
contributes distinctively, intensively, and extensively to a student's ability to think critically.
B. Sociology - The "contributions" of sociology would be a sense of relationship and relativity. The
sociological view- point should give the student a better appreciation of his relationship to the whole
of the social organization of his time and of the relationship of the different institutions as parts of the
functioning whole.
C. Anthropology - It gives a broader appreciation of different human cultures, a better understanding
of how humans are part of the natural world, and what forces are at work that shape our behaviors
and understanding of the universe.
D. Psychology - That's why psychologists working in the field of education are focused on identifying
and studying learning methods to better understand how people absorb and retain new information.
Educational psychologists apply theories of human development to understand individual learning
and inform the instructional process.
3. Do you think the information you learned from your professional education courses are enough to
develop your knowledge and appreciation of education as a field of study? Explain your answer.
Ans. As for me, yes, because all my teachers have emphasized in various ways that I should not take
for granted the information received, but constantly check everything I find out.
Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answers to the following questions.
1. What are the characteristics of an ideal learning environment for the students?
Ans. Flexibility, openness, access to resources. Flexibility, openness, easy access to resources,
spaces designed to be adaptable with lots of movable partition walls – these characteristics give
students choice in how and when they learn.
2. What type of learning environment should be provided to promote academic excellence?
Ans. Being respectful. Being thoughtful to everyone's needs and concerns. Encouraging Students to
as questions and invoking their curiosity. Speaking to everyone in a kind and respectful manner.
3. What is the role of learning environment in the development of students' culture and character?
Ans. A positive classroom environment helps improve attention, reduce anxiety, and supports
emotional and behavioral regulation of students. When educators foster a positive learning culture;
learners are more likely to acquire higher motivation that leads to wonderful learning outcomes.
Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answers to the following questions.
1. What strategies can be used to promote an appreciation of cultural diversity different classes?
Ans. One of the best strategies is to incorporate hands-on learning and engage each student in a
safe way to share about their backgrounds and traditions. If you have the opportunity to do a field
trip on the topic or show and tell with each student participating, this can be a great way to
highlight and value that every child has something unique and special to bring to the class to share.
2. Examine existing instructional materials such as textbooks and manuals. How do these instructional
materials respond to students with various needs and interests?
Ans. The educational materials such as textbooks and manuals respond to the student with
weakened bindings, torn pages, and markings. Some markings are doodles and defacement, while
others relate to serious student use. These include underlining important phrases or circling
questions that are assigned as homework.
3. What type of learning environment can be developed for culturally diverse students?
Ans. Culturally responsive classrooms seek out ways to integrate student voices and experiences.
This can involve designing a curriculum that tells the stories of diverse communities or inviting
students to share their unique experiences and interests.