Lecture 06-Design of RC Beam For Shear B & W

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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Lecture 06

Design of Reinforced
Concrete Beam for Shear

By: Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali

Civil Engineering Department
UET Peshawar

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Topics Addressed

 Shear Stresses in Rectangular Beams

 Diagonal Tension in RC Beams subjected to Flexure and Shear


 Types of Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Beam

 Shear Strength of Concrete

 Web Reinforcement Requirement in Reinforced Concrete Beams

 ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design

 Example

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 2


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Shear Stresses in Rectangular Beam

 Shear stresses in homogeneous

Elastic Rectangular Beam
The shear stress (ν) at any point in the
cross section is given by

Where; V = total shear at section

I = moment of inertia of cross section about neutral axis
b = width of beam at a given point
Q = statical moment about neutral axis of that portion of cross section lying between a line
through point in question parallel to neutral axis and nearest face (upper or lower) of beam

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 3

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Shear Stresses in Rectangular Beam

 Shear stresses in homogeneous Elastic Rectangular Beam

For the calculation of shear stress at level cd in the given figure, Q will be
equal to Aabcd y′ , where Aabcd is area abcd and y′ is the moment arm.



Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 4


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Shear Stresses in Rectangular Beam

 Shear stresses in homogeneous Elastic Rectangular Beam

For shear at neutral axis ef: a b

Q = Aabef  h/4 = bh2/8

I= bh3/12 e f


ν = VQ/Ib = V(bh2/8)/{(bh3/12)b}
νmax = (3/2)V/bh

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 5

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Shear Stresses in Rectangular Beam

 Shear stresses in RC Beam

 The shear stresses in reinforced concrete member cannot be computed
from v = VQ/Ib, because concrete is not an elastic homogeneous

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 6


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Shear Stresses in Rectangular Beam

 Shear Stresses in RC Beam

 Tests have shown that the average shear stress in a RC beam can be
expressed by :

 νav = V/ bd νav = V/bd

The maximum value, which occurs at

the neutral axis, will exceed this
average by an unknown but moderate νmax

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 7

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Diagonal Tension in RC Beams subjected to

Flexure and Shear Loading

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 8


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Diagonal Tension in RC Beams subjected to

Flexure and Shear Loading

• Types of Cracks in Reinforced Concrete Beam

1. Flexure Cracks

2. Diagonal Tension Cracks

I. Web-shear cracks: These cracks are formed at locations where flexural stresses are
negligibly small.

II. Flexure shear cracks: These cracks are formed where shear force and bending
moment have large values.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 9

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Diagonal Tension in RC Beams subjected to

Flexure and Shear Loading

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 10


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Diagonal Tension in RC Beams subjected to

Flexure and Shear Loading

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 11

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Web Reinforcement Requirement in

Reinforced Concrete Beam
 Nominal Shear Capacity (Vn) of Reinforced Concrete Beam
 The general expression for shear capacity of reinforced concrete beam
is given as:

Vn = Vc + Vs ( ACI

Vc = Nominal shear capacity of concrete,

Vs = Nominal shear capacity of shear reinforcement.

Note: In case of flexural capacity Mn = Mc + Ms (Mc = 0, at ultimate load)

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 12


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Web Reinforcement Requirement in

Reinforced Concrete Beams
 Nominal Shear Capacity (Vn) of Reinforced Concrete Beam
 Unlike moment, in expression for shear, the term Vc ≠ 0 because test
evidence have led to the conservative assumption that just prior to
failure of a web-reinforced beam, the sum of the three internal shear
components is equal to the shear capacity of concret Vc.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 13

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Web Reinforcement Requirement in

Reinforced Concrete Beams
 Nominal Shear Capacity (Vn) of Reinforced Concrete Beam
 This sum is generally (somewhat loosely) referred to as the contribution
of the concrete to the total shear resistance, and is denoted by Vc. Thus

Vc = Vcz + Vd + Viy

Viy = Vertical component of sizable interlock forces.
Vcz = Internal vertical forces in the uncracked portion of the concrete.
Vd = Internal vertical forces across the longitudinal steel, acting as a dowel.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 14


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Web Reinforcement Requirement in

Reinforced Concrete Beams
 Nominal Shear Capacity (Vn) of Reinforced Concrete Beam
 Vn = Vc + Vs

 According to the ACI, Vc = Vcz + Vd + Viy = 2√ (fc′) bwd

 It is important to mention here that this value of shear strength of concrete

exists at the ultimate i.e., just prior to the failure condition.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 15

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Web Reinforcement Requirement in

Reinforced Concrete Beams
 Nominal Shear Capacity (Vn) of Reinforced Concrete Beam
 Vn = Vc + Vs

 Vs = n Av fy

 The number of stirrups ‘n’ spaced a distance ‘s’ apart depend on the length
‘p’ of the horizontal projection of the diagonal crack, as shown, hence, n =
p/s. This length ‘p’ is conservatively assumed to be equal to the effective
depth ‘d’ of the beam; thus n = d/s

 Therefore; Vs = Av fy d / s (ACI

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 16


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Web Reinforcement Requirement in

Reinforced Concrete Beams
 Design Shear Capacity (Φ Vn) of Reinforced Concrete Beam
 ΦVn = ΦVc + ΦVs

 To avoid shear failure ΦVn ≥ Vu Av is the cross sectional area of web reinforcement within
a distance s, for single loop stirrups (2 legged), Av = 2As
 ΦVn = Vu As = cross sectional area of the stirrup bar

 ΦVc + ΦVs = Vu
a a
 ΦVc + Φ Av fy d / s= Vu

Φ At section a-a, if #3 bar is used As = 0.11 in2,

 s
Φ Av = 2 x 0.11= 0.22 in2

 Φ = 0.75 (ACI 21.2.2)

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 17

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design

 Location of Critical Section for Critical Shear Vu

In most of the cases, for the

design of shear, critical shear
is taken at a distance “d” from
the support instead of
maximum shear at the face of
the support.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 18


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design

 Location of Critical Section for Critical Shear Vu

Typical support Typical support

conditions conditions

A beam loaded
Concentrated load near its bottom
within distance “d” edge, e.g.
inverted T-beam

Fig a and b are

the more frequent
conditions while
End of a monolithic
the fig c, d and e
vertical element are the special

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 19

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design

 A typical half shear force diagram for a simply supported beam, subjected
to uniformly distributed load is shown below. The critical shear Vu , ΦVc and
ΦVc/2 are plotted on the diagram. Based on the value of Vu, following three
conditions are possible.
 ΦVc ≥ Vu

 ΦVc < Vu

 ΦVc/2 < Vu

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 20


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design

1. When ΦVc/2 > Vu, no web reinforcement is required. Where Vu is the

critical shear taken at a distance d from the face of the support.

2. When ΦVc/2 < Vu but ΦVc ≥ Vu, theoretically no web reinforcement is

required. However ACI 22.5 recommends that minimum web
reinforcement in the form of Maximum spacing smax shall be minimum of:

 Avfy/(50bw),

 d/2

 24 inches

 Avfy/ {0.75 f′ bw}

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 21

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design

3. When ΦVc < Vu , web reinforcement is required:

Required Spacing, sd = Φ Av fy d / (Vu - ΦVc)
If sd > smax; use smax
Maximum Spacing smax is minimum of:

 Avfy/(50bw),

 d/2

 24 inches

 Avfy/ {0.75 f′ bw}

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 22


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design

4. Check for Depth of Beam:

 if ΦVs ≤ Φ8 f′ bwd (ACI, depth of beam, ok!

If ΦVs > Φ8 f′ bwd, increase depth of beam.

5. Check for Spacing:

 if ΦVs > Φ4 f′ bwd ;
Divide spacing of smax equation by 2 ; otherwise use smax

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 23

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design

Placement of Shear Reinforcement

When ΦVc < Vu, use Design Spacing, ‘sd’

When ΦVc > Vu, use Maximum Spacing, ‘smax’
“Vu” is the shear force at distance “d” from the face of the support.
“ΦVc” and “ΦVc/2” are plotted on shear force diagram.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 24


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Design the beam shown below as per ACI 318-14.

WD = 0.75 kip/ft (Excluding self-weight of beam)

WL = 0.75 kip/ft


Take f ′c = 3 ksi & fy = 40 ksi

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 25

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 01: Sizes.
 For 20′ length, hmin = l /16 = 20x12/16 = 15″

 For grade 40, we have = hmin =15″ x (0.4 + 40,000/100,000) = 12″

 This is the minimum requirement of the code for depth of beam.

 However we select 18″ deep beam.

 Generally the minimum beam width is 12″, therefore, width of the

beam is taken as 12″

 The final selection of beam size depends on several factors

specifically the availability of formwork.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 26


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 01: Sizes.
 Depth of beam, h = 18″
 h = d + ȳ; ȳ is usually taken from 2.5 to 3.0 inches
 For ȳ = 2.5 in; d = 18 – 2.5 = 15.5″
 Width of beam cross section (bw) = 12″
 In RCD, Width of beam is usually denoted
d 18”
by bw instead of b.


Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 27

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 02: Loads.
 Self weight of beam = γcbwh = 0.15 × (12 × 18/144) = 0.225 kips/ft
 Wu = 1.2WD + 1.6WL
= 1.2 × (0.225 + 0.75) + 1.6 × 0.75
= 2.37 kips/ft

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 28


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 03: Analysis.
 Flexural Analysis:
Mu = Wu l2/8 = 2.37 × (20)2 × 12/8 = 1422 in-kips
2.37 kip/ft
 Analysis for Shear in beam:
V = 23.7 kips,
20.64 kips
To find Vu at a distance ‘d’ from face of 23.7
Support, d = 15.5″ = 1.29′
using similarity of triangles: 1422 in-kips

Vu / (10 - 1.29) = 23.7 / 10

Vu = 23.7 × (10 – 1.29) / 10 = 20.64 k

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 29

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for flexure:

 ΦMn ≥ Mu (ΦMn is Mdesign or Mcapacity)

 For ΦMn = Mu

 ΦAsfy(d – a/2) = Mu

 As = Mu/ {Φfy (d – a/2)}

 Calculate “As” by trial and success method.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 30


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for flexure:

 First Trial:

 Assume a = 4″

 As = 1422 / [0.9 × 40 × {15.5 – (4/2)}] = 2.92 in2

 a = Asfy/ (0.85fc′bw)

 = 2.92 × 40/ (0.85 × 3 × 12) = 3.82 inches

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 31

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for flexure:
 Second Trial:

• As = 1422 / [0.9 × 40 × {15.5 – (3.82/2)}] = 2.90 in2

• a = 2.90 × 40/ (0.85 × 3 × 12) = 3.79 inches
 Third Trial:
• As = 1422 / [0.9 × 40 × {15.5 – (3.79/2)}] = 2.90 in2
• a = 4.49 × 40/ (0.85 × 3 × 12) = 3.79 inches
 “Close enough to the previous value of “a” so that As = 2.90 in2 O.K

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 32


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for flexure:

 Check for maximum and minimum reinforcement allowed by ACI:

 Asmin = 3 ( f′ /fy) bwd ≥ (200/fy) bwd

 3 ( f′ /fy) bwd = 3 × ( 3000 /40000) bwd = 0.004 x 12 x15.5 = 0.744 in2

 (200/fy) bwd = (200/40000) x12 × 15.5 = 0.93 in2

 Asmin = 0.93 in2

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 33

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for flexure:

 Asmax = 0.27 (fc′ / fy) bwd = 0.27 x (3/40) x 12 × 15.5 = 3.76 in2

 Asmin (0.93) < As (2.90) < Asmax (3.76) O.K

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 34


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for flexure:

 Bar Placement: 5,#7 bars will provide 3.0 in2 of steel area which is
slightly greater than required.

 Other options can be explored. For example,

 7,#6 bars (3.08 in2),

 4,#8 bars (3.16 in2),

 or combination of two different size bars.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 35

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for Shear:

 Vu = 20.64 kips

 ΦVc = (Capacity of concrete in shear) = Φ2 f′ bwd

= 0.75×2× 3000 ×12×15.5/1000 = 15.28 kips

As ΦVc < Vu, Shear reinforcement is required.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 36


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for Shear:

 Assuming #3, 2 legged (0.22 in2), vertical stirrups.

 Spacing required (Sd) = ΦAvfyd/ (Vu – ΦVc)

= 0.75×0.22×40×15.5/ (20.64–15.28) ≈ 19.1″

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 37

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for Shear:

 Maximum spacing and minimum reinforcement requirement as

permitted by ACI is minimum of:

 smax = Avfy/(50bw) =0.22 × 40000/(50 × 12) = 14.66″ ( fy is in Psi)

 smax = d/2 = 15.5/2 = 7.75″

 smax = 24″

 Avfy/ 0.75√(fc′)bw = 0.22×40000/ {(0.75×√(3000)×12} =17.85″

 Therefore smax = 7.75″

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 38


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for Shear:

 Other checks:

 Check for depth of beam:

ΦVs ≤ Φ8 f′ bwd

Φ8 f′ bwd = 0.75 × 8 × 3000 × 12 × 15.5/1000 = 61.12 k

ΦVs = Vu – ΦVc = 20.64 – 15.28 = 5.36 k < 61.12 k, O.K.

 Therefore depth is O.K. If not, increase depth of beam.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 39

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1

 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:

 Solution:
 Step No. 04: Design.
 Design for Shear:

 Other checks:

 Check if ΦVs ≤ Φ4 f′ bwd

 5.36 kips < 30.56 kips O.K.

 ΦVs ≤ Φ4 f′ bwd, the maximum spacing (smax) is O.K. Otherwise

reduce spacing by one half.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 40


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1
 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:
 Step 05: Drafting (Shear Reinforcement)
2.37 kip/ft
Vu = 20.64 kips

ΦVc = 15.28 kips

ΦVc/2 = 7.64 kips 23.7
kips 15.28 kips
7.64 kips

sd smax x2
sd = 19.12″ smax = 7.75″ no stirrups
x1 = (7.64)(10)/(23.7) ≈ 3.22 ft Note:
x2 = (15.28)(10)/(23.7) ≈ 6.44 ft
As Sd ˃ Smax, we will provide Smax from
the support up to 6.78 ft. Beyond this

#3, 2 legged
point, theoretically no reinforcement is
#3, 2 legged stirrup @ 7.75″ c/c stirrups
@ 12″ c/c required, however, we will provide #3 2-
legged stirrups @ 12 in c/c.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 41

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 1
 Flexural and shear Design of Beam as per ACI:
 Step 05: Drafting (Flexural Reinforcement)

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 42


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Practice Examples
 Design 12″ x 18″ , 20 feet long beam for shear using the
following data:

Concrete Compressive Rebar Tensile

Shear force
S.No. Strength Strength
Vu (kips)
f′c (ksi) fy (ksi)
1. 3 60 35
2. 4 60 45
3. 4 40 30

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 43

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Practice Examples
 Design 12″ x 24″ , 20 feet long beam for shear using the
following data:

Concrete Compressive Rebar Tensile

Shear force
S.No. Strength Strength
Vu (kips)
f′c (ksi) fy (ksi)
1. 3 60 35
2. 4 60 45
3. 4 40 30

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 44


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan


 Design of Concrete Structures 14th / 15th edition by Nilson, Darwin

and Dolan.

 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14)

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE 320 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 45


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