RA 004 Crane Lifting

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What are the

Who might be What further action is Action by Action by
hazards? What are you already doing? Done
harmed and how? necessary? whom when
Lack of Injuries to personnel  Pre job planning through: 
planning and damage to
equipments due to  Identification of load
absence/lack of characteristics: weight, centre of
consideration for gravity, configuration.
ground conditions,  Light lifts (10 tons & less)
obstacles…  Use good rigging practice &
close supervision.
 Medium lifts (over 10 less than
50 tons)
 Submit Lift Data Sheet for
approval. AJES
 Heavy, multiple or Critical lifts Construction
(+ 50 ton) Manager
Prior to lift
 Submit Lift Data Sheets, Construction
drawings & calculations for Superintent
 Conduct assessment of access
route & lift location.
 Identify underground utilities,
evaluate the effects the load will
impose & take precautionary
measures to protect them.
 Select suitable crane & lifting
tackle Identify competent

AJES HSE RA 004 Ref: Rev. 0 1



What are the

Who might be What further action is Action by Action by
hazards? What are you already doing? Done
harmed and how? necessary? whom when

Incompetent Incompetent  Verify crane and loose lifting gear 

personnel, personnel/ has valid 3rd party certification.
unsuitable equipment can lead  Verify crane operator has valid
equipment to severe injuries to U.A.E. license and is experienced
personnel and for the type of lift/s to be AJES
Foreman Prior to lift
damages to assets. undertaken.
 Verify assigned Riggers have valid
3rd party certification.
 Verify assigned Banksmen have
attended in-house training.
Lack of Workforce unaware  Proactive safety awareness. 
information & of risks and hazards  Implement STARRT card system.
communication can result in severe  Confirm all personnel involved
injuries and understand the execution of the lift Prior to start
damages. & what their roles are. AJES
of lifting
 Ensure job specific work Foreman
instructions are given regarding
hazards & safety precautions,
emergency procedure.
Poor lift Destabilisation of  Check ground conditions. 
execution crane, incorrect lifting  Establish perimeter barriers & post
configuration can safety signs.
result in falling of  Check lifting team are competent
objects from height and closely supervised.
leading to severe  Conduct task/safety brief with Prior to and
injuries and crane operator/s, riggers & banks- AJES
damages. man. lifting
 Confirm loose lifting gear is activities
correctly colour coded & suitable
tag lines are available.
 Confirm banks-man has high
visibility vest & whistle & all have

AJES HSE RA 004 Ref: Rev. 0 2



What are the Who might be

What further action is Action by Action by
hazards? harmed and how? What are you already doing? Done
necessary? whom when

Bad weather Wind can destabilise  Acquire weather forecast & monitor 
conditions equipment and load for change.
and may result in  At 25 Knots all crane lifting
fall/rollover. activities will cease.
 Between 20 & 25 Knots the risks
involved with each lift shall be
assessed on individual merit (per
 Consider gusting. Prior to and
 Consider flat sided objects (steel Operator
plates) as opposed to a (dead Foreman
weight) 20” valve. HSE
 Consider the lee of tanks as
opposed to areas exposed to the
prevailing wind.
 Consider the entire path of the lift
e.g. is the load to be lifted above
the lee of a tank or wind break.
 Use tag lines to control loads in the
Poor Slips, trips and falls  Ensure obstructions are not left on 
housekeeping as well as fire the jobsite.
hazards can results  Remove barriers & signs. AJES On
from poor  Remove waste, packaging, Foreman completion
housekeeping. dunnage, etc.

Lifting over live Personnel injuries, fire,  Seek alternative arrangements. 

lines explosion and process  Consider double slinging.
interruption can result if  Install hard protection.
lifting over live lines  Maintain communication with
fails. AJES CS Prior to lift
Control Room.
 Contingency plan to identify
specific process isolation points
and responsibilities.

AJES HSE RA 004 Ref: Rev. 0 3

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