2010 01 15 WIC Vertical Tile Cladding

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Tiles, shingles and slate can provide traditional and thermally efficient covering for external walls.
Peter Mayer of BLP Insurance considers the options

iles, slates and shingles may be Timber sizes, preservative treatment to timber,
perceived as roofing components, but Shingles have a smooth finish as they are nailing, minimum head lap for expected
there is a long tradition of using the sawn on both sides. Shakes are hand split exposure, design and detailing issues.
same materials as the weathering element for with one side sawn afterwards to give one Vertical claddings are often specified above
external walls. The 1991 English house smooth face. ground floor to avoid risk of impact damage.
condition survey, commissioned by the Western red cedar is commonly used for The framework for vertical cladding generally
government, suggests that about one in 150 external cladding. It is naturally durable, comprises solid or engineered timber sections
dwellings in England have vertical slate or with expectations of a 60-year service life or galvanised steel or aluminium profiled
tile hangings. With the drive to improve the when heartwood only is used. To ensure a sections. Where thick layers of insulation are
thermal efficiency of existing homes, long life, suppliers treat timbers with a incorporated, additional strengthening to the
externally applied insulation combined with preservative to BS 8417. framework may be required.
vertical cladding may offer an alternative There are four grades of cedar shingles: the The wall structure, including vapour control
approach to insulated rendering. best is No 1 Grade Blue Label. Fixings should layers and underlays, should be checked to
be stainless steel or silicon bronze. Shingles confirm that there is no risk of detrimental
Slates and tiles typically are rectangular, decorative shingles interstitial condensation (see BS 5250).
Clay plain tiles should be to BS EN 1304 for with shaped tail ends are available at higher Claddings work on the rainscreen principle
certainty about strength, geometric costs. Care should be taken that acidic – the design should anticipate some water
consistency and performance issues related run-off from cedar does not adversely affect will penetrate the primary line of defence
to durability and fire resistance. Handmade components downstream from the cladding. against driving rain. The design should allow
clay tiles should demonstrate durability by Where the external cladding is close to a the water to drain down the rear side of the
meeting the BS EN 1304 requirements, at boundary, additional fire-retardant treatment cladding, typically a cavity of at least 19mm
least for flexural strength, impermeability may be required. to allow for ventilation and drainage behind
and frost resistance. The frost resistance the cladding. For taller or complex buildings
criteria may be moderated for vertical hung Alternative materials consideration may have to be given to the
tiles especially where the wall is protected by Vertical cladding using small units hung on incorporation of suitable fire cavity barriers
wide eaves overhanging. Concrete tiles for battens or sheeting may also be designed at compartment boundaries or openings.
vertical wall hanging should be to BS EN 490. with a range of other materials such as: fibre Well-designed details at junctions, edges,
The standard for natural slates is BS EN cement slates, galvanised and coated steel, openings and penetrations are critical to
12326. The quality or durability of different copper, zinc and stainless steel shingles. the long-term success of vertically clad
types of natural slates are not readily These systems may have an independent external walls.
distinguished. Predictors of a trouble-free third party technical approval, which should Biological growth such as moss, lichens and
service life are: flexural strength, give guidance on expected service lives. algae may appear on north-facing walls in
characteristic modulus of rupture, water low pollution environments where natural
absorption, oxidation potential and carbonate Design and cost issues drying is slow.
content. The most durable natural slates The code of practice for slating and tiling, BLP Insurance provides latent defects insurance
would have a service life of over 75 years. BS 5534, gives guidance on minimum batten for buildings, www.blpinsurance.com

Specification options Capital cost Lifecycle cost Expected service life

(£/m2) (£/m2) (years)
Machine made clay tiles to BS EN 1304 265mm x 165mm 58-78 96 50-70
Hand made clay tiles to BS EN 1304 for impermeability, frost resistance; 265mm x 165mm 70-80 105 50-70
Concrete plain tiles to BS EN 490; 265mm x 165mm 55-75 95 50-60
Natural slates to BE EN 12362; flexural strength: ≥70MPa; characteristic modulus of
rupture (CMR): ≥55MPa; water absorption: ≤0.3%; oxidation potential: none; carbonate
content: ≤3% (ideally ≤1%) 400mm x 250mm 80-110 109 75–100
Timber shingles, western red cedar, preservative treated, random widths, 400mm long 45-60 84 40–60

Table notes Net present values calculated with 3.0% discount rate for a 60 year period. Life cycle costs include installation, inspections, allowance for minor repairs and
replacement. Installation costs include 25 x 38mm (50 x 38mm for slates) treated timber battens and underlay. Life cycle costs are indicative and are based on the average of
capital costs and service lives. Costs for new or retrofit installations are proportional to the complexity of the design, size and access issues as well as materials specific costs.
Service lives represent average lives. Longer service lives are demonstrated by extant tiles and slates. There are also examples of failures earlier than the quoted lives. A cost
analysis based on project specific information is essential for a realistic best value appraisal.


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