17 Sanskrit

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Evaluative Report of the

Department of Sanskrit

1. Name of the Department Sanskrit

2. Year of Establishment – 1972
3. Is the Department part of the faculty of the
university? – Yes
4. Names of Programs offered (UG, PG, M.Phil,
Ph.D. Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph.D. – PG, M.Phil.
D.Sc. D.Lit. etc) Ph.D., D.Litt.
5. Interdisciplinary programmes and departments – Jyotirvigyan
involved Teaching &
6. Courses in collaboration with other universities,
industries, foreign, institutions, etc. – None
7. Details of programme discontinued, if any,
with reasons
– None
8. Examination System – Semester
9. Participation of the department in the courses
offered by other departments – Yes
10. No. of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual.
Sanctioned Filled Actual (CAS & MPS)
Professor 1 0 0
Associate Professor 2 0 3 CAS
Asst. Professor 4 2 2

11. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of

specialization, experience and research under guidance

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Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of No. No. No.

Years of of of of
Experience Ph.D. M.Phil. D.Sc
Dr. M.A (Sanskrit), Assoc. Philosophy and 34 6 5 0
Neelima M.A. (Philoso- Professor Literature
Pathak phy), Ph.D
Dr. (Smt.) M.A. Assoc. Philosophy and 17 6 5 0
Mina (Sanskrit), Professor Dharamshastra
Shukla Ph.D
Dr. Janki M.A, Ph.D. Assoc. Indian 34 1 5 0
Devi Professor Philosophy
Dr. M.A. Ph.D Asst. Philosophy 28 5 5
Brajesh Professor Astrology and
Kumar Literature
Dr. Usha M.A., Ph.D Asst. Darshan 16 3 5 0
Toppo Professor

12. List of senior visiting fellows, adjunct faculty,

emeritus professors – None
13. Percentage of classes taken by temporary
faculty – None
14. Programme-wise student Teacher Ratio.
Course Student Teacher
M.A. 40 1

15. No. of Academic support staff & administrative staff.

Non Teaching Staff Sanctioned Filled Actual
Support Staff (Technical) 3 Class III Staff 1 1
Administrative Staff 5 Class IV Staff 3 3

16. Research thrust areas as recognized by major – Vedas, Vedanges,

funding agencies Darshan &
17. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from (a) National (b)
International funding agencies & (c) Total grant received. Give the
name of funding agencies, project title & grants received project
(a) No. of faculty with ongoing projects
funded by national funding agency – 1
(b) No. of faculty with ongoing projects
funded by international funding agency – None
SSR of Ranchi University 2016 3 of 11

(c) Name of the projects – Vaidic vichardhara

ki vyabharik
(d) Total grants received – Rs. 314700
(e) Name of the funding agency – UGC
18. Inter-institutional collaborative projects &
associated grants received
(a) National Inter-Institutional Collaborative
Projects – None
(b) National Inter-Institutional Collaborative
Project’s Grants received – None
(c) International Inter-Institutional
Collaborative Projects – None
(d) International Inter-Institutional
Collaborative Project’s Grants received – None
19. Department projects funded by DST-FIST,
etc; total grants received
(a) Departments Project Funded by – None
(b) Total Grants Received – None
20. Research facility center with
(a) Research Facility with State Recognition – Departmental
(b) Research Facility with National Recognition – None
(c) Research Facility with International
Recognition – None
21. Special research laboratories sponsored
by/created by industry or corporate bodies – None

22. Publications
Name No. of No. of Monographs Chapters Edited Books Awards
Papers: Papers: in Books Books
National International
Dr. Neelima 13 0 0 1 0 2 0
Dr. (Smt.) 25 0 0 0 0 2 0
Dr. Janki 5 0 0 0 0 1 0
Dr. Brajesh 4 0 0 0 0 1 0
4 of 11   Evaluative Report of the Department of Sanskrit

Dr. Usha 4 0 0 2 0 0 0

• Number listed in International Database

(For e.g. Web of Science, Scopus,
Humanities International Complete, Dare
Database - International Social Sciences
Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) – Not available
• Citation Index – range / average – Not available
• SNIP – Not available
• SJR – Not available
• Impact Factor – range / average – Not available
• h-index – Not available
23. Details of patents and income generated – None
24. Areas of consultancy and income generated – None
25. Faculty selected nationally / internationally to visit other
laboratories / institutions / industries in India and abroad
Dr. Neelima Pathak University of California, Berkley

26. Faculty serving in

(a) National committees – None
(b) International committees – None
(c) Editorial Boards
Dr. Neelima Pathak Member of Editorial Boards of Research Journal of Faculty of
Humanities, R.U., Ranchi
Dr. Mina Shukla Member of Editorial Boards of Research Journal of Faculty of
Humanities, R.U., Ranchi

(d) any other (please specify) – None

27. Faculty recharging strategies (UGC, ASC, Refresher / orientation
programs, workshops, training programs and similar programs).
Name No. of Orientation / No. of Lectures Delivered
Refresher Courses as Resource Person in
Attended in the ASC / any Other Institution
Last 4 Years in the Last 4 Years
Dr. Neelima Pathak None 07 as Resource person in the
Academic Staff College, RU
Dr. Brajesh Kumar Mishra None 20
Dr. (Smt.) Mina Shukla None Delivered Lectures on Differ-
ent Topic of Sanskrit in Nava
Nalanda Mahavihar, Nalanda
from 19-01-2012 to 20-01-
SSR of Ranchi University 2016 5 of 11

28. Student Projects

(a) Percentage of students who have done
in-house projects including inter
departmental projects – NIL
(b) Percentage of students doing projects in
collaboration with other universities /
industries / institute – NIL
29. Awards / recognitions received at the national
international level by
(a) Faculty – None
(b) Doctoral / post doctoral fellows – None
(c) Students – None
30. Seminar / Conferences / Workshops organized and the source of funding
(national / international) with details of outstanding participants, if
Deptt Seminar Funding Agency Outstanding participants

Sanskrit International seminar RU 1. Prof. Ila Ghosh from Jabalpur

on Diversity of Shilpa:
Theory and its 2. Prof. Gangadhar Panda, Vice-
application Chancellor, Shri Jagannath
Sanskrit University, Puri
National Seminar Sandipani Veda Prof Hare Krishna Satapathy,
Vidya Pratisthan VC Rastriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth
Ujjain Tirupati
National Seminar RU Padmabhushan Prof Satyabrata
Shastri, Gyanpeeth awardee,
National Seminar Alumni asso - Prof. Gangadhar Panda, Vice-
ciation, Deptt of Chancellor, Shri Jagannath
Sanskrit, RU Sanskrit University, Puri

31. Code of ethics of research followed by the – As per UGC

departments guidelines
32. Student profile programme-wise:

Name of the Applications Selected Pass Percentage

programme Received
Male Female Male Female
M.A. 44 27 17 Ongoing
M.Phil 32 14 18 Ongoing
Ph.D. 66 40 26 Ongoing
D.Litt 4 2 2 Ongoing
6 of 11   Evaluative Report of the Department of Sanskrit

33. Diversity of students:

Name of the % of Students % of Students from % of Students % of Students
programme from the same other Universities from Universities from other
University within the State outside the State Countries
M.A. 80 15 5 0
M.Phil 80 15 5 0
Ph.D. 60 20 20 0
D.Litt. 60 20 20 0

34. How many students have cleared Civil Services and Defence Service
examinations, NET, SET, GATE, and other competitive examinations?
Give details category-wise.
Examination Numbers
Civil Services examinations 0
Defence Services examinations 0
Other Competitive Examinations 0

35. Student Progression:

Student Progression % Against Enrolled
UG to PG
PG to M.Phil 15
PG to Ph.D 5
Ph.D to Post-Doctoral 0
• Campus Selection 0
• other

36. Diversity of staff:

Percentage of Faculty who are Graduates

of the same university 75

from the other universities within the state 0

from universities from other state 25

from universities outside the country 0

37. No. of faculty who were awarded M.Phil, Ph.D., D.Sc., and D.Litt.
during the assessment period
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(a) M.Phil. – None

(b) Ph.D. – None
(c) D.Sc. – None
(d) D.Litt. – None
38. Present details of departmental infrastructural
facilities with regard to
(a) Library – With 7000 books
(b) Internet facilities for staff and students – Yes
(c) Total number of class rooms – 6
(d) Class rooms with ICT facility – None
(e) Student laboratories – None
(f) Research laboratories – None
39. List of Doctoral, Post-doctoral students & Research Associates
S. Name of Candidate Name of Title Date
No. Supervisor
1 Shishir K. Pandey Dr. Ramashish Chitrakala ke alok mein 24-01-2008
Pandey Kalidas ki vritiyon ka
2 Brahmanand Sahu Dr. Jai Narayan Vanbhatt ki akhyaika ke 16-05-2008
Pandey pauranik sandarbh ek
3 Shravan K Pandey Dr. Ramashish Valmiki Ramayan evam 28-08-2008
Pandey Kalidas ke kavyon mein
udbhoot, udbhavon ka tul-
natmak samikshan
4 Shashi Kant Pandey Dr. Ramashish A b h i g ya n s h a k u n t a l a m 28-11-2008
Pandey evam swapnavasavdut-
ta natkon ka tulnatmak
5 Sanjata Swarit Dr. C.K. Shukla Bhasha ke natakon mein 15-07-2009

6 Sudha Pandey Dr. R.K. Pathak Panini ki Sanskrit bhasha 17-08-2009

shikshan vidhi - shiskha
shastriya bhasa vaigyanik
7 Jyotsna Mishra Sri. T. Pathak Kurma puran - sanskritik 21-12-2009
8 Anshu kumari Dr. Jai Narayan Mahabir charit aur 22-02-2010
Pandey venisanhar natakon ki
tulnatmak samiksha
9 Kavita Pathak Dr. Madhulika Vritrai mein 19-08-2010
Verma arthantarnyasa
10 Mahasweta Dr. Neelima Nagpuri bhasha ka akrit- 18-08-2010
Pathak imulak adhyayan
11 Bhar tiya Kumar i Mriga Bhushan Nari shashktikaran ki pari- 05-10-2010
Mahto Narayan Mishra peksh mein mahabharat
ka adhyayan
8 of 11   Evaluative Report of the Department of Sanskrit

12 Pushpa Kumari Dr. Mina Shukla Guptkalin smriti granthon 08-10-2010

mein varnit samaj evam
shiksha vyavastha- Ek
tulnatmak adhyayan
13 A K Mishra Mriga Bhushan Sanskrit vadmaya mein 15-12-2010
Narayan Mishra guptchar vaivastha - Ek
14 Samagya Pathak Dr. R.K. Pathak Mahabharat ke shantipar- 18-12-2010
va mein paryavaran - Ek
samikshatmak adhyayan
15 Govind Mandal Dr. T. Pathak Vrihatrai mein paryavaran 24-01-2010
ki sanyojna - Ek samik-
shatmak adhyayan
16 Richa Rani Dr. Ramashish Vash- Natak chakra mein 28-01-2011
Pandey charitravidhan - Ek samik-
shatmak adhyayan
17 Sunil K Kashyap Dr. Neelima Sanskrit sammbhashan 07-02-2011
Pathak prashiksnarth Sanskrit
bhashaya nutanpravidaya
- Ek Tulnatmak vishleshan
18 Baleshwar N Pathak Dr. R.K. Pathak Prachin evam arvacheen 31-08-2011
vastu shastra ka tulnat-
mak adhyayan
19 Gyan Ranjan Gais Dr. C.K. Shukla Prachin Bharat mein nari 07-07-2011
siksha - swaroop aur
parampara (Sanskrit vad-
maya ke alok mein )
20 Abhay Nath Mishra Dr. B.K. Mishra Varahnihir ka vyaktitwa 24-09-2011
evam krititwa - Ek samik-
shatmak adhyayan
21 Sanjay Tiwari Dr. B.K. Mishra Brihatraie mein purush- 26-11-2011
arth chatustai
22 Dipti Verma Dr. Neelima Manabadhikar bodh evam 22-06-2012
Pathak jeevan mulya Ramayan
evam Mahabharat ke pari-
peksha mein
23 Bharadwaj Mishra Sri. T. Pathak Kalidas aur Aswaghosh 22-06-2012
ke mahakavyon mein
saundarya vidhan - Ek
tulnatmak adhyayan
24 Purnima Kumari Dr. C.K. Shukla Vedon mein brahmagyan - 22-11-2012
Ek anuchintan
25 Gaura Prasad Singh Dr. B.K. Mishra Aachar ki shashtra mary- 05-12-2012
ada aur lok pravriti - Ek
samikshatmak adhyayan
26 Punam Pandey Dr. Neelima Bhartiya adhyatmik sahitya 23-09-2013
Pathak me suryopasana saampra-
tik paripeksha mein
27 Chipika Toppo Dr. C.K. Shukla Manusmriti aur Bible ke je- 04-12-2013
evan darshan ka tulnatmak
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40. No. of post graduate students getting financial assistance from the
1. 4 BPL students are given Rs. 500/- each per month
2. MA topper is appointed as Teaching Assistant for one year & is given
Rs. 4000/- per month
3. PhD entrance test topper is also appointed as Teaching Assistant for
two years and is given Rs. 4000/- per month
41. Was any need assessment exercise undertaken
before the development of new programmes?
if so, highlight the methodology – Not required
42. Does the department obtain feedback from
(a) faculty on curriculum as well as – Yes In improving
the techniques
teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes,
how does the department utilize the feedback?
(b) students on staff, curriculum and – Yes, we learn the
teaching-learning-evaluation and how short comings
does the department utilize the feedback? and remove them
as soon as
(c) alumni and employers on the – It helps in
programmes offered and how does improving the
the department utilize the feedback? quality of
43. List of Alumni
Name Post
Prof C.K. Shukla Ex. VC KSDS University, Darbhanga

Dr. Nilima Pathak Ex. HOD Deptt. of Sanskrit, R.U.

Dr. Janki Devi Ex. HOD Deptt. of Sanskrit, R.U., Ranchi
Dr. Birsa Hans Ex. Principal SSM College, Ranchi
Dr. B.K. Mishra Deptt. of Sanskrit, R.U., Ranchi
Dr. MM Pathak Ex. HOD V.B. University, Hazaribag
Dr. K.C. Goswami Senior S.P. Janpad Mathura, U.P.
Dr. Mina Shukla Head, Deptt. of Sanskrit R.U., Ranchi
Dr. Tara Kant Shukla Ex. HOD V.B. University, Hazaribag
Dr. D.B. Dwivedi Lecturer, Ranchi College, Ranchi
10 of 11   Evaluative Report of the Department of Sanskrit

44. Give details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures /

workshops / seminar) involving external experts
Name & Address Sub. of Lecture Date
Prof. Gopal Krishan Das Yogic visian - and sanyak 24/01/2008
Dr. H.P. Narayan (Neuro Surgeon) Vedant & Vigayan 09/02/2008
Shrishdeo Pujari, Mantri, Sanskrit Bhartiya bhautik unnati ka yog 12/01/2010
Bharti daan
Dr. Ramashish Pandey Symposium of Eid today 29/01/2010
Dr. T.K. Shukla Rashnispiti 06/03/2010
Dr. Damodar Mahto TM Bhagalpur Bhasha aur vyakaran Astdhyayi ki 18/08/2010 to
vaigyanik 19/08/2010
Dr. Nagendra Pandey Sampurnand Jyotishsastra ka udvab aur vikash 01/09/2010
San. Univ Varanasi
Dr. Sachchidanad Mishra B.H.U. Bhartiya panchanga ka swaroop 01/09/2010
Prof. S.P. Singh Ex. VC, VKS Jyotirvigyan ki vigyanikta tatha 29/01/2011
University Ara prasangita
Prof. B.S. Kumar Ex. VC, K.S.D Sanskrit vyakaran ki parampara 25/08/2011
Sanskrit University Darbhanga evam bhasha vigyan
Prof. S. Kumar Ex. VC, K.S.D Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Visiting 05/02/2008
Sanskrit University Darbhanga chair lecture series
Shrishdeo Pujari, Mantri, Sanskrit Work shop Sanskrit sambhashan 07/12/2011

45. List the teaching methods adopted by the faculty for different
• Class-room texture, Power Presentation and educational trips
46. How does the department ensure that programme objectives are
constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored?
By interaction with the students and their performance in the assignments
given to them.
47. Highlight the participation of students and faculty in extension
• time to time our students have been participating in the programmes
of other universities.
48. Give details of “beyond syllabus scholarly activities” of the
• Publication of Departmental magazine.
49. State whether the programme / department is
accredited/graded by other agencies? If yes,
give details. – No
50. Briefly highlight the contributions of the department in generating
new knowledge, basic or applied.
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The department in a centre of dissemination and protection of the heritage

of knowledge and culture of the ancient seems, as well as it creates activity
to explore new areas of knowledge.
51. Detail five major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges
(SWOC) of the department.
Title Description

Challenges To train the Tribal Students to Correct their pronunciation.

Challenges To elevate the scores of exams.

Challenges To prepare the students fit for the society.

Challenges To use the maximum time of study positively.

Challenges To inculcate extracurricular activities in more numbers

Opportunities Department Produces good Students.

Opportunities Department Produces good Listeners.

Opportunities Department Produces good Lectures.

Opportunities Department Produces good Citizens.

Opportunities Department Produces good Human-beings.

Strengths Competent Teachers.

Strengths Sincere Students.

Strengths Positive environment of the Department.

Strengths Rich Library.

Strengths Co-operative Assistants.

Weaknesses Lack of Sufficient Staff.

Weaknesses Low Number of Students.

Weaknesses Lack of equipments and furniture.


Weaknesses Weak Students admission.

Weaknesses Lack of Sufficient fund in the H.O.Ds office

52. Future plans of the department.

• The department is planning to get maximum research projects from
the U.G.C and involve all the teachers in them

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