University of Calicut - Online Results
University of Calicut - Online Results
University of Calicut - Online Results
Revaluat ion Result Of First Semest er Bachelor of Educat ion (B.Ed.) Examinat ion 11/2021
1. Original grade card, if issued, shall be produced in the office for revising the grade card within six months from the
date of publication of revaluation result. Thereafter a fine of Rs.555/- shall be levied per year for revising the grade card.
2. Those who wish to identify the answer papers shall approach the University with the Hallticket within 15 days from the
date of publication of revaluation result. Thereafter no request in this regard will be entertained.
3. Marks in column no 5 includes the marks after effecting moderation marks if any.
Assistant Registrar
Revaluation Branch
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The office of the Pareeksha Bhavan is not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the information
being published in the site. The details published are for immediate information of the candidate and cannot be treated
as original documents. The final mark sheets issued by the University should only be treated as authentic and final.