Release Notes CSi Plantv 710 Plus 700
Release Notes CSi Plantv 710 Plus 700
Release Notes CSi Plantv 710 Plus 700
0 Release Notes
© 2022 Computers and Structures, Inc.
This document lists changes made to CSiPlant since v7.0.0, released 01-January-2022. Items marked with
an asterisk (*) in the first column are more significant.
Database Tables
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket Description
7901 An enhancement was made to the tabular display to show detailed data for a single row
after clicking on the row heading on the left. Detailed data for each row include the
parameter (column) names, values, and descriptions for each cell of the row and are
presented in a separate table. This information can be exported to Excel.
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket Description
8055 An incident was resolved where elbows that were located far from the origin were
graphically shown as disconnected from adjacent pipes. This was strictly a graphical issue
that had no effect on results.
User Interface
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket Description
7939 An issue was resolved where the input fields for joint coordinates and rotation angle on the
Rotate form would allow only integer values to be entered. Now the text fields accept both
integer and decimal values.
7973 An incident was resolved where any changes made to the snap options via the "Draw > Snap
Option..." menu command would automatically revert back to the default snap options.
This document lists changes made to CSiPlant since v6.2.0, released 22-March-2021. Items marked with
an asterisk (*) in the first column are more significant.
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket Description
* 6588 An enhancement has been made to speed up stiffness-formation, event-determination, and
state-update operations during analysis for Pipe elements in presence of many load
patterns. Nonlinear static, staged-construction, and nonlinear direct-integration time-history
load cases for models with many Pipe elements (and many load patterns) should benefit the
most, especially if the analysis time is governed by state update and/or event determination.
7371 The default nonlinear-iteration parameters for nonlinear-static load cases have been
changed by setting the number of constant-stiffness iterations allowed to zero. This will
cause all iterations to use the Newton-Raphson (tangent-stiffness) method. This may be less
efficient for problems with limited nonlinearity, but may be more accurate and even more
efficient for load cases involving friction supports, temperature-dependent behavior, and/or
large-deflections geometric nonlinearity. This change will only affect the default settings for
newly created load cases. Existing models will not be affected. Constant-stiffness iteration
can still be used by changing the iteration parameters of newly created load cases.
* 7393 Advanced equation solver options "Run Load Cases in Parallel", "Number of (Internal)
Threads Used for Analysis" and "Maximum Size for Response Files (MB)" were made
available on the "Equation Solver Options" form. Running load cases in parallel can
significantly reduce the time it takes to analyze models with multiple load cases.
Design – Piping
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket Description
* 4855 An enhancement was made adding B31.4-2019 as an available design code. Key features
include: Onshore and offshore design checks Local buckling checks API RP 1111 for offshore
* 6226 An enhancement was made adding B31.1-2020 as an available design code. Key differences
from B31.1-2018 include: Offering of both B31.1 and B31J SIFs in the Design Request
Settings, with B31J set as default. This was done in response to the removal of the
B31J in the B31.1-2020 design code. Modification of default behavior for axial SIFs: For non-
displacement checks ia = 1.0. For displacement checks, ia = io for tees. Ability to specify
custom SIFs for both displacement and non-displacement checks. Longitudinal stress-check
equations were updated to include axial-force stresses and to separate torsional stresses
from the moment resultant.
6717 An enhancement was made to the options for Flange Leakage checks performed in
accordance with BPVC.VIII.1-UG.44 (formerly Code Case 2901) allowing the user to see
design results in terms of equivalent pressure. The BPVC.VIII.1-UG.44 flange leakage
equation is presented in terms of equivalent pressure P_D*A_f + 4*F/(pi*G^2) +
16*M/(pi*G^3) <= (1 + F_M)*P_R This should facilitate a more direct comparison to flange-
catalog rating pressures.
* 6950 An enhancement was made adding B31.3-2020 as an available design code. Key differences
from B31.3-2018 include: Ability to specify axial SIFs. Default B31J as the method for
calculating Flex/SIF factors.
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket Description
* 5115 An enhancement was added to optimize the creation of time history animations. The time
needed to display the animations has been significantly decreased.
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket Description
5513 An enhancement was added to preserve the loads on main portion of the tee when the tee
is converted to a straight pipe during element deletion. When a tee is deleted, the tee main
is converted to a straight pipe, and the loads that were previously assigned to the tee are
assigned to the new pipe which is now in its place.
Structural Model
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket Description
* 6404 An enhancement was added to allow the user to add expansion joints to the model. Three
types of expansion joints are available: Single expansion joints, where all six degrees of
freedom can be assigned a stiffness.Hinge expansion joints, where the user can specify the
axis of rotation as either R2 or R3 and define the stiffness in that degree of freedom, while
all other DOFs are rigid. Gimbal expansion joints, where the user can assign a stiffness in the
R2 and R3 direction, and the rest of the DOFs are rigid. Hinge and Gimbal Joints can also be
defined as Slotted, which allows the user to define the stiffness in the U1 direction. This
enhancement also allows the user to add tie rods to the Simple type expansion joint. Tie
rods can be either Simple, meaning they are designed as a tie or ties from the expansion
joint end to end at the centerline, or Complex, meaning the user can define the offset
distance of the ties from the centerline of the joint.
* 6822 An enhancement was implemented to model distributed soil supports for pipe elements
following the recommendations described in the "American Lifelines Alliance: Guidelines for
the Design of Buried Steel Pipe, July 2001". The modeling consists of defining soil properties,
defining distributed support properties of type "American Lifelines Alliance Soil", and
assigning the distributed support properties to pipe elements.The continuous support
provided by soil is internally approximated by link elements created at each discretization
point along the pipe. Multi-linear link properties are used to represent the soil force-
deformation response with the points on the force-deformation curve determined based on
soil properties and other parameters per the Guidelines. For time-history analyses, gapping
and non-gapping soil behavior can be specified using the following hysteresis types: (1)
Gapping with Takeda Hysteresis; (2) Non-Gapping with Takeda Hysteresis; (3) Non-Gapping
with Kinematic Hysteresis.The total number of generated link elements created at each
internal discretization point depends on the gapping behavior specified for the axial, lateral,
and vertical directions. For each direction, two links will be generated to represent gapping
behavior, or else a single link will be generated to represent non-gapping behavior.Complete
details are provided in the "Soil Modeling per American Lifelines Alliance" manual accessible
via "Help > Documentation > Documents > Manuals > Soil Modeling per American Lifelines
User Interface
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket Description
* 292 An enhancement was added to include the option to display elements in the model by color
based on the following categories: object type, section, material, pipe property set, pipeline,
or group. These new options are added as checkboxes on the Set Display Settings form.
6554 An enhancement was added to include Apply and OK buttons on the Insert form. The Apply
button has the same functionality as the previous Insert button which completes the insert,
and the OK button will automatically close the form after the insert occurs.
7667 The Display Information form for elbows has been revised to display Bend Angle (the angle
measuring change of direction of the outgoing pipe relative to the incoming pipe) in
degrees. Previously, the Deflection Angle (half of the difference between a straight angle
and the angle between incoming and outgoing pipe) was displayed in radians.
Database Tables
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket Description
7071 Various updates were made to the Flange and Valve Assignments Tables: (1) Fixed the
spelling errors in column names in Component Assignments -> Component Flange
Assignments table.(2) Property Definitions -> Components -> Component Properties -> Valve
Table is now shown in the Select Tables form.(3) Eliminated the error shown when the
Component Flange/Valve Assignments Table was opened.
7072 An incident was resolved where specific-gravity values were displayed incorrectly in the Pipe
Contents Property Table when the global units were changed. This did not affect results and
was only shown incorrectly in the table. Specific gravity is dimensionless and now the
displayed value does not change with changes to the global units.
7548 An Incident was resolved where the tables "Joint Loads - Ground Displacements", "Joint
Loads - Force", and "Component Properties - Flange" tables did not have the correct table
name in Excel after exporting.
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket Description
280 An incident was resolved where the command File > Capture Picture > Current Window w/
Title Bar always took a picture of the first model view instead of the current model view.
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket Description
* 6946 An incident was resolved where the pressure load contour was not correctly displayed on
the branch portion of a tee element. Additionally, during the analysis of tees which had been
assigned any loads, the portion of the tee branch that was within the tee main (i.e., from the
tee main centerline to the outer edge of the tee main) was loaded with the assigned loads
causing a redundancy. This portion of the tee branch no longer contributes loads to analysis
results. This could effect the results of previously run models which contained tee elements.
7655 An Incident was resolved where the program-calculated exposure height minimum and
maximum Z coordinates for the ASCE/SEI 7-10 and ASCE/SEI 7-16 auto lateral wind load
patterns would be unrealistically large values when there were no objects in the model.
Also, a warning message "The ground global Z value must be less than or equal to the min
global Z value." was displayed when attempting to save the Wind Load Parameters form
with default parameters that include Ground Global Z coordinate of 0. Now, the exposure
height minimum and maximum Z coordinates are set to 0 when there are no objects in the
model, and the form can be saved without any warning messages when default parameters
are used.
User Interface
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket Description
375 An Incident was resolved where the nonlinear damping coefficient of the exponential
damper was treated as unitless instead of having the actual units of "Force *
(Sec/Length)^Cexp" units, where Cexp is the nonlinear damping exponent. Hence the value
of this coefficient was not being converted for changes in units. Now, the correct units
conversion is performed on display forms, when reviewing the nonlinear exponential
damper properties in tables, and when adding another CSiPlant model with different units
to an existing CSiPlant model. The correct label for the units is also now displayed on display
forms.When opening or adding older models (i.e., models saved in a version prior to v7.0.0),
the value of nonlinear damping coefficient stored as a unitless value in the old model file is
read in and assigned the "Force * (Sec/Length)^Cexp" units, where the Force and Length
units are the actual database units of the model being opened or added. Note that database
units are "lb, in, F" for models initialized with U.S. Customary units, "mm, N, C" for models
initialized with Metric SI units, and "mm, kgf, C" for models initialized with Metric MKS units.
These database units might be different from display units shown in the lower right corner
of the main window. When display units are different from database units, the damping
coefficient values shown on the forms will be different from the values shown in the old
model file, because the units conversion described below is now performed to convert from
database units to display units. Since the analysis model is created in database units, analysis
and design results for the model analyzed in current version will match the analysis results
obtained from versions prior to 7.0.0.After the old model has been opened in the new
version, any subsequent units conversions for the nonlinear damping coefficient will be
performed using the "Force * (Sec/Length)^Cexp" units.It is strongly recommended to
review values of the nonlinear damping coefficients after opening or adding older models.
6731 An incident was resolved where no load assignments would be displayed for time history
load cases when displaying using the "Display > Load Assignments" menu command. No
results were affected.
6982 An incident was resolved where the units of rotational stiffness were labeled as J/rad when
they should have been labeled as N*m/rad. The affected properties can be found in the
Define Links form, Define Supports form and the Modal Participation Factors table. This
change is purely cosmetic and does not affect results.
7090 An incident was resolved where the measure tool could not be used on a locked model that
was closed and then re-opened.
7264 An Incident has been resolved where the Stiffness Type combination box on the "Assign
Anchor Stiffness Overrides" form contained entries "a", "b" and "c" in the drop-down list.
This has been corrected to show the correct entries "Fixed", "Free" and "Linear" entries.
Note that selecting "a", "b" or "c" in the previous version had the same effect as choosing
"Fixed", "Free", or "Linear" in the current version, respectively.