Release Notes SAP2000 V 2200
Release Notes SAP2000 V 2200
Release Notes SAP2000 V 2200
Release Notes
© Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2020
This file lists all changes made to SAP2000 since the previous version. Most changes do not affect most users.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) in the first column of the tables below are more significant.
The reference number for each change below is now the development Ticket rather than support Incident which was
used in previous Release Notes. Emails sent when an Incident is released will now indicate this Ticket number as well.
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket # Description
* 2973 Multiple copies of the same model can now be run on different machines, and the analysis
results merged together on a single machine for performing design and processing results. This
can be particularly useful for running a large number of load cases (e.g., earthquakes for
performance-based design, P-delta load cases for design by the Direct Analysis Method, etc.),
and there are multiple machines available for running different load cases simultaneously.
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket # Description
3270 An enhancement was implemented to add an option to the NZS 1170.5 auto-seismic load
pattern to consider the structure as a single story. When this option is selected the Ft value is set
equal to zero and that load is instead redistributed over the height of the structure.
3465 An enhancement has been made so that individual modes from modal and buckling load cases
can now be added to load combinations. Multiple modes can be added from the same load case,
each with its own scale factor.
User Interface
Enhancements Implemented
* Ticket # Description
3487 An enhancement was implemented to improve the speed of the graphical user interface when
opening or manipulating a model with a large number of area objects and also a large number
of spring assignments to some or all of the area objects. No results were affected.
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket # Description
1921 An incident was resolved in which the documentation for design verification example Eurocode
3-2005 Ex003 contained an older equation for computing alpha. The program was already
using the correct equation. This was a documentation error only.
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket # Description
3211 An incident has been resolved for displaying loads for a selected load case from the Load Case
Tree form when the name of the load case contained a parenthesis "(" character.
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket # Description
* 3380 An incident was resolved where joint-pattern values were set to zero for the area (shell) object
on one side of an edge release, while the area object on the other side of the edge release kept
the joint-pattern values originally assigned to the joints on that edge. This could affect the
following assignments to the affected area object, but only when that assignment used joint
patterns: thickness and joint-offset overwrites, material temperature, surface-pressure load,
temperature load, and strain load. Only joints along the edges with releases were affected.
* 3407 An incident was resolved where, if more than one element load is applied on a solid element
(e.g. self-weight, surface pressure, pore pressure, etc.) in one load pattern, the load factor used
for nonlinear static, staged construction, or nonlinear direct-integration time-history load cases
would be multiplied by the number of element loads in the load pattern. When the issue
occurred, the response of the structure reflected the increased load factors. This issue did not
affect linear or modal load cases and only affected solid elements. This issue was present in
version 20.2.0 to v21.2.0.
Structural Model
Incidents Resolved
* Ticket # Description
1871 An incident was resolved where the joint patterns generated when using the underground
concrete templates were not correct.