Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
© Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2009
This file lists all changes made to the SAP2000 since the previous version. Most changes do not affect most users.
Incidents marked with an asterisk (*) in the first column of the tables below are more significant and are included in the
ReadMe file.
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
14341 The IBC2006 Auto Seismic Load case has been updated as per Supplement # 2 to ASCE 7-05
where the minimum Cs value is revised.
16297 The API 4F implementation has been enhanced to include a Shielding Factor. The factor applies to
17406 the overall wind load on the structure, but does not apply to the load on the member itself. Only
members that are transversely supported in both directions at both ends will be shielded, otherwise
they will transfer the full (unshielded) wind load to the rest of the structure.
18441 The Norwegian national parameters have been implemented for the EC8-2004 auto seismic load
and response spectrum functions. In addition, air density has been added as a new parameter to the
EC1-2005 auto wind load for use with different countries.
* 18152 Automated wind lateral loading for Australia and New Zealand has been implemented according to
the AS/NZS 1170.2 2002 code.
18385 The Chinese auto lateral wind load has been updated to account for reduction in wind loads for the
special case of a uniformly tapered building.
18531 A new section-property database file,, has been added. This file contains hot-
rolled sections for code “GB/T 706-2008”, hot-rolled and cut-T sections for code “GB/T 11263-
2005”, welded steel H sections for code “YB 3301-2005”, and high-frequency welded light-gauge
H steel sections for code “JG/T 137-2007”. The previous file,, is still available.
Section Designer
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
18262 The calculation of Caltrans frame hinges has been made more efficient in order to reduce the time it
takes to assign these types of hinges and to create the analysis model. The improvements made to
the underlying iteration procedure may slightly change the PMM surface and moment-rotation
curves, usually in the fourth significant figure.
Bridge Modeler
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
18166 The creation of frame objects to model bridge bent columns has been changed as follows: (1) The
frame objects are now equally divided over the clear height from the bottom of the column to the
bottom of the cap beam, and the top frame object is extended with an end offset to the bent cap
centerline. Previously they were divided equally over the total height, except for short columns.
This change should have no effect on the static behavior of the model, and very little or no effect on
the dynamical response. (2) Columns shorter than the half depth of the bent cap are now set equal in
height to the half depth of the bent cap. Previously they were discarded.
* 18523 The U-girder frame section can now be used to model steel tubs in the Bridge Modeler. When a
steel material is chosen for the frame section, the generated linked bridge model will treat the
alignment of the top and bottom flanges similarly to how they are treated for steel I-girders: The
haunch distance is measured to the bottom of the top steel flange, rather than to the top of the top
flange as is the case for concrete U-girders. One or two bearings will be created for each steel U-
girder depending on the definition of the frame section. A single bearing is used for concrete
sections. Significant further specializations for steel U-girders are under current development.
18524 Constraints have been added to the linked model that is generated for steel-girder diaphragms used
in conjunction with area (shell) models of steel I-girder bridge deck sections. The purpose of the
additional constraint is to assure that the diaphragm provides the expected stability to the lower
flange of the longitudinal I-girders.
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
14718 Additional hysteresis models are now available for the single degree-of-freedom frame hinges with
uncoupled P, V2, V3, T, M2 and M3 behavior. The choices include: Isotropic, Kinematic, Takeda,
and Pivot types of behavior. The Isotropic model gives the hysteresis behavior that was provided in
the previous versions of SAP2000, and this is still the default. The three new types of hysteresis are
identical to those offered for the multilinear plastic link element. Hysteresis primarily affects time-
history results with load reversal, although small changes in monotonic pushover behavior may also
be seen between the original Isotropic model and the new hysteresis models. The Isotropic model is
optimized for pushover analysis, and is recommended if time-history analysis is not important. The
new models add a very small amount of elastic flexibility the frame element, which the Isotropic
hinge does not.
Frame Design
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 17972 “AASHTO LRFD 1997” concrete frame design, which had been removed with Version 12, has now
been reinstated after updating it to “AASHTO LRFD 2007”.
* 18008 Steel frame design has been added for “NORSOK N-004”, including punching checks. The design
of non-tubular sections is in accordance with Eurocode 3-2005 with the Norwegian National Annex.
The SAP2000 Offshore add-on license is required to use this feature.
18386 The Norwegian national parameters have been implemented for concrete frame design using the
“Eurocode 2-2004” code and steel frame design using the “Eurocode 3-2005” code.
Bridge Design
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 17922 Detailed design checking has been implemented for multi-cell prestressed concrete box-girder
bridge superstructures according to the “AASHTO LRFD 2007” code. Separate design checks are
available for stress, flexural capacity, and shear capacity using MCFT (modified compression field
theory). Live-load distribution factors can be automatically calculated using code formulae,
specified by the user, or determined from detailed 3-D live-load analysis. Results are reported for
each girder, and include plots of stress, moment demand and capacity, shear demand and capacity,
and shear-rebar requirements. Detailed tables showing all results and intermediate values are
available for display, printing, and export to Excel or Access. These new checks are in addition to
the whole-section checks that were previously released.
17952 Bridge seismic design has been enhanced to provide more information when the design fails due to
inadequate axial capacity of the columns. Previously the reason for the failure was not always
Database Tables
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 18280 The “Floating Point Number Format” and “Units” settings have both been removed from the
database table format file. Now all displayed tables, printed tables, and tables in formatted reports
will use the corresponding settings that are controlled using the menu command Options > Set
Program Default Display Units. This makes it easier to format the tables and provides more
consistent formatting.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
17272 An Incident was resolved in which analysis would fail if bridge lane loads were applied to a frame,
shell, or other object when its property was set to "None." This has been changed so that bridge lane
loads applied to an object with its property set to "None" will be ignored.
17657 An Incident was resolved in which an exception (runtime error) could be generated in rare cases
when calculating the apparent period for certain models having wave loading.
17927 An Incident was resolved for the New Zealand response-spectrum function and auto-generated
static lateral loads in which the near-fault factor, N(T,D), was being applied uniformly across all
periods rather than non-uniformly as a function of period. The specification has been changed from
the near-fault factor to the near-fault distance.
* 18376 An Incident was resolved in which some of the “Uniform to Frame” loading was lost when assigned
to an area object that could not be meshed by cookie-cutting into 3- and 4-noded areas the using
existing frame objects. Now a warning message is given to the user if this problem is detected
while assigning the load or while creating the analysis model. If the warning is issued when creating
the analysis model, the user is given the option of either converting the load to a uniform area load,
in which case no load is lost, or canceling the creation of the analysis-model.
Section Designer
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
17325 An Incident was resolved for Section Designer in which the Caltrans idealized moment-curvature
18057 curve could not be plotted for sections that contained only tendons and no rebar. This has been
resolved so that rebar and tendons, when present, are checked for failure against their respective
ultimate strains.
18090 An Incident was resolved for Section Designer in which the calculation for the plastic neutral axis
could give incorrect results for section shapes having sudden changes in the section dimensions near
the plastic axis.
18337 An Incident was resolved for Section Designer in which the confined Mander model computed
using the casing in a Caltrans section was not correctly considering the ultimate strain, Esu, of the
casing material.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
* 15873 An Incident was resolved for bridge moving-load cases in which the vehicle axle loads were not
15953 being restricted to remain within the lane-edge distances specified for the vehicle, but instead were
17970 allowed to move to the edge of the lane. The effect of this was conservative.
15878 An Incident was resolved for bridge moving-load cases in which vehicles were not always restricted
to remain fully within the length of the lane when this option was specified for the vehicle. The
effect of this was conservative.
17967 An Incident was resolved in which the advanced solver would, in rare cases, generate an error when
solving a model with internal instabilities and could not complete the analysis.
17978 An Incident was resolved in which the moving-load load cases did not properly account for file size
18217 when saving response. For certain large models this could result in the analysis failing to complete
with a disk-error message. Otherwise, the results were correctly saved.
Frame Design
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
* 16491 An Incident was resolved for steel frame design in which the panel-zone design shear force used to
determine the doubler plate thickness was sometimes calculated incorrectly. This design shear force
is the difference |Vb|-|Vc|, where Vb is the shear force from the beam flanges connecting to the
joint, and Vc is the shear force from the column above the joint. Vb is calculated as the larger of the
capacity moment or the factored moment from the beams, divided by their mean flange distance.
Normally the capacity moment governs, and this was being calculated correctly. However, when the
factored moment governed, the design could be unconservative, since the moments from the two
beams were added algebraically, but should have been added using their absolute values. The
affected codes are “AISC-ASD 01”, “AISC-LRFD99”, “UBC97-ASD”, “UBC97-LRFD”,
16747 An Incident was resolved for steel frame design using the direct analysis method of code AISC 360-
18405 05/IBC2006” in which the reported value for modified EA was given as 0.8*tau_b*EA instead of
0.8*EA, and the reported value of modified EI was given as 0.8*EI instead of 0.8*tau_b*EI. The is
a reporting error only. The correct values were being used for all calculations.
* 18147 An Incident was resolved for steel frame design using codes “Eurocode 3-1993” and “Eurocode 3-
2005” in which the section classification was sometimes incorrect for sections in pure compression.
18248 An Incident was resolved in which the legend for P-M steel design ratios showed zero values after
the design information was displayed more than once.
* 18347 An Incident was resolved in which superimposed dead load patterns were not being included in
auto-generated strength design load combinations for all types of design and all design codes.
Bridge Design
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
* 17910 An Incident was resolved for bridge design of precast-girder superstructures in which the live-load
distribution factors calculated from code equations sometimes gave a zero value for the interior
girder of a three-girder section.
17911 An Incident was resolved in which the shear rebar area calculated for the bridge superstructure
shear check of precast girder superstructures was sensitive to the sign of the moment when the
moment was near zero. The magnitude of the minimum moment used could change significantly
with the sign. This has been changed so that now the shear rebar is computed by taking into account
the minimum moment for both positive and negative signs. The practical effect of this change
applies only near inflection points, and is not common.
Database Tables
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
17921 An Incident was resolved in which the option that controls whether or not to calculate section-cut
forces for moving-load analysis was not being included in the database tables. This option is now
included in the tables, and the default value has been changed from “Yes” to “No” (not to calculate
section cut forces). The section-cut calculation for moving loads is not needed for section cuts that
contain only frame and/or shell objects, the most common case.
18231 The import of database tables has been changed so that when a new model is imported the present
units are set equal to the database units, that is, they are set equal to the units listed in the Program
Control table. This enables models run in batch mode to export their results to database tables in the
same units as the model. Previously they were being exported in the units chosen when the batch
run was started.
18530 An Incident was resolved in which the database tables for some types of element response were
giving the element index rather than the element label.
* Incident Description
17944 Version number changed to 14.1.0.
This file lists all changes made to the SAP2000 since the previous version. Most changes do not affect most users.
Incidents marked with an asterisk (*) in the first column of the tables below are more significant and are included in the
ReadMe file.
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 16500 Directional nonlinear material behavior has been added to the layered shell element for modeling
shear-walls and similar applications. Each layer may have its own material and material angle.
Uniaxial (uncoupled) nonlinear behavior can be specified in each layer for any or all of the in-plane
stress components S11, S22, and S12. The nonlinear shear stress-strain curve for a material is
automatically computed from the axial stress-strain curve. Each layer may be specified to have
plate, membrane, or full shell (membrane plus plate) behavior. Simple or complex shell models may
be created using these features. A Quick-Start option is provided for modeling reinforced concrete
* 17107 Automated lateral loading for Eurocode has been implemented: Wind according to Eurocode 1 (EN
1991-1-4:2005), Seismic according to Eurocode 8 (EN 1998-1:2004), and Response Spectrum
according to Eurocode 8 (EN 1998-1:2004).
* 17108 Automated lateral loading for the Australian code has been implemented: Seismic according to AS
1170.4:2007, and Response Spectrum according to AS 1170.4:2007.
* 17109 Automated lateral loading for the New Zealand code has been implemented: Seismic according to
NZS 1170.5:2004, and Response Spectrum according to NZS 1170.5:2004.
17127 An enhancement has been implemented that affects hinges assigned to frame objects having a
Section Designer section with design type set to “Concrete Column – To Be Designed”. Previously,
hinge properties (yield moments or interaction surfaces) were calculated for the actual amount of
rebar specified for the section. This has been changed so that the hinge properties will now be
calculated for the designed area of rebar if concrete frame design has been performed for that
section. If no design has been performed, or if design results have been explicitly deleted by the
user, the hinge properties will be calculated for the actual amount of rebar specified for the section.
Section Designer
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
17413 An option has been added in Section Designer to convert double-angle sections to polygons.
14725 An enhancement has been made to the PMM surface displayed inside Section Designer when the
fiber-model option is chosen. Previously the fiber-model PMM surface included the steel over-
strength factor and the compression cap. Now the PMM surface for the fiber model is displayed
without any modifications for the design codes. This option allows you to see the “true” interaction
surface. However, the PMM surface displayed when the design-code option is chosen still includes
the effect of the steel over-strength factor, the compression cap, and the phi factor (optionally) are
still included. This option allows you to see the PMM surface that will be used for checking design.
Bridge Modeler
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 13391 The Bridge Modeler now allows parametric variations to be specified for the girder spacing in those
14017 deck sections that allow for non-uniform girder spacing: Advanced Box Girder, Precast I Girder,
Precast U girder, and Steel Girder. The girder spacing will be proportionately adjusted to fit within
the specified total width minus the specified overhang distances, whether or not any parametric
variations are specified for width, overhang, and/or girder spacing.
16974 The automatic discretization along the longitudinal direction of the generated linked model for
bridge superstructures has been improved to reduce the creation of very short line/area/solid objects
near in-span hinges, diaphragms, user-discretization points, and section variations.
17071 The default wobble coefficient for tendons created in the Bridge Modeler has been changed to 2.0E-
4/foot to be in accordance with the value given in the ASHTO LRFD 2007 Table
17072 Tendons in bridge objects now load only objects that are part of the superstructure cross section.
Previously they could connect to objects that were part of an integral bent-cap.
17429 An enhancement was made to the Bridge Modeler for bridge deck sections modeled as areas
(shells). The element local-1 axis is now directed along the two element joints that are most nearly
parallel to the layout line, running in the up-station direction. This results in the longitudinal stress
being S11 for all elements. This was previously done for steel girders under Incident 17011. It is
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 17151 Two enhancements have been made to the stiffness used during nonlinear iteration for multilinear
link elements, frame-element fiber hinges, and the nonlinear layered shell: (1) The initial stiffness
used at zero force or stress will be the larger of the values in the positive and negative direction of
loading. Previously the average of these two values was being used. (2) Negative tangent stiffness is
now allowed during iteration. Previously the tangent stiffness was not allowed to be less than a
small positive value. Both of these changes tend to improve the rate of convergence during
nonlinear analysis. However, they may also significantly affect linear load cases that use the
stiffness at the end of a nonlinear load case. This may change results for multilinear link elements
and for fiber hinges in frame elements compared to Version 12.0.2 and earlier.
* 17152 Stiffness-proportional damping used for direct integration (DITH) has been changed from previous
versions, which used the tangent stiffness matrix (KT damping). Now the initial stiffness matrix (K0
damping) is used for all elements, as described in the CSI Analysis Reference Manual. These
changes will normally make nonlinear iteration faster and more stable, but will tend to increase the
overall energy dissipation. Because of this, analysis results may now be different from previous
versions of the program. The effect of stiffness-proportional damping on modal time-history
analysis is not changed, nor has the effect of stiffness-proportional hysteretic damping on steady-
state and PSD analyses.
17484 Section-cut forces, element joint forces, and base reactions for direct-integration time-history
previously included stiffness-proportional damping effects for the Solid, Plane, and Asolid
elements. This has been removed to be consistent with the Frame, Shell, and Link elements. Now
section-cut forces, element joint forces, and base reactions contain only stiffness forces due to
displacement. Damping effects are not included.
17503 A new membrane formulation has been introduced for the layered shell element that does not use
the drilling DOF (rotation about the element normal). Membrane behavior is coupled only to the in-
plane translational displacements. See the CSI Analysis Reference Manual for important modeling
considerations. The homogeneous membrane and the thin/thick shell still use the previous (coupled)
formulation with drilling DOF.
* 17592 The response-spectrum load case has been enhanced to allow the option to consider fully-correlated
rigid response for all modal combination methods except the absolute sum. This is an extension of
the capability that was already present for the GMC method. The frequencies controlling the rigid
response can be specified, as well as the method for combining the rigid and the periodic response.
17635 The “Modified SRSS (Chinese)” option for directional combination in the response-spectrum load
case has been removed, since this produced the net extreme response rather than separating the two
directional responses. The same result can be achieved instead by defining two response-spectrum
load cases with different directional scale factors, and enveloping them in a load combination.
Models created in previous versions using the “Modified SRSS (Chinese)” direction combination
will be converted to use the regular “SRSS” directional combination, which is conservative.
* 17681 Multi-step static load cases created from Bridge Live Load patterns can now be run in the Plus and
Advanced levels without the Bridge license. This allows analysis of crane, footfall, and other path-
like loading on structures other than bridges. Consideration of full width effects still requires the
Bridge license.
* 17682 Staged-construction load cases starting from zero initial conditions and containing a single stage can
now be run in the Plus and Advanced levels without the Staged-Construction license. This allows
Frame Design
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 13389 Concrete frame design has been added for Eurocode 2-2004, incorporating the National Annexes for
Slovenia and the United Kingdom. Seismic provisions of Eurocode 8 are not included at this time.
* 14473 Concrete frame design has been added for Australian code AS 3600-2001, including seismic
* 16739 Steel frame design has been added for Eurocode 3-2005, incorporating the National Annexes for
Bulgaria, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom. Seismic provisions of Eurocode 8 are not included at
this time.
* 17055 Multiple enhancements have been made to concrete frame design using Indian code IS 456-2000.
These includes the following items:
(1) The torsional design of concrete beams has been added, with output in a form similar to the
ACI code for the detail sheet, text file, and database tables.
(2) The column shear demand is now calculated based on the beam moment capacity only, not the
column moment capacity. Previously the demand was based on the minimum of the moment
capacity of the beams and columns at the joint.
(3) A detailed page has been added for beam-column joint-capacity check information. This is
accessed by clicking the "Joint Shear" button on the "Concrete Column Design Information"
window obtained by doing a right-button click on a column member after design.
(4) Error messages that were previously given for failed beam-column capacity ratios or joint-
capacity checks have been removed, since these two items are for informational purposes only
according to the current code.
Bridge Design
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 15628 Detailed design checking has been implemented for precast-concrete girder composite bridge
superstructures according to the “AASHTO LRFD 2007” code. Separate design checks are
available for stress, flexural capacity, and shear capacity using MCFT (modified compression field
theory). Live-load distribution factors can be automatically calculated using code formulae,
specified by the user, or determined from detailed 3-D live-load analysis. Results are reported for
each precast girder, tributary slab, and/or composite girder/slab assembly, as appropriate. Results
include plots of stress, moment demand and capacity, shear demand and capacity, and shear-rebar
requirements. Detailed tables showing all results and intermediate values are available for display,
printing, and export to Excel or Access.
* 15915 A new bridge design check has been added following the AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD
Seismic Bridge Design 2009. This has been implemented as a bridge design request for a bridge
object that performs the following operations: (1) Determines the seismic design category from a
specified response spectrum function. (2) Automatically creates and runs a gravity load case. (3)
Automatically determines cracked section properties for the columns from the gravity load case and
applies them as property modifiers. (4) Automatically creates and runs modal and response-
spectrum load cases for categories B/C/D. (5) Automatically creates and runs multiple pushover
load cases for the bents, including a prerequisite staged-construction case, for category D. (6)
According to code and category, determine demands and capacities. (7) Produces a seismic design
report including D/C ratios and other data.
* 17746 The flexural design check for prestressed concrete box girder bridge superstructures has been
enhanced to fully account for secondary effects from prestress tendon forces. Previously all
prestress load was being removed from the demand design combos, including primary and
secondary forces, unless hyperstatic load cases representing the secondary forces were added to the
combos. Now only the primary prestress forces are being removed, so that the demand will
automatically include the secondary forces. There is no longer a need to include hyperstatic load
cases in the design combos. The flexural design check now requires tendons to be modeled as
External Import/Export
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 15968 Import capability has been added for StruCAD*3D models, including geometry, material and
section properties, and loads. The imported file can be used to create a new model or to add to an
existing model.
Section Designer
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
17021 An Incident was resolved for Section Designer in which the torsional constant was sometimes
computed incorrectly when shapes were included inside rectangular tubes.
17038 An Incident was resolved in Section Designer in which the display of the fiber locations for one
section would appear when another section was created. This would correct itself when changes
were made to the new section. This is cosmetic only and does not affect results.
17044 An Incident was resolved in which the section properties calculated by Section Designer were in
error if one or more shapes are duplicated, i.e., identically coincident. Specifically, if a shape is
duplicated, then that shape is not being considered in calculating the J value. If all shapes in the SD
section are duplicated, then all properties are computed as zero.
17124 An Incident was resolved in which changing the design type of a Section Designer section from
“Concrete Column” to “No Check/Design” had no effect.
17126 An Incident was resolved in which the P-M2-M3 interaction surface displayed inside Section
Designer for a section with design type “Concrete Column – To Be Designed” was calculated for an
area of rebar arbitrarily scaled upward or downward from the actual amount of steel defined for the
section. This has been changed so that the displayed P-M2-M3 surface inside Section Designer is
always for the actual amount of rebar specified for the section. After performing concrete frame
design, the P-M2-M3 surface for the designed area of rebar can be displayed as part of the design
17404 An Incident was resolved in which Section Designer was sometimes unable to calculate the P-M-M
surface for a concrete shape inside of a steel polygon or a steel polygon inside of a concrete shape.
17411 An Incident was resolved for Section Designer in which, when two or more identical steel
Bridge Modeler
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
16220 An Incident was resolved in which the Bridge Modeler incorrectly generated bearing links for
certain models. When this occurred, the error was obvious.
16308 An Incident was resolved in which changing the length units affected the stations used in a bridge
design request.
16341 An Incident was resolved in which the frame section property assigned to a bridge abutment
17626 property did not appear to remain correctly assigned when returning to the definition in the form.
However, the assignment actually worked correctly.
17089 An Incident was resolved in which the in-span bearing elevation could only be specified as an
integer value in the input form.
17308 An Incident was resolved for the Bridge Modeler in which changing the bearing orientation for an
in-span hinge had no effect along a curved layout line.
17427 An Incident was resolved in which defining a bridge parametric variation sometimes generated an
error if the model was originally created from the new-model Quick Bridge (BrIM) template.
17464 An Incident was resolved in which the shear areas calculated for bridge deck sections were
reversed, i.e., values As2 and As3 were switched. This only affected spine models, which use a
frame element to represent the superstructure. Area and solid models were not affected.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
* 16398 An Incident was resolved in which the loads applied to layered shells were not active in a nonlinear
analysis. The behavior was correct for linear and nonlinear analysis of homogeneous shells, and for
the linear analysis of layered shells.
17270 An Incident was resolved in which the displacements calculated by the thick-shell and layered-shell
elements were slightly unsymmetrical for symmetrical problems, generally in the fourth significant
figure. Asymmetry was in the j2-j3 direction for a rectangular element. Analysis and design results
were slightly affected. Verification results have changed slightly for some examples.
* 17339 An Incident was resolved in which the geometric stiffness effects (P-delta, large displacements)
were not being included in the stiffness used for the following types of linear analyses when they
were based on the state at the end of a nonlinear analysis: (1) Linear direct-integration time-history
analysis, (2) Hyperstatic analysis, (3) Steady-state analysis, (4) PSD analysis, and (5) Eigen modal
analysis for those modes calculated after an automatic shift; modes calculated for the initial shift did
correctly include the geometric-stiffness effects, and these usually are the modes for which these
effects are most important. The geometric-stiffness effects were correctly included for analyses of
type: linear static, linear multi-step static, Ritz modal, moving load, and buckling. Response-
spectrum and modal time-history cases depend on the modal (Eigen or Ritz) case used as their basis.
17407 An Incident was resolved in which multiple hyperstatic load cases could not be analyzed in the
same run.
17603 An Incident was resolved in which the cable material overwrite was not intended to affect cable
objects, but was being considered when calculating modal composite damping for modal history
17663 An Incident was resolved in which the error message "File open error -32" sometimes occurred
during the analysis of small nonlinear problems on very fast machines, causing the analysis to
17704 An Incident was resolved in which the axial (U1) stiffness for the Rubber Isolator Link property
was being treated as zero during analysis, regardless of the value specified by the user.
17779 An Incident was resolved in which the conjugate-displacement method of load control for nonlinear
static analysis did not work correctly for softening behavior in models without any frame elements,
generally leading to failure to converge when load was dropping.
Frame Design
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
17036 An Incident was resolved in which the deflection load combinations generated for code AISC 360-
05/IBC2006 incorrectly included the text “Notional Loads” in the Notes for the combination. This is
a cosmetic issue only and did not affect any results.
17111 An Incident was resolved in which the program could generate an exception (runtime error) when
plotting the design interaction surface if the moment values were too large.
17115 An Incident was resolved for concrete frame design in which the beam/column capacity ratios and
joint-shear ratios were not being reported for some columns when either: (1) the column was
skewed with respect to the planar frame, or (2) in models having other design materials in addition
to concrete. Codes that consider seismic design were affected: “ACI 318-99,” “ACI 318-02,” “ACI
318-05/IBC 2003,” “CSA A23.3-94,” “CSA A23.3-04,” “Chinese 2002,” Indian “IS 456:2000,” and
“NZS 3101-95.”
17330 An Incident was resolved for steel design using the “AISC360-05/IBC2005” code in which the
program failed to calculate the interaction ratio for a non-compact pipe section.
* 17393 An Incident was resolved in which current design results for a given member could be changed
inadvertently by the following sequence of operations: (1) Select the member. (2) Use the command
Design > Steel/Concrete/etc. Frame Design > View/Revise Overwrites, then click OK or Cancel. (3)
Right-button click on the member to view design details, then click OK. This problem affected all
design codes. Re-running the design would correct the design results. Viewing the design
overwrites using the Overwrites button while viewing design details did not cause this problem.
* 17398 An Incident was resolved in which a steel section reported by design as not being seismically
compact could be reported as being compact after viewing the overwrites and clicking OK.
17402 For steel frame design, the right-click design information form has been slightly changed to always
display the option buttons for Strength and Deflection. Previously the Deflection button was not
shown if results were not available, causing some confusion. Now this button will always be
present, but deactivated if there are no results available.
* 17550 An Incident was resolved in which the calculation of axial compression capacity for singly
symmetric sections (Channel, Tee, Zee) per 1996 AISI cold form steel design code ignored torsional
and torsional-flexural buckling. Now the program considers the torsional and torsional-flexural
buckling in addition to the regular flexural buckling limit state. The program was slightly
17695 An incident was resolved in which a load combination could be selected for more than one design
load combination type through the form, although this was not the intended behavior of the
program. Now a load combination can only be selected for a single design combination type for
each design material.
17748 An Incident was resolved in which, for rare cases, a runtime error was caused when generating
design combinations or incorrect design combinations were being generated. This error was
possible when Load Cases were added, deleted or their order was changed after an initial set of
design combinations had been generated.
Bridge Design
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
16308 An Incident was resolved in which changing the length units affected the stations used in a bridge
design request.
17257 An Incident was resolved in which the tension limit displayed and tabulated for the Bridge Design
principal-stress check could be incorrect due to improper unit conversion.
* 17513 An Incident was resolved for bridge superstructure design of prestressed concrete box-girder
sections in which the shear check was not correctly considering the correspondence between
moment and shear when calculating the amount of shear rebar required.
17515 An Incident was resolved in which the Bridge Design Request demand-set parameters were
sometimes made available for Modify/Show in the AASHTO LRFD and JTG stress checks.
Attempting to edit them gave an error message, although no data was lost. These parameters are
only intended for use with the AASHTO STD stress check.
Database Tables
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
16401 An Incident was resolved in which the program became unresponsive after changes made during
interactive database editing were applied to a given model.
17034 An Incident was resolved in which importing the database tables for a bridge model may create a
foundation spring with a blank name, generating an error message when this model was
subsequently exported. The analysis and design results for the model were not affected by this issue.
17409 An Incident was resolved in which, during Interactive Database Editing, clicking the “Done” button
too quickly after clicking the “Apply to Model” button could cause the program to become inactive.
Now the “Done” button is deactivated until the “Apply to Model” operation is completed.
17442 An Incident was resolved where importing a text, Excel or Access file from Version 11 may
generate an exception (runtime error) if the imported file has frame hinge assignments.
17444 An Incident was resolved in which an exception (runtime error) was generated when displaying
results in the table for layered-shell resultants.
17472 An Incident was resolved in which an exception (runtime error) was generated when importing
certain Section Designer solid circle shapes.
17478 An Incident was resolved in which an unimportant error message could be generated when
importing a previously exported bridge model having zero-length frame joint offsets at the top web-
flange juncture of bridge girders. No information was lost or corrupted.
17822 An Incident was resolved in which the mode number did not always appear in the Modal
Information database tables.
17507 An Incident was resolved in which the total mass reported for a group was incorrect if any joint in
17575 the group had a mass assignment in terms of weight or volume of material. This is a reporting error
only and did not affect analysis results.
17510 An Incident was resolved in which the import of Section Designer fiber layout did not work
External Import/Export
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
17449 An Incident was resolved in which spring stiffness coefficients imported from STAAD files were
sometimes given negative values. This occurred when swapping the spring value directions for the
z-axis up direction.
17811 An Incident was resolved in which the column rotation angle was not properly exported to or
imported from CIS/2 data files.
* Incident Description
17430 Three new manuals are available as .PDF files and bound into a single printed volume: Introduction
to SAP2000/Bridge, SAP2000/Bridge Seismic Design, and SAP2000/Bridge Superstructure Design.
17719 The CSI Analysis Reference Manual has been corrected for the description of how the frame-
element local 1 axis may change orientation along the length of an element having both a non-
prismatic cross section and a non-centroidal cardinal point. This type of element is common in spine
models generated by the Bridge Modeler.
17791 All documentation and Help systems have been updated for the new release, including new manual
for new features.
* Incident Description
17043 Version number changed to 14.0.0.
This file lists all changes made to the SAP2000 since the previous version. Most changes do not affect most users.
Incidents marked with an asterisk (*) in the first column of the tables below are more significant and are included in the
ReadMe file.
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
16454 Auto-Caltrans frame hinges can now be assigned to rectangular and circular concrete frame
sections. Previously auto-Caltrans hinges could only be assigned to Section-Designer sections.
Database Tables
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
16343 The restriction on point element modal output in the database tables has been removed. Previously,
modal results were produced only for point objects, whereas results were produced for point
elements and point objects for all other types of load cases. Affected results include displacements,
velocities, accelerations, and reactions.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
16717 An Incident was resolved in which the network workstation installation did not properly set the
.NET Framework runtime security flags for Vista and XP/SP3 systems when UAC (User Access
Controls) were turned on. This would prevent the SAP2000 from being able to start.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
16131 An Incident was resolved in which the linear replication of curved frame objects did not replicate
the third point, thus generating objects with incorrect curved shape. This did not affect radial and
mirror replication.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
16292 An Incident was resolved in which an exception (run-time error) was generated during analysis
when a material stress-strain curve was defined with zero points. A substitute stress-strain curve
will be substituted having a linear slope of unity. This situation is unusual.
* 16299 An Incident was resolved in which the undeformed length of catenary cable elements was
incorrectly calculated for multi-segmented cable objects. For slack cables, this caused the cable to
be too taut. This did not affect cables modeled as frame elements, initially taut cables, or single-
segment cable objects.
16503 An Incident was resolved in which the advanced solver failed when the filename contained the two
characters “%s”.
16521 Several Incidents were resolved in which the analysis model could not be created when area
16571 sections of types shell and plane/asolid existed together in the model and any shell sections were
16587 defined after the plane/asolid sections. This prevented the analysis from running.
16545 An Incident was resolved in which named sets of property modifiers applied to groups during
staged construction affected both frame and shell objects in the group, not just the specified object
type, if a named set of the same name exists for both types.
16960 An Incident was resolved in which the analysis model could not be created for a SAP2000 V11
model opened in V12 that had area objects with assigned joint thickness and joint offsets using joint
patterns. This prevented the analysis from running. This did not affect models created in V12.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
16453 An Incident was resolved in which circular rebar patterns used in rectangular concrete sections were
not properly accounted for during design. Rectangular rebar patterns were being substituted, but
were not necessarily equivalent. This could affect design results. This did not affect sections created
using Section Designer, only the standard rectangle.
* 16793 An Incident was resolved in which automatic and code-generated load combinations were not being
properly created for notional and other lateral loads using code AISC 360-05/IBC2006.
* 17000 See Section Designer Incident 17000 above.
* 17001 See Section Designer Incident 17001 above.
* Incident Description
15657 The program level (Basic, Plus, Advanced) is now shown in the analysis log (.LOG) file.
16872 Version number changed to 12.0.2.
This file lists all changes made to the SAP2000 since the previous version. Most changes do not affect most users.
Incidents marked with an asterisk (*) in the first column of the tables below are more significant and are included in the
ReadMe file.
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
15603 A significant speed-up has been achieved for the calculation of automatic frame end offsets in large
16234 An enhancement was implemented to allow for more warping of 4-node area objects, while keeping
the existing tight restrictions for 5 or more nodes. This allows for the modeling of deep hyperbolic
paraboloids, for which adequate meshing is recommended.
16250 The License Manager being shipped with SAP2000 Version 12.0.1 has been reverted to Version
8.0.5 from the Version 8.1.0 that was shipped with SAP2000 V12.0.0. License Manager 8.0.5 is
recommended for running on Windows XP and 2000. If you want to run the License Manager (not
SAP2000) on a Vista machine, please contact CSI for a later version. If you have already installed
Version 8.1.0, there is no need to revert to 8.0.5.
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
15997 Optimizations were implemented to enhance the speed of analysis of the 32-bit advanced solver.
External Import/Export
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
16057 When displaying shell stress or force arrows in any 2-D or 3-D view, the plot can be exported to
DXF. Each contour color level will be automatically written to a separate layer so that you can
select the objects on that layer and control the color and line type.
Database Tables
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
16223 An enhancement was implemented that automatically removes the majority of unused columns in
the tables included in a formatted output report. This adjusts according to the features present in the
model to create the simplest appropriate report.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
* 15670 An Incident was resolved in which starting SAP2000 would trigger the setup process for some
installations. This occurred when the user did not have access rights to the local settings folder
created during the installation by a user with administrative rights. You must uninstall V12.0.0 and
install V12.0.1 to correct this problem. If you were not having this problem, you have the option to
patch from V12.0.0 to V12.0.1 instead.
15783 An Incident was resolved in which the menu commands Options > Reset Toolbars and Set Menu
Level did not always work properly due to the file SAP2000.TB3 not having been installed.
15803 An Incident was resolved in which the manuals “Report Contents XML File” and “Table and Field
Name Overwrites XML File” were not included in the installation. The first manual describes how
to customize the file that control printed reports, and the second file describes how to modify the
names used in database tables. These are now available using the menu command Help >
Section Designer
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
15554 An Incident was resolved which addressed several minor display errors in Section Designer forms
for Mander concrete and rebar: (1) The Mander-model form did not appear to disable some
parameters that could not be changed because they were set elsewhere. It appeared that you could
change them, but the changes were ignored. (2) Computed Mander strains were not always
displayed on the stress-strain graph after parameters were changed on the form. (3) Rebar stress-
strain plots did not properly update the Caltrans strain values when the bar size was changed. All of
these items were cosmetic and did not affect any results.
15586 An Incident was resolved in which a runtime error was generated in Section Designer when
repeatedly accessing the Mander-model form for a solid circle section.
15638 An Incident was resolved in Section Designer in which an error was generated in the moment-
curvature plot form when trying to display steel stress or concrete stress and the corresponding
material was not present in the section. These plots now show zero response in this case.
* 15673 An Incident was resolved in Section Designer in which the moment-curvature was not always
correct for a section with prestress tendons because the initial strain and curvature calculation was
assuming linear tendon behavior. Now the actual nonlinear tendon behavior is calculated and
reported before applying external axial load or curvature. Also the detailed moment-curvature report
was not showing correct force values for the tendons. The table was corrected, and a new column
has been added for maximum tendon strain separated from steel (rebar) strain. This tendon strain is
also now checked separately from rebar strain for determining Caltrans moment-curvature
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
15440 An Incident was resolved in which the analysis could not be run when there were Chinese
characters in the model filename or path.
15572 An Incident was resolved in which the analysis would occasionally crash during modal time-history
analysis due to an internal compiler error. This was a rare occurrence.
* 15621 Incidents were resolved in which the mass was sometimes doubled during the second automatic
16016 seismic analysis that is performed when analysis determines that auto-seismic loads have changed.
This could affect dynamic analysis results, and you may want to use V12.0.1 to re-verify models
with auto-seismic load that were run in Version 12.0.0. This issue affects V12.0.0 only, not any
previous versions.
* 15623 An Incident was resolved in which temperature, strain, or deformation load assigned to a cable
object in one load pattern sometimes acted in another load pattern to which it was not assigned. This
rare behavior could affect analysis results, and you may want to use V12.0.1 to re-verify models
with these types of cable loads that were run in previous versions.
* 15627 Incidents were resolved in which mass source from loads did not account for forces assigned to
15700 points. This could affect dynamic analysis results. Mass source from line, area, solid, and link
objects was and still is properly accounted for. You may want to use V12.0.1 to re-verify models
using mass source from load patterns with point forces that were run in Version 12.0.0. This issue
affects V12.0.0 only, not any previous versions.
15842 Incidents were resolved in which edge constraints applied to solid-element edges could generate
16041 unexpected torsional instabilities in the model. The torsional degrees of freedom introduced by the
edge constraints are now grounded by very small relative stiffnesses, which prevent the instability
and have no practical affect upon the desired response.
* 15855 Incidents were resolved in which acceleration loads on point masses were sometimes corrupted
15966 when linear static load cases were solved in the same run. This could affect Ritz (not eigen) modal
16011 cases, response-spectrum, and modal time-history results. Models without point masses are not
16205 affected. You may want to use V12.0.1 to re-verify models with point masses and response-
spectrum or modal time-history cases that were run in V12.0.0. This issue affects V12.0.0 only, not
any previous versions.
* 15948 An Incident was resolved in which the cable response was not always correctly calculated for a
linear load case that is based on the stiffness from a nonlinear load case, possibly leading to
different results depending upon the order in which cases were run. This primarily affected linear
Bridge Design
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
15801 Incidents were resolved in which unit conversions were not correct for the display of bridge design
15857 results both graphically and in the tables. However, the Excel results were and still are correct.
15983 An Incident was resolved in which the length units for the station locations in Design > Bridge
Design Requests were not properly converted.
16045 An Incident was resolved in which bridge design results did not plot correctly when user-
discretization points were present in the bridge object.
* 16075 An Incident was resolved in which bridge design results could be incorrect when considering load
combinations that include live load with vehicles that need to consider vehicle response components
for differentiating moment response, namely the HS20-44L and the HL-93S vehicles. You may
want to use V12.0.1 to re-verify models with bridge design requests using these types of vehicles
that were designed in V12.0.0.
16112 An Incident was resolved in which the bridge design results were not being deleted when the model
was unlocked.
* 16121 An Incident was resolved in which bridge design results were affected by the order in which design
requests were run. In particular, stress-check results could be adversely affected if a flexure check
was performed first in the same run. Bridge design requests run in Version 12.0.0 should be re-
checked in Version 12.0.1 if multiple checks were performed in the same run.
External Import/Export
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
15811 An Incident was resolved which addressed several issues regarding the import of STRUDL and
STAAD models: (1) A runtime error was generated when joint or element numbers were greater
than 99999. Now any positive number is permitted. (2) An error occurred when the number of
REPEAT LOAD data points was greater than 32. Now there is no limit. (3) An error occurred when
the index of the user-imported table was greater than 2. Now any number of tables is permitted. (4)
Section property names were case-sensitive. Now they are not. (5) The number of items in a group
was limited to 2000. Now there is no limit.
16057 An Incident was resolved in which the contour legend was missing for the DXF export of shell
stress arrows in 3D views. For all 2D and 3D views, the legend will now be exported parallel to the
X-axis, starting near the lower left front corner of the structure. You can easily re-position the
legend to suit your needs upon import into another program.
This file lists all changes made to the SAP2000 since the previous version. Most changes do not affect most users.
Incidents marked with an asterisk (*) in the first column of the tables below are more significant and are included in the
ReadMe file.
Nomenclature Change
* Incident Description
* 11851 If you are upgrading from a previous version of SAP2000 (V11 or earlier), you should be aware that
there has been a significant change in nomenclature regarding loading:
• The term “load pattern” replaces “load case” of previous versions.
• The term “load case” replaces “analysis case” of previous versions.
• The term “load combination” has not changed.
These changes are being made consistently in all future releases of CSi products. These are simply
changes in terminology; the concepts and behavior remain the same, and models from previous
versions will open in V12 without any action required by you.
Section Designer
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 12764 Section Designer (SD) has undergone a major enhancement to provide more capability and
consistency. Material properties are defined in SAP2000 rather than in SD, providing more
consistency between different frame sections. Concrete Mander modeling is available for Caltrans
sections and general sections. True Boolean operations are available for overlapping shapes. Fiber
models can be defined for frame hinges and compared with exact integration for moment-curvature
and PMM surfaces.
* 14442 Fiber hinges can now be assigned to frame elements that use Section Designer sections. The fiber
layout is defined inside Section Designer.
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 7836 A new feature called Model-Alive™ has been implemented that performs analysis instantly after
each change you make to the model. This works for changes made graphically, using menu
commands, and through the interactive database editor. When using Model-Alive™, you should
save your model periodically, since this is not done automatically, and changes made cannot be
undone. Please see the online help and the Watch & Learn tutorial on this topic for more
* 11426 A new type of load case (previously analysis case), called “Hyperstatic”, has been added for
calculating secondary forces due to prestressing, temperature, and other self-equilibrating loads. A
Hyperstatic load case performs a linear analysis on a fully unrestrained structure subjected to
loading by the reactions from a linear static load case under the self-equilibrating loads. See the
online help for more information.
* 11427 Staged construction can now account for: (1) Changes in property modifiers applied to frames,
tendons, and shells, (2) Changes to end releases applied to frame elements, and (3) Changes to
section properties of frame, tendon, and shell elements. Staged construction load cases (previously
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 11421 More user control is available for automatic design load combinations, and the distinction between
user-defined and automatic combinations has been clarified. See the online help for more
12129 The design preference and overwrite tables were updated for the “CAN/CSA-S16-01” steel frame
design code.
12940 Database output tables were added for the “CAN/CSA-S16-01” steel frame design code.
12941 Database output tables were added for the “CSA-A23.3-04” and “CSA-A23.3-94” concrete frame
design codes.
14962 The Direct Analysis Method technical note has been updated.
15103 The “AISC 360-05/IBC 2006” steel frame design manual has been updated.
15357 The design preference and overwrite tables were updated as needed for all design codes.
15407 A series of minor enhancements have been made to the “CAN/CSA-S16-01” steel frame design
code. [1] Kappa is enforced to be zero per CSA [2] Axial force is checked not to
exceed phi*0.3*fy*A separately per CSA, 27.3. [3] The value 15500 changed to 15000
per CSA, 27.3(a)(ii), 13.7(a). [4] Minor adjustment has been made in the phi factor
(interior and exterior) for continuity plate area calculation per CSA 14.3.2. [5] Concentrated plate
load on column web has been adjusted for different MRF to include 1.1*Ry factor per CSA, 27.3,, for doubler plate design. [6] The value of n has been imposed as
1.34 for axial compression capacity for LTB limit state per 13.3.2. [7] For "Overall Member
Strength" limit state, the value of Cr is based on minimum of flexural buckling capacity based on
K22L22/r22 and K33L33/r33 with K22=1 and K33=1. When the member undergoes uniaxial
bending, Cr is based on only K33L33/r33 with K33=1. [8] Minor changes has been made in the
slenderness requirement for LD CBF per CSA, and
Database Tables
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
13385 A button was added to the “Choose Tables” tree form for selecting output items such as generalized
displacements and section cuts.
External Import/Export
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
15260 When displaying shell stress or force arrows in any 2-D or 3-D view, the plot can be exported to
DXF. Each contour color level will be automatically written to a separate layer so that you can
select the objects on that layer and control the color and line type.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
15371 An Incident was resolved in which several minor drawing issues were corrected: (1) Could not undo
the right-click delete of a general grid line. (2) The quick draw of a curved frame element gave a
runtime error. (3) The Draw command did not create needed section properties if none existed. (4)
The Brace drawing tool did not draw perpendicular to the nearest Y edges, only to X edges.
Section Designer
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
13804 Minor plotting issues in Section Designer were resolved under Enhancement 12764.
14929 An Incident was resolved in which Caltrans hinges could not be assigned to frames with Section
Designer section properties having prestressing tendons but no rebar.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
12678 An Incident was resolved in which the creation of the analysis model for large structures with
automatic meshing and many load patterns could take much longer than in Version 10.
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
12426 Minor updates were made to the Design manuals.
13129 An Incident was resolved in the computation of Acp and Aoh for ACI design codes where the
program was imposing the flange limit for L-shaped section while user has explicitly defined the
shape as T-Shaped beam.
13746 An Incident was resolved in which the design of auto-select sections for the Indian steel frame
design code did not always work.
13806 An Incident was resolved in which the computed time period was not enforcing the limiting period
as per cl. of NBCC 2005 auto seismic loads.
* 13867 An Incident was resolved in which the flexural capacity of box and rectangular sections was not
correct for the Canadian steel frame design code “CAN/CSA-S16-01”.
13972 An Incident was resolved in which the classification of angles/double-angles for steel frame design
code “BS5950 2000” was overly strict, resulting in a Class 3 section being Classified as Class 4.
14093 Same as 13746.
* 14469 An Incident was resolved in which the unit conversion for calculating the PMM ratios for code
“API RP 2A-LRFD 97” was incorrect.
14492 An Incident was resolved in which the documentation incorrectly stated that the column/beam
capacity ratio calculation is needed for all SMF for all design categories (SDC=A, B, C, D, E, F). It
is not needed for IMF and OMF. The program was already correct, only the documentation needed
to be updated.
Database Tables
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
14241 An Incident was resolved in which the database tables for the assignment of bridge variations to the
Precast U, Precast I, and Advanced Concrete Box deck sections were missing.
15181 An Incident was resolved in which the strain values for user-defined material stress-strain curves
was incorrectly exported to tables.
15231 An Incident was resolved in which the Excel sheet name for the ACI 318-05 concrete design
summary table had illegal characters.
15259 An Incident was resolved in which database tables for shell stresses do not print when repeated
columns take up the whole page width. This was detected by the program and the tables did not
pint. Fixed by reducing the width of the repeated columns
External Import/Export
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
12452 An Incident was resolved in which certain Dimension and Tolerance Preference values were being
set to zero when importing a DXF file in metric units.
12677 An Incident was resolved in which the UNIT command is not recognized within the second level
load commands, JOINT LOAD, MEMBER LOAD, and FLOOR LOAD for importing STAAD
13215 An Incident was resolved in which a runtime error occurred when importing a STRUDL model with
more than 10,000 supports.
13646 An Incident was resolved in which a runtime error occurred when importing a STAAD model with
prismatic section properties defined with some parameter values equal to zero.
15271 An Incident was resolved in which DXF import units were not being utilized.
* Incident Description
12223 Minor cosmetic changes were made throughout the program.
12564 Tips of the Day have been updated.
14129 The splash screen now appears before rather than after the license is found.
14133 Warning messages that are shown on the screen when opening models from previous versions are
stored in the project log under menu command File > Project Log.
14169 Version number changed to 12.0.0
14795 The analysis .$OG file has been combined with the .LOG file, and they are saved in a single file
with extension .LOG.
14960 The SAP2000 Getting Started, Basic Analysis Reference, and Introductory Tutorial manuals have
been updated.
15368 The SAP2000 license number will be shown in printed and exported results.
15412 New Watch & Learn tutorials have been added, and others have been updated.