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Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia.

E-ISSN: 2985-4393

ENH 002 :

¹Universitas Ibnu Sina, Program Studi Kesehatan Lingkungan, Batam
Hengky Oktarizal2
Universitas Ibnu Sina, Program Studi Kesehatan Lingkungan, Batam
Sa’diah Erlina3,
Universitas Ibnu Sina, Program Studi Kesehatan Lingkungan, Batam

The house is a place where we will live and interact in it so it is very necessary that the place
meets the livable criteria, the percentage of healthy houses is still low on Seraya Island in
2022. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the behavior of
the head of the family towards healthy homes in Seraya Island Region. The methodology of
this research is quantitative with a cross sectional study approach with a population and
sample of 101 families and analyze the data using the chi-square test. The results obtained
a significant relationship between healthy homes with p-value 0.023 so that Ha was
accepted, attitudes towards healthy homes had p-value 1,000 so Ha was rejected, actions
towards healthy homes had p-value 0.000 so Ha was accepted.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Action, Healthy Home


The house is a building, where humans live and carry on their lives. Based on Law
Number 1 of 2011 concerning Housing and Settlements, housing is a group of houses that
function as a residential environment or residential environment equipped with
environmental facilities and infrastructure. In a broad sense, the house is not only a building
(structural), but also a place or residence that meets the requirements of a decent and
healthy life, viewed from various aspects of community life. (Kementerian Kesehatan RI,
A house is said to be healthy if it can meet physiological, psychological needs, prevent
disease transmission and prevent accidents. Another definition of a healthy home is a house
that can meet spiritual and physical needs and is appropriate as a place to live. Another
definition of a healthy home is a house that can meet spiritual and physical needs and is
appropriate as a place to live (Profil Kesehatan Kepulauan Riau, 2016).
In Batam City itself, the highest achievement of healthy homes is in the working area
of the Kampung Jabi Health Center, of a total of 5219 houses, all of which have met the
requirements for healthy homes and the lowest achievement is in the working area of the
Mentarau Health Center, from a total of 14,800 houses there are 7238 houses that do not
meet the requirements for healthy homes. (Profil Kesehatan Kepulauan Riau, 2016).
From the initial data that the researchers got at the Sekupang Health Center, there
was still a lack of access to proper sanitation with a percentage (3.2%) or as many as 469
households using healthy latrines out of a total of 14865 households. (Profil Kesehatan
Kepulauan Riau, 2016).
From the results of field observation data in October 2021 on Seraya Island, RT 1 and
RT 2, it was found that there were still houses that did not meet the criteria for healthy homes.

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN: 2985-4393

Indicators of healthy homes that do not meet the health requirements as well as the behavior
of residents and poor sanitation of the house.
Based on this, the researcher is interested in knowing "The Relationship of the
Behavior of the Head of the Family towards Healthy Homes on Seraya Island, the Working
Area of the Sekupang Health Center, Batam City in 2022".


This research uses quantitative research with research design (cross sectional). The
place of this research is Seraya Island, the Working Area of the Sekupang Health Center,
Batam City. The population in this study were all the heads of families on Seraya Island as
many as 101 families and the number of samples in this study was the same as the total
population of 101 families. The sampling technique in this research is total sampling. Data
was collected by means of questionnaires and checklist sheets. Data analysis was univariate
and bivariate using chi-square test and data presentation using tables.
Knowledge Assessment
1 = If knowledge is high, category is high if > median (40).
0 = If knowledge is low, category is low if median (40)
Attitude Assessment
1=If the attitude of the respondent is positive, the category is positive if > median (80).
0=If the attitude of the respondent is negative, the category is negative if median (80).
Action Assessment
1 = If the respondent's actions are good, the category is good if > median (30).
0 = If the respondent's action is bad, the category is bad if median (30).
Healthy Home Assessment
1 = If the house is healthy (1068-1200)
0 = If the house is not healthy (<1068)(Depkes RI, 2002)


1. Characteristics of Respondents

Table 4.1 Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Age

No Age (year) Frequency Percentage

1 18-40 41 40,6%
2 41-60 48 47,5%
3 >60 12 11,9%
Total 101 100%

Based on table 4.1, it was found that the highest number of respondents was aged 41-60
years with a percentage of 48 people (47.5%) and the lowest was found at the age of >60
years with a percentage of 12 people (11.9%).

Table 4.2 Distribution of Respondents Frequency by Education

No Education Frequency Percentage

1 Senior High School 5 5,0%
2 Junior High School 11 10,9%
3 Elementery School 79 78,2%
4 No School 6 5,9%
Total 101 100%

Based on table 4.2, it is found that the education of the most respondents is elementary
school with a percentage (78.2%) and the lowest is high school with a percentage (5.0%).

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN: 2985-4393

Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Occupation

No Occupation Frequency Percentage

1 Private 5 5,0%
2 Self-employed 17 16,8%
3 Fisherman 79 78,2%
Total 101 100%

Based on table 4.3 it is found that the number of respondents working as fishermen is 79
people with a percentage (78.2%) and the lowest number of jobs as a private sector is 5
people with a percentage (5.0%).

2. Univariate
Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Knowledge

No Knowledge Frequency Percentage

1 High 15 14,9%
2 Low 86 85,1%
Total 101 100%

Based on table 4.4, it was found that the most, namely low knowledge, amounted to 86
people with a percentage (85.1%) and high knowledge respondents amounted to 15 people
with a percentage (14.9%).
Table 4.5 Distribution of Respondents Frequency by Attitude

No Attitude Frequency Percentage

1 Positive 43 42,6%
2 Negative 58 57,4%
Total 101 100%

Based on table 4.5, it was found that the most negative attitudes were 43 people with a
percentage (42.6%) and the lowest was a positive attitude with 43 people with a percentage

Table 4.6 Distribution of Respondents Frequency by Action

No Action Frequency Percentage

1 Good 22 21,8%
2 Worse 79 78,2%
Total 101 100%

Based on table 4.6, it was found that the most bad actions were 79 people with a percentage
(78.2%) and good actions respondents were 22 people with a percentage (21.8%).

Table 4.7 Distribution of Respondents Frequency by Healthy House

No Healthy House Frequency Percentage

1 Healthy 5 5%
2 Unhealthy 96 95%
Total 101 100%

Based on table 4.7, the highest number of unhealthy houses is 96 houses with a percentage
(95%) and healthy houses are 5 houses with a percentage (5%).

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN: 2985-4393

3. Bivariate
Table 4.8 Relationship of Head of Family Knowledge to Healthy House

House p-value
Knowledge Healthy Unhealthy Total
n % n % N %
High 3 20 12 80 15 100
Low 2 2,3 84 97,7 86 100
Total 5 5 96 95 101 100

Based on table 4.8 obtained from 15 respondents who have high knowledge as many
as 3 respondents (20%) have healthy homes and as many as 12 respondents (80%) have
unhealthy homes. And from 86 respondents who have low knowledge, as many as 2
respondents (2.3%) have healthy homes and as many as 84 respondents (97.7%) have
unhealthy homes.
From this study, the results of the chi square test showed that the p-value 0.023 0.05
means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a significant relationship (p-
value 0.05) between the knowledge of the head of the family on healthy homes.

Table 4.9 The Relationship of the Attitude of the Head of the Family to a
Healthy House

House p-value
Attitude Healthy Unhealthy
n % n % N %
Positive 2 4,7 41 95,3 43 100
Negative 3 5,2 55 94,8 58 100 1,000
Total 5 5 96 95 101 100

Based on table 4.9, it is known that from 43 respondents who have a positive attitude,
2 respondents (4.7%) have healthy homes and 41 respondents (95.3%) have unhealthy
homes. And it is known from 58 respondents who have a negative attitude, as many as 3
respondents (5.2%) have healthy homes and as many as 55 respondents (94.8%) have
unhealthy homes.
From this study, the results of the chi square test showed that the p-value of 1,000 0.05
means Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that there is no significant relationship (p-
value 0.05) between the attitude of the head of the family towards a healthy home.

Table 4.10 The Relationship between the Actions of the Head of the Family to Healthy
House p-value
Actions Healthy Unhealthy
n % n % N %
Good 5 22,7 17 77,3 22 100
Worse 0 0 79 100 79 100 0,000
Total 5 5 96 95 101 100

Based on table 4.10 it is known that from 22 respondents who have good actions,
as many as 5 respondents (22.7%) have healthy homes and as many as 17 respondents
(77.3%) have unhealthy homes. And it is known that from 79 respondents who have bad

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN: 2985-4393

actions, as many as 0 respondents (0%) have healthy homes and as many as 79

respondents (100%) have unhealthy homes.
From this study, the results of the chi square test showed that the p-value of 0.001
0.05 means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a significant
relationship (p-value 0.05) between the actions of the head of the family on a healthy home.

1. Characteristics of Respondents

Based on the results of the research conducted, the majority of respondents were
aged 41-60 years with a percentage (47.5%). Age affects a person's perception and mindset,
the age division in this study is 18-40 years in the early adult category, 41-60 years in the
middle adult category and <60 years in advanced adulthood (Hurlock, 2001).
Based on the results of the research conducted, it was found that the majority of
respondents' education was elementary school education with a percentage (78.2%).
Whether or not someone easily absorbs and understands knowledge about a healthy home
is also seen at the level of education. The average education of the community is still low,
which encourages the emergence of behaviors that lead to a lack of awareness of
respondents about healthy homes.
Based on the results of the research conducted, it was found that the majority of
respondents' jobs were fishermen with a percentage (78.2%). Employment is divided into
three categories, namely private, self-employed and fishermen. Work affects a person's
economic situation and income plays an important role. Work is the main activity carried out
by humans used for a task or work that makes money for someone (Notoatmodjo, 2007).

2. Univariate
Based on the results of the research conducted, it was found that the majority of the
knowledge of the head of the family had low knowledge of 86 with a percentage (85.1%) and
15 with high knowledge with a percentage (14.9%). The results of this study are in line with
research conducted by (Rian Hidayat, 2021) found the frequency distribution of less
knowledgeable towards healthy home ownership as much as 184 (57.5%).
Knowledge is the result of human sensing, or the result of knowing someone about
an object through their senses so as to produce knowledge (Notoatmodjo, 2003).
In this study, knowledge was measured through questions containing the components
of the house, sanitation facilities, and the habits of the occupants. It can be seen from the
results of the questionnaire that there are still many respondents who do not know what a
healthy house is, do not understand the use of home ventilation, kitchen smoke holes,
throwing garbage in its place and disposal of waste water that is directly dumped into the
sea or inundated in front of the house.
Based on the results of the research conducted, it was found that the majority of the
attitudes of the head of the family were negative as many as 58 with a percentage (57.4%)
and respondents being positive as many as 43 with a percentage (42.6%). The results of
this study are in line with research conducted by (Syurandhari Dwi Helynarti, 2016) shows
that more than some respondents have a negative attitude about healthy homes as many
as 38 people with a percentage (63.3%) and respondents who have a positive attitude as
many as 22 people with a percentage (36.7%).
Attitude is not yet an action or activity, but is a predisposition to the action of a
behavior. That attitude is still a closed reaction, not an open reaction or open behavior.
Attitude is a readiness to react to objects in a certain environment as an appreciation of the
object (Notoatmodjo, 2007).
Attitudes were measured through positive statements containing the ceiling of the
house, the use of goose-neck latrines, the use of septic tanks and the attitude of the
respondents in providing trash cans. From the results of the questionnaire given, some
respondents have a negative attitude and some have a positive attitude about the healthy
Based on the results of the research conducted, the majority of the actions of the head
of the family were bad actions as many as 79 people with a percentage (78.2%) and good
actions as many as 22 people with a percentage (21.8%). In line with previous research

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN: 2985-4393

conducted by (Rika Oktavia, 2014) out of 93 total respondents, 51 respondents had bad
actions about healthy houses on basic sanitation with a percentage (54.8%).
In accordance with the statement that states an attitude has not automatically
manifested in an action, to realize an attitude into a real action, a supporting factor or a
possible condition is needed, including facilities (Notoatmodjo, 2010).
Measures were measured through a questionnaire, the components assessed were
the respondent's habits such as opening windows, cleaning the bathroom regularly,
sweeping and mopping the house, and cleaning water reservoirs. From the results of the
questionnaire, it was found that respondents had bad actions regarding healthy homes.
3. Bivariate
a. The Relationship of the Knowledge of the Head of the Family to a Healthy House
From the results of this study, the results of the chi-square test with a p-value of 0.023
0.05 mean that Ho is rejected and there is a significant relationship between knowledge of
healthy homes. This is also due to the lack of counseling and information and there are still
heads of families who have never heard of and do not know what a healthy home is and do
not know the importance of protecting the surrounding environment.
This is in line with research conducted by (Astuti, 2017) The p-value of 0.019 was
obtained, there was a significant relationship between knowledge and the condition of
healthy homes in Tenayan Industrial Village, Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City in 2017,
where respondents with low knowledge had the potential to have unhealthy homes.
According to (Rian Hidayat, 2021) The problem of not fulfilling healthy homes must be one
of the things that must be overcome considering and reviewing to be more aware of the
impacts and dangers in the future and a p-value of 0.035 is obtained, there is a significant
relationship between knowledge and ownership of healthy homes in Pasir Gintung Tanjung
Village Central Coral 2021.
Health behavior can be formulated as all forms of individual experiences and
interactions with their environment. Especially regarding knowledge and attitudes about
health, as well as actions related to awareness (Notoatmodjo, 2010).
From the results of questionnaires and interviews conducted, researchers obtained
information that there were still many respondents who did not know what a healthy house
was, did not understand the use of ventilation and kitchen smoke holes, did not understand
the benefits of opening windows in the morning and what floor to use, so that it had an impact
on unhealthy homes, where for the assessment of healthy homes themselves the aspects
that are seen are the components of the house, sanitation facilities, and there are good
habits from the residents, so that there is a relationship between knowledge of healthy
homes on Seraya Island, Sekupang Health Center Work Area, Batam City 2022.
b. The Relationship of the Attitude of the Head of the Family to a Healthy House
Based on the results of the analysis of the relationship between the attitude of the
head of the family towards a healthy home, 58 respondents had a negative attitude, 55
respondents with a percentage (94.8%) had an unhealthy house, while from 43 respondents
with a positive attitude, there were 2 respondents with a percentage (4.7%) have a healthy
From the results of this study, the results of the chi-square test were p-value 1,000
0.05, which means that Ho is accepted and there is no relationship between the attitude of
the head of the family towards a healthy home.
In line with research conducted by (Dicky Kurniawan, 2019) where the p-value
0.151 0.05, it was concluded that there was no significant relationship between
attitudes towards healthy home conditions in the Pemulutan Health Center Work
Area, Ogan Hilir.
Sikap itu merupakan reaksi tertutup, bukan merupakan reaksi terbuka atau
tingkah laku yang terbuka. Sikap merupakan kesiapan untuk bereaksi terhadap objek
lingkungan tertentu sebagai suatu pengahayatan terhadap objek (Notoatmodjo,
From the results of the questionnaires and interviews conducted, the
researchers found that there were still many respondents who had positive attitudes,
respondents agreed with the requirements of a healthy house, the existence of latrines

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN: 2985-4393

in each house, the existence of windows and ventilation, and the existence of a place
to dispose of garbage. However, this positive attitude cannot yet become a
benchmark that the community will have a healthy home while their actions are still
bad in implementing the healthy home itself. So that there is no relationship between
the attitude of the head of the family towards a healthy house on Seraya Island, the
Working Area of the Sekupang Health Center in 2022.

c. The Relationship of the Actions of the Head of the Family to a Healthy House
From the results of this study, the results of the chi-square test are p-value 0.000 0.05,
which means that Ho is rejected and there is a significant relationship between the actions
of the head of the family on a healthy home.
This is in line with research conducted by (Rika Oktavia, 2014) where the p-value
0.000 0.05 can be interpreted that there is a relationship between the actions of the head of
the family about a healthy house on basic sanitation in the Sambau Health Center Work
This action is also part of the reflection of the majority of respondents being negative,
so that it has an impact on the actions taken by respondents. However, several studies also
prove that the process does not always go through these stages, even in everyday practice
the opposite happens. This means that someone has good actions even though his
knowledge and attitude are still negative (Notoatmodjo, 2010).
From the results of questionnaires and interviews conducted, researchers obtained
information that there are still many respondents who do not want to apply good habits to
support the creation of a healthy home itself, where respondents do not throw garbage in its
place, do not have goose neck latrines, do not clean water reservoirs. , does not use
sewerage, so the wastewater is discharged directly into the sea, so that a significant
relationship is obtained between the actions of the head of the family towards a healthy
house on Seraya Island, Batam City in 2022.
Based on the results of the research and discussion described, it can be concluded that the
description of the characteristics of the head of the family, namely the majority aged 41-60
years amounted to 48 people with a percentage (47.5%), elementary school education
amounted to 79 people with a percentage (78.2%) and work as a fisherman as much as 79%
with a percentage (78.2%). The description of the knowledge of the head of the family is that
the majority have low knowledge of 86 people with a percentage (85.1%). The description
of the attitude of the head of the family is that the majority have a negative attitude as many
as 58 people with a percentage (57.4%). The description of the actions of the head of the
family is that the majority have bad actions as many as 79 people with a percentage (78.2%).
The picture of a healthy house for the head of the family is that the majority have an
unhealthy house as many as 96 people (95%). There is a significant relationship between
the knowledge of the head of the family on healthy homes, because the majority of
respondents' knowledge is low knowledge where respondents are less active in attending
counseling conducted by sanitarians from the Puskesmas and less concerned about the
surrounding environment. There is no significant relationship between the attitude of the
head of the family towards a healthy home, where this attitude is a reaction or response that
is still closed to an object so that the attitude of the respondent is partially positive. However,
to act tends to be negative behavior. There is a significant relationship between the actions
of the head of the family towards a healthy house, where it is found that most of the
respondents have bad habits such as throwing garbage, waste water directly into the sea,
not using healthy latrines and the unavailability of clean water reservoirs.
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