Chapter 1

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Introduction (4 paragraphs, deductive approach)

Around the world, finding a job is much tougher for women than it is for men. When women are
employed, they tend to work in low-quality jobs, face some form of job restriction, and do not
guarantee equal pay for work. While vulnerable employment is widespread for both women and
men, women tend to be overrepresented in certain types of vulnerable jobs: men are more likely
to be working in own-account employment while women are more likely to be helping out in
their households or in their relatives’ businesses. In countries at all levels of economic
development, a woman’s personal preference is the key factor in determining whether she will
seek out and engage in paid work. However, this preference is heavily influenced by
socioeconomic constraints and pressure to conform to traditional gender roles.

The first paragraph contains the general topic. You have to state facts or general

knowledge about the general problem or the dependent variable. See to it that you have citations.

Gender roles and the pressures to conform to these roles for women vary across regions,
religions, and households. One way the pressure to conform manifests itself is through marital
status. For instance, in developed and emerging economies, women who have a spouse or a
partner are less likely to be employed in a paid job or be actively looking for one. This can often
arise from the economic stability of a partner’s income that can reinforce the “male breadwinner”
bias in some marital arrangements. In developing countries, the reverse is true: the economic
necessity in the region gives all women little choice but to work despite their marital status.  

The second paragraph presents the trends. What is happening in the world, country, or

community? Is there an alarming issue that must be solved? Citation

Across the board, both women and men report that the biggest barrier for women in paid work is
the struggle to balance it with family responsibilities. Work such as childcare, cleaning, and
cooking is necessary for a household’s welfare – and therefore for the well-being of societies as a
whole – but women still shoulder the brunt of this often invisible and undervalued workload. In
developing and emerging countries, the lack of safe and accessible transportation is the most
challenging factor for the small percentage of women who report being affected by this. All too
often, women risk facing harassment and even sexual assault on their daily commute. Globally,
the lack of affordable care for children or family members is an obstacle for women, both for
those looking for a job and those in paid work.

The third paragraph contains the application of the problem in the present state of the

community or environment.

The data is clear: women want to be in paid employment, but a persistent set of socio-
economic barriers keep them out of the workforce. Identifying and quantifying these
barriers allows us to develop smarter policy responses for eliminating them. Ultimately,
closing gender gaps in the labor force is not just good for women and their households,
but for the global economy as a whole. 

The last paragraph explains the reason for studying the chosen topic. Rationale. You have

to persuade or convince the reader that there is a need for research on the chosen topic.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is [SAMPLE ONLY: “How do employees at call

centers deal with the unstable nature of their work schedules?”]

Specifically, this study answers the following questions:

1. What are the issues faced by call center agents with their shifting work schedule in terms

1.1 work-related issues;

1.2 personal-related issues; and

1.3 health-related issues?

2. What are the coping strategies of the employees to address the issues they faced with

their shifting work schedule?

3. What are the main motivations behind the employee's interest in pursuing a career in the

BPO industry despite the shifting work schedule?

Significance of the Study

Introductory paragraph. (State the objective of your study) and this will benefit the


Call Center Agents. Explain how will the study benefit the organization, certain groups

of people, etc.

Call Center Managers. Explain how will the study benefit the organization, certain

groups of people, etc.

Call Center Owners. Explain how will the study benefit the organization, certain groups

of people, etc.

Human Resource Officers. Explain how will the study benefit the organization, certain

groups of people, etc.

Future Researchers. Explain how will the study benefit the organization, certain groups

of people, etc.
Scope and Delimitation (6 paragraphs)

In the first paragraph, state the focus of your study and rationale for investigating the

research problems.

In the second paragraph, explain the design of your study and its relevance.

Third, paragraph: Who are your respondents, and why they should be the subject of your


Fourth paragraph: What is your sampling method? And what is your sample size?

Fifth, paragraph” How will you gather your data? And what is the data analysis in

analyzing the gathered data?

Sixth paragraph, The duration/time frame of your study

According to Branner (2020), It’s important for me
to be an advocate for my son, to be an advocate
for myself, to be able to stand up for the both of
us. I think it’s important for women to know they
have a voice that needs to be heard.

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