Mac Excel - Introduction
Mac Excel - Introduction
Mac Excel - Introduction
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Module 01
The Quick Access Toolbar Command Tabs
Terms and Definitions: To select all the cells in a worksheet, either click
the area where Column A meets Row 1 or use
the keyboard combination of [command] + [A].
The Ribbon in Excel 2016 replaces what were known as the
Standard Toolbar and the Formatting Toolbar in previous versions
of Excel. To switch the display from one set of commands to ■■ To select an entire COLUMN, click the Column Header (the
another on the Ribbon, click on the Command Tabs, which were letter at the top of the column).
known as the Menu Bar commands in previous versions of Excel. ■■ To select an entire ROW, click the Row Header (the letter at
The Quick Access Toolbar: the left of the row).
The Quick Access Toolbar is the only customizable toolbar
To select multiple non-adjacent ranges of
in Excel 2016. Add command buttons you use often to the
cells, select your first range of cells. Then while
Quick Access Toolbar when you don’t want to select different
holding down the [command] key, select any
Command Tabs to find commands, or when the command is
additional ranges of cells. This works with rows
not currently available on the Ribbon. To customize the Quick
and columns as well!
Access Toolbar, click the arrow to its right.
The cell is the basic building block of an Excel worksheet. Terms and References:
Cell Address: Formula:
The cell address is the location of a cell in a worksheet, – referring A mathematical operation involving addition, subtraction,
to the Column Letter and the Row Number (always in that order!) multiplication, or division.
of the cell in the worksheet.
Range: A built in feature of Excel that can assist in performing complex
The range is two or more selected cells. To refer to a range of mathematical operations or provide other data analysis or data
cells, specify the first cell and the last cell of a range separated retrieval functionality.
by a colon symbol. For example, if all the cells from A1 to B5 were
selected, it would be referenced as A1:B5.
Relative Cell Reference:
A reference to a cell in a formula or function that WILL be adjusted
Workbook: if the formula or function is copied. Relative cell references do
The term is used to refer to a Microsoft Excel file. Microsoft Excel not contain Dollar Signs, such as A5 or E15.
2007--16 Workbook files have a file extension of .xlsx.
Absolute Cell Reference:
Worksheet: A reference to a cell in a formula or function that will NOT be
A worksheet is an individual sheet within an Excel Workbook file. adjusted if the formula or function is copied. Absolute cell
Each worksheet has over 16,000 Columns and over one million references are indicated by Dollar Signs, such as $A$5 or $E$15.
Mathematical Operators:
Navigation and Cell Selection: The symbols used to indicate mathematical operations.
■■ To enter data and move DOWN, use the [ENTER] key. Symbol Operation
■■ To enter data and move to the RIGHT, use the [TAB] key. + Addition
■■ ARROW KEYS may also be used to move from cell to cell. - Subtraction
■■ You can also enter data and move to another cell by typing * Multiplication
and then simply left-clicking another cell. / Division
■■ To select a range of cells, left-click and drag from the first ^ Exponential
cell to the last cell, and release the left mouse button.
To Write a Formula: Adding a Range of Numbers:
■■ Begin by selecting a cell you want the result of your To add a range of numbers, such as in a row or column, click
calculation to appear in. the cell you want the sum total to appear in, and then click the
■■ Start the formula by typing an “equal sign” [=]. AutoSum button located on the Formulas tab of the Ribbon.
■■ Refer to cells in your formula by clicking them or by typing If needed, select the correct range of cells to add and press the
a cell’s address. [ENTER] or [TAB] keys to insert the Sum Total of the selected
■■ Insert mathematical operators as needed. Press the [ENTER]
key when complete. Creating Functions:
Example of a Formula: Click the Formulas Command Tab located above the Ribbon
to display the Formulas Ribbon. Select from various Function
In the illustration to the left, categories, or Libraries, to begin building functions with the help
cell B3 contains a formula that of Excel.
multiplies the amount in cell B1
by the percentage in cell B2. The Using AutoFill to Copy a Formula or Function :
formula would be written as: ■■ Select the cell containing the
=B1*B2 formula or function you wish to
■■ Drag the AutoFill Handle of the cell
down or to the right accordingly.
The AutoFill Handle is the black
AutoFill Handle box in the lower right of the cell.
Module 02
Moving or Copying Data: AutoFill a Series of Values:
■■ First select the range of cells you want to move or copy. To automatically fill in a series of text values, such as the months
■■ To MOVE the data, click the Cut button from the Home Tab of the year, the days of the week, or a series such as 1st QTR, 2nd
Ribbon or use the keyboard combination of QTR, 3rd QTR, etc., begin by typing a starting value and then
[command] + [X]. dragging the AutoFill Handle.
■■ To COPY the data, click the Copy button from the
Click on a cell, type Week 1, and press the
Home Tab Ribbon or use the keyboard combination of
[ENTER] key. Now select the cell containing
[command] + [C]. “Week 1” and drag the AutoFill Handle either
■■ Select the first cell you want to move or copy the data to. down or to the right.
■■ Click the PASTE button from the Home Tab Ribbon or use
the keyboard shortcut [command] + [V].
Customise the AutoFill values:
Note: Select the Excel drop-down menu from the upper-left corner of
This method will allow you paste the data multiple the screen and select Preferences. Click the Custom Lists option
times. If you need to only paste the data one time, to add or modify custom lists.
you can use the [ENTER] key to paste after copying
or cutting data.
To insert more than one row or column at a time, select as many rows or columns as you want to insert and then
execute the Insert Rows/Columns command as described previously. New rows will appear above the selected rows,
and new columns will appear to the left of selected columns.
Formatting Cells: Freezing Rows or Columns:
To apply Cell Formatting: To freeze a row, a column or both:
Select the range of cells you want to apply the formatting to and Select the row above (or the column before) the area you wish
then select from the commands located on the Home Ribbon. to freeze. Select the View Command Tab above the Ribbon and
then click on the Freeze Panes.
Copy formats from one cell and
apply them to other cells using To Un-Freeze:
the Format Painter command. The Click on the Unfreeze Panes button.
Format Painter command button
appears in the Clipboard group of
the Home Ribbon.
To MOVE a worksheet:
Click and drag the worksheet before or after any others.