MP 2100

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Modular Integrated Access Multiplexers

FEATURES • PCM, ADPCM digitization • Ethernet LAN modules

and G.723.1 low-bit-rate
• Flexible Integrated Access compressed voice • Built-in fiber optic and xDSL
Multiplexers modems for reduced
• Optional redundant deployment and
• Integrated data, voice/fax configurations for critical maintenance costs
and video traffic with DS0 applications
cross-connect • ASCII terminal for local
• Wide range of I/O modules management
• Multiple E1/T1 or fractional supporting multiple • RADview SNMP
E1/T1 main links, with channels:
combined TDM capacity of management with graphical
120 high speed data user-interface on PC or UNIX
8 Mbps (124 timeslots) 132 low speed data (HP OpenView) platform
• 10/100-Mbps IP access link 55 full BRI (2B+D) • Telnet support for remote
for transparent circuit 120 PCM voice
extension over IP, using management
RAD’s TDMoIP technology • Two chassis types: • Non-volatile, Flash memory
MP-2100 (4U-high) for software upgrade and
• Ring topology support: housing up to configuration download
Self-healing TDM E1/T1 12 modules
rings • DL (download) and TFTP
MP-2104 (2U-high) support for Common Logic
Resilient Fast Ethernet compact version housing
Ring (RFER) technology software upgrade
up to five modules
providing Fast Ethernet • Standard management
networks with self-healing • V5 support for standard protocols: SLIP, PPP,
protection within 50 msec POTS and ISDN interface to PPPHDLC,
the local exchange IP Over Frame Relay
• R2 signaling (RFC 1450) and RIP2
Modular Integrated Access Multiplexers
• Megaplex enables carriers to
successfully deploy bundled • The chassis is available in two basic
• Megaplex-2100/2104 is a modular services, ISDN services and variants:
integrated access TDM Internet access. The integration of Megaplex-2100 (4U high)
multiplexer, which integrates a broad range of services makes chassis providing slots for up to
multiple dedicated data, voice, Megaplex a cost-effective access 12 main link and I/O modules
ISDN, video and LAN channels device, with reduced deployment
over multiple main (network) links. Megaplex-2104 (2U high)
and maintenance costs. chassis providing slots for up to
Megaplex features a traffic payload
capacity of up to 124 DS0 • The equipment conforms to 5 main link and I/O modules.
timeslots. This 8-Mbps capacity international standards, ensuring TIMING
can be transmitted over 4 full E1 or compatibility in multi-vendor
5 full T1 links, or alternatively, over environments worldwide. • Multiple system timing options are
multiple fractional E1/T1 links. available:
TDMoIP Internal crystal oscillator clock
• The flexible, modular Megaplex
design with a wide choice of I/O • Megaplex offers an optional IP Clock received from any link
(user interface) modules was main link module that transmits (loopback)
designed for applications ranging TDM traffic directly over IP Clock from any high speed
from small campus networks to networks. This TDMoIP access module channel
multi-site corporate networks or module converts user TDM traffic
External station (master) clock
extensive carrier access solutions. into IP packets transmitted on
Due to Megaplex’s standards 10/100BaseT or 100BaseF Ethernet Adaptive timing received from
adherence, central office based networks. Megaplex with TDMoIP any bundle (with ML-IP only).
cross-connect units (DACS) can technology provides a Any clock source can be set as
separate voice and data, sending cost-effective, versatile and fallback in the event of primary
each to the appropriate carrier or modular solution for transmitting clock source failure.
service. legacy TDM traffic over IP
networks. This is especially suitable
for large corporations, utilities or
power companies that are seeking
a gradual migration to IP networks.
Modular Integrated Access Multiplexers
SYSTEM REDUNDANCY • The Megaplex system also supports RFER: The TDMoIP link module
two RAD proprietary types of ring features RAD’s Resilient Fast
• Megaplex’s modular, distributed redundancy, provided by its main Ethernet Ring (RFER) technology
architecture enables redundancy at link modules: for creating self-healing Ethernet
different levels of the network and ring networks. RFER reroutes
provides a system with no single E1/T1 Ring: Similar to SDH, the
E1/T1 ring features ring traffic within 50 msec of a ring
point of failure. segment failure, providing fast
redundancy in a closed dual-ring
• System hardware redundancy is topology: one path propagates redundancy performance similar
attained by an optional redundant data “clockwise” and the other to SDH networks. Survivability is
power supply and common logic “counterclockwise”. Each further enhanced by RFER’s
module (MP-2100 chassis only). Megaplex can receive data scalable support for multiple
through two different paths, and rings. RFER can carry up to
• 1:1 protection switching on the selects only the signal received 40 E1 or 50 T1 links with no
main link modules protects against limit on the number of nodes.
through one of the paths for
network or cable failure.
processing. In case of failure, the • The built-in, non-blocking, DS0
Additional ML modules can be
failed segment is bypassed by cross-connect matrix enables
installed and interconnected via
using the second path, providing routing any channel’s timeslots to
Y-cables to provide protection
self-healing in less than five any link. This allows Megaplex to
against ML hardware failures.
seconds. maximize its efficiency by splitting
• Bundle redundancy provides voice and data channels and
backup for IP transmissions redirecting the traffic, via separate
(functions similarly to E1/T1 link links, to the appropriate service.
“parallel TX” redundancy).
• The cross-connect matrix also
• In case of link failure, Megaplex enables routing timeslots from any
activates alternate routing. This is link to any other link. This
achieved by storing multiple facilitates drop insert, bypass or
configuration databases and broadcast multi-link applications.
flipping (switching) between them
in case of any network event.


Figure 1. Point-to-Point Topology

Megaplex is suitable for integrating all the traffic requirements between two sites, over a wide variety of E1/T1 links:
leased lines, fiber optic, HDSL, radio or satellite.
Multiple fractional or full E1/T1 links provide load sharing between the links, as well as automatic backup, with
prioritization of voice and data services. Link redundancy is supported, providing 1:1 protective switching between any
two links (within 50 msec between dual links of same ML module).
Modular Integrated Access Multiplexers
• A total of 124 timeslots can be • The V5.2 standard allows R2 SIGNALING
allocated, either for transmission of oversubscription of services based
I/O channels or for bypassing on dynamic, on-demand • Main link (ML) modules support
timeslots between links of different assignment of timeslots for optimal R2 signaling with transparent
modules. utilization of a given bandwidth on MFC/DECADIC, so that Megaplex
the physical link. can be placed between an older
V5.1 AND V5.2 INTERFACE R2-PBX and a digital (E1-CAS) PBX.
• A Megaplex unit equipped with a The MFC/DECADIC signaling is not
• V5, the ETSI standard interface, V5.2 main link can serve as a V5.2 terminated by Megaplex, but
operates between the access endpoint and exchange point passed on to the PBX. In addition
network and the Class 5 switch for gateway, for voice, ISDN and to the ITU-T standard R2 protocol,
basic telephony, ISDN and fractional/full E1 services with several predefined national PTT
semi-permanent leased lines, payload of up to 120 channels. protocols, as well as user-defined
allowing oversubscription of variations, are also supported.
users/channels over a given V5.2 Since the R2 signaling support is
interface capacity. Megaplex provided by the ML, all voice
incorporates a V5 main link module types support R2.
interface for connecting residential
and SOHO users of PSTN and
ISDN services to local exchanges
with a V5 interface.
• V5.1 is a static flavor of the V5
standard for connecting telephone
services to a Class 5 switch without

Figure 2. Resilient Fast Ethernet Ring (RFER) Provides 50-msec Self-healing IP Networks
Megaplex ML-IP with RAD’s RFER technology, enables corporations, campuses, utilities, and transportation
companies to create highly reliable IP networks with 50-msec link protection switching, using dark fiber or copper
wire in a ring topology.
Modular Integrated Access Multiplexers
COMMON LOGIC MODULES • Two dedicated ports are provided • Two outbound relays can be
on the CL module for management assigned to be triggered by any
• The Common Logic (CL) module purposes. One port has a 9-pin user-selected major or minor
controls the Megaplex operation DCE interface for direct alarm, for routing of Megaplex
and is the interface for its connection of a management alarms to outside indicators, such
configuration and management. It terminal or PC. The other is as buzzers and bells.
stores the application software and ordered with one of the following
up to 10 configuration databases interface options:
(depending on complexity) for
Ethernet 10BaseT (UTP)
multiple independent
configurations. The CL also stores Ethernet 10Base2 (BNC)
all system event information. Flash V.24/RS-232 DTE.
EPROM for software download is
provided. • An input voltage detector,
intended for sensing external
events (coming from temperature
alarm sensors etc), generates
internal alarms, which are sent to
the NMS station and reported to
the user.

Figure 3. Mesh Corporate Network

RAD’s DXC (Digital Cross-connect) DACS complements Megaplex’s own cross-connect capabilities, to provide a
comprehensive network solution. DXC flexibly routes timeslots between different Megaplex and other E1/T1 sites. The
equipment in all the sites is easily controlled and monitored by an integrated network management system.
Modular Integrated Access Multiplexers
E1/T1 Main Links • Up to 11 I/O modules of any kind • Sub-rate multiplexer modules for
can be placed in an MP-2100 low speed (2.4 to 19.2 kbps)
• Megaplex TDM E1/T1 main link chassis (up to 4 I/O modules in an synchronous and asynchronous
modules allow direct connection MP-2104). If more I/O modules data channels employ standard
to a wide range of services, are required, Megaplex units can X.50, X.58 or SDM (DS0-B)
eliminating the need for external be cascaded. multiplexing techniques.
equipment. Multiple active links
can operate in each chassis. High-Speed Data Modules • Low-speed modules with
Additional modules can also be sync/async V.24/RS-232 channels,
installed for link redundancy. • High speed data interface modules with independent channel rates of
provide leased line data services, up to 64 kbps are available.
• The various ML modules can be operating at multiples of 56 or End-to-end control signals are
configured for a broad range of 64 kbps, up to 2.048 Mbps, supported.
applications: from single link connecting routers, bridges,
non-redundant operation, to front-end processors, etc. Voice/Fax and Voice Compression
multiple full or fractional E1/T1 link Modules
applications requiring • E1 interface modules with built-in
drop & insert and broadcast. xDSL modems enable • Voice/fax modules transmit voice
cost-effective long-range at toll quality using standard PCM
• E1/T1 link modules with built-in deployment of high speed services (ITU-T G.711), as well as ADPCM
fiber optic modems (range up to over 2- or 4-wire copper lines. (G.726), MPMLQ (G.723.1), or
100 km/62 miles) or E1 link Range is up to 4.0 km. P-CELP 4.8 kbps compression.
modules with xDSL modems Standard analog interfaces are
(range up to 10.6 km/6.6 miles) • ISDN BRI (“U” or “S”) modules available for direct connection to
are available. These special links extend ISDN services over
POTS, public payphones, LB (local
non-ISDN facilities, supporting
reduce the cost of local loop battery) field phones, PBX
solutions by lowering equipment data, voice and video applications.
extensions or 2/4-wire E&M trunks.
deployment and maintenance The “U” interface modules employ
Alternatively, voice compression
IDSL technology for “last mile”
costs. modules with E1 and T1 digital
PBX interfaces are available. Loop,
• The dual-trunk main link modules wink and ground-start signaling are
increase efficiency and provide 1:1
also supported.
protective switching between the
two links within 50 msec.
TDMoIP Main Link
• The unique ML-IP main link
module converts the TDM bit
stream delivered over the internal
Megaplex back plane into IP
packets, for transmission over IP
networks. ML-IP features three
Ethernet ports, with 10/100BaseT
or 100BaseF interfaces. The
module conforms to IEEE 802.3
and 802.3u and provides reliable,
high quality of service (QoS),
including VLAN tagging and
priority labeling (ToS).
• ML-IP places TDM timeslots into IP
bundles with VLAN tagging
required by point-to-multipoint
applications. Duplicate bundles
can be transmitted simultaneously
on different paths for redundancy.
GUI-based RADview Network Management System for Megaplex-2100/2104
Modular Integrated Access Multiplexers
• Digital voice compression modules MANAGEMENT DIAGNOSTICS
connect PBX trunks with greater
bandwidth utilization (compression • Megaplex can be fully configured • Megaplex incorporates test features
ratio of up to 10:1). The modules locally, using an ASCII terminal. It for rapid fault detection and easy
employ a choice of high quality can also be managed remotely via maintenance. Upon power-up, all
voice compression methods, Telnet, SNMP element system and modules perform
including G.723.1 at 6.4 kbps per management applications, or self-testing. Any problems are
channel, or G.729A at 8 kbps. The end-to-end path management reported to the management
modules support Group III fax and application. system. Loopbacks, BERTs and
modem relay, at user-selectable tone injections can be run on
standard rates of up to 14.4 kbps,
• Megaplex communicates with the individual channels or main links,
management station by means of towards both the network and user
featuring transparent timeslot
its SNMP agent (via a SLIP/PPP or
transfer, voice activity detection, side.
TCP/IP connection). Network
silence suppression, and comfort
noise generation. Module versions
management applications provide • The signaling monitoring capability
centralized control of all network useful for voice application
are offered with single/dual T1 (up
nodes, including interface diagnostics enables Megaplex to
to 24/48 channels), or single/dual
configuration, connection setup, display a “snapshot“ of the current
E1 (up to 30/60 channels)
alarms and monitoring. ABCD signaling bit states of any
selected timeslot that carries voice
• The user-friendly GUI-based traffic.
LAN Modules RADview network management
• Ethernet router/bridge modules applications facilitate management • All alarms, including state and
enable LAN to LAN extension over of both individual units and entire frequency of occurrence, are
E1/T1 services, offering various L2 networks. stored in CL’s alarm status buffer.
capabilities. Last 256 alarms are kept in a
• The RADview-SC/TDM application separate alarm history buffer.
enables end-to-end path
management of MAP devices, • Alarm status can be automatically
providing physical and logical read online by the management
graphic views of all network links system from any node. User-set
and service paths of the system. alarm masking, filtering and
inversion, as well as 5-level
• The management connection can prioritization are also supported.
be established by the following
Out-of-band, using the Ethernet
management port. This simple • Megaplex-2100 is also offered in a
and efficient method takes special NEBS-compliant version
advantage of IP bandwidth on which meets the Type 3 and
demand, while saving link Type 4 requirements, and permits
bandwidth for user traffic reliable operation in harsher
environmental conditions.
Inband over a dedicated
timeslot, supporting standard Contact your RAD distributor for
PPP, FR encapsulation, and RIP2 more information on
protocols NEBS-compliant equipment.
Over a modem link or over a
FRAD, via the control port of the
remote unit.
Modular Integrated Access Multiplexers

SPECIFICATIONS • Physical – MP-2104 (2U-high) • Maximum Output Power

Built-in power supply (optional MP-2100 (without Ringer):
• Main Link and I/O Modules built-in voice ringer or ISDN AC: 200W
See accompanying data sheets power feeder is available) DC: 200W
• Configuration 1 CL module slot MP-2104:
By ASCII Terminal or PC, 5 slots for I/O and ML modules AC: 120W
connected to terminal interface Height: 9 cm (3.5 in) (2U) DC: 120W
or via Telnet ACw/Ringer: 225W
Width: 44 cm (17 in) DCw/Ringer: 290W
Using RADview SNMP
Depth: 33 cm (13 in)
management system • Maximum Input Power
Weight: less than 6 kg (13 lb)
• Physical – MP-2100 (4U-high) MP-2100 (without Ringer):
(All weights are for fully loaded units) AC: 250W
2 power supply module slots
2 CL module slots • Power Supply Input DC: 250W
MP-2100: MP-2104:
12 slots for I/O and ML modules
AC: 100, 115 or 230 VAC AC: 160W
Height: 18 cm (7 in) (4U) DC: 24 or -48 VDC DC: 160W
Width: 44 cm (17 in) ACw/Ringer: 300W
MP-2104: DCw/Ringer: 350W
Depth: 33 cm (13 in) AC: 100, 115 or 230 VAC
Weight: less than 17 kg (37 lb) DC: 24 or -48 VDC • Environment
Operating: 0 to 45°C (32 to 113°F)
(MP-2100 NEBS version:
up to 55°C (+131°F)
Storage: -20 to+70°C
(-4 to +160°F
Humidity: up to 90%,

NEBS-Compliant Megaplex-2100 Chassis

Modular Integrated Access Multiplexers

ORDERING * Specify power supply input voltage: SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES

100 for 100 VAC
BASIC UNITS AC power cord (with AC power
115 for 115 VAC
supply only)
Standard Megaplex-2100/2104 230 for 230 VAC
systems are comprised of a Basic 24 for 24 VDC DC adapter plug (with DC power
Unit, as well as Main Link and I/O 48 for -48 VDC supply only)
Modules, which are ordered
& Specify redundancy (MP-2100 only): RM-MP-MX-23/19
R for full (2 x PS, 2 x CL) Hardware kit for mounting one
Basic units include a chassis, single RP for partial (2 x PS, 1 x CL) MP-2100 unit into both 19-inch and
Common Logic (CL) module, single Default is for 1 x PS, 1 x CL 23-inch racks
power supply, and power supply
+ Specify RI for built-in ringer MP2104/RM
(MP-2104 only) Hardware kit for mounting one
See separate module data sheets for
main link and I/O module details and # Specify CL second management port MP-2104 unit into a 19-inch rack
ordering information. (in addition to standard 9-pin DCE port):
MP-2100/*/&/2# BNC for Ethernet 10Base2 (BNC) CBL-DB9F-DB9M-STR
4U-high chassis with 12 module slots V24 for V.24/RS-232 DTE Standard DB-9 to DB-9 control port
and CL.2 common logic module cable
2U-high chassis with 5 module slots
and CL.2 common logic module
System modules can be ordered
separately for redundancy or special

Higher Power Supply Module for
Common Logic Module
International Headquarters
24 Raoul Wallenberg Street
Tel Aviv 69719, Israel
Tel: 972-3-6458181
Fax: 972-3-6498250
North America Headquarters
900 Corporate Drive
Mahwah, NJ 07430, USA
Tel: (201) 529-1100
Toll free: 1-800 444-7234
Fax: (201) 529-5777


© 1988–2006 RAD Data Communications Ltd. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

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