09 Cloud Computing Final 09 Task Performance 1 ARG PDF

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Rizza C.

Venezuela January 23, 2022

BSCpE-501A Advanced Database Systems

09 Cloud Computing (Final)

09 Task Performance 1 - ARG
Assume that you are planning to make a point-of-sale system (POS) that will have the following
 Billing and order processing/records: This will generate order invoice.
 Sales report/records: This will track the information of all the items that are sold.
 Inventory management: This will manage the quantity of the item stocks.

1. Using Mongo shell, create a data schema that will demonstrate the described system.
You can use either embedded or reference data model based on your data design.
2. After creating the schema, insert appropriate data based on the given transaction below:

o On July 21, 2021, Rosalie purchased two (2) iPhone-X phones worth ₱45,000
each. Before Rosalie made the purchase, the quantity of iPhone-X is 49.

Mongo DB code
Insert data:

 Billing and Order Processing/Records:

X","price":45000,"date":"July 21, 2021"});
X","price":45000,"date":" July 21, 2021"});
X","price":45000,"date":" July 21, 2021"});

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 Sales Report/Record:

>db.sale.insert({ "_id": "042821", "item": "iPhone-X", "price": 45000, "quantity": 3 })


 Inventory Management:

>db.inventory.insert({"_id": "010390","item": "iPhone-X","price": 45000,"quantity": 49,

"creator":{ "$ref":"sale"," $id":"042821"," $db":"test"}});

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