Chapter 3 and 4 Reviewer Larger Font
Chapter 3 and 4 Reviewer Larger Font
Chapter 3 and 4 Reviewer Larger Font
Prehire data Meet your boss Meet team Obtain Establish
gathering members external culture
Meet your perspectives, Team off-site:
Posthire entire team Meet peers strategy, - Values
activities structure, and - Strategy
Meet stars staffing - Operating
Other meetings Socialize
Get feedback Sub team
(This is a road map to help people make successful transitions into new leadership
The first meeting with the boss happens in the boss’s office and lasts an hour.
The new leaders should meet people both inside and outside the team.
One-on-one meetings with key team members should provide the leader with answers to
critical questions:
• What is the team member working on?
• What are the team member’s objectives?
• Who are the “stars” a level or two down in the organization?
• What are the people issues on the team?
• What can the team do better?
• What advice do team members have for the new leader, and what can the new leader
do to help team members?
a. New leaders should minimize their personal interactions with direct reports during
their first two months on the job.
b. They should discuss the following during meetings:
c. Their peers’ objectives, challenges, team structure, etcetera
d. Their perspectives on what the new leader’s team does well and could do better
e. Their perspectives on the new leader’s team members
f. How to best communicate with the boss
g. How issues get raised and decisions made on their boss’s team
During the first two weeks, new leaders should also try to meet with individuals who were
once part of the team but have taken positions in other parts of the organization.
These individuals can offer unique insights into the history of the team and its team
members, and this source of information should not be overlooked.
The two other pieces of organization new leaders should gather during the first two
weeks are what the organization sees as the critical roles on the team and if they were
any internal candidates for the team leader position.
New leaders should need this information to ensure they have the best talent filing key
roles and to see if anyone on the team may be hoping to fail.
Things to do include:
a. Articulating how the team will win
b. Identifying the what, why, and how of any needed changes
c. Defining a clear set of expectations for team members
1) Get agreement on the critical attributes and values of team members. - New leaders
should set-off time to finalize and clearly define the positive and negative behaviors
for all attributes and values they want to see in their members.
2) Create a team scorecard. – New leaders will create the vision and overall objectives for
the future, direct report teams need to formulate concrete, specific goals with timelines
and benchmarks to measure success.
4) Establish task forces to work on key change initiatives. – Issues need to be addressed
by the team can be done on off-site meetings, whereas task forces may be a better
venue for resolving other issues.
Followers with technical competence earn better performance appraisal ratings, exert
influence in their groups, and are more likely to be a member of a leader’s in-group.
This is related to improved managerial promotion rates, better training skills, lower rates of
group conflict, reduced levels of role ambiguity, and higher motivation levels among followers
for leaders.
It is a systematic process of building knowledge and experience or changing behavior.
Peterson and Hicks believe that there are five interrelated phases to developmental
1. Identifying development needs
2. Analyzing data to identify and prioritize development need
3. Using prioritized development needs to create a focused and achievable development
4. Periodically reviewing the plan, reflecting on learning, and modifying or updating the
plan as appropriate
5. Transferring learning to new environments
• The first three months give leaders unique opportunities to make smooth
transitions, paint compelling pictures of the future, and drive organizational
• Performance is a function of technical competence.
• Individuals who have good superior-follower relationships are often in the
superior’s in-group.
• Fundamental requirement of leadership effectiveness is the ability to build strong
alliances with others.
• Development planning is the systematic process of building knowledge and
experience or changing behavior.
Chapter 4: Power and Influence
3) Influence tactics - One person’s actual behaviors designed to change another person’s
attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors.
• Apart from leaders, followers can also wield power and influence over leaders as
well as over each other.
• These are overt behaviors exhibited by one person to influence another.
• Some followers may exert relatively more influence than the leader does in certain
• Followers often can use a wider variety of influence tactics than the leader.
- This is because the formal leader is not always the person who possesses the most
power in a leadership situation.
• It refers to the potential influence one has because of the strength of the
relationship between the leader and the followers.
• Takes time to develop but can be lost quickly.
• Desire to maintain referent power may limit a leader’s actions in certain situations.
• The stronger the relationship, the more influence leaders and followers exert over
each other.
• A relative degree of responsiveness is primarily a function of the strength of the
• Followers with relatively more referent power than their peers are often
spokespersons for their units and have more latitude to deviate from work-unit
• Depends upon on a person’s organizational role or his or her formal or official
• Allows exertion of influence through requests or demands deemed appropriate by
virtue of one’s role and position.
• Holding a position and being a leader are not synonymous.
• Effective leaders often intuitively realize they need more than legitimate power to
be successful.
• Followers can use their legitimate power, job descriptions, bureaucratic rules, or
union policies to influence leaders.
• Involves the potential to influence others through control over desired resources.
• Potential to influence others through reward power is a joint function of the
leader, the followers, and the situation.
Problems Associated with Rewards:
a. Overemphasizing performance rewards can lead to workers feeling resentful
and manipulated.
b. Extrinsic rewards such as praise or compensation may not have the same
behavioral effects as intrinsic rewards such as personal growth and
c. Rewards may produce compliance but no other desirable outcomes like
Leaders can enhance their ability to influence others based on reward power by:
a. Determining what rewards are available and most valued by subordinates.
b. Establishing policies for the fair and consistent administration of rewards
for good performance.
• It is the potential to influence others through the administration of negative
sanctions or the removal of positive events.
• Reliance on this power has inherent limitations.
• Informal coercion can change the attitudes and behaviors of others.
• One of the most common forms of coercion is a superior’s temperamental
• Followers that use coercive power to influence a leader’s behavior tend to have a
relatively high amount of referent power among co-workers.
• Leaders can usually exert more power during a crisis than during periods of relative
• During a crisis, followers may be more eager to receive direction and control from
• Research indicates that leaders who rely on referent and expert powers have
subordinates who:
- Are more motivated and satisfied
- Are absent less
- Perform better
• One way of looking at the relationship between power and leadership involves
focusing on the individual leader’s personality.
• People vary in their motivation to influence or control others.
• Need for power is expressed in the following ways:
b. Socialized power - is used for the benefit of others or the organization and
involves self-sacrifice.
c. Thematic Apperception Test, a projective personality test, can assess the need
for power.
d. Need for power is found to be positively related to various leadership
effectiveness criteria.
• High need for socialized power and a high level of activity inhibition may be required
for long-term leadership success.
• Followers and leaders differ in the need for power, activity inhibition, and motivation
to manage.
Pressure Legitimizing
Personal Exchange Coalition
Tactics Tactics
Appeals Tactics
When threats
When a target When a target When agents When agents
or persistent
is asked to do a is influenced seek the help make requests
reminders are
favor out of through the of others to based on their
used to
friendship. exchange of influence the position or
favors. target. authority.
• If power is the capacity to influence others, influence tactics pertain to the actual
behaviors used by an agent to change the attitudes, opinions, or behaviors of a
target person.
• Various instruments have been developed to study influence tactics, but the Influence
Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ) was the most promising.
• A strong relationship exists between the relative power of agents and targets and
the types of influence tactics used.
• Leaders with high referent power generally do not use legitimizing or pressure tactics.
• Leaders with only coercive or legitimate power tend to use coalition, legitimizing, or
pressure tactics.
Hard Tactics are Used When: Soft Tactics are Used When:
a. An influencer has the upper a. One is at a disadvantage
hand b. Resistance is expected
b. Resistance is anticipated c. There is personal benefit if the
c. The other person’s behavior attempt is successful
violates important norms
• People select influence tactics as a function of their power relationship with another
- Relationship holds true universally across different social domains.
An important lesson for leaders is the value of being conscious of what influence
tactics one uses and what effects are typically associated with those tactics.
Knowledge of such effects can help a leader to make better decisions about her or his
manner of influencing decision.
Leaders should pay attention to the actual influence tactics they use and why they
believe particular methods are effective.
• Influence efforts intended to build others up more frequently lead to positive
outcomes than influence efforts intended to put others down.
• By reflecting on their different bases of power, leaders may better understand
how they can affect followers and even expand their power.
• Leaders can improve their effectiveness by finding ways to enhance the value of
their personal contribution to their team.
• Leaders should discourage in-group and out-group rivalries from forming in the
work unit
• Exercise of power occurs primarily through the influence tactics leaders and
followers use.
• Leadership practitioners should always consider why they are using a particular
influence attempt before they actually use it.