Point-Berkely Final

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Human can do it very well, computer do not do this

An short cut and an educated guess

step-by-step method that goes through all possible solutions
Can be very slow but lead to solution eventually

Creativity components
Expertise-special knowledge in eld
Imaginative thinking skills-be able to see problems in new ways
Venturesome personality- like to take risks and uncertainty
Intrinsic motivation- need to like this topic and think this is interesting
Creative environment- around people to support you

Deductive reasoning
general theory to speci c conclusion
only works if the general theory is correct
sometimes might be wrong

Inductive reasoning
using speci c observation to nd out a pattern
more common in real life study and research

Belief perseverance
Still believe our previous wrong ideas even if it is proved wrong

Overcon dence
overestimate our own beliefs and judgment
believe we are right on many issues

Con rmation bias

when we are nd the evidence that support of beliefs
we will ignore the one that go against with out belief
We always think there are more evidence for our own beliefs

way a question is presented can change our view on the issue

Fluid intelligence






our ability to solve the problems quickly

this intelligence decreased as we get older

Crystallized intelligence
the accumulated knowledge
this intelligence increase as we get older

Emotional intelligence
The ability to perceive, express and regulate the emotions

Situation that allows US to do the research on twins

60 years before, some mom having the twins
they don’t have the money to raise them
give to hospital for adoption
separated to different family

In uence on intelligence
Nature in uence more
about 50-75%
in some case, nurture will in uence more

Graph of the verbal test

The birth parents in uence more, especially when their are growing up
16, having about 30 similarities with their biological family than their adoptive


Inter-personal intelligence
understand others feeling and receive others emotion

Intra-personal intelligence
understand and receive ourselves feelings and the express of our emotions

Spearman’s G
General mental abilities
many of the subject areas are positively correlated
g dominant s
all tasks measure a single underlying mental abilities




Spearman’s S
speci c ability (single task)

Overcon dence bias

we often overestimate our own beliefs and judgment
possibly because brain doesn’t want to accept incompetence
people will overestimate how well they will do on a task

Sunk cost fallacy
We tend to continue do something if we already put in money… into it

The evolutionary theory of sleep

large grass-eating animals sleep less
because cannot hide
need to be aware of their predator
cows 4h

REM sleep
rapid eye movement
have vivid dreams
including most of the nightmares
They will remember they dream if you wake them up at the period of REM
brain wave is same as awake

Circadian Rhythm
natural 24 hour cycle of sleep and wake
biological clock that tells when wants to sleep and awake

Reason for sleep

associated with increasing about 60% of the space between brain cells
resulted by uid movement and removal of beta-amyloid
beta-amyloid is the chemical can cause the Alzheimer disease
brain will produce then in day
take out these garbage at night





Teenager and Sleep
teenager need 9h of sleep everyday
because body is growing
go though a lot of cognitive development
Not getting enough sleep
correlated with high risk of depression
effect memory, concentration and motivation

The neurocognitive theory of dreaming

a kind of thinking, like daydreaming
The neurocognitive theory occurs under these conditions
reduce sensory stimulation
reduced activity in areas important for planning and working
loss voluntary control of thinking
Still have enough activity in other brain areas like face recognition and emotion

Content of Dreaming
we tend to think the dreams are happy, but they are often not
negative to positive emotion 3 to 1
similar dreams in different culture
other studies show that dreams vary among cultures
dream don’t have deeper meaning and symbolism

Coping with stress

problem focus
solving or do something about the problem
also can know what to expect
see the positive side of an event
Emotional focus
suppress emotion (a lot effort)

Goals and deadlines

1. Make a speci c, detailed realistic goal
reward need to worth effort


2. Assigned deadlines
3. Detailed plan for what, where, how to do something
EX: exercise

need and desire people or animals feels that energize and directs our behavior
we want to do something

interested in, perform because you think it is interesting
playing instrument

avoid punishment or gain reinforcement
opposite from intrinsic motivation
getting good test grade

states that people seek excitement and stimulation
theory states that people have different level of optimal arousal
low-relaxed, comfortable
high-do dangerous sports/roller coaster

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

only desire the higher level if you obtained the lower level
biological needs-water food shelter
Safety needs-avoid from danger, be safe
Belonging needs-have friends, partner, family connections
Esteem-need to success and recognized
Self-Actualization-Ability to reach potential

The negative attitude toward a member of the different ethnicity

The negative behavior toward a member of the different ethnicity

Implicit bias

attitudes that may affect our behavior that we don’t even aware of it

is accepting, recognizing the differences among groups and contributions that
each person can offer
equal and seeing everyone unique

Central route to persuasion

persuade someone involving making logical argument, reasoning and evidence
most direct
will be effective if the evidence is strong

people likely to agree a large request after they agreed a smaller request

people tend to feel pressure to return the favor when you do someone a favor
can be used as to get someone to do what you want them to do to you

Peripheral route to persuasion

when evidences not good enough
central persuasion is not useful
changing you altitudes toward an object

Mere exposure effect

Obedience to authority
66% people continue to the end
show how much regular people will hurt on others
because there’s an authority told them to do that
participants know it is wrong but most of them didn’t stop

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