8F (Session 2) - Lesson Plan - Context Clues
8F (Session 2) - Lesson Plan - Context Clues
8F (Session 2) - Lesson Plan - Context Clues
Unit Vocabulary
Class: 8
School mission and vision: (describe the link between the content and the MVCs; align with the unit plan)
Empower learners to contribute to the global community through innovation, exploration, and citizenship.
School mission: DMES cultivates reflective scholars’ bold innovators and passionate leaders equipped with the content knowledge, skillset, and ethics to contribute to society positively. The learning environment prepares
students for lives of meaning and purpose, emphasizing academic excellence, high expectations, and enthusiasm for life. Our school emphasizes the development of a character loyal to GOD and a country identified by integrity
School Yearly Theme: Stronger Together: Empowering learners for success in a changing world.”
Real-life application: (describe how the specified knowledge and skills will be shown through real-life student application)
How can different types of intelligence help you exceed in different walks of life.
Different people have different ideas about what being intelligent means. A person’s age, culture, and personal beliefs can affect how he or she views and measures intelligence. Even the historical period in
which a person lives can have an effect. And, while there are tests to measure intelligence, there is no definitive gauge.
Media & Technological literacy- Collaboration- Responsibility- Global literacy- Social/ cultural literacy
Global literacy Media & Technological Literacy Civic Literacy Social/ Cultural Literacy
DMES core values Respect / high expectation /excellence Commitment / leadership /citizenship Responsibility/ tolerance /sustainability
Date: February 13th 2023 Essential question: : In what different ways can people be intelligent?
Lesson series:
List the standards that will be addressed in the lessons using the correct codes.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.8.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words or phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.8.6:Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate
independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Acquire and accurately use Information and Communication Technologies sector terminology.
Concept Vocabulary :
● Integrate
● Observation
● Documentation
Engage Do now / Do now – The backward approach
Which of the following correctly defines the meaning of the word SEDENTARY?
This must:
How can you tell ?
Be achievable, engaging, and enjoyable
To engage in physical activity.
Connect prior knowledge and skills to the
To spend time using minimal brain function.
new content being learned
To engage in criminal activity.
Cooperative Learning Strategy/Activity Students will go through the PPT and complete the differentiated activities.
5 mins This must: Students will use the new words in meaningful context
(student’s voice) Develop interpersonal learning skills .
Develop the vocabulary of the lesson
Explore Direct Instructional Strategies/Activities/ Here the teacher will build on the conclusions/ findings to explain the concept.
(teacher’s voice)
Include a central critical question
The teacher guides the student through the lesson using the PPT.
Cover the main content of the lesson
Be supported by appropriate resources
1. Use the given link to hear the word’s correct pronunciation.
Be carefully sequenced
2. Use different contexts such as mentor texts, pictures, or roots to predict the meaning of the underlined word.
Address misconceptions
Be embedded in real-life applications
3. Use a reliable source such as an online dictionary to find the actual meaning.
4. Compare your prediction with the actual meaning to evaluate your outcomes.
5. Use the new word correctly in an original sentence
Explore -We do
Predict meaning :
Actual meaning :
Sentence :
Drawing :
Do you think people from different backgrounds have successfully integrated in Dubai?
2- Observation
What information do you think you can collect by a keen observation of birds in the wild?
3- Documentation
Sally was struggling to prove that the house in the village belonged to her family. After considerable research and investigation, she found
documentation from the 1800s that proved her family built the house. Finally, Sally presented the papers in court and received complete ownership
of the property.
Predict meaning :
Actual meaning :
Sentence :
Drawing :
Evaluate :
Online quiz :
Extend practice
Complete the online quiz :
Differentiated questions
Exit slip :
"Doctors recommend that everyone exercise every day, particularly those who spend many hours doing SEDENTARY activities like reading,
Which of the following correctly defines the meaning of the word SEDENTARY?
Tier 1 (High Achievers ) Above expectation Write a short passage about your life in UAE using the newly learnt words.
Include a central critical question Tier 2 In line with the expectations - Use three words that you have learned in compound or complex sentences.
Students should express their
knowledge gained
Differentiated tasks
Be clearly explained so that all
Tier 3 Low Achievers/ Below expectation Write antonyms of the following words and use any two in sentences.
learners achieve against the lesson
Be differentiated to meet the
range of learning needs in the
Be challenging and allow all SOD Write synonyms of the following words.
Gifted and talented ( Beyond grade level Complete tier 1 and proceed to the extended task.
expectation )
with lesson content; aligned with the unit plan) Do you think people from different backgrounds have successfully integrated in Dubai?
Plenary – Plenary
This must: Oral presentation
Students review and consolidate learning. Exit cards/power points
5 mins
Students reflect on what has been achieved.
(student’s voice) Assessment as Learning (AaL)
List formatives used
Data used to inform this seating plan includes: (highlight the data used to inform this seating plan)
mukhyat Dhabya Abdulla Ali Mohammad Alsuwaidi Maryam Jamal Sultan Ali M Almar-
Higher order skills or
Einas Osama Makansi Fatema Taleb Mohammed Alood Alteneiji zouqi
Hamda Mohammad Ali H M Albalooshi Serin Mohammed Abdo Al
Fatima Ahmed Dain Juma AlTamimi Hour Abdulkarim Ahmad Ibrahim Al-
Fatima Talal Saeed Ali Alghafri Maith Hamad Ahmad Nafar M Ahmad blooshi
Hind Khalid Yousif Ali Binhuwaiden Samar Ibrahim Sulaiman Abdulla Al Hashmi
Shaikha Sameer Mohammad Saeed
Lower order skills or
Hind Mohammad Ahmadi Khalaf Abdulla
Reem Khalid Musabeh Mohamed
Learner codes: S - SEND with LSA/ I – Individualized needs/ U - Unmotivated / T - Talkative/ D - Disruptive