Ethics in Research
Ethics in Research
Ethics in Research
Research 1
Lesson 03
Lesson 03
Ethics in
Importance • Resnik (2015), in his
of Ethics in article, “What is Ethics in
Research & Why is it
important?”, as cited by
Cristobal & Cristobal
(2017), enumerates the
following reasons why it is
important to follow ethical
principles in writing and
conducting a research:
Importance of Ethics in Research
for Research
“Practical Research 1 for
Senior High School”, lists
the following ethical codes
and policies that the
researcher needs to
consider in conducting a
Ethical Codes and Policies for Research
are inseparably linked to
one another. This means
that both the researcher
and the participant have
necessary obligations to
perform as a prerequisite
of their privileges in
conducting research.
Rights of Research Participants