Love To Love

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Love 2 Love Challenge

How I Changed My Life with Love

Not Your Average eBook

This free e-book isnt your average eBook. Here at Kreate A Journey we believe that one of the
best ways to learn is through direct experience. Thats why weve created an interactive eBook.
This book is yours to create and to love. This story is about you and about how love has
changed your life. Weve filled the pages with daily exercises and given you somethings to
think about as you move through your life. So you can take the challenge of loving more in
your life, express your progress, and experience life in a whole new way. This eBook has no
pre-made ending, except the one you give it. Create, love, and be empowered. May you empty
your cup, open to the unknown, and embrace the moment.

How to Use this E-Book

Download the eBook. Read through it entirely once. Then print the pages, fill in the story, and
create your own book. Use your favorite stationary and make it an occasion to celebrate your
life. Get creative! The front cover has been left blank for you to color as youd like. There are
two ideas for creating a very simple book at the end. While youre making your story share
with Kreate A Journey community by emailing with the subject line:
LOVE 2 LOVE CHALLENGE. Well be posting submitted stories and pictures on our Home Page.
You never know who you may inspire to start finding more love in their life.

With Love from KAJ

Love 2 Love

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Table on Contents
Page Number
Chapter 1- Introduction
The Story Begins.5
My First Day..6
Where I Am At.7
Chapter 2- Mindset: Daily Experience
What I Love About Me Today..10
What Im Grateful for Today.11
Goodness in Others.21
My Sixth Day31
My Twelth Day..32
Chapter 3- Experience Exercises
4 Easy Ways to Love Yourself More.34
How to De-Stress with Breathing..36
Acts of Random Kindness...38
More Moments of Love39
Chapter 4- Inspiration
Love Is...44
Pictures that Remind Me of Love.....45
Motivate Me Playlist.....46
Chapter 4- Learn
What Ive Learned....48
Where Do I Go from Here?................................................49
Chapter 5- DIY Resources
How to Make a Book50

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Chapter 1

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The Story Begins.

I didnt always feel so much love, especially in a world
filled with so many reasons not to. I found a secret though
thats not really a secret at all. I found the secret of love.
This is my story, these are my experiences. This is how I
changed my life with love.

Love to Love

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My First Day

Love 2 Love

My name is _________________________. Im ________ years old. I live in

__________________. Today is a very special day. Its the first day of the rest of my life. Its
my first day of the Love 2 Love Challenge.
Today I feel _____________ about this new journey. Im hoping to discover _________ about
____________. Decide to embrace the unknown, and let go of anything in the past that would
hold you back from fully engaging in this experience.
My Journey Follows These Guidelines
Every day I commit myself to spending a few moments in the morning to choose 1 thing to love
about myself. I will remind myself of that 1 thing during the day and make an effort to see how
it positively affects my life. One can start to see how different aspects of self effects and
impacts the world. It builds up an authentic love with self, and helps one to better understand
their strengths and internal landscape.
Every day I commit myself to spending a few moments in the morning to write down 9 things
that I am grateful for. Gratitude is the fuel of life, helps one appreciate the abundance they
already have, and puts one in the flow of life. It also unlocks the universe to provide one with
more of what they want in life.
Every day I commit to finding something good in every person I meet. Whether big or small
where goodness is looked for, goodness shall be found.
I will read and complete the additional exercises at my own pace.
I am _________, _________, and ________ to learn how to love more in life and in turn
experience more love in my life.
Observation leads to discovery, discovery leads to insight, insights leads to knowledge,
knowledge leads to action, action leads to outcome, outcome leads to wisdom, wisdom leads to
curiosity, curiosity leads to observation. I can enjoy learning and growing in this spiral of life.
Kreate A Journey is here to support you through this discovery and would love to hear about
your experiences and answer any questions you may have. You can email questions or
comments to You can submit your stories, and pictures of cover
page and book to with the subject line LOVE 2 LOVE CHALLENGE.

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We may use your story to publish on the website. Submitting your story gives your implied
consent that this is OK unless you state otherwise.

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Where Im At
Heres a little bit about where I am at in my life currently at the start of this journey.

Love 2 Love
______________________________________(Autograph Here & Date)

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Chapter 2
Mindset: Daily Experience

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What I Love About Me Today

Day 1.____________________________________________________
Day 2. ____________________________________________________
Day 3. ____________________________________________________
Day 4. ____________________________________________________
Day 5. ____________________________________________________
Day 6. ____________________________________________________
Day 7. ____________________________________________________
Day 8. ____________________________________________________
Day 9. ____________________________________________________
Day 10. ___________________________________________________
Day 11. ___________________________________________________
Day 12. ___________________________________________________
Day 13. ___________________________________________________
Day 14. ___________________________________________________
Day 15. ___________________________________________________
Day 16. ___________________________________________________
Day 17. ___________________________________________________
Day 18. ___________________________________________________
Day 19. ___________________________________________________
Day 20. ___________________________________________________
Day 21. ___________________________________________________
Day 22. ___________________________________________________
Day 23. ___________________________________________________
Day 24. ___________________________________________________
Day 25. ___________________________________________________
Day 26. ___________________________________________________
Day 27. ___________________________________________________
Day 28. ___________________________________________________
Day 29. ___________________________________________________
Day 30. ___________________________________________________

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What I Am Grateful for Today

Love 2 Love

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

Write in 9 things youre grateful for each day in the sections below.

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Day 6

Day 5

Day 4

What I Am Grateful for Today Continued Love 2 Love

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Day 9

Day 8

Day 7

What I Am Grateful for Today Continued Love 2 Love

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Day 12

Day 11

Day 10

What I Am Grateful for Today Continued Love 2 Love

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Day 15

Day 14

Day 13

What I Am Grateful for Today Continued Love 2 Love

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Day 18

Day 17

Day 16

What I Am Grateful for Today Continued Love 2 Love

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Day 21

Day 20

Day 19

What I Am Grateful for Today Continued Love 2 Love

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What I Am Grateful for Today Continued Love 2 Love

Day 24

Day 23

Day 22

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Love 2 Love

Day 27

Day 26

Day 25

What I Am Grateful for Today Continued

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Day 30

Day 29

Day 28

What I Am Grateful for Today Continued Love 2 Love

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Goodness in Others

Love 2 Love

Heres what Ive seen in other people, their goodness. Some people were pretty challenging characters,
but still I was able to find something about them, some piece of them that was good. Some of the
things Ive learned are...




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Goodness in Others Continued

Love 2 Love




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Goodness in Others Continued

Love 2 Love




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Goodness in Others Continued

Love 2 Love

DAY 10

DAY 11

DAY 12

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Goodness in Others Continued

Love 2 Love

DAY 13

DAY 14

DAY 15

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Goodness in Others Continued

Love 2 Love

DAY 16

DAY 17

DAY 18

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Goodness in Others Continued

Love 2 Love

DAY 19

DAY 20

DAY 21

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Goodness in Others Continued

Love 2 Love

DAY 22

DAY 23

DAY 24

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Goodness in Others Continued

Love 2 Love

DAY 25

DAY 26

DAY 27

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Goodness in Others Continued

Love 2 Love

DAY 28

DAY 29

DAY 30

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My Sixth Day

Since Ive started my journey I have observed___________________________ about myself.

From my daily exercises Ive been doing Ive observed _______________________________.
From my other exercises Ive been doing Ive observed_______________________________.
Today I feel _____________ about this journey. Im hoping to discover _________ about
Any other thoughts I have are

My Twelth Day

Since Ive started my journey I have observed___________________________ about myself.

From my daily exercises Ive been doing Ive observed _______________________________.
From my other exercises Ive been doing Ive observed_______________________________.
Today I feel _____________ about this journey. Im hoping to discover _________ about
Any other thoughts I have are

Love 2 Love

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My Eighteenth Day

Since Ive started my journey I have observed___________________________ about myself.

From my daily exercises Ive been doing Ive observed _______________________________.
From my other exercises Ive been doing Ive observed_______________________________.
Today I feel _____________ about this journey. Im hoping to discover _________ about
Any other thoughts I have are

My Twenty-Fourth Day

Since Ive started my journey I have observed___________________________ about myself.

From my daily exercises Ive been doing Ive observed _______________________________.
From my other exercises Ive been doing Ive observed_______________________________.
Today I feel _____________ about this journey. Im hoping to discover _________ about
Any other thoughts I have are

Love 2 Love

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Chapter 3
Experience Exercises

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4 Easy Ways to Love Yourself More

Do you want to feel more love for yourself? Do you
want a better life filled with more love today, right
now? Heres 4 easy ways to love you more. They are
easy, quick, and you can start right now!
1. Stand up straight. When you watch your posture and stand up straight you align your spine,
give your organs rooms to do what they do, and look your best. It also helps your muscles relax
and saves on using energy. All things that contribute to feeling your best. Those little moments
that you take to adjust your posture are your confirmation in loving yourself. Its easy and
takes just seconds. Done often it builds a strong relationship of love within you.
2. Relax. Take a moment throughout the day to just be. If you can close your eyes for a second
do. Turn the mind chatter off (its only for a moment) and breathe deeply. Remember while
there are many stresses in life, most are not life threatening. You have everything that you
absolutely need in this moment 99% of the time. Things go right more often than they go
wrong. If the opposite were true the world wouldnt be running and you wouldnt be where
you are.
3. Be kind. Be kind to others, to animals, and yes even to nature. Kindness fosters moments of
sweetness that warms the heart and makes you feel proud to be you. While at first kindness
may seem hard to do, youll soon find out its the easier option most of the time and the
rewards of it last a lifetime. Being kind to others also allows you to be more kind to
yourself. Especially watch your words and thoughts of others. When kindness is applied there
youll find a warm relief in your mind which will eventually translate to being kinder in your
mind to how you think and talk to yourself.
4. Say I love you to yourself. Whether its a glance in the mirror or little notes left around, tell
yourself I love you. Make it fun and see if you can surprise yourself. Be creative! Its a
wonderful way of bringing the acceptance of you back to yourself. With living in a world full of
judgments, its good to know that you have one person that understands you completely and
accepts you as you are right now. Even if you arent feeling very accepting of yourself in this
moment, practicing this super easy saying will build that feeling up in you.
Using these 4 easy ways of loving yourself more creates a better relationship with you.

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Remember you are the only one permanently stuck with you. Theres no getting out of that, so
why not have the most loving relationship you can? As with every relationship, the relationship
with self takes care and maintenance. Thats why all of these tips are easy, quick, and can be
done any time so you can start enjoying a better life right now, today. Keep with it and enjoy
the warmth and love for years to come.

Give these 4 Easy Ways to Love Yourself More a shot. Write down your experiences with
each below.
1. Stand up straight.
2. Relax.
3. Be Kind.
4. Say I love you to yourself.

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How to De-Stress With Breathing

Many of the people I've been talking with lately are have a lot on
their plates & some are feeling overwhelmed. Here is a simply
technique to re-balance, re-center, and de-stress. It can take as
little as a few moments & you can do it almost anywhere.
1. Take a moment to exhale- dropping the demands of the world
2. Inhale through your nose deeply & fully into the bottom of your
lungs filling them all the way up- breathing in focus of your center.
3. Exhale out through your mouth, again pushing out the stress
with the exhale.
4. Inhale deeply through nose- Focus on the feeling of air rejuvenating your energies &
bringing you into your center.
Continue this process until you have regained your balance, & feel replenished & calm.
Breathing is a great way to handle whatever life throws at us. With this simple technique it only
takes moments, and can be done whenever you start to feel frazzled. Sometimes all we need to
do to keep are selves focused & centered is to take moments to replenish our taxed energies.

Try out How to De-Stress with Breathing the next time you start to feel overwhelmed, overstressed, or just plain irritated. Write down your experience of it below.

Love 2 Love

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Today I just stopped for a moment. A pause in the go, go, go. I breathed deeply and felt the air
pouring in and out of my lungs. I listened to the noise whirling around me; I listened to the
silence they were held in. I watch the scenery, the people, the animals, and the life as it
moved. I closed my eyes for a moment to just be. Where was I today when I paused just to
be? I was ______________________________ and _______________________________ and
____________________________ and ___________________________ and
___________________________. I feel so much more rejuvenated, calm, and centered after
the pauses. I love them, and every day it seems like I find myself in more of them. At the stop
light, in grocery store, in the elevator, walking down the street, at work.
There are other times and other places too, like
After the pauses I also feel so much more

Love 2 Love

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Acts of random kindness often go unseen even sometimes by the receiver. I know Ive been on
the receiving end of receiving kindness from strangers. Ive also been on the giving, like this
one time ______________________________________________________________________
I feel _________________________________________________________________________
when giving out these spontaneous random acts. Its kind of funny, but Im really enjoying
looking for ways to be helpful and brighten up peoples days.

Love 2 Love

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I was shown love by others. Sometimes I forget that I have been loved. I get lost
in the worries, the rush, and the heartbreaks. The truth is, is that I have been and
still am loved. Here is a story that reminds me that I have been shown love.


Love 2 Love

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Sometimes pain gets stuck in ones heart. It comes
from lifes downs, the betrayals, heartbreak, injustice,
and times when others and we hurt us. These
memories keep one tied down and dont allow one to
fly free with joy and love. They keep one worried about what has already been and what will
come. They block the ability to be free in loving and wind up hurting oneself more than
anyone else. When one wishes for this to change, an important decision can be made. This
important decision is the decision to forgive. Forgiveness is the key to untying the knots that
block ones freedom. Its not that one has to agree with the treatment of others or condone
their behavior. Its recognition that its hurting oneself more than another and that others are
imperfect humans as well with their own set of heartbreaks. Everyone does the best they can
with what they know, and no is perfect. Many people havent taken the time to really know
who they are and why they are doing what they do. Anger, resentment, and negative thoughts
are all a double edge sword; one going out and one going in. Plus life is short, why live it in
anything but joy, love, and freedom?
Forgiveness Exercise
Write down the name of someone you need to forgive ________________
Describe what happened and how you feel about it. Be as honest and descriptive of all of your
emotions as you can in your wording. Dont hold back, let it all out:

Love 2 Love

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Now, take the same person and situation and fill in the blanks:
When it comes to ___________ (persons name) I think _________________________ and it
makes me feel_____________________. What I really hope for is_______________________.
Now take a moment to set aside your own thought and feelings and imagine what it is like to be
the person you are trying to forgive. Think about all the things they are going through, their
model of the world and what kind of position they are/were in. Write down where you think
they were coming from.

Now think about what you are really wanting and hoping to get out of the situation as it stands
now and complete the sentence: What I really hope for is_______________________________
Now, thinking about all that you have learned doing this exercise, is there anything you can do
to help the situation? Would simply letting go of your negative feeling toward this person be
enough or is there something more you need to do? If so, write it down here and then go do it!

Love 2 Love

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Bring up an image in your mind of a time that was a negative experience. Maybe its just a
feeling- allow it to come up and allow whatever memory or image comes. Make the intent that
you are going to delete this forever and will only keep whats necessary for your highest and
best good. Now imagine the picture/feeling starting to disintegrate into a fuzzy cloud of
nothingness until it completely disappears. Repeat as necessary.

Love 2 Love

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Chapter 4

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Words that I Use to


Describe Love..


Do I remember
to BE these?

Love 2 Love

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Pictures that Remind Me of Love

Paste your pictures of love below.

Love 2 Love

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Motivate Me Playlist

Love pumps us up sometimes and also calm us down sometimes. Heres my personal music playlists of

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Chapter 5

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What Ive Learned

Todays the day I took stock in all the
things Ive done so far. I kept to my
commitments the best I could and
remembered to observe 1 good thing
about myself every day, find 9 things
to be grateful for every day and
looked for the goodness in people
every day. I forgave people, and
remembered times when I was
loved. I found music and pictures
and stories that inspire me to be
love. Thats not all I learned.

Ive also learned

Love 2 Love

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Where Do I Go from Here?

Heres where I am at in my life after this journey.

So where do I go from here?

Maybe I could keep doing what I
have been doing thats enriching
my life and bringing me new
found happiness. Maybe I can let
love inspire a dream, and I can
live it. Maybe I can let this be a
beginning. The beginning of me, creating a journey..

Love 2 Love

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How to Make Your Own Book

Step 1: Print this eBook out.
Step 2: Punch 3 holes in the left hand side.
Step 3: Color the front page and put in the front cover.
Step 4: Put the pages in the binder.
Step 5: Decorate!
Step 1: Print out eBook.
Step 2: Color the front page.
Step 3: Punch 3 holes in the left hand side evenly spaced.
Step 4: Cut pieces of your favorite ribbon.
Step 5: Pull through each hole and tie into knots or bows.
Step 6: Decorate!

There are many tutorials online as well if you would like

to get fancier with your book binding.

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All pictures are under the Creative Commons use. Kreate A
Journey LLC holds all written content under copy write 2012.
An attribution for the photos goes as follows:
From Weebly Website & Public Domain
Birds Flying through Sky
*Photos used under Creative Commons from duh.denise
Man Helping Man on Cruches
*Photo used under Creative Commons from mynameisharsha
Building Bridges
*Photo by Frits Ahlefeldt
From Kreate A Journey
All other photos in this eBook are used under Creative Commons from Kreate A
Journey LLC.

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