Wa 7 5272
Wa 7 5272
Wa 7 5272
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Grade: 6
As we live in a fast-growing world, we are in crucial need of sustainability, " meeting our
own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"
(University of Alberta office of sustainability, n.d, p. 1). Therefore, we have to adopt sustainable
practices to protect our ecosystem and natural resources and improve the quality of our present
and future lives. As students and teachers, we can improve our school habits and reduce our
impact on the environment. According to Green Education Foundation Institute (2012), schools
produce the highest disproportionate amount of waste per “resident” (student, teacher,
employee). Therefore, by identifying the eco-footprint of our school, we will be able to create
solutions to reduce it and affect the practices of hundreds of people at the same time. Thus, we
In this project, students will conduct an investigative audit to determine how green their
school is. The project will help students understand and identify the harmful and wasteful
practices such as energy and water waste, contribution to pollution, etc., of their school and its
impact on the environment as well as engage them in finding solutions to address these
problems. Students will think about how they contribute to the eco-footprint and find ways to
reduce their consumptions to preserve our remaining resources. Students will work in groups and
use collaborative, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. In science, students are expected
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to describe the eco-footprint of their school. They will identify at least four ways they are
contributing to the eco-problems and find solutions explaining how these solutions will improve
school habits and reduce their impact on the environment. In mathematics, students are expected
to calculate the eco-footprint of their school. They will calculate the average effects these
solutions will have on their community. Also, they will calculate the cost increase or reduction
that these changes will create. Students will use technology to search for information and take
administrators, kitchen staff, and classmates to learn more about the school’s habits and practices
(e.g., waste/recycling practices, energy-saving steps). Also, they will go on a field trip to visit a
green school to get inspired on how they can help their school change practices and become a
green school. Moreover, at the end of the project, they will do a presentation for all students,
teachers, employees, and parents to create awareness and educate them to change their habits.
In the classroom, students will explore the definition of green schools. They will put
together the gathered information from their interviews and field trips. Then, they will be divided
into four different groups. Each group will focus on one area in which schools can usually make
improvements to their eco-footprint (energy usage, waste reduction, water conservation, toxics
reduction). They will discuss these areas and create representations that include how the school is
currently performing in this area as well as suggestions for improvements. Also, they will use a
project-based approach to create a solution to a problem of their choice. For example, if the focus
of the group is on energy usage, students will create a module on alternative energy. If the focus
of the group is on waste reduction, they will create a module to promote recycling.
Representations and modules will be presented in front of the whole school community and
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students' parents to promote awareness among the school community. Furthermore, After
finishing all representations, students will collaborate to create a final green audit and list of
responsibilities toward their community, and encourages them to perform better increasing
learning achievements (' Top benefits of family and community engagement, 2018). Moreover,
according to San Marcos Unified School District (2016), having students meet scientists or
experts, listen to demonstrations, or go on field trips will make STEM learning meaningful and
engaging. It improves students understanding of their responsibilities and future careers they can
pursue. Also, it acknowledges their ability to make a difference in their community like building
To involve members of the community in the project, as mentioned earlier, students will
lead interviews with different members of the school community to investigate the habits and
practices that impact the school eco-footprint. Moreover, Students will meet community
members ( teachers, principals, students, and employees, from a different green school) to learn
how they make their school green to learn about new practices. Furthermore, at the end of the
project students will invite parents and all of their school members to conduct a presentation that
helps raise awareness among practices that cause eco-footprint and those that help reduce it.
The final green audit and list of recommendations that students will create will help them
develop a partnership with the principal of the school to improve the school practices reducing
the eco-footprint. Likewise, students will create a partnership with their teachers, parents,
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friends, and school staff to improve their practices and volunteer to make their school and houses
green. For example, parents and the school community can volunteer to provide or create
recycling bins for the school, buy solar systems, use eco-friendly chemicals for cleaning, etc.
Also, students and teachers can create posters to remind the school community to close water,
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Green Education Foundation Institute. (2012). Become a green sleuth! GEF Green Education
Foundation. http://www.greeneducationfoundation.org/institute/lesson-clearinghouse/23-
San Marcos Unified School District (2016, May 25). STEM comes alive at San Marcos middle
'Top benefits of family and community engagement '. (2018). Hanover Research.
Alberta. https://www.mcgill.ca/sustainability/files/sustainability/what-is-sustainability.pdf
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