Eco Literacy

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Eco-literacy is the ability to understand the natural system that makes

life on earth

The Seven Environmental Principles

• Nature knows best.

• All forms of life are equally important.
• Everything is connected to everything else.
• Everything changes.
• Everything must go somewhere.
• Ours is a finite Earth.
• Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God's creation.

Green School

A green school is a school that creates a healthy environment conducive to

learning, while saving energy, environmental resources and money. It reduces
environmental impacts and costs. It improves occupants’ health and performance. It
increases environmental and sustainability literacy.

Characteristics of a Green School

Green, healthy, and high-performance schools provide many benefits for

students, teachers, parents and the community, including:

1. Protect Health
Asthma is the primary cause of poor school attendance, and schools with poor
indoor air quality usually have numerous asthma precursors. Schools built with
more daylighting, better ventilation, and healthy green building materials, like
non-VOC carpets and paints, are healthier for students and staff, and result in
fewer sick days.

2. Increase Student Performance

A lack of fresh air can reduce student attentiveness. Studies have shown that
student test scores can improve up to 20% when kids learn in green classrooms
that have more daylighting, improved classroom acoustics, and healthier paints
and carpets that don’t release toxic chemicals into the air.

3. Save Energy, Save Money

Operating costs for energy and water in a green school can be reduced by 20%
to 40%, directing more funding towards teacher salaries, textbooks, and

4. Reduce Carbon Emissions

Green schools significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Building 34 new

green schools in Los Angeles alone would reduce 94,000 tons of CO2 — the
equivalent of eliminating more than 15,000 cars from the road every year, or
planting more than 280,000 trees.

5. Reduce Water Usage

On average, a green school reduces water usage by 32%. This reduction has
direct savings for the building, as well as substantial societal benefits, such as
reducing stormwater runoff, and transporting and treating wastewater.

6. Improve Teacher Retention

A green school can reduce teacher turnover by as much as 5%, which improves
student learning and school community, and can result in financial savings for
the school.

7. Improve Daily Attendance

Students in green schools are absent less frequently. By reducing absenteeism

just 15%, a typical elementary school would save $40,000 to $60,000.

8. Provide A Unique Educational Opportunity

Buildings can become teaching tools and important features of science, math,
and environmental curriculum when green features and advanced technology
and design in schools are used to excite kids about learning real world
applications of green technologies. BPS is committed to using schools and
schoolyards as living laboratories

9. Create Green Jobs

Investing in building green schools is an investment in green jobs, including

green construction, building product manufacturing, and green architecture.
10. Improve Equity

Greening public schools creates an opportunity to improve the health and

educational settings for all students, while taking into account students’ diverse
identities and needs.


7 Steps to a Green School (Adapted from Eco-Schools International)

1. Establish A Green Team or Eco-Committee

The Green Team is the heart of the Green Schools process, both organizing and
directing activities at the school. Consisting of the stakeholders of the school
environment - students, teachers, custodians, facilities managers, parents and school
board members - the Green Team is democratic and can often be run by the students
themselves. Whatever the type of school or age group, student involvement in the
committee is essential. This group can be charged with coordinating many of the
greening activities, making recommendations to relevant school decision-makers, and
facilitating communication among -- and actions by -- the whole school community.
Use our tips for starting your Green Team.

2. Adopt An Environmental Vision Statement or Planet Pledge

Each school produces its own vision statement, setting out what the students and/or
school community are striving to achieve. The Environmental Vision Statement or
Planet Pledge is displayed in various places within the school and is recognized by the
students and other school community members as a statement of beliefs and intents.
This statement is often in the words of students, and can be an inspiring classroom,
art, or school-wide assembly project. Such statements can also be accompanied by a
resolution from the school board, Parent Teacher Association, the Green Team, or
other school bodies (see the sample school board resolution and sample policies on
our Take Action page). Use our Four Pillars Graphic to help you understand and
define the key components of a Green School.

3. Conduct A School Environmental Survey or Audit

To identify priorities for action, begin with conducting a review of your

school's environmental impact. Students are involved in this work at every step, from
assessing the level of waste from school lunch, to checking the building for
inefficiencies such as leaky taps, or electrical equipment left on overnight. The school
and the Green Team can work with local organizations, businesses, or other resource
people or experts during the review. Take the "How Green is Your School Quiz" and
see how you rate. Find other examples of environmental surveys and audit tools on
our Resources page, under Curricula. We've also got lots of ideas and resources on
our Curriculum Ideas for Hands-On Audits page. These audits can be fun and really
help educate the school community about the health and environmental impacts of
the school.

4. Create A Green School Action Plan

Use the results of your environmental survey or audit to identify priorities of the key
areas where you want to make change and create an action plan. It is important to
set realistic and achievable targets to improve environmental performance at the
school so kids and adults can take pride in tangible accomplishments in the short
term. And it is important to set long-term, inspiring and challenging targets to move
beyond the status quo and foster greater environmental improvements. The action
plan could involve and promote, for example, a school recycling program; eco-
friendly, non-toxic cleaning materials; carpooling; energy conservation like turning off
lights, computer monitors and printers; or a school garden. See the "sample school
board resolution" and "Steps Forward" on our Take Action page for examples of
policy resolutions, and specific action items under a range of environmental and
health topics. Download a sample worksheet (Word doc) to help create a one-year
5. Monitor and Evaluate Progress

The Green Team, students, or other school community members can assist with
monitoring and evaluating progress on the priorities in the action plan. This could
involve conducting an annual environmental audit to monitor levels of waste,
recycling, energy use, purchases of environmentally-preferable products, and
financial savings and/or costs. Use these ecological footprint tools combined with our
resources on school audits. The information from the monitoring is needed to ensure
that progress towards the goals and targets is made and that the action plan is
modified, if necessary. It also ensures that environmental education is an on-going
process in the school, since students can be responsible for the annual audits. The
basic data collected over time can show the waste, pollution, and energy avoided -
big motivators for people to continue the efforts.

6. Integrate Greening into the Curriculum

Greening activities can be integrated into existing curricula in science, art, humanities,
math, language arts, or electives. Using the school as a hands-on laboratory offers
opportunities for real-world problem-solving. Students can undertake study of
themes such as energy, water, forests, toxic pollution, and waste. The whole school
should be involved in practical initiatives - for example, saving water, recycling
materials and saving energy. Outdoor education, and time spent in nature locally -
whether the schoolyard, a park, or a field trip - is a critical component of a hands-on,
place-based, experiential education. Where environmental education is not part of
the regular curriculum, recommendations can be made by the Green Team as to how
these themes can be incorporated. See our Teach Stewardship and Resources pages
for a Sustainable Curricula Directory, examples of environmental curricula, on-line
quizzes, and other teaching and learning resources, including reviews of books and
other media with environmental themes. No need to reinvent the wheel - there are
loads of existing curricula you can use!

7. Inform, Involve, and Celebrate!

Honor, celebrating, and communicating about achievements are critical components
of a Green School! Greening programs can often unify the whole school and
strengthen community relations. Your school might consider partnering with external
organizations from the community to benefit from their experience and expertise. In
some schools, environmental consultants have offered to take part in the
environmental review process. Many local government agencies and utilities offer free
advice on energy, recycling, and hazardous waste management. Schools should also
consider the wider community when preparing action plans - for example, schools
could offer to be the local recycling point or to be a drop-off for Community
Supported Agriculture boxes. Some schools get involved with clean-up or habitat
restoration at nearby parks or share their experiences in other ways. A communication
and publicity program keeps the school and the community informed of progress
through classroom displays, school assemblies, newsletters, or other press coverage.
Communicating is key to spreading success and inspiring more actions. Annual Earth
Day celebrations - organized around April 20 - can offer an opportunity to showcase
actions taken by the school and bring together the school and wider community.

Environmental education

Environmental education is a process that allows individuals to explore

environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the
environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of
environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions.

Components of environmental education

• Awareness and sensitivity to the environment and environmental

• Knowledge and understanding of the environment and environmental
• Attitudes of concern for the environment and motivation to improve or
maintain environmental quality
• Skills to identify and help resolve environmental challenges
• Participation in activities that lead to the resolution of environmental

Environmental education does not advocate a particular viewpoint or course of

action. Rather, environmental education teaches individuals how to weigh various
sides of an issue through critical thinking and it enhances their own problem-solving
and decision-making skills.

The National Environmental Education Act of 1990 requires EPA to provide national
leadership to increase environmental literacy. EPA established the Office of
Environmental Education to implement this program.

Environmental Education is More Than Information

about the Environment
Environmental Education Environmental Information
• Increases public awareness and
• Provides facts or opinions about
knowledge of environmental
environmental issues
• Does teach individuals critical- • Does not necessarily teach
thinking individuals critical-thinking
• Does enhance individuals' • Does not necessarily enhance
problem-solving and decision- individuals' problem-solving and
making skills decision-making skills
• Does not advocate a particular
• May advocate a particular viewpoint


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