CRP Sci Final
CRP Sci Final
CRP Sci Final
February, 2023
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
PRE-PRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
PRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Concern 5 : Harvesting--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
POST-PRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
Concern 8 : Transportation-------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
CONSUMPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
PRE-PRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
PRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17
POST-PRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
CONSUMPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
According to the innovations for sustainable food systems farmers facing myriad
challenges that include the growing and harvesting of crops. These challenges consist
of the most common ones in dealing with pests and diseases in crops; climate change;
food management; and unpredictable market conditions. It is estimated that 60% more
of today’s food will be needed by the year 2050. But the current situation here in our
country is falling rapidly which rise the hunger levels and adds to an estimated number
of 2 billion people globally suffering from malnutrition.
That’s why it matters to know the essence and the ways how the cycle of our
agriculture undergoes.
Since 47% of the country's total land area, or roughly 30 million hectares, is used
for agriculture, the Philippines is regarded as having an agrarian economy. The nation
is still not self-sufficient, especially in terms of its needs for staple foods.
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
To furtherly discussed the said issues, concerns problems and the proper
approach or solution, We create chapters that willfocused on the problem, and for the
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Loss of agricultural land- can take the form of the actual loss of land or the loss
of specific attributes and characteristics within a region that is conducive to agriculture.
Erosion: The main contributors to erosion are wind and water. Small particles,
even massive boulders or areas can be worn down and removed from the soil as these
forces interact with the surface. The size of the land will be diminished over thousands
and hundreds of years. Another threat from erosion to agriculture priorities is the loss of
minerals. The loosest layer is topsoil, which is the layer that contains the soil with the
largest mineral content. The topsoil on agricultural land may potentially be destroyed
as eroding forces interact with it, which would harm any future crops that are grown
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
ingest the crops risk developing health issues. As a result, crops might not be suitable
for sale even if they grow.
Low technical efficiency: ‘PhilRice’ studies show that farmers have low technical
efficiency relative to the best farmer performance. Also, first-generation varieties are still
used by nearly half of the farmers. Moreover, these varieties produce relatively low
yields, poor grain quality, low milling recovery, and poor tolerance to biotic and abiotic
stresses. Seeding rates are still high at 120 to 200 kg/ha.
The Philippines has a lot of agricultural land in the area which is around 30
million hectares in total. The country has natural resources in terms of water and other
nutrients and hardworking farmers, but despite the said assets, the Philippines is
considered a nonmodern country due to the high cost of technologies and the
advanced types of machinery prices are increasing as well as thein and maintenance.
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
are tractors, rice transplanters, fertilizer spreaders, tractor implements, etc. The
machines range from thousands to hundreds of thousands.
Consumer – the consumers are great determining factor for the quality of the
products. Once a product is produced with a low-quality product the consumers will
reflect the status. Consumers will less likely to buy goods in low-quality condition.
Further affecting the state of agriculture in the country.
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
The unfortunate news is that the harvest is suffering greatly due to bad weather.
It's just that lightning and rain have become almost commonplace in modern times
because it's one of the farmers' problems with harvesting. Crops were flooded in some
parts of the country. Rice fields are also flooded by accumulated rainwater in other
regions. Now there is great concern that there is a shortage of labor for the harvest.
Farmers who are busy harvesting in open fields face danger from lightning. It stands to
reason that most of those killed by lightning were farmers.(Manila Standards, 2022)
Improving the yields of the crops in different areas of the Country is Really hard.
Having an issue of food loss management, including the responsibility of ensuring that
the crops and the effort we put into our crops are getting or being paid off at the end or
when we are now done selling. Food loss management is also one of the main
problems in agriculture since it was being addressed the following: the poor or low
harvest, transportation issues, lack of proper transportation, and even nice, clean, and
eco friendly storage ( United States Environmental Protection Agency).
Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Despite the warnings and statistics gathered from different government agencies
regarding the overproduction of agriculture produced, it continues to happen in the
present times. This causes damage to the improper use of water and even our land.
Overproduction may lead to lower prices in the market for particular agricultural-
produced goods and will be possibly ended up with unsold status. This results in the
efforts in The labor being lost due to unprofitable results
a. Local farmers whose area is far beyond the main line of connection in terms
of fast transportation.
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Transportation is one of the many factors that contribute to how well farmers are.
The access of buyers and the price range a buyer will l also depend on transportation.
Transportation of produced crops from where it was planted to the markets depends
very much on the available means of roads, and also the distance and fuel it may
consume ( American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
a. Lacking of storage facility specially in the local areas
Storage is the stage of the post-harvest system where items are held in a way
that ensures food security outside of times when agriculture is being
Lack of proper storage, preservation, or packaging can cause foods to
degrade, resulting in anomalous flavor, color, odor, or consistency, though
these changes may not always be dangerous.
One of the quickest methods to boost food supply is through better storage.
The ability of homes and villages for food storage and protection should be
greatly improved, according to field experience at the national level.
To be able to have a good food storage,these factors must be considered:
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Oxygen: Foods that are oxygen-free last longer in storage. Oxygen removal
will stop food components from oxidizing.
Alterations in supply and demand are the root cause of increasing and
decreasing prices of agricultural products, as well as changes in income levels.
Because both the demand for food and the supply of food has a low price elasticity in
the short term, which means that they are not highly sensitive to changes in price, there
is a tendency for swings in agricultural prices to be particularly pronounced. The fact
that food is a fundamental need indicates that its price is not very sensitive to changes,
since this property is known as price inelasticity. On the other hand, the supply of food
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
cannot react fast to changes in price since it often takes a considerable amount of time
to produce agricultural goods. This prevents a speedy adjustment in the supply of
food. As a consequence of the limited price responsiveness of both demand and
supply, unanticipated shifts in the quantity of output frequently necessitate substantial
price adjustments to reestablish market equilibrium. As a consequence of this,
agricultural markets are notorious for their high degree of volatility.
Moreover, stock prices depend on supply and demand. The stock market is an
auction, therefore when there are more buyers than sellers, the price must adjust or no
deals will be performed. This circumstance tends to drive the price up, raising the
market quotation at which investors may sell their shares and attracting investors to sell
who previously weren't interested. However, when sellers outnumber buyers and
demand is low, the lowest bidder decides the price, resulting in a race to the bottom.
Supply and demand, as well as market prices, will rise and fall until they achieve
a balance, which is called market equilibrium. For example, if onion prices are too high,
most consumers will choose another product at a more affordable price. As a response
to declining sales, farmers will have to lower the prices until the demand for onions
increases again. When the demand for onions is balanced with the supply, the market
is at its equilibrium. Looking at the larger picture, supply, and demand govern the
overall market rivalry. As a result, every farmer motivated by profit should stay current
with market conditions and use the knowledge offered by supply and demand to profit.
Price fluctuations impact not just consumers, but also producers. Poor farmers, in
general, do not have the investment resources to maintain such volatility. This may lead
to inefficient investment choices and, in the long run, reduced output.
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Food systems are not only focused on preparing crops, growing crops, and
selling crops we also want to look at the waste ( agricultural waste ) we created after
producing and disposing of crops. And looking for opportunities behind it for better
and responsible conservation of resources by turning agricultural waste into fertilizer.
This fertilizer will be beneficial for farmers and even small individuals who want to build
a mini garden in their houses.
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Our groups see the key to the success of agriculture in terms of production is
that by maintaining and supporting young scientists, research studies, and many more
putting their concern into developing climate-proof crops. This climate-proof crop will
enable farmers to decide whether to put this variation of plants in this particular month.
Since the climate is unpredictable, genetically strong seedlings by generating
genebanks for crops will help farmers not to worry about what would happen if there
were lots of rain that usual and long periods of the rainy season than usual. But it yields
differently than before producing great quality and healthy crops, ensuring the human
force will be paid off. The idea of connecting Technology to genetically engineered
crops will also help seeds to fight possible pest outbreaks and many more. Reducing
the cost of buying toxic and non-toxic pesticides that are also contributed to degrading
the quality and nutrients found in soil and water (M Acevedo · 2020).
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
of food throughout the country itself and to world. Since this is not an easy task that as
we all know it takes time in years for some fruit bearing trees to be harvested like for
example the coconut, mango, rambutan and manymore; But it is beneficial for the life
long food support it may bring to us.
Fruit bearing trees will not only contribute for the sustainable food source but
also help us in maintaining the eco friendly practices in making food. This trees will
also serves as excess water absorbers, landslides/erosion protector, and even a
cleaner and provider of a fresh air (Rustic Vuew Homes and Gardens, 2021)
Because our country started importing rice in 1869, this only proves that our
production in terms of rice is not that much or big and it is decreasing even more
because of the various issues that our country is facing. Some of these issues are that
agricultural lands are being replaced or built by private buildings and many others. And
some factors in our country's increasing shortage of rice are due to the growth of our
population followed by the issue of climate change.
This is what motivates many farmers to stop because of losses caused by strong
typhoons, causing others to plant other crops other than rice. So we want to revive and
intensify the genetic improvements regarding the raising of rice and I adopt the modern
methods of different countries to help even more small farmers.
Distribute the said genetically engineered seedlings that will be suitable for the area
where it will be grown or planted so that the growth of the said plant will keep pace with
the climate of a particular area in order to maintain and improve the quality of rice and
its high production in despite the changing new era.
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Conduct more research studies and also don’t stop just by conducting but also
by implementing not only to store only for the purpose of collections
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
use of mobile phone surveillance or even a satellite surveillance that will handle
all the data of agricultural crops. Data being gathered in this surveillance will be
the climate, forecast, weather, pest and manymore. Local government shall
announce if there is an outbreak of diseases or pest in a particular area and
notified small/ big farmers 2 weeks in advanced.
As the farmers know the capability of the said outbreak of pest, they can
now be ready for plan in executing pre-emotive measures to prevent crops
diseases and to ensures a big yield of productivity rate. This idea can be
effective more when they were improving protective approach in this kind of
This warning devices can also be used in terms of data collection of crops
status specially in This proposed solution will focus on the capability of farmers
to communicate in a short period of time for access. The Philippines shall
promote the use of mobile phone surveillance or even satellite surveillance that
will handle all the data of agricultural crops. Data gathered in this surveillance
will be the climate, forecast, weather, pest, and many more. A local government
shall announce if there is an outbreak of diseases or pests in a particular area
and notified small/ big farmers 2 weeks in advance.
As the farmers know the capability of the said outbreak of pest, they can
now be ready to plan in executing pre-emotive measures to prevent crop
diseases and to ensure a big yield of productivity rate. This idea can be effective
more when they were improving the protective approach in this kind of scenario.
These warning devices can also be used in terms of data collection of
crop status, especially in the province that has the capability of supplying a great
amount of agriculturally produced whether they were able to produce the
needed volume or not for us to know even faster to take actions in terms of
importations. the province who has the capability of supplying great amount of
agricultural produced whether they were able to produced the needed volume
or not for us to know even faster to take actions in terms of imporatations.
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
low land in the Philippines is really ideal for planting plants or agricultural crops
that can help our country and the whole world's goal of a sustainable country. This is
due to factors such as easy access to water supply, transportation issues, and many
But there is a big problem facing the availability of low-lying land for the farm,
the biggest enemy is the flood that destroys not only the crops but also the farmland
that is almost a river or has been covered by this river.
Neem oil as one the best ingriedients in fighting armyworms, a worms that is
commonly in tropical countries that destroy lots of crops in time of growing and
harvesting that may result to poor harvest. Government funded research must
established a proper approach in order to fight such worm and also to help farmers by
selling it at low cost when it was a product.
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
landscapes- the fifth area of focus includes both adaptation and mitigation.
Climate-smart farming methods aid farmers in boosting their farms' output and
resilience to climate change effects like droughts while also generating carbon
sinks that aid in lowering net emissions. Additionally, forests are important
carbon sinks that capture carbon and store it in the soil, trees, and vegetation.
❖ Pest control
Having options is helpful when creating a pest management strategy.
Cultural control, host resistance, physical control, mechanical control, biological
control, and chemical control are the most widely used pest management
To eradicate the pest population, living organisms are controlled biologically.
The limiting densities of potential pests are significantly influenced by insects'
natural enemies.
Now, there some ways how to apply use fertilizer more responsible.
Adapt modern technology that uses in the feild of agriculture and in crop
production especially in applying fertilizer. Be knowledgeable enough to
properly use and apply fertilizer to increase crop production.
In adaptation of modern technology we can produce, discover, invent and
provide the needs of crops, through that we'll be able to increase production of
crops. Moreover, applying the amount of fertilizer and pesticide intended by
measuring the treatment area and calibrating your spreader.
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Lack of modern storage facilities not only contributes to shortages but also
hinders agricultural exports. Aside from raising consumer prices, improper post-harvest
management of agricultural produce causes quality and quantity losses. The post-
harvest losses in fruits and vegetables are estimated to be between 25 to 40%, which
results in low returns for producers, processors, and merchants and, ultimately, a loss
of foreign exchange revenues.
The primary factors contributing to this loss, both in terms of quality and
quantity, include stress brought on by extremes of heat or cold, an improper mixture of
gases in the environment, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and humidity, a lack of
nutrients, and inadequate storage and transportation facilities.
One can keep the item in sacks, on the ground, in farm bins and granaries,
underground, in granaries, or by burying it in the ground (Hall, 1970). Tropical crops
can be preserved in a variety of ways, but the oldest and most popular ones are drying,
smoking, pickling, salting, and fermentation.
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Improvements in transportation
Technology and innovation should be the main priorities for logistics and
transportation in the future. Being unprepared for the changes is the problem that
needs the most attention. Consumers will be forced to look for alternatives if the
transportation sector is not open to originality.
Farmers can invest more, produce more, and access markets throughout the
world by using transportation. Without transportation, there is no way to grow a
business because everything must be conveyed, carried, or transported in order to
reach the client. Large volumes could also be wasted because quality degrades in the
absence of effective transportation. In actuality, transportation plays a significant role in
the farmer's business and reputation.
For the buyer's happiness, both the quality of the products and the quality of the
delivery are essential. The distinction between agricultural and industrial products is
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
crucial. The majority of agricultural products are bulky, perishable, consumable goods.
The products must be protected from damage during transit through proper packaging
and transportation. Gathering a harvest involves several phases, including harvesting,
threshing, winnowing, bagging, processing, and storing. They differ in certain ways,
thus the effectiveness of the transit is just as important as its accessibility.
The process for turning food scraps and agricultural waste into organic fertilizer
is as follows:
1. The most crucial food scraps to set aside are those from fruits and
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
aside. Save overripe produce, nuts, and eggshells. Avoid throwing away
overripe produce. However, keep in mind that adding things like grease, oils,
fatty meats, and milk products to your composting materials might make the pile
smelly and wet. Put these items in a flat, well-drained area, and add some wood
ash on top to hasten the composting process.
3. To your compost, you must also add some organic waste if you want to
produce a fertiliser that is nutrient-rich. You can accomplish this by gathering
grass and leaf clippings from your lawn. As you mow your grass, all of the
organic debris from it will combine inside the lawnmower bag. Place all of the
lawnmower's contents in your compost bin after removing them
from the machine.
4. Combine the prepared kitchen waste with the currently present yard waste in the
compost bin. The compost bin has to have a handle you can crank as you rotate it in
order to properly mix the compost and supply oxygen to the mixture. Check the bin's
side openings as well so that any extra moisture can evaporate when you rotate the
compost. Lawn care is essential for best outcomes.
The compost container should be spun two to three times every day, according to
5. Wait until your compost turns into a dark, soil-like substance. The compost is
prepared to be distributed after it takes on this appearance. Apply the proper amount
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
of compost, then wait for the fertilizer to ingest before observing any changes to the
regions you previously administered it to (
LPG gas can be replaced with synthetic natural gas utilizing rice halls as an
alternative. Additionally, rice halls can be utilized to enhance growth, preserve
moisture, and protect seedlings.
The study's findings showed that the SYNGAS produced from cotton crop waste
was nearly identical to that produced from neem tree barks. However, the SYNGAS
made from the bark and leaves of neem trees had more fixed carbon. The chemical
makeup of the gases produced from various wastes differed slightly. In comparison to
gas derived from neem tree barks, which had 28.72% CO and 31.88% H2, gas
obtained from cotton crop waste had 27.52% CO and 32.17% H2. Similarly, 26.07% CO
and 28.12% H2 were found in the gases extracted from neem tree leaves. These
findings suggest that SYNGAS produced from the gasfication of locally available
agricultural and forestry wastes can be utilized as a substitute for natural gas (LPG,
DME, etc.) to power buildings and mechanical vehicles (Aziza Aftab, 2016)
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Dufalla, J. (2016, July 12). Agricultural Overproduction and the Deteriorating Environment. E-
J. (2022, January 10). How to Improve Agriculture in the Philippines, Ways, Ideas, and Tips.
World Bank Group. (2015, April 3). 5 Ways to Reduce the Drivers of Climate Change. World
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Standard, M. (2022, January 26). 6 Challenges Faced by Rice Farmers in the Philippines. Manila
Italy, R. (2022, December). Improvement of storage facilities, post- harvest andling, and storage
Langlois, C. (2020, November 3). 15 Ways to Preserve Your Harvest. Hobby Farms.
(n.d.). Climate-Diplomacy.
Acevedo, M. (2020, October 12). A scoping review of adoption of climate-resilient crops by
small-scale producers in low- and middle-income countries. Nature.
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Central Luzon State University
Science City of Munoz 3120
Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Gardens, R. V. H. &. (2022, May 24). Benefits of Planting Fruit Trees. Rustic View Home
&Garden Center.
Agrifarming. (2022, January 10). How to improve agriculture in the philippines, ways, ideas, and
TUNDE, A.M and ADENIYI, E.E. : Received 9th March 2012; accepted 24th April 2012
151 (5): 1557-1577, October 2022 ISSN 0031 – 7683, Risk Profiling of Aflatoxin
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