Biochemistry LN06
Biochemistry LN06
Biochemistry LN06
Before the real purification steps can begin, the protein The squeezing of the homogenate
must be released from the cells and subcellular around the plunger breaks open cells,
organelles. but it leaves many of the organelles
The first step, called homogenization, involves breaking intact.
open the cells. Sonication, involves using
sound waves to break open the
Mechanical techniques cells.
Grinding the tissue in a blender with a suitable buffer. Cells can also be ruptured by
cycles of freezing and
This process also breaks many of the subcellular thawing.
organelles, such as mitochondria, peroxisomes, and
endoplasmic reticulum. Releasing soluble proteins. Vortex with glass or metal beads.
Potter–Elvehjem homogenizer, is similar but more
Protein Purification and Characterization Techniques
Extracting Pure Proteins from Cells
If the protein of interest is solidly attached to a Proteolysis can be a problem whenever cells are
membrane, or when cells have a very tough cell wall; manipulated; therefore, protease inhibitors should be added
detergents may have to be added to detach the proteins, to all samples undergoing lysis.
or degrade the cell wall.
Reagent-based techniques
The proteins must be stabilized to maintain its Natural proteases that can digest the target proteins in a
bioactivity. preparation are another threat. Protease inhibitors and
antimicrobials can be added to prevent the protein
Although it is essential that the protein be purified, molecules from being dismantled but must be removed
it is equally important that the protein maintain its later, as must any additive used in the purification process.
biological activity.