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Frequently Asked Questions and Errata V1.

Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule isn’t as clear as
it could be. This document collects together amendments to the rules and presents our responses to players’ frequently asked
questions. We’ve also taken the opportunity to listen to player feedback and to update several rules accordingly. As they’re updated
regularly, each has a version number; when changes are made, the version number will be updated, and any changes from the
previous version will be highlighted in magenta.

Adeptus Titanicus Rulebook – Errata Page 46 – Banners in the Movement Phase

Add the following paragraph:
Page 33 – Combat Sequence Summary box-out
Add the following to the end of step 6: “If acting under Charge orders, a Knight Banner works
differently than a Titan. While acting under Charge orders,
“…you wish to attack with.” models in a Knight Banner are unable to change direction
once they start moving and can only move in a straight line.
Page 33 – The Combat Sequence. However, once they have finished moving, each Knight that
The second paragraph should read: is within range can immediately make either a Smash Attack
(see page 36 of the Adeptus Titanicus rulebook) against units
“When a unit is activated it may attack with all of its weapons, that are of the same Scale or a smaller Scale than themselves,
following these steps:” or an attack with a weapon that has the Melee trait regardless
of Scale. For each full 3" that the Banner moved before
Page 38 – Blast attacking, one Knight may add 1 to the Dice value of one of its
The final sentence of the first paragraph should read: weapons.”

“If it is not within range, do not roll To Hit. Instead, draw an Page 46 – Banners in the Combat Phase
imaginary 1" wide line between the chosen target and the The third sentence should read:
attacking unit, placing the central hole of the Blast marker
along this line a number of inches away from the attacking “For each weapon, multiply the Dice characteristic by the
unit equal to the weapon’s Long range characteristic – each number of weapons of that type within the Banner.”
shot scatters as follows:”
Page 46 – Banners in the Combat Phase
Page 38 – Concussive Replace the third paragraph with the following:
The final sentence should read:
“Banners can only make Smash Attacks against other units
“In the Advanced Rules, a Knight Banner that suffers any that are of the same Scale or a smaller Scale than themselves.”
Direct, Devastating or Critical Hits from a Concussive
weapon is automatically Shaken instead (see page 47).” Page 64 – Sabotage
Change the rules paragraph to the following:
Page 39 – Vortex
The second sentence of the second paragraph should read: “Play this Stratagem at the start of any phase. Pick an enemy
unit which does not currently have Shutdown orders, remove
“In the End phase of each turn, the template is moved D6" in its current Order (if any), then roll an Order dice – the unit
a random direction…” immediately takes the Order shown. If it cannot be issued
that Order, only its current Order is removed – no new Order
Page 39 – Warp is given.”
Add the following sentences to the end of the paragraph:

“If the target location is a weapon, on a 1-3 the weapon is

disabled. If the weapon is already disabled, it detonates. On
a 4-6 the weapon is disabled and the Body loses 1 Structure
point. If the weapon is already disabled, it detonates and the
Body loses 1 Structure point.”

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Page 64 – Thermal Mines Page 91 – Legio Gryphonicus, Legion Specific Wargear:
Change the rules paragraph to the following: Motive Sub-reactors
Replace the second paragraph with the following:
“Play this Stratagem immediately after an enemy unit finishes
moving or making a turn. Roll a D6. On a 2 or more, that unit “Any Legio Gryphonicus Reaver can be upgraded to have
suffers D3 Strength 8 hits; a Titan takes these hits to its Legs. Motive Sub-reactors for +25 points. A Titan with this upgrade
Shield saves cannot be made against the hits. On a 1, nothing can declare Power to Locomotors! and Power to Stabilisers!
happens but the Stratagem is not discarded and can be played without pushing its reactor. However, each time the Titan
again in a subsequent round.” suffers a Critical Hit to its Legs, roll a D6. On a result of 3 or
less, its Reactor level is increased by 1. A Reaver Titan with
Page 64 – Voidbreaker Field this upgrade cannot also have the Gravatus Plating upgrade.”
Change the rules paragraph to the following:
Adeptus Titanicus Rulebook – FAQ
“Play this Stratagem immediately after an enemy unit with
active void shields finishes moving or making a turn. Roll a Q. There are references to units, Titans, and Knight
D6. On a 2 or more, the opposing player must immediately Banners in Adeptus Titanicus. What’s the difference
make a number of Shield saves equal to the number rolled between them?
on the D6. On a 1, nothing happens but the Stratagem is not A. Unit refers to both a Titan and a group of Knights within
discarded and can be played again in a subsequent round.” a Knight Banner. i.e., a single Warhound is a unit and a group
of three Knight Questoris is also a unit. Where a rule makes
Page 89 – Legio Gryphonicus, Legion Trait: reference to ‘Titans’ or ‘Knight Banners’, the rule affects those
Lust for Glory units exclusively.
Replace the second and third paragraphs with the following:
Q. How often can Stratagems be used?
“After both sides have deployed, one or more Legio A. Unless otherwise stated, each Stratagem can only be used
Gryphonicus Titans can declare an enemy Titan as a target. once. In the case of Battlefield Assets, the Stratagem deploys
Each Legio Gryphonicus Titan may select a target, though a the Battlefield Asset and is then discarded. The Battlefield
Titan may not select a previously chosen target. Make a note Asset itself is a separate entity and stays on the battlefield
of which Titans are declaring a target and their intended until destroyed.
target, sharing this with your opponent. If a Titan attacks
its intended target, the controlling player can re-roll all To Q. The Legio Gryphonicus Titan Legion trait Mainstay
Hit rolls of a 1, and add 1 to the result of any Armour rolls allows me to build a Venator maniple with two
made as part of an attack against the target. However, if a Reaver Titans. Do both Reavers attack every time an
friendly Legio Gryphonicus Titan attacks a target claimed by Opportunistic Strike is triggered?
a different friendly Titan, the claim is forfeit and this rule no A. No. Either Reaver Titan can make an attack as part of the
longer applies for that Titan.” Opportunistic Strike rule, but only one Reaver in the maniple
can attack per Opportunistic Strike.
Page 89 - Legio Gryphonicus, Legion Trait: Mainstay of
the Titan Legion Q. In a similar vein, when a Titan is replaced in a
Replace the second paragraph with the following: maniple with a Titan of another class due to a Legio trait,
does that Titan benefit from all the rules the replaced
“Any Legio Gryphonicus maniple may select a Reaver Titan Titan would, some of them, or none of them?
in place of any Warlord Titan or Warhound Titan as part of its A. It depends. Any non-specific rules apply to the Titan,
mandatory or compulsory components.” i.e., any that do not specify the class of the Titan, but not
those which specify the class of the Titan if it is different.
Page 89 - Legio Gryphonicus, Legion Specific Wargear: For example, if the Reaver from a Venator Light Maniple
Gravatus Plating was replaced with a Warlord Titan, the Warlord would not
Replace the second paragraph with the following: benefit from the Opportunistic Strike rule – this specifically
references a Reaver Titan. However, if a Reaver from an
“Any Legio Gryphonicus Reaver can be upgraded to have Axiom Battleline Maniple was replaced by a Warlord, the
Gravatus Plating for +20 points. A Titan with this upgrade Warlord would benefit from the Might of the Omnissiah rule
changes the first tier of its Armour value for its Body from as that refers to any class of Titans in the maniple.
10-12 to 11-12 and for its Legs from 11-12 to 12. In
addition, the Titan decreases its default and boosted Speed Q. Can you have more than one maniple in a
characteristic by 1", to a minimum of 4" and 6" respectively. A Battlegroup? Does each maniple have a Princeps
Reaver Titan with this upgrade cannot also have the Motive Senioris?
Sub-reactors upgrade.” A. Yes and yes. The minimum number of maniples is one, but
there is no limit on the maximum number.

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Q. Can you make targeted attacks with weapons such as Q. Can I get a bit of clarification on how merging void
the Questoris Knight’s meltagun or Acastus Knight’s shields in a Squadron works, such as when do I declare
autocannon? Titans are merging void shields and how Voids to Full!
A. No. works with it?
A. When a Titan that can share void shields is declared
Q. When does the Voidbreaker (X) trait trigger – for each as the target of a weapon attack for the first time during a
individual hit, for each weapon attack or, for example, in unit’s activation, the controlling player must declare if the
a Knight Banner, per attacking Knight? target is sharing void shields before any dice are rolled. The
A. The additional hits generated by the Voidbreaker (X) trait controlling player must state which of the eligible Titans in
occur for each weapon attack. As all Knights within a Banner base contact with the target are sharing void shields with it.
attack with the same weapon at once against the same target, Once this is chosen, the controlling player nominates which
the additional hits are caused if at least one Hit is scored Titan’s Void Shield level is being used, selecting from those
against the target over all the Knights shooting, not per chosen to share void shields.
The chosen Titans share void shields for the remainder of
Q. If I paint my Titans in the colours of a Titan Legion the attacking unit’s activation – if the same target is chosen,
that has published rules, do I have to use those Titan it remains sharing void shields with the chosen Titans. If a
Legion rules when I play games or can I choose a different target is chosen, that unit may choose to share void
different set of Titan Legion rules? shields if eligible, so long as it has not already been nominated
A. The Titan Legion rules focus on the narrative aspect of to do so nor can it share void shields with a Titan that is
Adeptus Titanicus, allowing players to recreate and field already sharing its void shield.
famous, or infamous, Titan Legions from the expansive
background of the Age of Darkness. As such, if you paint your When sharing shields, a Titan can declare Voids to Full! as
battlegroup in the colours of Legio Astorum then there is an normal. Only the Titan whose Void Shield level was chosen
implication that you will be using the Legio Astorum rules as being used can declare Voids to Full! If a Machine Spirit
when playing a game. symbol is rolled and the chosen Titan moves out of base
contact with the target Titan, they are no longer sharing
However, this is not a hard and fast rule – at the end of the shields with the target – a new Titan’s Void Shield level must
day, the objective of all tabletop games is to have fun, whether be chosen from those declared as sharing void shields (which
you win or lose. Your models are your hobby, so if you like may be the target if no other Titan was declared) and none
a particular scheme, such as Legio Astorum, but prefer the can declare Voids to Full! once this is done. The attack is then
playstyle of a different Titan Legion, such as Legio Vulpa, then resolved as normal, using the declared Titan’s Void Shield
you are perfectly within your rights to use the latter ruleset. level to make any Save rolls.

Regardless of how you paint your models, you should inform Q. The Concussive and Quake traits state they only take
your opponent before the game if you’re using one or more effect if a hit is not deflected by a Titan’s shields. Does
sets of Titan Legion special rules – this is so they’re aware and a Save roll have to be passed to deflect a hit or is it not
can ask any questions they might have. So long as everyone deflected only when you make an Armour roll?
playing is aware which Titans are using which rules then any A. A hit is deflected so long as the Titan still has active shields.
issues can be avoided and everyone can focus on what really The Concussive and Quake traits take effect only when a
matters – having fun, creating memories and, if they want, Titan is hit by a weapon with these Traits and an Armour roll
shouting “ENGINE KILL!” is made for that attack.

Q. Can a Titan without active shields merge void shields Q. There have been a few times in our games where a
with other Titans in the same squadron that has active Titan moved by a hit with a weapon with the Concussive
void shields? trait would be forced to move off the battlefield. Does
A. Yes. As long as one Titan in a Squadron has void shields, this move the Titan off the battlefield?
any Titan from that Squadron can benefit as long as they meet A. No. The target stops at the edge of the battlefield rather
the requirements. than moving off the battlefield.

Q. While merging void shields, one of my Titans has Q. Can a unit acting under a Charge Order make a
their void shield level reduced to X with dice still in number of turns equal to its Manoeuvre characteristic
the Hit pool. My other Titans still have active shields. before it begins moving?
Are those additional dice in the Hit pool discarded as A. Yes, but remember once they have started moving,
normal? charging units cannot make any turns.
A. No. Though you choose which void shield level you use
when making Shield Saves, hits are assigned to Titans until all
Titans merging void shields have no active shields. Only then
are any remaining dice in the Hit pool discarded.

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Q. When a Knight Banner acts under a Charge order, can Page 24 – Legio Specific Stratagem:
they change direction at any time during their move? A Day of Retribution (2)
A. No. See page 1 of this FAQ (i.e., Page 46. Banners in the Change the second paragraph to the following:
Movement Phase) for the clarified rule.
“This Stratagem can be purchased by any Legio Defensor
Q. If a Titan weapon suffers multiple hits and more than player. Play this Stratagem in the Strategy phase of the
one of them causes the weapon to be disabled, is the first round. Choose a single friendly Legio Defensor Titan.
weapon simply disabled or does one hit disable it and That Titan may immediately make an attack with one of its
any others detonate it? weapons. While resolving this attack, double the weapon’s
A. The first. Just as new modifiers do not affect Armour rolls Long range. Then, advance your Titan’s Plasma Reactor track
from the same weapon attack, a disabled weapon does not three places. Once the effects of the attack have been worked
detonate from subsequent hits from the same weapon attack. out, begin the first game round.”

Q. Is the Artillery Bombardment Stratagem used every Page 24 – Legio Specific Stratagem: Blessings of the
round? Emperor (3)
A. Yes Change the Stratagem’s cost from (3) to (2).

Q. If a Titan hits itself with its own Blast marker, does it Page 24 – Legio Specific Wargear: Devotional War Sirens
get Void Shield saves? The second sentence of the second paragraph should read:
A. It depends on the original target. If the Blast weapon was
fired at a target unit more than 2" away from the Titan (i.e., a “Legio Defensor Titans within 8" of a friendly Legio Defensor
unit that is completely outside its Void Shields) then it may Warlord Titan equipped with Devotional War Sirens may roll
make Void Shield saves (assuming it has active Void Shields). two dice when making a Command check and choose the
Otherwise, the target was too close and Void Shield saves may higher result.”
not be made.
Page 29 – Legio Trait: Seizing the Initiative
Adeptus Titanicus: Titandeath – Errata Change the first sentence of the second paragraph to the
Page 19 – Legio Trait: War March
Change the second sentence of the rules paragraph to the “Once per battle, a force that contains at least one Legio
following: Atarus maniple may re-roll the dice roll to determine who
will choose the First Player, but only if they rolled lower than
“If a Titan uses this boosted speed then whenever it is their opponent.”
required to roll a Reactor dice during the first and second
round of the game, it must roll twice and choose the least Page 29 – Legio Specific Wargear: Infernus Missiles
favourable result (i.e., the result which increases the Titan’s Change the second paragraph to the following:
Plasma Reactor Status track by the largest amount or awakens
its machine spirit).” “Any Legio Atarus Titan armed with Apocalypse missile
launchers, Apocalypse missile arrays or an Apocalypse missile
Page 19 – Legio Trait: Veteran Princeps launcher can be upgraded to have Infernus Missiles for +25
Change the final sentence to the following: points, so long as that Titan does not already have an upgrade
affecting that weapon. Each of the Titan’s weapons must be
“A Warp Runner Titan with a Scale of 10 or higher may upgraded separately. A weapon with this upgrade gains the
instead re-roll two of its Repair Action dice.” Voidbreaker (2) trait. In addition, if a unit suffers at least one
hit from a weapon with this upgrade, place a 5" Blast marker
Page 19 – Legio Specific Personal Traits: Ancient MIU under the unit. In the End phase, any model with at least part
Add the following line to the end of the rules paragraph: of its base on the marker takes a Strength 4 hit, ignoring void
shields and ion shields. After resolving any hits, the fire goes
“If a Shutdown order is rolled, the Princeps may ignore it if out and the marker is removed. Titans suffer this hit to their
they choose.” Legs. In addition, Blocking terrain touched by the template
takes a Strength 4 hit (see the Adeptus Titanicus rulebook
Page 24 – Legio Trait: Righteous Fire for details on damaging and destroying terrain) and, if not
Change the first sentence to the following: destroyed, is set alight. In the End phase, burning terrain
suffers a Strength 4 Hit, and deals a Strength 4 Hit to any
“In the first round of the game, each Legio Defensor Titan models in it, as detailed above. The fire then goes out.”
may fire one of its weapons twice during its activation in the
Combat phase.”

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Page 35 – Legio Trait: Wolf Packs Adeptus Titanicus: Titandeath – FAQ
Change the second paragraph to the following:
Q. When using the Legio Astorum specific Stratagem
“Warhound squadrons in a Legio Solaria maniple can contain Bounty of Mars, does the chosen damaged system apply
up to five Warhound Titans. In addition, any Legio Solaria to one Titan in your battlegroup or to all Titans in your
maniple can select a Warhound Titan in place of any Reaver battlegroup? If picking a disabled weapon, is this a
Titans as part of its mandatory components.” specific weapon or all disabled weapons?
A. The Stratagem applies to the chosen system across all Legio
Page 35 – Legio Specific Stratagem: Fog of War (1) Astorum Titans in your battlegroup. If a disabled weapon is
Add the following sentence to the end of the second chosen, it applies to all disabled weapons for Legio Astorum
paragraph: Titans rather than a specific weapon type.

“This Stratagem can be purchased multiple times.” Q. If required to roll a Reactor dice twice and pick the
least favourable result, what is the least favourable
Page 35 – Legio Specific Wargear: Fortis Motivators result: increasing the Reactor level by 2 or awakening
Change the second sentence of the second paragraph to the the machine spirit?
following: A. The order, from least favourable to most favourable, is as
follows: Awaken the Machine Spirit > Increase the Plasma
“In the Damage Control phase, a Titan with this upgrade can Reactor Status track by 2 > Increase the Plasma Reactor Status
repair Critical Damage to its Legs on a 1+ instead of a 5+.” track by 1 > No increase to the Plasma Reactor Status track.

Page 35 – Legio Specific Wargear: Q. When using the Legio Defensor specific Stratagem
Cameleoline Shrouding Blessings of the Emperor, does using it ignore all
Change the second paragraph to the following: damage effects from a single hit: i.e., if a Titan has no
Structure points left on a location or on the final pip
“Any Legio Solaria Titan with a Scale of 6 or less can take of the Critical Triangle, does it ignore both increases to
Cameleoline Shrouding as an upgrade for +35 points. Titans Critical Damage level?
with this upgrade have their outline blurred, making a A. Yes. All effects of the hit are ignored. This does not ignore
moving Titan difficult to hit. Any attacks made against a Titan any effects from additional hits from the same weapon attack.
with this upgrade suffer a -1 modifier to all Hit rolls so long
as the targeted Titan has moved more than 6" this round and Q. How long does the Blast marker placed by the Legio
is more than 10" away from the attacking unit. However, Atarus’ Infernus missiles last for?
the shrouding is notoriously fragile, and as soon as the Titan A. The Blast marker is removed after resolving its effects in
suffers 1 point of Structural Damage, this bonus is lost.” the End phase.

Page 35 – Legio Specific Personal Traits: Spear of Tigrus Q. For the Legio Mortis specific wargear The
Change the second paragraph to the following: Warmaster’s Beneficence, do the benefits apply to the
first weapon fired or to all weapons fired that phase?
“The Princeps’ Titan may be issued a Full Stride order without A. The last one you mention. The benefits apply to all
the need to make a Command check.” weapons in the phase the Titan first attacks.

Page 50 – Legio Specific Trait:

Many Faces of the Omnissiah
The first sentence of the rules paragraph should read:

“In the first round of the game, any Tiger Eyes Titan may
choose to forgo its activation in either the Movement phase
and/or the Combat phase…”

Page 66 – Lupercal Light Maniple, Maniple Trait,

Hunting Pack
Delete the following sentence:

“In addition, when making Coordinated Strikes (see page 45

of the Adeptus Titanicus rulebook), Warhounds in this maniple
add +2 to any Armour rolls they make, rather than +1.”

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Adeptus Titanicus: Doom of Molech – Errata Page 50 – Household Specific Knightly Qualities,
Dancing Blade
Page 17 – Legio Specific Wargear: Bi-folded Power The rules paragraph should read:
Replace the first sentence of the second paragraph with the “Knights within the Seneschal’s Lance may re-roll any Hit roll
following: of a 1 when using a weapon with the Melee trait.”

“Any Legio Crucius Titan may be equipped with a Bi-folded Page 54 – Household Specific Knightly Qualities, Iron of
Power Containment System for +20 points.” the Earth
The rules paragraph should read:
Page 20 – Legio Trait: Lost Sons
Replace the rules paragraph with the following: “Knights within the Seneschal’s Lance may re-roll any Hit roll
of a 1 when using a weapon with the Melee trait.”
“A Legio Fortidus battlegroup may alter one of the mandatory
Titan components of any of its maniples, exchanging this Page 58 – Household Specific Knightly Qualities, Vizier
mandatory component for a Titan of Scale 10 or lower. Note of Blades
that for the purposes of the maniple’s rules, the replacement The rules paragraph should read:
Titan does not count as the Titan type it is replacing.”
“Knights within the Seneschal’s Lance may re-roll any Hit roll
Page 20 – Legio Specific Personal Traits: of a 1 when using a weapon with the Melee trait.”
Broken by Treachery
Replace the second paragraph with the following: Page 77 – Stratagem: Dawn Attack (3)
Change the rules paragraph to the following:
“Once per round, when targeting a Titan with a Scale equal to
or greater than the Princeps’ own Titan, you may re-roll the “Play this Stratagem in the first Strategy phase of the game.
To Hit dice. Note that in the case of weapons with multiple For the first two rounds of the game, darkness cloaks the
Attack dice, all of the dice must be re-rolled or none of them.” battlefield. Titans must roll (D6+1) x5 to determine how many
inches they can see – only enemies within this range can be
Page 20 – Legio Specific Personal Traits: targeted. Titans that shot earlier in the round can be targeted,
Soldier of the Crusade regardless of the distance an attacker can see.”
Replace the second paragraph with the following:
Page 77 – Stratagem: Vox Blackout (1)
“Before forces are deployed, when choosing Stratagems, the Change the Stratagem cost from (1) to (3).
Legio Fortidus player gains +1 Stratagem point if one or more
Princeps with this Personal Trait is present in the force.” Page 77 – Stratagem: Auspex Bafflers (2)
Change the rules paragraph to the following:
Page 23 – Legio Trait: Two-faced God
Delete the following sentence from the rules paragraph: “Play this Stratagem in any Strategy phase. The player chooses
one of their Titans or Knight Banners. Until the end of the
“These Titans may not be part of the same maniple.” round, the chosen unit increases the To Hit roll penalty for
being obscured by 1, i.e., -2 To Hit if at least 25% of the unit is
Page 36 – Charge Orders obscured, or -3 To Hit if at least 50% of the unit is obscured.”
Paragraph three should read:
Page 78 – Stratagem: Wages of Betrayal (2)
“In the Movement phase, all Knights within a Banner Change the last sentence to the following:
acting under a Charge order are unable to change direction
during their movement and can only move in a straight line. “Any enemy Princeps Seniores suffers a -3 penalty to
However, once they have finished moving, each Knight that Command check instead.”
is within range can immediately make either a Smash Attack
(see page 36 of the Adeptus Titanicus rulebook) against units Page 78 – Stratagem: Endurance of Terra (2)
that are of the same Scale or a smaller Scale than themselves, Change the rules paragraph to the following:
or an attack with a weapon that has the Melee trait regardless
of Scale. For each full 3" that the Banner moved before “This Stratagem can be purchased by any Loyalist player.
attacking, one Knight may add 1 to the Dice value of one of its Play this Stratagem when one of the player’s Titans suffers
weapons.” Critical Damage. The player rolls a D6. On a 3+, the damage is
ignored. Otherwise, nothing happens but the Stratagem is not
discarded and can be played again in a subsequent round.”

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Page 78 – Stratagem: Martian Servitor Clades (3) Adeptus Titanicus: Doom of Molech – FAQ
Change the third sentence to the following:
Q. When using the Titan Hunter Infantry stratagem, do
“Until the end of the next Strategy phase, each of the player’s you place two new markers each time you play it?
Titans adds two Repair dice to their Servitor Clades.” A. No. When a marker is activated, after resolving the
effects of any attacks it makes, remove that marker from the
Page 79 – Stratagem: Strafing Run (2) battlefield. Any marker not activated is removed during the
Change the rules paragraph to the following: End phase of a round.

“Play this Stratagem during any Strategy phase. A squadron Q. Can I issue Emergency Repair orders, resolve the
of fighter-bombers scream across the battlefield, attacking Repair roll and then play Vox Blackout to remove it?
everything in their path. Choose one of the four edges of the A. No. Stratagems are enacted before Orders are issued.
battlefield and pick a point on that edge. Then pick a point
on any other edge of the battlefield and draw an imaginary Q. Do you get Void Shield saves from hits dealt by the
line 1mm wide between the two. Any unit under this line, or Strafing Run stratagem?
within 2" of it, takes D3 Strength 6 hits. The arc from which A. Yes.
the hits originate is determined by the direction the line
is travelling. Determine which arc the first chosen point is Q. In what arc are hits from the Strafing Run stratagem
within for each unit hit and resolve the hits against that arc.” presumed to originate from?
A. The direction the line is travelling (i.e., from the first
Page 79 – Stratagem: Scatterable Mines (1) chosen point to the second chosen point) determines which
Change the Stratagem cost from (1) to (2). arc the hits originate from. Determine which arc the first
chosen point is within for each unit hit and resolve the hits
Change the rules paragraph to the following: against that arc.

“Play this Stratagem during any Strategy phase. Place a marker Q. Can Knight Household Forces take Titans as
anywhere on the battlefield then scatter it D10". The area Reinforcements?
within 6" of this marker counts as Dangerous terrain. Remove A. Yes. So long as the requirements for a Household Force are
the marker at the end of the round.” met (i.e., minimum of one Lance, etc), the player can include
Titans as reinforcements. These Titans are individuals and
Page 79 – Stratagem: Static Rain (3) cannot be formed into maniples.
Replace the first three sentences with the following:

“Play this Stratagem during any Strategy phase. Choose a

point on the battlefield. Any Titan within 12" of this marker
must immediately make D3 Void Shield saves.”

Page 79 – Stratagem: Earthshaker Mines (2)

Replace the rules paragraph with the following:

“Play this Stratagem immediately after an enemy unit finishes

moving or making a turn. Roll a D6. On a 2 or more, that unit
suffers D3 Strength 6 hits; a Titan takes these hits to its Legs.
Shield saves cannot be made against the hits. In addition,
the unit is then moved D6" in a direction determined by the
Scatter dice (this may result in a Collision – see the Adeptus
Titanicus rulebook). This does not change the unit’s facing. On
a 1, nothing happens but the Stratagem is not discarded and
can be played again in a subsequent round.”

Page 79 – Stratagem: Quake Shells (2)

Change the first sentence to the following:

“Play this during any Strategy phase.”

Page 79 – Stratagem: Haywire Barrage (2)

Change the first sentence to the following:

“Play this card during any Strategy phase.”

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Adeptus Titanicus: Shadow and Iron – Errata Page 95 – Taxing
Change the last sentence to:
Page 94 – New Weapon Traits
Add the Weapon trait: “Instead, roll a D6 on the Psychic Manifestation table, or a
D10 if the Titan has suffered Critical Damage or is within 6"
“Bypass: When resolving an attack caused by a Bypass of a Corrupted Titan.”
weapon, any hits caused will completely bypass Void Shields
and Ion Shields (i.e., no Save rolls can be made against these Page 97 – Stratagem: Concealment Barrage (1)
attacks). Some weapons have a Bypass (X) trait, where X is The first sentence should read:
either Void Shield or Ion Shield. These weapons only bypass
the shield type named in brackets.” “Play this Stratagem at the start of any Strategy phase.”

Page 95 – Impale Delete the following sentence:

Replace all with the following:
“This Stratagem can be purchased multiple times, however it
“Impale: After resolving an attack from an Impale weapon can only be played once per round.”
against a Titan, do not make an Armour roll. Instead, roll a
D6 if the attack hit, adding the Strength of the weapon to the Page 97 – Stratagem: Tracer Cloud (1)
result. If resolving an attack from an Impale weapon as part The first sentence should read:
of a Coordinated Strike, resolve the attacks of all contributing
Titans first, making a note of how many attacks from Impale “Play this Stratagem at the start of any Strategy phase.”
weapons successfully hit. Then roll a D6, adding the Strength
value of the Impale weapon, using the highest Strength value Delete the following sentence:
of all contributing weapons, and apply a +1 modifier for each
Impale weapon beyond the first that successfully hit to the “This Stratagem can be purchased multiple times, however it
result of the roll. can only be played once per round.”

If the total of the roll is equal to or lower than the target Adeptus Titanicus: Shadow and Iron – FAQ
unit’s Scale, roll a D6. On a 1-3, the target unit turns 90˚ to
its right. On a 4-6, the target unit turns 90˚ to its left. If the Q. With the Ruptura Maniple, can each Reaver in the
total of the roll is higher than the target unit’s Scale, the maniple declare Power to Locomotors! without pushing
target unit turns as described above and then immediately their reactor once per round or only one Reaver in the
suffers D3+1 Devastating Hits to its Legs. If the target unit maniple?
suffers Catastrophic Damage as a result of this attack, do A. The latter.
not roll on the Catastrophic Damage table – the target unit
automatically suffers the Laid Low result instead. If a natural Q. How does the Sabotage Stratagem interact with a
1 is rolled, nothing happens to the target unit and each unit Psi-Titan? Do you keep re-rolling until it gets the
that contributed to the attack and scored one or more hits Shutdown order, as that is the only Order that can be
against the target unit immediately suffers a Devastating Hit issued a Psi-Titan.
to their Legs and a S7 hit against any Impale weapons that A. No. In the case of the Sabotage Stratagem and a Psi-Titan,
successfully hit as part of the Coordinated Strike. if a Shutdown order is rolled then the Shutdown is applied.
If any other Order is rolled, that Stratagem is discarded and
Attacks made by Impale weapons bypass void shields.” nothing happens.

Page 95 – Shock
Replace all with the following:

“Shock: If an attack from a Shock weapon causes a Direct,

Devastating or Critical Hit on a Titan, roll a D6. On a 3+, the
Titan is immediately issued a Shutdown order, replacing any
Order it already has. If an attack from a Shock weapon causes
a Superficial Hit, then roll a D6. On a 6+, the target Titan is
immediately issued a Shutdown order. Any Shutdown order
received due to an attack from a Shock weapon is removed
during the End phase of the round it was issued.”

Permission to download/print for personal use only. © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021.
Adeptus Titanicus: Adeptus Titanicus: Defence of Ryza – Errata
Shadow and Iron Designer’s Notes
Page 29 – Legio Specific Wargear: Basilius Throne
Q. How does the Legio Audax trait Wolves Amongst Prey Change the final sentence of the second paragraph to the
interact with the ability to form Squadrons with Titans following:
outside a maniple together with those inside a maniple?
For example, how does it work with Legio Audax Titans “In addition, any Legio Honorum Titan adds 1 to the result
in a Lupercal maniple? of any Command check made when being issued an Order
A. The intention behind the Wolves Amongst Prey trait is to previously issued to a Princeps Seniores’ Titan with this
allow Legio Audax Titans to form bigger packs to represent upgrade within the same maniple this round.”
the way they fight on the battlefield. This does create
potential issues with maniples such as the Lupercal maniple Page 38 – Legio Specific Wargear:
which allows a player to form different Squadrons each Directed Pressure Outlet
round. The rules paragraph should read:

As such, the Wolves Amongst Prey trait is only used at the “Any Legio Magna Titan armed with a weapon with the
beginning of a battle, allowing you to form Squadrons before Fusion trait may be equipped with a Directed Pressure
deployment like normal, e.g., with Warhound Titans in other Outlet for +20 points. Each Fusion weapon a Titan is armed
Titan Legions. Legio Audax Titans can form Squadrons at this with must be upgraded separately. A Titan equipped with
time in the manner stated in the Wolves Amongst Prey trait. a Directed Pressure Outlet adds 3" to the weapon’s Short
If a Legio Audax Titan is part of a Squadron via this trait,
they cannot become part of another Squadron for any reason Page 62 – Household Specific Knightly Qualities,
during the battle. The only exception to this rule is if every Blackhearted
other Titan within their Squadron has been destroyed. In The rules paragraph should read:
this instance, additional Squadrons could be formed if a rule
allows it. “When making an attack during the Movement phase as part
of a Charge order, Knights within the Seneschal’s Lance may
For example, a Legio Audax Warhound Titan that is part of a re-roll To Hit rolls of a 1.”
Lupercal maniple forms a Squadron at the start of the battle with
another Legio Audax Warhound Titan outside of the maniple. As Page 95 – Legio Trait: Vanguard Fighters
such, they cannot be affected by the Hunting Pack special rule, and The first two lines should read:
thus cannot form Squadrons with the Titans within the maniple,
unless all other Titans within their Squadron have been destroyed. “Titans from this Legio with a Scale of 7 or less add 1 to all To
Hit rolls and can be issued Full Stride and First Fire orders
Essentially, a Legio Audax Titan can only be part of a single without...”
Squadron which holds no more than five Titans unless it specifically
says otherwise. Adeptus Titanicus: Defence of Ryza – FAQ
Q. When using the Vanguard Fighters Legio Trait, does
the +1 modifier to all To Hit rolls apply all the time or
only when a Titan has no friendly Titans within 6" of
A. The latter; the condition applies to both benefits of the
Legio Trait.

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Adeptus Titanicus: Command Terminals – Errata
Crucible of Retribution – Errata
Acastus Knight Banner – Front of Card
Page 40 – Legio Specific Stratagem: Guard the Gates (2) Change the base points cost of an Acastus Knight Banner to
Change the third sentence of the rules paragraph to the 150 points + weapons.
Acastus Knight Banner – Back of Card
“Until the end of the round, friendly Legio Ignatum Titans Change the Unit Size description to:
can be issued the First Fire order without the need to make a
Command check.” “An Acastus Knight Banner consists of one Acastus Knight
Lord Scion. If you wish, you can add an additional Acastus
Page 42 – Legio Specific Personal Traits: Knight Scion Marital for 130 points.”
Superior Tactician
Change the second sentence of the second paragraph to the Change the cost of the Twin Magna Lascannon & Ironstorm
following: Missile Pod to +35 points.

“Before forces are deployed, when choosing Stratagems, the Change the cost of the Twin Conversion Beam Cannon and
Legio Venator player gains +1 Stratagem point if one or more Karacnos Mortar Battery to +50 points.
Princeps with this Personal Trait is present in the force.”
Add the following special rule:
Adeptus Titanicus: Loyalist Legios – Errata
“Auxiliary Knight Banner: A Battlegroup can include a
Page 21 – Legio Specific Stratagem: Guard the Gates (2) maximum of one Auxiliary Knight Banner per maniple as
Change the third sentence of the rules paragraph to the reinforcements. A Knight Household Force can include
following: a maximum of one Auxiliary Knight Banner per Lance as
reinforcements. No Knight Banner within a Lance, other than
“Until the end of the round, friendly Legio Ignatum Titans the Seneschal’s Banner, may be an Auxiliary Knight Banner.”
can be issued the First Fire order without the need to make a
Command check.” Weapon Cards – Errata
Page 167 – Warlord Battle Titan Weapon Options, Warlord Carapace – Paired Gatling Blasters
Mori Quake Cannon Change weapon ARC to match ARC shown on the Paired
Change the Accuracy, S column from ‘-’ to ‘-1’. Laser Blasters weapon card.

Page 168 – Warbringer Nemesis Titan Weapon Options, Reaver Carapace – Vulkan Mega-bolter
Mori Quake Cannon Change the Short Range ACC characteristic to +1.
Change the Accuracy, S column from ‘-’ to ‘-1’.
Warlord-Sinister Weapons Warlord Carapace – Paired
Page 169 – Warhound Scout Titan Weapon Options, Laser Blasters
Natrix Shock Lance Change the Long Range ACC characteristic from +1 to -1.
Change the Accuracy, S column from ‘1’ to ‘+1’.
Warlord Carapace – Apocalypse Missile Launchers
Page 173 – Martian Servitor Clades (3) Change the Dice value characteristic from 5 to 10.
Change the third sentence to the following:

“Until the end of the next Strategy phase, each of the player’s
Titans adds two Repair dice to their Servitor Clades.”

Permission to download/print for personal use only. © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021.
Weapon Cards – FAQ
Q. Both the Warbringer Nemesis Carapace weapons have
a reference to ‘Weapon Critically Disabled’. However,
there doesn’t appear to be a rule related to this. What
happens when a weapon is Critically Disabled?
A. At present, there is no rule that uses Weapon Critically
Disabled so, unless otherwise specified, a Weapon Critically
Disabled result has the same effect as a Weapon Disabled.

Q. The Warmaster’s shoulder plasma blastguns have a +1

in their Long range rather than the -1 of the Warhound
plasma blastguns. Is this a mistake?
A. No, this difference is intentional; a raft of greater reactor
controls and parameters enable the Warmaster to increase the
effective range of the plasma blastgun when housed within its

Stratagem Cards – Errata

Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy Rules Set and
Grandmaster Master Edition Tertiary Objectives: Break
The first sentence should read:

“The player can enact this at the end of the battle to score
1 Victory point for each of their units with a Scale of 5 or

Engage and Destroy

The third sentence of Scoring Victory Points should read:
“Destroyed units grant a number of Victory points as follows:”

The table should read:

Scale Victory Points

1-3 4

4-6 6

7-9 10

10+ 15

Permission to download/print for personal use only. © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2021.

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