Strand Mismatch
Strand Mismatch
Strand Mismatch
School Doha, Doha, Qatar
2Research Development, Accreditation and Publication Office, PSD, Doha, Qatar
3Research Capstone Project, PSD, Doha, Qatar
Article History: The Philippine educational system currently follows the K to 12 Program, covering ten years of basic
Received 24th November, 2021 education and two years of Senior High School (S.H.S.). During the last two years of this program,
Received in revised form students have to select a specific strand that will aid in preparation for higher education. However, it
15th December, 2021 is not always that the students’ chosen strand will align with their college course. This qualitative
Accepted 20th January, 2022 paper uses a phenomenological research design to answer the question "How do Filipino college
Published online 25th February, 2022 students adapt
ad to the challenges of strand mismatch?" and to raise awareness of the lived experiences
of these college students. The set of data was gathered through semi semi-structured interviews and was
analyzed using inductive reasoning in theme development. Four them themes were extracted from the
Strand Mismatch, K to 12 Program, verbal musings of the participants. These are: (1) Crucial Circumstances which include Decisive
Academic Strands, Senior High Factors, Restrictive Hindrances, and Reflective Insights; (2) Receptive Response which encompasses
School, Filipino College Students, Social Support, Exerted Effort, and
and Adaptive Action; (3) Individual Impact which pertains to Personal
Academic Challenges, Convenience, Relational Indifference, and Emotional Encumbrance; and (4) Acquired Abilities which
Phenomenology. involve Cognitive Capacity, Progressive Proficiency, and Environmental Expertise. While st strand
mismatch has made college transition more challenging for most students, there is no fixed way of
coping with it. The study reveals that strand mismatch has opened a door of opportunities for personal
growth and development amongst college students after after facing the adversities that came along with
this experience. The researchers recommend further exploration of the perspective of college students
who have taken non-academic
non academic strands and are also experiencing strand mismatch, the implementation
of mixed methods research design to reinforce further the study results, and the impact of strand
*Corresponding author: mismatch to outcome-based
outcome education (OBE).
Noemi F. Formaran, Ed.D
Copyright © 2022. Noemi F. Formaran et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation: Noemi F. Formaran, Ed.D, Bambalan, John, Barles, Gabriel, Caraig, Audre, Recel, Ralph, Aporto, Edzhelle, De Ocampo, Jazylei, Lardizabal
Lardizabal, Enya and Racela,
Nadeen. “From mismatch 2022. International Journal of Current
From strand mismatch to academic patch: a phenomenological study of filipino college students with strand mismatch”,
Research, 14, (02), 20665-20676.
Students under the G.A.S. strand were assumed not to Despite strand mismatch, the participants managed to find
experience strand mismatch as they were ready to face any ways to cope and eventually grew from the challenge.
college course. Based on the development plans formulated by However, the fact remains that the participants still faced
the Department of Education, students who have finished all multiple difficulties that were easily avoidable if not for strand
the essential competencies in Junior High School are promoted mismatch. As the world keeps changing, newer and more
to a higher level of learning. Hence, when the students reach challenging struggles will keep emerging. Education will
Senior High School, they will choose which strand to study always be an integral part of society, and research studies are
based on their interests, plans, and other aspects. With the imperative for future generations to face the same challenges.
recent implementation of the K-12 System in 2013, the current
Philippine curriculum is still in its natal stages. A study entitled
"Embracing the K-12 Curriculum: Accounts of Philippine
Teachers and Students" by Trance and Trance (2019) discusses
the teachers' and students' approaches to the modern Research Design: This study uses a qualitative research design
educational system. Another study entitled "Unity Foreseen: A in order to gain better knowledge of the performance and lived
Close Look at the Values Formation and Challenges Faced by experiences being investigated. Qualitative research, according
Senior High School Students" by Aguilar et al. (2020) shows to Silverman (2020), is “characterized as a research that aims to
the struggles of having different career tracks in Senior High explain people's perspectives and experiences, while it also aids
School. Many more studies like this discuss the problems in in identifying what is important to people.” Additionally,
Senior High School. Yet, none of them addresses an issue Crossman (2020) defined Qualitative research as a “social
birthed from the K to 12 system found in tertiary education: science research that collects and works with non-numerical
strand mismatch. Strand mismatch is the phenomenon of a data and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that
college student studying a course unrelated to their Senior High help understand social life through the study of targeted
School strand. For example, an A.B.M. student expected to populations or places.”Moreover, phenomenology was used to
learn something in the business field takes a college course in better infer the lived experiences of the selected participants. It
the medical area instead. This phenomenon happens because is used to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying
interests can change, and plans can fall apart, among many motives and opinions of the participants. According to
other potential aspects. This research studies the lived Creswell (2013), a “phenomenological study is required if there
experiences of Filipino college students who graduated Senior is a need to profoundly understand a human’s experience that is
High School from a Philippine school in the Philippines and mutual to other people as well.” In this case, a
Qatar. Their verbalizations were explored and analyzed to phenomenological qualitative research is used in this study in
understand strand mismatch better and help those affected by it. order to effectively understand the lived experiences of Filipino
This present paper uncovered the lived experiences of Filipino students with strand mismatch. The research utilized thematic
college students who were facing strand mismatch. It aimed to data analysis in order to come up with four major themes.
answer the central question, "How do Filipino college students Braun and Clarke (2006) defines thematic analysis as “a
adapt to the challenges of strand mismatch?" From this main method for identifying, analyzing and reporting patterns
question came a specific sub-question, "What are the (themes) within data.” The researchers used inductive
challenges Filipino college students face with strand reasoning that converted the particular experiences of the
mismatch?" participants into sub-themes, then finally to a broader theme
that was used to describe the phenomenon. Furthermore, this
This qualitative research study was conducted by following the research was all based on the primary source of data or the
phenomenological method. Mendoza et al. (2017) defined verbal responses of the participants using a semi-structured
phenomenology as "a study wherein human experiences are interview. This is where the basis of our conclusion is derived
examined through the detailed descriptions of the people being from. The responses are regulated by an interview guide
studied." The participants were chosen based on the criteria containing the twenty-eight developmental questions.
that they are first or second-year Filipino college students,
enrolled either in the Philippines or Qatar, and are taking a Research Locale and Sample: This study was undertaken in
college course unrelated to their Senior High School strand Philippine School Doha (PSD), a learning institution in Qatar
(e.g., an A.B.M. student taking Dentistry). Online interviews that leads in the provision of Philippine basic education. Since
asking twenty-eight developmental questions were conducted October 1992, the school has been catering to the educational
with the participants to gather the data. Data analysis uses needs of the children of the Overseas Filipino Workers
inductive reasoning, which identifies themes from the (O.F.W.s) here in the State of Qatar. A total of eight chosen
participants' specific lived experiences. Expectedly, the participants were involved in this study. They are all college
selected students struggled due to strand mismatch. From the students who met the following criteria: (1) Filipino; (2) first-
results of this research emerged four themes that describe the or second-year college at this time; (3) studies in Qatar or
participants' lived experiences. They went through decisive Philippines; (4) took an academic strand (STEM, A.B.M., or
factors under (1) Crucial Circumstances with restrictive HUMSS) in Senior High School; and (5) experience strand
hindrances and had thoughtful insights. To cope, the mismatch. The researchers have purposely selected these
participants' (2) Receptive Response included an exerted effort participants through the set of criteria to ensure the validity of
accompanied by adaptive action with the help of social support. the findings in this study.
They also had a different (3) Individual Impact amid strand
mismatch; while some may have faced emotional Data Collection and Ethical Consideration: The data
encumbrance, others felt relational indifference or even gathering procedure began with the formulation of a central
personal convenience. While dealing with this challenge, the question, which acts as “a broad idea that stimulates curiosity
participants (4) Acquired Abilities in cognitive capacity, and interest about the central phenomenon (Creswell, 2008,
progressive proficiency, and environmental expertise. 129).”
20667 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 14, Issue, 02, pp.20665-20676,, February, 2022
The researchers were able to develop one sub-questions that Those who are aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs take
aligned with the central question of this study. Furthermore, A.B.M., and those who are intrigued by the wonders of
eight developmental questions were derived from the mathematics and different sciences take STEM. Those who
first sub-question
question to create the interview guide. have a proficient understanding of human behavior and will
ght for social injustices take HUMSS, and those who wish to
undertake a more comprehensive and holistic experience take
G.A.S. With the implementation of the different strands,
students can focus on the subjects that are necessary to them.
However, despite having a variety of academic options, there
are a substantial number of Filipino college students who
experience and are currently experiencing strand mismatch. At
this crucial turning point of their lives, students are faced with
factors that can influence
nce the decision of their careers. This
study investigates the lived experiences of Filipino college
students with strand mismatch. It correlates with the central
question; “How do Filipino college students adapt to the
© Google Earth
challenges of strand mismatch?” Base
Based on the anecdotes of the
Figure 1. Location of Philippine School Doha, Mesaimeer Area, different participants, 4 different themes emerged. These
Doha, Qatar themes are (1) Crucial Circumstances, under which includes
Decisive Factors, Restrictive Hindrances, and Reflective
It underwent a validation process to ensure the efficacy of this Insights; (2) Receptive Response which elaborates Socia Social
research. Eight participants were selected to take part in this Support, Exerted Effort,and Adaptive Action; (3) Individual
study. With thee help of technology, consent letters were Impact which encompasses Personal Convenience, Relational
individually forwarded to those participants via email. Once Indifference, and Emotional Encumbrance; and finally (4)
permission has been granted, the researchers communicated which falls under Progressive Proficiency, Cognitive Capacity,
with their key participants to schedule their online interviews and Environmental Expertise.
by setting a convenient time andnd date. The researchers have
also sought permission from the participants to record the
entire interview. These audio recordings were solely used for
data collection and transcription purposes. The participants
were not forced to involve themselves in this th study. As
confidentiality and anonymity of the participants are highly
regarded by the researchers, consent letters were given to
inform the participants about this study. Before the interview,
an orientation was also conducted to give them an idea of the
interview process. Audio recordings of the interview were only
utilized upon the approval of the participants. Moreover,
pseudonyms (P1, P2, and so on) were used to refer to them to
preserve anonymity. All personal information obtained from
the data gathering
thering procedure was not disclosed in compliance
with the confidentiality protocols. Rest assured, research ethics
and protocols were followed accordingly throughout the
research process.
The base is also in the shade of green which represents growth, to A.B.M., knowing that I can still pick a course in the medical
specifically, the students who did not give up despite field in college.” (P6)
experiencing strand mismatch. The top part of the graduation
cap is divided into quadrants which show the four types of Restrictive Hindrances: The problems that come with strand
themes and subthemes, indicating the findings that came into mismatch come in many forms, whether social, emotional, or
light or arose from the study. The first quadrant on the upper academic. Lagging because they did not take the same classes
left corner is dyed in red to represent urgency and something as others is the most common problem. However, fears,
that is critical. The second quadrant on the upper right corner is doubts, and anxieties exist regarding the student’s future,
tinged with the color blue to represent the intelligence and the emotional detachment from learning, and a struggle in creating
reflection of the students as they experience strand mismatch. relationships. To quote from the participants:
These are the coping mechanisms of the students and the color
represents their persistence through the complications. The “Strand mismatch affects my academic pursuit of knowledge,
third quadrant found on the bottom left corner is the in a way that the focus of my learning in my previous strand is
combination of the outcomes of the first two themes. Since red different from the course I’m taking right now, which is more
and blue make the color purple when combined, the fourth on architecture and designing. My senior high is more on
quadrant is thus tinted as purple. The third main theme talks analyzing calculations of numbers.” (P2)
about the effects of the strand mismatch on the students. Red
shows the struggles that the students faced and blue shows the “Since I took A.B.M., the only science subject I had was in
solutions or the outcomes. The fourth quadrant found on the grade 11. My major is related to science, and so, when our
bottom right corner is painted yellow to show the positive classes started in college, I tended to struggle with the topics
outcomes and gains from the changes that the student and terms I am not familiar with.” (P5)
underwent. The themes are arranged in a clockwise manner,
starting from the red quadrant up till the yellow quadrant, to “[I had a hard time overcoming the challenge of] having a
holistically represent the experiences of those students who good relationship with my college classmates. There are a lot
have put up with and are currently facing strand mismatch. of challenges that I am currently facing but that was the most
helpful one when I resolved it. It is really easy to study when
Crucial Circumstances: Entering college starts a student’s you know that you have classmates to run to, friends to relate
long journey towards their professional career. Choosing one’s with and those who would help you too. It is really a challenge
course requires deep consideration as it will provide one of the to have a good relationship with them since I am not very
edges needed to survive in a competitive world. The social. That was the most difficult part.” (P7)
participants had varied conditions that led them to choose a
course that resulted in strand mismatch. Strand mismatch Reflective Insights: The participants realized that they would
have to put in extra work to succeed in their college courses
brought on many challenges, such as, to quote the participants:
and future careers fully. They also recognized that if they had
“It was problematic knowing that I should have the knowledge background knowledge on these unfamiliar subjects during
that was taught and learned for the past two years, but I do not. senior high school, their time studying now would have been
That is why a bridging program, foundation, or self-learning is easier. As the participants said,
needed.” (P6)
“I am pursuing Nursing and it affects my academic mismatch “Although not having a background on A.B.M. strand did not
since what I have learned before is very different from what I greatly affect my academic performance here in college, it
am studying now, and I cannot relate that much. Unlike if I would have been an advantage if I had specialized subjects in
pursued Law or Political Science, it would be better for me.” senior high so I can be more advanced in my course.” (P3)
(P7) “I needed to study more and go beyond the things that I needed
to learn for me to catch up. Although, since there is also school
Decisive Factors: Various factors play a part in a student’s work that I need to do, I did not have time to fully focus on my
choice of strand and college course. May it be parents, peers, subjects.” (P5)
social media, or various circumstances, these all may influence
one’s decision and lead them to strand mismatch. As “Since people’s lives are in our hands when we start working,
participants have stated: we need to be more responsible.” (P4)
given that I have strand mismatch, I really had to be flexible.” Even the most minor amounts of effort reflect the dedication of
(P1) these participants to persevere in their chosen courses
“I knew that my course and strand were unrelated, and so, just regardless of how complex this coping process may have been
before taking my college course, I already knew that I needed for them.
to adjust and give my best.” (P5)
Adaptive Action: Finding the proper coping mechanism to
“It was challenging knowing that all of your classmates have survive through an unfamiliar academic environment differs
taken STEM and have the basic knowledge while you’re the from one student to another. It is a process that requires time,
only one who isn’t. You’d need to adjust to pursue your let alone mustering up the motivation to pursue a path that may
dream.” (P6) seem more complex than the usual one. Nevertheless, passion
continues to serve as a driving force that allows most of these
Social Support: Sometimes it takes a little support, guidance, participants to strive harder and keep going despite the
and encouragement from others to keep the fire burning as one difficulties. Having a solid mental foundation is vital,
embarks through their endeavors. When doubt and uncertainty especially during the higher stages of one’s academic journey,
may prevail, it should not hurt to seek advice and reassurance. but this mental attitude should go beyond college life. As
The initial struggles of strand mismatch became bearable for expressed by these responses,
most participants as family members, professors, and peers
served as their pillars for support throughout their experience. “College is all about what you want to do with your life.
One participant who has expressed her feelings toward her Mentality is important. You have to adopt a new mentality that
parents who have helped her cope with her situation: is more about your passion.” (P1)
“I’m thankful that my parents were not really the people that "I think the life skills are to never give up and just to pursue. I
will pressure their wants on us and gave us the freedom to think that if you really want something, you are going to find a
choose the strand we would like. They’ve trusted us that we are way to get it and achieve it. Since I want to do well in my
responsible for our decisions.” (P2) course, I study hard, ask for advice from people, and also seek
help from God so that I can gain strength from Him. I think
Some relationships have also strengthened due to the support these are the life skills that gave me confidence and made me
and guidance provided by the participants’ family members. As sure to change courses even though it was a mismatch to my
mentioned by the participant, strand." (P2)
“My family and I got to bond more together. I could tell them The students’ coping mechanisms do not solely revolve around
about my hardships in my course and sometimes I even ask for their grit to pursue the courses they have chosen, but others
help from my relatives who are also in the same field of demonstrate different means of adaptive action through
learning as I am.” (P8) concrete methods such as practicing time management and
organization or even by taking the initiative and responsibility,
To take a step further, some participants, like the one just like what this response mentions,
mentioned below, have been provided with opportunities like
bridging programs to assist and help them catch up with the “In my academic lifestyle, since I am not really a person who
coursework they have missed. studies a lot, I have to study more because I am left behind by
two years. I really had to be more organized because my
“When you go to the Philippines and you have strand course is really time-consuming.” (P2)
mismatch, they will offer you a bridging program where you
take the subjects you were expected to have had during senior Individual Impact: Even though the experiences of these
high school. I was kind of shocked and it was hard for me to participants have one major common denominator that is
keep up, but it eventually got better.” (P1) strand mismatch, this phenomenon still has uniquely impacted
these individuals. After undergoing the initial struggles and
The statements go back to the concept that no one is truly self- formulating the right strategies to get through strand mismatch,
sufficient. Thus, connection with others is necessary for one to the participants have received either positive, negative, or even
thrive. neutral outcomes from this experience.
Exerted Effort: The transition to college life is already “Since I had a different senior high strand, it really challenged
challenging enough on its own, but to add strand mismatch me to learn new things. It made me explore new learning styles.
into the picture takes this scenario onto another level. The Aside from that, my academic performance was really different
participants, being aware that they have chosen a course that is compared to my senior high.” (P5)
not aligned to their strand, had to exert extra effort through
ways such as making compromises and sacrifices for them to Personal Convenience: While strand mismatch may
surmount the barriers caused by strand mismatch. As stated by disadvantage students, it can open gateways filled with endless
these responses, opportunities. A brighter side of strand mismatch also exists
where students can explore passion, acquire skills, and obtain
“Exerting all my effort and giving my best in every subject knowledge.
helped me to adjust in the new learning environment.” (P5)
“Extra time and sleep would be a luxury due to the number of “I did not view strand mismatch as something negative, neither
schoolwork like quizzes, activities, projects and the monthly did my parents. My experience with PSD helped me discover
exams. It is about not procrastinating.” (P6) various types of skills and knowledge regardless of what senior
high strand I was in. PSD focuses on assisting students in
20670 Noemi F. Formaran et al. From strand mismatch to academic patch: a phenomenological study of filipino college students with strand mismatch
overcoming their limits to achieve more. But of course, it would “The negative effect it had on me is that it sometimes drives me
have been advantageous for me if I took a strand suited to my crazy to study in excessive amounts, especially when you do not
course right now.” (P3) even have a prior background on what you are studying
about.” (P8)
“I don’t think there was an instance where I thought about
dropping out because before taking this course not related to They were trying to cope with the stress of trying not to
my strand, I actually consulted a lot of people who are also in disappoint their parents, which eventually added more mental
this course and sought advice from those people around me and emotional pressure.
who are knowledgeable. This is so that I can be sure that when
the time comes, I won't regret that I’ve taken this course. Even “The pressure on me to pass the course is very heavy. My
though it’s hard and challenging, I have no thoughts and parents think that Nursing is easy when it is not since I came
regrets about taking this course because I’ve already started it, from HUMSS.” (P7)
and I’m determined that I’m going to finish it.” (P2)
There were also instances wherein the participants had faced
It shows that despite facing the struggles of strand mismatch, hardships that even lowered their self-confidence and self-
the participants can turn this experience to their advantage or esteem. However, in the end, the participants grew from those
into something convenient for them. Through the participants’ hardships, which made them stronger and wiser as individuals.
determination, strand mismatch will not hinder their pursuit of “I really doubted myself, which also lowered my confidence.
academic knowledge. However, having this type of emotion made me stronger. I
realized that every circumstance can serve as an inspiration
Relational Indifference: In some cases, strand mismatch was and a motivation.” (P7)
not entirely something that negatively nor positively affected
the participants. Being a strand-mismatched student did not Acquired Abilities: The participants created multiple coping
particularly spark any change within the participants’ mechanisms to handle the obstacles of strand mismatch. These
relationships with their peers or parents. According to these coping strategies have led the participants to acquire abilities
responses, that they have used to triumph over strand mismatch. Coping
mechanisms mark the end phase of the struggle as it reveals
“Actually, it did not affect me and my friends, even if all of our the realizations while showcasing how the participants grew as
courses are different from one another.” (P8) a person. The acquired abilities also encompass the outcomes
of strand mismatch in terms of their values, comprehension,
“It is still the same as when I was in senior high. It is not like and environment.
they lack support, because the support is there, but it is
stagnant. They know that I am studying and they are okay with “It was difficult at first, but after many months, I already
it. So, I do not feel like the relationship between us adjusted to the learning environment by just knowing what my
strengthened in any way.” (P7) strengths and weaknesses are.” (P5)
Taking a different course from the participants’ friends did not Progressive Proficiency: There are multiple dilemmas that
significantly affect their relationship, as some friends can appear in a student's journey facing strand mismatch.
underwent strand mismatch the same way they did. However, through the problems, the students strived to work
harder and were even motivated to study more to keep up with
“It did not really affect me since ten percent of my classmates what they had missed in senior high school, thus, making them
in senior high school changed their course as well.” (P4) proficient in their current course. As mentioned by the
However, some participants have felt that strand mismatch was
not something that would hinder them from excelling in their “Anatomy and Physiology is a major science subject for
chosen field of study, knowing that they are pursuing their nursing however when I was in Grade 11 and 12, we did not
desired course, like this specific participant: have any science subjects, so I had to push myself and exert
more effort in order to learn something that we know nothing
“It did not affect me that much because even if there are some about or something that we were not given a preface of
struggles due to strand mismatch, I still got to pursue the beforehand.” (P8)
course or career I wanted.” (P1)
“Having online classes really challenged me, but it helped me
Emotional Encumbrance: Emotions may become a burden to focus on my studies. Now, I can control myself, and I found a
when it inhibits the ability to reason. These encumbrances can different style of learning.” (P5)
affect a person’s mentality, specifically how they deal with the
things they are going through. Strand mismatch has given these The participants' problems with strand mismatch also made
individuals additional endeavors not to be left behind in them grow as an individual. As they experienced trouble, they
academics, leaving them to deal with a burdensome situation. quickly adapted, resulting in a realization that they matured and
achieved personal growth. The participants realized,
“I think I am having a more challenging time in my course
because there are things that were not taught to us. Especially “I have been responsible. I do not know if it is just part of
on the things that cover architecture and engineering lessons maturity knowing that I am a college student and I need to
as the strand I took was not related to my course right now.” grow up from my old ways. Now, I think I have been really
(P2) working hard with my academic course, and that is a really big
change for me.” (P7)
20671 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 14, Issue, 02, pp.20665-20676, February, 2022
“I realized that I have to be more responsible so that my efforts know what to do and how to join, but now, I am adjusting and
will not be wasted.” (P4) coping up little by little.” (P7)
“I am now more productive rather than a person who jokes
around and procrastinates a lot.” (P6) “I think since I’m still in my first year, it is still challenging as
I am still trying to adapt. I’m also trying to learn how I can do
Cognitive Capacity better, and how I can submit my projects on time since as of the
moment, I am having difficulty managing my time and having
Experts define cognitive capacity as to how one’s mind would to draw and design faster so that I can cope with the
react when put in a specific situation. Throughout one’s continuous plates and requirements my teacher requires us to
lifetime, individuals make decisions that can significantly submit.” (P2)
impact their lives, which may lead to undesirable outcomes.
Consequent with decisions, one can learn from the past and Although the new surroundings may be challenging initially,
appreciate the present, as well as motivate oneself into pursuing the respondents are slowly growing into their current situation.
new knowledge, as reflected by the respondents’ statements: Some learn by asking advice from their family and peers and
exploring different coping mechanisms to aid them in their new
“The negative outcome is that I really doubted myself, which educational route. As mentioned by the respondents,
also lowered my confidence. However, having this type of
emotion made me stronger. I realized that every circumstance “I discovered the methods to overcome challenges through the
can serve as an inspiration and a motivation.” (P5) internet and YouTube videos, as well as by having people to
look up to, who are successful in my chosen course. This is so
“For the positives, I am appreciating my course a lot better that I could replicate them in a way that I can be successful in
because I realized that in my time in STEM, I was not meant for the course that I would take. To do that, I did advanced
a field in engineering nor in medicine. Being in the business studying and also practiced drawing so that when the time
field now makes me feel more passionate. For the negatives, I comes that the teacher has a lot of required designs and plans,
sometimes feel guilty for wasting two years of my life on it would not be hard for me to adjust and be overwhelmed by
subjects that were really not helpful to my course right now.” the workload given to me.” (P2)
“I was at the point of already giving up wherein I did not know
Even though the participants felt a negative impact, as stated by what to do next, I did not know who to call because of so much
a respondent, pressure and anxiety. At that certain second, I decided to
collect my thoughts and call my friends to tell them all my
“The pressure that I have given myself because of not knowing problems and issues. From there, it built my foundation. Little
what I wanted to do in life. It was mostly anxiety and by little, I knew how to cope with this whole problem, and that
overthinking if I chose the right career or if I should have is what I have been using until now.” (P7)
pursued a course aligned to my strand. It was mostly negative
emotional outcomes.” (P1)
The participants were still able to realize the positive impact of
the event, leading to the process of learning how to make the The design of the K12 program in the Philippine Curriculum
best out of a situation as confirmed by the respondents, opens opportunities for Filipino students by enabling them not
only with knowledge but also with essential life skills to remain
“A positive thing is that it is fun to gain knowledge about the globally competitive (Mohammad, 2016 as cited by Dizon et
medical field even though there are times when it is hard. And al., 2019). Specifically, the birth of the S.H.S. strands prepares
as of now, there are no negatives, but I can say that studying in students for their future as workforce members. When pursuing
the medical field is stressful.” (P4) higher education, students must pick a senior high school
strand that matches their course to better cope with high
“I am currently pursuing accountancy and thankfully strand demands and expectations, especially when studying in the
mismatch was not an issue. In fact, it benefited me in a way medical field (Malaga & Oducado, 2021). Furthermore, a
that I was able to learn more about various topics of quantitative study by Alipio (2020) revealed that although a
knowledge and not just merely business-related courses. student’s S.H.S. strand does not automatically dictate their
Immersing yourself in different fields and trying out academic performance, students with a strand that does not
opportunities will help you make better decisions in life. You align with their course adjusted significantly worse than those
will learn in the process what works for you best and what does without strand mismatch.
not.” (P3)
Crucial Circumstances: Humans make hundreds of decisions
Environmental Expertise: Through one’s journey to pursue every day, some more thought out than others. In the case of
their desired course in college, there come hurdles in one’s decisions that have a lasting effect on one’s life, one must
paths. One must know to adapt to their newfound surroundings consider the many aspects that may be attached to that
and create a new environment suitable to their current decision. One such decision, which will be the main topic of
condition. Given that these participants were experiencing the following paragraphs, is choosing one’s college course -
strand mismatch, they were placed in fields that were relatively the lasting effect being that this results in one’s eventual
unfamiliar to them. career. A focus group study by Ferri et al. (2016) revealed the
various reasons younger students chose to opt for a course in
“I am still in the process of getting into our new school and nursing, such as being interested starting from childhood and
learning system. At first, it was really unfamiliar. I did not having a personal acquaintance in the field.
20672 Noemi F. Formaran et al. From strand mismatch to academic patch: a phenomenological study of filipino college students with strand mismatch
“I built up a nice image in my head through my aunt and uncle during the transition period to college life (Bayram & Bilgel,
who drove an ambulance; they used to go and save people, 2008 as cited by Leary & DeRosier, 2012). Coping
doing something for others; they felt essential...” However, the mechanisms are especially helpful in managing stress and
introduction of K-12 and S.H.S. strands makes deciding for making students have the competence to perform academically
students even more complex. It introduced the existence of (Austria-Cruz, 2019). There are two general categories of
strand mismatch - the phenomenon of a student’s high school coping mechanisms: problem-based and emotion-based. Out of
background not aligning with the demands of their college eight, two problem-based strategies include confronting coping
course. This is not to be confused with a sectoral mismatch or and seeking social support, and two emotion-based approaches
job mismatch caused by implementing S.H.S. strands (Pajares involve accepting responsibility and self-controlling. (Lazarus,
et al., 2018). In a case observed in the study, the student could 1988, as cited by Yazon et al., 2018). Based on this study's
not enroll in their desired strand because they did not meet the findings, students facing strand mismatch demonstrate
requirements of the academe. Another possible situation is to similarly the four methods mentioned above. The college era is
lack the necessary information before choosing a strand or one of the most thrilling periods of a student's life. It is also
course, which is to say being undecided. Meanwhile, external when one embarks on a more autonomous journey away from
influences such as family, social circles, and others may family members to adapt to new environments (Leary &
entirely overhaul the student’s decision. DeRosier, 2012). Still, students experiencing strand mismatch
have sought social support from their parents to help them
Regardless of the factors that may have led students to strand adjust to their situation. According to Smith (2018), parental
mismatch, the fact remains that they must go through the involvement impacts the college transition process of a
hardships and setbacks that come with it. Though research on student. Previous research also reveals that parents who
the subject is sparse, there is an undeniable moderating effect actively engaged and supported students during high school
from the S.H.S. strand towards academic adjustment and events and activities would, later on, strengthen their academic
performance (Alipio, 2020). Students with strand mismatch lag and spiritual support during the students' college transition.
behind others as it is more difficult for them to follow the Likewise, parents also established the importance of building a
unfamiliar subjects of their course. Simultaneously, students relationship where students can freely go to them for advice
suffering from strand mismatch are also deprived of regarding academics, personal issues, or future goals, which
interpersonal relationships as forming them is directly related has helped students get through the hardships of college
to academic engagement. It also has various indirect effects (Edelman, 2013).
from these relationships to cognitive and behavioral
participation (Collie et al., 2016). Social relationships are As students go through various pressures when they reach
crucial to humans because it is considered a basic need. Thus, higher levels of education, peer pressure will always remain.
if the issue is present, addressing and resolving it is essential Rosima et al. (2021) suggest a correlation between peer
for the student. pressure and academic performance, where friends influence
students' academic performance. More literature says that
In the problem-solving process, one must recognize what is undergraduate medical students tend to compare their academic
already lost and start solving. While studying academic stress dedication with their peers. Peer comparison affects their study
in Philippine universities, Austria-Cruz (2019) found that habits eventually and even boosts student motivation (Lovell,
Filipinos tend to cope with stress through spirituality rather 2015, as cited by Keren et al., 2017). According to De Leon &
than by unwinding or otherwise. One must find themselves and Balila (2015), Filipinos gain strength from others, and
recognize that the focus must be dealt with rather than avoiding adolescents cope with difficult and stressful situations by
it and relying on distractions. For students with strand looking for support. Students with strand mismatch have
mismatch, realizing that they need to put in the extra effort to sought comfort and help from their peers from senior high
succeed is necessary. Although they are at a disadvantage school and college not to feel too overwhelmed with the
because of strand mismatch, it is false to believe that they are process of catching up in the field. Florence (2017) emphasized
limited by it and cannot flourish in their course. The capability that social support from family members, professors, and
of students with strand mismatch to overcome their problems friends is significant in obtaining the necessary skills for
will be thoroughly tested as they develop their ways of coping. college success. In academics, studying is challenging for
According to Martin (2013), dealing with strand mismatch falls students because of distractions and tiresome because it
under academic resilience rather than buoyancy because it is a requires more effort than just attempting to pass a test alone
significant handicap for students and requires the proper (Tus, 2020). For the case of strand-mismatched students, they
response. Strand mismatch cannot be treated similarly to have acknowledged and expressed the need to exert more effort
anxiety or stress because it is not a part of everyday academic in their classes to be on par with the background knowledge of
life. In the end, the student’s ability to look forward and those students whose senior high school strands align with their
maintain a positive outlook will be the one to help them get college courses. According to the findings of Masui (2012) and
through any challenge. his colleagues, increased study time predicts higher grades in a
particular class despite prior study delays, revealing that
Receptive Response: Human beings are naturally born with a academic efforts do matter. Although, with the desire to excel
survival instinct that allows a person to act in response to being and catch up academically, students work harder and even
put under unusual or intense conditions. Comparatively, this sacrifice sleep to keep up with their course workload. However,
theory relates to the concept of how students devise unique research suggests that increasing one's study time will be
coping mechanisms in the context of an academic counterproductive when there is deprivation of sleep exchange
environment. College is when students encounter multiple for additional time to study (Gillen-O'Neel et al., 2012). Time
pressures and challenges to survive through the demands of management is a vital skill that students need to master (Cyril,
their college courses (Austria-Cruz, 2019). In this stage, first- 2015). Many college professors expect time management to be
year students tend to feel more stressed, anxious and distressed a skill that students are already proficient in.
20673 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 14, Issue, 02, pp.20665-20676, February, 2022
However, students show this skill only within the first year of However, some students are not as prepared and still struggle
college (Wintre et al., 2011, as cited by Gray, 2015). Since with the setbacks of strand mismatch. In the study of Gallagher
strand mismatch has put students in a situation where they had et al. (2020), some factors cause stress to college students:
to exert more effort, time management has eased and simplified financial situation, academic difficulty, and the suffocating
this complex journey. Developing other traits and skills such as pressure of carrying out high scores. With college being a more
passion, responsibility, and self-control have also turned into rigorous and demanding environment, strand mismatch has
coping mechanisms for students experiencing strand mismatch. made this even more challenging for some students. Challenges
Pieces of evidence have shown that students with high levels of brought by strand mismatch further take a toll on their
academic self-efficacy become more driven to overcome mentality and will eventually consume their minds with regret
learning challenges while boosting their cognitive capacity. and low self-esteem. Batu et al. (2018) study revealed that
Aside from that, responsible students go beyond the prescribed mismatched students had difficulties adjusting to college. Some
learning materials. These students were more committed to even felt regret enrolling in a strand that did not align with their
producing positive academic outcomes using taking the selected course; they expressed that they sacrificed a lot but did
initiative and managing their learning (Fishman, 2014). The not feel as rewarded in the end. Students who cannot adjust to
rigorous life of college with strand mismatch was made the schools' curriculum due to unavoidable circumstances are
bearable through the different coping mechanisms of first-year more likely to drop out, as Fan and Wolters (2014) mentioned.
college students. There are various ways to overcome the While the struggles of strand mismatch have left students
barriers of strand mismatch, but it is up to the students to find contemplating the idea of dropping out or switching courses,
which strategy is most applicable for their circumstances. As this has only remained as a thought for them as they wish to
stated by Gallagher et al. (2019), "It is important not only that persevere and not let their previous efforts go to waste.
college students are selecting appropriate coping mechanisms
to use, but that they are also assessing their stress and their Acquired Abilities: Stress may come to those who choose to
ability to handle it on their own." take a different course in college. Highlighted in Batu et al.
(2018) study, Accountancy, Business, and Management
Individual Impact: Although strand mismatch is a students had a difficult time adjusting to college; the
phenomenon that many students are pretty familiar with, the experience was due to the students not aligning their college
impact it leaves is different or rather unique for each course to their senior high school strand. With this, adjustment
individual, which makes identifying the convenient method of to college can lead to stress and may affect the students'
approaching strand mismatch difficult. While students try to academic and emotional performance. However, through
adjust to the circumstances of their situation, many outcomes different mechanisms that may help the students to manage
occur when doing so. Fishman (2014) states that academic these stresses, they will be able to be competent in their
adjustment and performance results may vary depending on the academic performance (Austria-Cruz, 2019). These coping
selected S.H.S. strand. These effects can be convenient to the mechanisms lead to different outcomes in the students'
student, a nuisance, or have no effect. Students undergoing proficiency, intellect, and environment. Taking on the
strand mismatch are under an unfavorable situation, where responsibilities of being a college student may create tension in
lacking the prior knowledge of the selected course puts these oneself. Although these strains may hinder the students from
students at a disadvantage. The study of Alipio (2020) noted progressing, they may positively add to their expertise.
that health science students who chose STEM performed Accordingly, the ability to cope with the workload due to the
academically better than those who chose a different S.H.S. mismatch plays a role in handling all the stress it could give.
strand. While some break down due to unfair circumstances, Consequently, students continuously overcome personal
some are willing to step up and take the challenge. Fishman problems and achieve a better performance in their academics,
(2014) mentioned that students would do all it takes to adjust as they practice their ability to positively cope with the
to academic situations if deemed necessary. He also said that hardships that the students face (Yazon, Ang-Manaig, &
students who desire academic achievement would come out of Tesoro, 2018). Thus, stress may lead to positive outcomes as
their way to produce desirable outcomes. Strand mismatch can well. In Kumar and Kadhiravan (2012) study, students tend to
be a stepping stone for students if perceived in a new light. develop competence that may aid them in coping with stress
Students can advance and explore endless opportunities, and challenges. Hence, the proficiency of the students
broaden their skills and knowledge, and available choices for increases as they go through college. Moreover, it is found in
plausible career paths. the same study that the self-efficacy of the students relates
more to their personal beliefs and capabilities rather than the
As discussed in Aguilar et al.'s (2020) study, senior high school subjects themselves. By this means, the students can improve
students experienced more academic pressure, mainly for based on their coping strategies. The human brain has no limit
personal and future means. Setting goals, decision making, to the amount of information and learning a person can attain;
self-assessment, and evaluation are vital components in self- however, there are limits to the amount that the brain may
determination, paving the learner's road to success. Thus, employ at the given moment. Selecting a strand in senior high
strand mismatch does help students become more responsible school is the starting point of their future career, implying that
as they face more challenges, which adds a higher rate of students need to have a solidified decision (Magdadaro 2020).
success. On the other hand, there are instances where students Nevertheless, Filipino college students who experience a
facing strand mismatch did not feel like they were at a misalliance in their strands have been shown to perform
complete disadvantage because most of their peers experienced exemplary throughout their senior high school years and
the same. Some students also valued their experience studying continue to learn about their new course as they move up to
in the course they desired higher than the struggle of strand higher education. Comparatively, although they have
mismatch. Their college readiness could be at a higher level continued to perform excellently, the absence of an academic
than others as the average senior high school graduate is adjustment would be a better indicator of the students'
college-unready, according to Mamba et al. (2020). academic performance (Alipio 2020).
20674 Noemi F. Formaran et al. From strand mismatch to academic patch: a phenomenological study of filipino college students with strand mismatch
In addition, studies have come out that non-STEM completers Against all the odds, students have demonstrated their
who have taken science and nursing course have struggled and determination to stay in the tracks they have chosen to take in
performed lower academically as compared to their peers who the first place. This positive outlook eventually caused some to
have taken the corresponding strand, as the academic subjects turn this experience into a fruitful and beneficial opportunity to
in their track and strand are geared towards the learning improve versatility and mental resilience. This study
foundation aligned with science and nursing programs (Malaga showcased the various issues and adaptations to strand
& Oducado 2020). Moreover, Filipino college students who mismatch faced by Filipino freshmen. The most common
have experienced strand mismatch have adept skills in adapting problem that the Filipino freshmen encountered was that they
to new learning environments and have managed to create and had to catch up with the rest of the class, falling behind the
explore coping mechanisms aiding them in the new learning class's pace during lessons. Additionally, the study showed no
conditions. Although stress is something every individual single all-solving method of coping with the problems that
experiences, everyone works this stress and struggles arose from strand mismatch. The Filipino freshmen came up
differently. Researchers have found that students experiencing with various ways of adapting to their situations. Filipino
increased psychological tension but participating in stress students resort to independently studying in advance to obtain
coping mechanisms experience decreased stress levels during background knowledge for their college course, rewarding
the start of pre-university life (Baqutayan & Mai 2012). themselves with food or leisure time to study harder, and
Furthermore, coping can be defined as an activity that can aid attending bridging programs to catch up with the pacing of
individuals from being psychologically harmed and is essential their classes. Since its introduction to the curriculum, senior
as it mediates the negative influence that societies have on its high school has always aimed to prepare students for their
members (Parantar, L., Reforzado, J., Costuna, G., Llurag, F., integration with the global workforce. As established in this
& De Veyra, R. 2021). The ability to innovate and maximize study's simulacrum, the verbalizations of the Filipino college
available resources to make the best possible outcome is one of students with strand mismatch are embodied in four interrelated
the best practices (Tondo & Detecio 2019). Positive coping themes, namely: (1) Crucial Circumstances, (2) Receptive
mechanisms such as problem-solving have been proven to Response, (3) Individual Impact, and (4) Progressive
elevate as individuals pursue self-knowledge and overall self- Proficiency. The study emphasizes Filipino college students'
perception, which in turn reflects a positive impact on their struggles and attempts to adapt to strand mismatch. Moreover,
developing self-efficacy and self-concept (Shi & Zhao 2014). these discoveries offer the next generations of Filipino first-
The obstacles that colleges offer have different effects on year students potential methods of adjusting to college life even
students, whether positive or negative. Nonetheless, positively when facing setbacks brought about by strand mismatch. The
coping with the stress that strand mismatch may be more researchers recommend further exploration of the perspective
advantageous to college students. Enhancing one's expertise of college students who have taken non-academic strands and
leads to the ability to maximize the available resources. Proper are also experiencing strand mismatch, the implementation of
management leads to the acquisition of competence as well. mixed methods research design to reinforce further the study
Academically, however, it is more advantageous if the learners results and the impact of strand mismatch to outcome-based
would not have to focus on academic adjustments. As education.
Baqutayan and Mai (2012) expressed, stress can bring
increased capacity and proficiency if it is considered a
challenge; however, it may lead to helplessness and a sense of
loss if it is a threat.
Aguilar, P., Algado, P. O., Asuncion, P. D., Buensalida, A. L.,
Hoe, F. J., Hubalde, B. S., Reyes, R. M., & Roca, E. T.
CONCLUSION (2020). Unity foreseen: A close look at the values formation
and challenges faced by Senior High School students.
Picking a college course is difficult due to the various factors International Journal for Research in Applied Science and
that may influence a student's decision, like the financial Engineering Technology, 8(1), 494-505.
capabilities of the parents (Samson et al., 2020). This
uncertainty leads to the growing phenomenon of strand Alipio, M. (2020). Academic adjustment and performance
mismatch that continues to be dealt with by many Filipino among Filipino freshmen college students in the Health
college students of today. It is vital to understand the Sciences: Does Senior High School Strand Matter?
phenomenon to help future students and help identify the
possible changes in the Philippine education system. However, Austria-Cruz, M. C. (2019). Academic stress and coping
due to its recency, only sparse research addresses the strategies of Filipino college students in private and public
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adjustment (Alipio, 2020). This research adds to that vast form Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 5(11),
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