Dec2022 FC CLJ by Atty. Jay
Dec2022 FC CLJ by Atty. Jay
Dec2022 FC CLJ by Atty. Jay
1. Which of these courts will have jurisdiction over a preliminary investigation before the information is filed,
Japanese crew who murdered a Filipino crew member on provided_____.
board a sea vessel registered under American law while a. he must sign a waiver of his right to remain silent
that vessel is anchored within Manila BAY? b. he must sign a waiver of his right against self-incrimination
A. Japanese court because the offenders are Japanese. c. he must sign a waiver of instituting a case of delay in
B. Manila court because we follow the English rule delivery of detained person to proper judicial authority
C. American court because we follow the French rule. under Article 125 of the RPC
D. International Criminal Court d. he must sign a waiver of instituting a case of delay in
E. All of these delivery of detained person to proper judicial authority
under Article 125 of the RPC assisted by a lawyer
2. The killing of a spouse by the other spouse or a e. must waive his right to bail in the presence of a lawyer
daughter who is minor by the parent under the
circumstances provided under Art. 247 is____________. 7. Alex married Bea. Thereafter, Alex married Celsa, but this
A. murder marriage took place because Celsa forced Alex to marry her
B. homicide at gunpoint. Alex sued Celsa in a civil case for declaration of
C. infanticide annulment of marriage. Suppose Bea sues Alex
D. parricide for bigamy, what will cause the temporary suspension of this
criminal case filed by Bea against Alex?
3. A is the owner of a tupada in their town. A approached a. Insanity of the accused
the Chief of Police who is a kumpare and asked the Chief b. Petition for review
not to raid his tupada. The Chief complied by not raiding c. The prejudicial question involved here
it. What crime was committed by the Chief? d. All of these
a. Direct bribery
b. Indirect bribery 8. The act of having carnal knowledge without the consent of
c. Graft and corruption the woman is ______.
d. Negligence and tolerance in the prosecution of A. abduction
offenses/prevaricacion B. sexual assault
C. rape
4. Which of the following processes in court proceeding is the D. seduction
presence of the accused indispensable?
A. during the presentation of the evidence for the defense. 9. A promised to give P5,000.00 to B, a court stenographer,
B. during the arraignment if the latter would alter his stenographic notes. The
C. during the examination of the witnesses. stenographer, without making any alteration to his
D. during the presentation of the evidence for the stenographic notes just yet, accepted the promise of
prosecution. P5,000.00. What crime was committed by the stenographer?
a. Direct bribery
5. A killed B with treachery. The fiscal forgot to allege b. Indirect bribery
treachery in the information THE QUALIFYING c. Corruption of public officials
CIRCUMSTANCE OF TREACHERY. A was found guilty of killing d. No crime because he accepted only the promise but not
B and treachery was also proven during trial. Which of the the actual P5,000.00
following statements is correct?
a. A is guilty of murder even if treachery was not 10. Which of these is parricide?
alleged in the information. a. Killing an adopted son or adopted daughter *
b. A is guilty of homicide only because treachery was b. Killing a brother-in-law or sister-in-law or father- or
not alleged in the information. mother-in-law
c. A is guilty of homicide only and treachery will be c. Killing a cousin
considered as generic aggravating circumstance only. d. Killing a brother or sister
d. A is guilty of homicide only because treachery was e. killing an illegitimate parent
not alleged in the information and in addition, treachery
cannot even be considered as a generic aggravating 11. A Muslim guy who legally married four wives was found
circumstance. to have killed his second wife. What crime was committed? a.
6. X was arrested in flagrante delicto. An inquest proceeding b. Murder
was conducted. The rules provide that he may ask for a c. Homicide
d. Infanticide
19. The crime committed is punishable with a penalty of one 24. If the original of the document cannot be presented in
year and below. How would you best deal with the situation? court, what is this documentary evidence that may be
A. I will handle the forced mediation and conciliation between presented in court?
the parties. A. photocopy evidence
B. Arrest the offender without a warrant since there is a B. replacement evidence
complainant. C. primary evidence
C. Suggest that the parties bring the issue before the D. secondary evidence
barangay for conciliation proceedings.
D. None of the above 25. A imagines killing B. A is not criminally liable
A. he does not commence the commission of a crime directly
by overt act
40. A, B and C raped D. Each one of them had their turn in 47. In the hierarchy of evidence, it is considered as the most
raping D. Which statement is correct if D marries A? reliable because its physical appearance cannot lie?
a. Only A will benefit from extinguishment of criminal A. testimonial
liability. B. documentary
b. A, B and C will all benefit from extinguishment of C. direct evidence
criminal liability. D. real evidence
c. D is prohibited by the law from marrying any of her
rapists. 48. Rebellion and coup d‘ etat when committed by military
d. No one will benefit from the marriage since this is a personnel will subject them to court martial proceedings. The
case of multiple rape. nature of court martial proceedings is_________.
A. civil
41. A was forcibly taken 40 meters away from his house and B. administrative
was murdered in an uninhabited place. What crime was C. criminal
committed? D. sui generis
a. Murder
b. Kidnapping with murder 49. A threatened B that unless B pays his debt, B would be
c. Illegal detention with murder taken to the camp to be killed. The next day, out of fear, B
d. Slight illegal detention paid the amount. The crime committed is
a. grave threats
b. no crime
42. Which among the following is an absolutory cause in c. anti-violence against women
trespass to dwelling? d. grave coercion
a. Enter another's dwelling for the purpose of
preventing some serious harm to himself 50. A is the lessor while B is the lessee. B is one year delayed
b. Enter the dwelling of another to prevent harm to the in paying his RENT. A, THE LESSOR, WITHOUT ANY COURT
occupants of the dwelling or a third person ORDER, forcibly removed B from the premises and the latter’s
c. Entering the house of another for the purpose of family and property from the rented premises. Here, A is
rendering some service to humanity or justice liable ___
d. Entering cafes, taverns, inn and other public houses, a. liable for grave coercion
while the same are open b. liable for unjust vexation
e. All of the above c. not liable for anything
d. none of the above
43. A told B, “I will rape/kill you and your relatives if you will
not accept me as your boyfriend". Here, A committed
a. attempted rape 51. A, by means of violence, dragged and carried a girl to a
b. attempted murder/homicide distance of three meters from the place where she originally
c. grave threats was. The girl constantly screamed, so A finally released her.
d. no crime A is liable for
e. grave coercion a. grave coercion
b. illegal detention
44. A robber pointed his gun against B and said, "bigay mo c. unjust vexation
pera mo, kung hindi papatayin kita”. What crime was
d. attempted rape
a. Robbery only
52. Mario and Maria were about to be married. Maria, at the
b. Robbery and grave threats
last minute, decided to back out of marriage. Mario forcibly
c. Grave threats only
dragged Maria to a room and kept her there for a long time,
d. Theft and compelled her to proceed with the marriage. Here, Mario
58. On an open road, X cut with a bolo the strings tying the 66. X broke the window of a car and took cell phones therein.
mouth or opening of a sack containing palay which were left This is __.
therein for drying and then took the palay inside the sack. a. robbery
What crime was committed?
b. theft
a. Theft c. no crime
b. Robbery d. carnapping
c. No crime
d. Impossible crime 67. X broke the window of a house and inserted his hands
and took the cellphones from the coffee table.
59. A snatched the bag of B and run away. A committed This is
a. theft a. robbery
b. robbery b. theft
c. qualified theft c. no crime
d. none of the above d. carnapping
86. A purchased a motorcycle payable in 12 monthly 93. A pawned his jewels at a pawnshop. While A was sleeping,
installments. A lost his job due to the pandemic and could not B, his servant, took the pawnshop ticket and redeemed the
pay anymore the monthly installments of his motorcycle. jewels. What crime was committed by B?
What crime was committed? a. Complex crime of estafa through theft
a. No crime b. Estafa
b. Qualified theft c. Theft
c. Estafa d. Falsification
d. Theft of motor vehicle
94. A bus conductor charged the passenger 20 pesos but
87. A received from B a ring to be sold, with instruction to issued a ticket for 15 pesos only. This is
deliver it back to B if not sold within one week. A gave the a. estafa
ring to a sub-agent (without authority from B, the principal) b. other forms of swindling
so that the sub-agent may sell the ring. The sub-agent c. other deceits
absconded with the ring. Is A criminally liable? d. theft
a. Yes, for qualified theft.
b. Yes, for estafa. 95. A person borrowed P1000 as an advance for his services
c. Yes, for civil case only. as a maid. After said advance, he never returned to pay his
d. No, A is not liable at all. indebtedness by means of household services. He is liable for
a. estafa
88. A borrowed a phone from B to be used on a particular b. other forms of swindling
social event. When B was asking for its return, A denied c. other deceits
having borrowed any phone. What crime was committed by d. theft
a. No crime 96. A servant was not paid his wage. The servant did not feed
b. Estafa the dog of his master as an act of hate or revenge. The dog
died of hunger. This is
c. Theft
a. cruelty to animal
d. Qualified theft
b. malicious mischief
e. Civil liability only
c. theft
89. A stole the passbook of B, forged the signature of B and d. murder
succeeded in withdrawing the money of B. What crime was
committed? 97. A, out of hatred, released the bird of Y from its cage. This
98. X scattered coconut remnants with human waste inside a. The court will conduct a searching inquiry into the
a building. This is voluntariness and full comprehension of the consequences
a. other mischiefs of his plea.
b. murder b. The court shall require the prosecution to prove the guilt
c. homicide of the accused and precise culpability.
d. no crime c. The accused may still present evidence in his behalf.
d. All of the above
99. A father took the suitcase of his son and burned it. The 104. Which of these is not an absolute extinction of criminal
crime is liability?
A. full service of sentence
a. malicious mischief but exempted from criminal liability B. death
b. malicious mischief but not exempted from criminal liability C. conditional pardon
b. arson but exempted from criminal liability D. amnesty
c. arson but exempted from civil liability
105. A. stabbed B. B was brought to the hospital by his
100. X pointed a gun against his father in order to scare his relatives, but B refused blood transfusion because he is a
father to give some money. X's father gave the money as member of a religious group that forbids blood transfusion
demanded. What crime was committed by the son? among its members. B died due to loss of blood attributed to
a. None, only civil liability his refusal to be the subject of blood transfusion. Is A here
b. Robbery still criminally liable for the death of B?
c. Theft
d. Grave coercion A. Yes, Refusal of the victim to be hospitalized/treated is not
e. Exempted an efficient intervening cause
B No more, because it was B’s fault that he refused medical
101. An individual approached and asked you on how to file treatment
a case against another. The act complained of happened C. Yes, because A is inherently evil in killing a religious man
more than 1 week ago. Upon initial inquiry, you learned that D. NO, because religious belief must be set aside in lifeor-
the act complained of is punishable with imprisonment of 4 death situations
years and 2 months or less. What will be your advice?
106. The killing of a person who is a minor below twelve years
A. to proceed with the warrantless arrest and the old is _____________.
conduct of inquest proceedings. A. Murder
B. to proceed with the complaint before the police B. parricide
station and request that a warrantless arrest be conducted. C. homicide
C. to proceed with the direct filling of the case before D. infanticide
the prosecutor’s office for the conduct of preliminary
investigation. 107. The Regional Trial Court has jurisdiction over cases the
D. to file the case directly with the Municipal Trial Court penalty of which is imprisonment of_________.
A. 4 years, 2 months and 1 day
102. Filemon struck Javier with his bolo. Javier was hit on his B. 12 years
palm as a result. HE merely consulted a doctor and the 2-inch C. not exceeding 6 years
incised wound was treated. Twenty-two days after the D. 6 years and 1 day or more
incident, Javier died of tetanus infection which is said to have
its origin not from the bolo of Filemon, but from a dirty ditch 108. All of the following are grounds for a motion to quash,
where Javier voluntarily and negligently soaked his injured EXCEPT when_______.
hand in. Is Filemon still criminally liable for the death of a. the facts charged do not constitute an offense
Javier? b. the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the
offense charged
A. Yes, The wound inflicted by filemon was the proximate c. the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the person
cause of death of Javier of the accused
B. Yes, the death of Javier was a supervening event that made c. the officer who filed the information had no authority to do
Filemon liable for the death of Javier and double jeopardy will so
not set in. d. the information does not comply substantially to the
C. No, the deliberate and malicious act of Javier of soaking prescribed form
his wound in a dirty ditch has been held to be an efficient e. more than one offense is charged
intervening cause f. criminal action or liability has been extinguished
D. No, But Filemon is still criminally liable for some other g. the information contains averments which if true, would
crime, such as slight physical injuries constitute legal excuse or justification
the accused has been previously convicted or acquitted of the
offense charged
a. Yes, the case had already been filed before a court. 118. A is a police officer. He detained B without a warrant.
b. No, if the Muntinlupa court had no jurisdiction, the accused The crime committed is considered as light offense. The
was in no danger of being placed in jeopardy. investigation revealed that the detention is with legal ground.
c. Yes, since the case is already filed in court and this is the When will Julie be considered to have committed arbitrary
mistake of the prosecutor. detention?
d. No, because not all the elements of double jeopardy are A. the moment B is not delivered to the prosecutor’s
present. office for conduct of inquest.
B. the moment B is not delivered to proper judicial
113. The prosecutor filed a case of homicide against X. Before authority 18 hours from the time of arrest.
X could be arraigned, the prosecutor withdrew the C. the moment B not delivered to proper judicial
information, without notice to X. The prosecutor then filed a authorities within 36 hours from the time of arrest.
murder case against X. X invokes double jeopardy. Is there D. the moment B is not delivered to proper judicial
double jeopardy here? authorities within 12 hours from the time of arrest.
a. Yes, because he was prosecuted twice.
b. No, because there was no arraignment that took place yet.
c. Yes, because the law said so.
d. No, since the original charged was withdrawn. 119. Provisionally dismissed cases with penalties of at least 6
years shall become permanent after a period of:
114. The city prosecutor charged A with serious physical a. 1 year
injuries for stabbing B. A was tried and convicted as charged. b. 2 years
A few days later, B died due to severe infection of his stab c. 3 years
wounds. Can the prosecution file another information against d. 4 years
A for homicide?
a. Yes, since B’s death shows irregularity in the filing 120. A, a police officer detained B, his “kasambahay” for
of the earlier charge against him
having a quarrel with his 4-year-old child. Can arbitrary
b. No, double jeopardy is present since A had already
detention be committed by A?
been convicted of the first offense
A. yes, because he is a police officer and he detained B
c. No, there is double jeopardy since serious physical
without legal ground.
injuries is necessarily included in the charge óf
B. no, he has the right to discipline B as his kasambahay.
C. no, because he is the father of his 4-year old child.
d. Yes, since a supervening event altered the kind of
D. yes, because the detention is without a warrant of arrest.
crime the accused committed
126. It is an act which would be an offense against person or 132. If factum probans refers to evidentiary fact, factum
property were it not for the inherent impossibility of its probandum refers to____________.
accomplishment, or an account of the employment of A. facts in issue
inadequate or ineffectual means employed by the offender, B. ultimate facts
as a consequence of which the accused is held criminally C. evidentiary issue
liable for the penalty of arresto mayor or fine not exceeding D. main issue
200.00 to 500.00 or both, in order to prevent or suppress his
criminal propensity:
A. Light felony 133. Intelligence is an element of felony. To prove otherwise,
B. Proximate cause is to prove the accused is _______________.
C. Impossible crime A. under the concept of mistake of fact
D. Offense B. deprive of cognition when the crime was committed
C. under the compulsion of an irresistible force
127. A stole the cellular phone of B. C (the mother of A) D. under the concept of mistake of identity
aware that the cellular phone was stolen sold the same to D.
What is the criminal liability of C, if any?
a. privileged communication between doctor and patient 198. Evidence that one did or did not to do a certain thing at
b. privileged communication between husband and wife one time __________.
c. privileged communication between priest and penitent A. cannot be compared as evidence that he did the
d. privileged communication between attorney and client same thing in the past
e. privilege of state secrets B. is comparable evidence to prove that he did the
same thing in the past
193. A public officer cannot be examined during or after his C. is admissible to prove that he did or did not to do
or her tenure as to communications made to him or her in the same thing at another time.
official confidence, when the court finds that the public D. is not admissible to prove that he did or did not do
interest would suffer by the disclosure. the same thing at another time
This is…
199. What is the Rule in the Evaluation of evidence where the
a. privileged communication between doctor and patient evidence in a criminal case is evenly balanced so that the
b. privileged communication between husband and wife constitutional scale is tilted in favor of the accused?
c. privileged communication between priest and patient A. Balancing Rule
d. privileged communication between Attorney and Client B. Equipoise Rule
e. public officers and public interest/privilege of state secrets C. Presumption of innocence
D. Exclusionary Rule
194. Under the new rules on evidence, the privileged
communications between the professionals and their client 200. Which of the following are public documents?
shall remain privileged even in the hands of a third person 1. The written Officials acts, or records of the official acts of
who have obtained the information, provided that the sovereign authority, official bodies and tribunals, and
a. the original parties to the communication took public officers
reasonable precaution to protect its confidentiality II. Documents executed by private persons and acknowledge
b. the original parties were not aware that other people before a notary public I
were eavesdropping on them III. Public records, Kept in the Philippines, of private
c. Both a and b documents required by law to be entered therein
d. None of these A. I, II, III
195. A person cannot compelled to testify about any trade C. I, II
secret unless the non-disclosure will conceal fraud or D. II, III
otherwise work injustice. When the disclosure is directed, the
court shall take such protective measures as the interest of 201. The accused was convicted for an offense the penalty of
the owner of the trade secret and of the parties and the which is less than 6 years of imprisonment.
furtherance of justice may require. This is He is qualified for probation. What advice will you give to the
a. privileged communication between doctor and patient convict?
b. privileged communication between husband and wife A. That in case the penalty for the crime committed is more
c. privileged communication between priest and patient than 6 years and upon appeal was reduced to less than 6
d. privileged communication between attorney and client years he can still apply for probation
e. privilege relating to trade secrets B. That if he will apply for probation, he cannot anymore
appeal his case once his application for probation is denied
196. An extrajudicial confession must be corroborated by C. That if he files his appeal, he cannot anymore be allowed
evidence of corpus delicti in order to sustain a conviction. to apply for probation in case his appeal is denied
What is meant by "corpus delicti? D. All of these
a. It means the body or the substance of the crime, or
the fact that a crime has been committed. 202. Pre-trial process is where the parties stipulate on facts
b. It literally means "produce the body" which is that and evidence. What in general, is the purpose of Pre-trial?
writ directed to person allegedly detaining another without A. To settle the civil aspect of the criminal case
legal right. B. To comply with the order of the court to expedite the court
c. It means the right of a person against unreasonable process
searches and seizures. C. To determine matters that will promote a fair and
d. d. All of the above expeditious trial of the case
D. To determine if the accused will enter into a plea of guilty
197. X and Y were before the police station and under
investigation for stealing razor. X was beaten by the police 203. A hired B as an employee, and in the contract of
within the hearing distance of Y. Y, on the other hand, was employment, the salary of B was pegged at P100, 000.00 a
luckier because he was not subjected to the same treatment. month. Later, A refused to pay B P100, 000.00 because
Y made an extrajudicial confession out of fear that he would according to him, he and B had a verbal agreement that B's
233. Suppose that an investigation was conducted for the 238. Suppose that the crime committed by B is under the law
death of C and after more than 6 years of investigation, A punishable by imprisonment classified as less grave offense.
discovered that B is the perpetrator and is dead already. The When may A be liable for arbitrary detention?
wife of C wanted to pursue the filing of the criminal case. A. He will be liable for arbitrary detention if he fails to
What advice can you give to the wife? deliver B to proper judicial authorities within 12 hours from
the time of arrest
A. That the death of B does not result to civil liability B. He will not be liable for arbitrary detention
B. That the death of B absolutely extinguishes the criminal considering that the arrest is based in legal grounds
liability C. He will not be liable for any crime because he
C. That the death of B does only partially extinguishes the arrested B for the commission of a crime
criminal liability D. He will be liable for arbitrary detention if he fails to deliver
D. None of the above B to proper judicial authorities within 18 hours from the time
of arrest
234. Suppose that B manifested his intention to apply for 239. Suppose that the crime committed by B is under the law
parole, what is your advice to B? punishable by imprisonment classified as grave offense.
When should A deliver B to proper judicial authorities to avoid
A. that parole cannot be granted considering the opposition committing arbitrary detention?
of the wife of C A. More than 36 hours
B. That he should serve first the minimum of his penalty B. Within 12 hours
C. That he is not qualified because the penalty for murder is C. Within 18 hours
reclusion perpetua D. Within 36 hours
D. None of these
240. As provided by law, A should deliver B to proper judicial
235. Suppose that C after the crime of coup d’ etat manifested authorities. Proper Judicial Authorities mean ___
to you that he wanted to avail amnesty. What will be your
advice to him? A. Filing of information to the prosecutor’s office
B. Filing of information in court of competent jurisdiction
245. Suppose that A killed B. The latter is A’s illegitimate 250. In criminal cases, an offer of compromise by the accused
daughter. B is less than 12 years old. What is the crime may be received in evidence as an implied admission of guilt
committed by A? except ____?
A. Murder A. those involving quasi-offenses or those allowed by law to
B. Infanticide be compromised.
C. Homicide B. in rape cases
D. Parricide C. in plunder cases
D. Both b and c
246. Suppose that A killed B. The latter is B’s illegitimate
daughter and the age is merely 3 days old. What is the crime 251. X is an accused in a criminal case for consummated
of A? murder. X tried to settle the case with the family of the
A. Infanticide offended party. X's act of settling the case is ____.
B. Parricide A. an offer of compromise and implied admission of guilt
C. Homicide B. an offer of compromise and is not an implied admission of
D. Murder guilt
C. a quasi-confession of guilt
247. A woman alleges she had been raped. But there were D. an offer to settle the case to buy peace
no signs of physical injuries on her arms and legs. Can the
rape case still proceed even in the absence of signs of 252. X is accused of rape. The mother of X, without X's
physical injuries, and the alleged rape incident happened in a knowledge, went to the house of the supposed rape victim
place where people usually pass by? and tried to settle the case. The act of X's mother is ____
a. Yes, in rape causes, injury to the body is not a. an offer of compromise and is admissible against X
important since the gravamen of rape is sex with the victim b. an offer of compromise on her part only and cannot imply
against her will or without her consent; physical injury is not any admission on the part of X
an element of rape. c. a foolish act
b. No, in the absence of physical injuries, it is highly d. All of the above
improbable that the alleged rape victim had been defiled
against her will. Absence of physical injury is evidence that 253. X is an accused in a reckless imprudence case resulting
she gave her consent. to homicide (a quasi-offense). X went to the relatives of the
254. The Latin statement, "res inter alios acta nocere non 261. It is a statement other than one made by the declarant
debet," means while testifying at a trial or hearing, offered to prove the facts
A. the law may be harsh but it is the law asserted therein. It is inadmissible. It is such when its
probative force depends in whole or in part, on the
B. the welfare of the people is the supreme law
competency and credibility of some persons other than the
C. there is no crime if there is no law punishing it
witness by whom it is sought to produce it:
D. the rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by an act,
a. Hearsay
declaration, or omission of another
b. Dying declarations
c. Parts of the res gestate
255. The father of X admitted on television that his son is a
robber. This statement of the father against his son is not d. All of these
admissible against the son because of ___.
a. res inter alios acta rule 262. The declaration of a dying person, made under the
consciousness of an impending death, may be received in
b. dying declarations
any case wherein his or her death is the subject of inquiry,
c. res inter alios acta rule # 2
as evidence of the cause and surrounding circumstances of
d. common reputation
such death. This is
a. dying declaration
256. An act or declaration made in the presence and within
b. declaration in articulo mortis
the hearing or observation of a party, who does or says
c. ante-mortem statement
nothing when the act or declaration is such as naturally to call
for action or comment if not true, and when possible for him d. declaration at the point of death
to do so, may be given in evidence against that party. This is e. All of these
known as _______?
a. admission 263. X was standing in front of his own house when suddenly,
he fell down as he was gunned down by a group of men. X's
b. declaration against interest
wife immediately rushed to his aid and upon seeing his wife,
c. admission by silence
X said in a weak voice: "Kung ako ay bibigyan pa ng Diyos ng
d. extrajudicial confession
pangalawang buhay, hindi maaaring hindi mananagot si Bebot
at si Frankie. "X died. Bebot and Frankie may be convicted
257. X was brought before the municipal hall by angry
based on X's
townspeople and everybody was cursing and pointing at him,
a. dying declaration
imputing to him that they caught him in the act snatching the
b. admission
purse of a jeepney passenger. Despite of these accusations,
c. confession
X merely bowed his head and said nothing. X's silence is
d. learned treatises
considered as a/an
A. admission by silence
264. X saw his grandmother sprawled on the ground and
B. admission
bloodied. X asked: "Nang, what happened?" The
C. confession
grandmother answered: “Si Paqui”. The grandmother's
D. implied admission
statement cannot be admitted as a dying declaration
because a dying declaration must be
258. Evidence that one did or did not do a certain thing at
a. complete in itself
one time is not admissible to prove that he did or did not do
b. corroborated
the same or similar thing at another time. This is
c. conclusive
a. previous conduct as evidence
d. witnessed by at least two witnesses.
b. similar acts as evidence
c. res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet part II
265. X saw Y bloodied and sprawling on the ground. X asked
d. All of the above
this question: "Tio, who wounded you?" Y answered: “You
ask your Tia". May the Tia be\convicted of murder based on
259. A is accused of parricide for allegedly having killed his
the statement of Y and consider the same as a dying
father in 2020. Can the prosecution present the following declaration?
evidence to prove his propensity in killing his father: in 2019,
a. Yes, because Y's statement is a dying declaration.
A tied his father to a papaya tree; in 2018, A tried to drown
b. No, because the statement of Y is not clear, unequivocal
his father, and, in 2017, A tried to throw his father to the
or precise as to who wounded him.
c. Yes, because at least that seems to be the tenor of what Y
a. No, because of previous conduct as evidence.
wanted to say.
b. No, because of similar acts as evidence.
d. Let's leave it up to the judge to answer this very hard
c. No, because of res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet
part II
d. All of the above
266. Dying declaration is admissible only in violent crimes,
such as murder, when the declarant is ____.
271. Ms. M was kidnapped by four (4) sex-crazed men, was 276. A and B (who had no family of his own) are brothers.
brought to a hotel, and was forcibly raped there repeatedly. During his lifetime, A declared that C is not his son. Now that
Luckily, Ms. M was able to slip away from the gang, and A is dead, can C inherit from B?
immediately run homeward bound. Upon meeting her a. Possibly no, because of the declaration of pedigree made
mother, Ms. M immediately uttered to her mother, "Mommy, by A.
I was raped!" How would you describe the statement made b. No, because of declaration against interest.
by Ms. M? c. Yes, if the law allows it.
a. Extrajudicial confession d. Yes, because of the parts of the res gestae and dying
b. Dying declaration declarations of A.
c. Parts of the res gestae
d. All of these 277. The reputation or tradition existing in a family previous
to the controversy, in respect to the pedigree of any one of its
276. Decisions of the Ombudsman in criminal cases are members, may be received in evidence if the witness testifying
thereon is also a member of the family, either by
appealable to the:
consanguinity, affinity, or adoption. Entries in family bibles or
a. Supreme Court
other family books or charts, engraving on rings, family
b. Court of Appeals
portraits and the like, may be received as evidence of
c. Sandiganbayan
pedigree. This is
d. RTC
a. declaration against interest
293. What is this rule in evidence which states that when the 300. In order that the person accused of a crime should be
terms of an agreement have been reduced to writing It bound to accusation against him, what should the police
considered as containing all the terms agreed upon and there officer do?
can be between the parties and their successors in interest no A. Wait for the issuance of the warrant arrest
evidence of the written agreement? B. Let the court proceedings take its course and allow the
A. Secondary Evidence issuance of warrant
B. Original Document rule C. Arrest the person accused of a crime even without a
C. Exclusionary rule warrant
D. Parol Evidence rule D. Do the arrest only when requested by the offended party
294. The form of evidence that is subject to the senses of the 301. Venue in criminal cases refers to the place _______.
Court _______ evidence. A. Of trial where the parties agree
A. Physical B. Where the trial court designates
B. Object C. That acquired jurisdiction over the case
C. Real D. Where the crime was committed Criminal cases
D. All of these
302. Alden and Yaya Dub are husband and wife. Yaya Dub
295. The crime committed is punishable by imprisonment of had a sexual intercourse with Joaquin in their conjugal home.
4 years, 2 months and less. The crime was committed in the Is there a need for the prosecutor to conduct preliminary
province. Where the complaint should be filled in order to investigation?
initiate the original action? a. Yes because the penalty for Adultery is at least 4 years 2
A. May file the complaint directly with the Municipal Trial Court months and 1 day
B. At the police station for warrantless arrest and inquest b. No because the penalty for Adultery is lower than 4 years
proceedings 2 months and 1 day
C. May file the information directly with the Regional Trial c. Yes because the penalty for Concubinage is at least 4 years
Court 2 months and 1 day
D. At the Prosecutor’s Office for the conduct of preliminary d. No because the penalty for Concubinage is lower than 4
investigation years 2 months and 1 day
296. Which of the following circumstances makes the 303. Our criminal law may be applied extraterritorially which
evidence incompetent? simply means that ______.
A. Evidence obtained in accordance with the constitution A. Our criminal law may be enforced by another sovereign
B. Evidence obtained through third degree method of country
investigation B. Our criminal law may be applicable even outside of our
C. Evidence obtained in accordance with law or statute territory
D. Evidence obtained accordance with the rules C. Foreigners here in our country may be charge for violation
of our criminal law
297. A person who is lawfully arrested may be searched for D. Those accused of crime may be arrested even outside of
anything ______. our territory
A. That the police at its discretion is deemed to be proper
B. Even if not concerned to the commission or an offense. 304. The extra-judicial confession of an accused is sufficient
C. Which may have been used or constitute proof in the for conviction ______.
commission of an offense A. Provided that it is freely, intelligently and voluntarily given
D. That may be ordered by the court at its discretion B. When it is corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti.
C. Even if it is not corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti
298. Joaquin and Yaya Dub were lovers. When Yaya Dub D. Whether or not corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti
decided to break up with Joaquin, he detained her in his
house. Is Joaquin criminally liable? 305. Which among the following is NOT considered as
a. He is not criminally liable authorized person to file the complaint before the Municipal
b. He is criminally liable for Slight Illegal Detention Trial Court?
c. He is criminally liable for Arbitrary Detention A. Any peace officer
d. He is criminally liable for Serious Illegal Detention B. Any law enforcement officer authorized by law
C. The offended party
299. Jason Ivler drove his car in a secondary road with a D. The witnesses to the crime committed
speed of 60 kilometer per hour (kph), which damaged the car
of spouses Cruz, injured Mrs. Cruz, which required medical 306. Which of the following is NOT hearsay?
attendance for 3 days, and killed Mr. Cruz. During A. The testimony of a witness concerning the letter he
arraignment, Ivler`s lawyer moved that his client be allowed received from somebody
to make his plea one at a time, starting from the lightest B. The information received by a police officer from the
charge, which the court, after asking the permission of the neighborhood regarding the existence drug dens in the area
complainant, granted it. Ivler pleaded guilty for simple C. The affidavit of a witness who was not presented to the
negligence resulting in slight physical injuries, and was witness stand for cross examination
immediately convicted. If Ivler would be set for arraignment D. The statement given by the informant to the police officer
for the resulting death of Mr. Cruz, what should Ivler do?
a. He may file an appeal 307. Ped Xing is a Chinese citizen who killed a Filipino on
b. He may file a motion for reconsideration board a Philippine commercial vessel on the high seas. Based
c. He may file a motion to quash on the given situation. Based on territoriality principle,
d. He may file a petition for certiorari Philippine criminal law is _______.
354. Suppose that PETER escaped from PAKULO through his 362. Berto with evident premeditation and treachery killed his
own efforts without giving any consideration to FRANKLIN and father. What was the crime committed?
JONEL. Did PETER commit any crime? a. Murder
A. No not yet for the crime of delivery of prisoner from jail b. Parricide
B. No he did not commit any crime under the RPC c. Homicide
C. Yes, for the crime of delivery of prisoner from jail d. Qualified Homicide
D. Yes, for the crime of evasion of service of sentence
363. Charlie and Lea had been married for more than 6
355. What is the effect of Hipolito’s remaining silent while months. They live together with the children of Lea from her
being interviewed by the police in connection with the crime first husband. Charlie had sexual relation with Jane, the 14-
committed? yearold daughter of Lea. Jane loves Charlie very much. What
A. Hipolito should answer after all evidence he gave will be was the crime committed by Charlie?
inadmissible a. Simple Seduction
B. Hipolito is within his constitutional right to remain silent b. Qualified Seduction
C. Hipolito may still answer even when there is a counsel c. Consented Abduction
provide from him d. Rape
D. Hipolito’s silence is deemed admission of guilt
364. Prof. Jose gave a failing grade to one of his students,
356. When should the Hipolito be informed of Miranda rights? Lito. When the two met the following day, Lito slapped Prof.
A. Before he is put into custody Jose on the face. What was the crime committed by Lito?
B. After he was asked any question related to crime he was a. Corruption of Public Officials
arrested for. b. Direct Assault
C. Immediately after he is arrested c. Slight Physical Injuries
D. When he is already assisted by a counsel of his choice or d. Grave Coercion
as provided for
365. A warrant of arrest for Kidnapping and Serious Illegal
357. Jurisprudence declares that the suspect may waive his Detention was issued against Tano for kidnapping the Mayor.
right to remain silent under the following, EXCEPT it must be When Patrolman Kirby tried to arrest him, Tano gave him
_________. 100,000 pesos to set him free. Patrolman Kirby refrained in
A. In the presence of counsel arresting Tano. What was the crime committed by Patrolman
B. In writing Kirby?
C. Before the prosecutor’s office a. Indirect Bribery
D. After the Miranda rights was given to him b. Direct Bribery
c. Corruption of Public Officials
358. Suppose that HIPOLITO in the commission of the crime d. Qualified Bribery
of murder against ERIKA ensured that ERIKA cannot retaliate
or cause harm against the former, what is the applicable 366. Which of the following is an exception to the hearsay rule
modifying circumstances made under the consciousness of an impending death?
A. Exempting a. Parol Evidence
B. Aggravating b. Ante mortem statement
C. Alternative c. Suicide note
D. Mitigating d. Declaration against interest
359. Suppose that HIPOLITO used the presence of 4 relatives 367. A kind of evidence which cannot be rebutted or
to ensure that ERIKA cannot retaliate against HIPOLITO at the overcome.
time he inflicted physical injuries against ERIKA, what is the a. Primary
applicable modifying circumstances? b. Best
A. Exempting c. Secondary
B. Mitigating d. Conclusive
402. A is merely 6 years old. Which of the following 410. A killed B by also ensuring that B cannot retaliate or
statements BEST describes the qualification of A as a witness? cause harm against him. Which is the applicable modifying
A. He is qualified so long that he can express his thought circumstance?
before the court A. Alternative
B. He is not qualified because a minoris susceptible of being B. Exempting
coached by lawyers C. Mitigating
C. He is qualified because he can perceive and perceiving can D. Aggravating
convey his perception to another
D. He is not qualified because he is still a minor 411. Cardo was charged with rape. What was proved was
qualified seduction. Can Cardo be convicted of qualified
403. What is this opinion of a witness on a matter requiring seduction?
special knowledge, sidl. experience training? A. No, although qualified seduction is a lesser offense than
A. Opinion of specialists rape, the elements of the two offenses are different.
B. Opinion of the court B. No, Cardo could not be convicted of qualified seduction but
C. Opinion of expert witness will be convicted of rape.
D. Opinion of an ordinary witness C. Yes, Cardo can be convicted of qualified seduction because
it is a lesser offense than rape.
404. Accused was charge for homicide. He interposes the D. Yes, Cardo can be convicted of qualified seduction because
justifying circumstance of self defense. In such case, the it was proved.
burden of proof__.
A shifts to the accused 412. What is this Justifying circumstance wherein the accused,
B. upon the discretion of the court in making the defense, must not be induced by revenge or ill
C. rests to whoever presents the evidence motive?
D. still belongs to the prosecution A. Defense of stranger
B. Self defense of relative
405. The new and independent act which is the immediate C. Defense of relative
cause of the injury and which breaks the connection between D. Self defense of stranger
the original wrong and the injury is referred to as the ____
cause. 413. Purisima is the chief of police in the town of Antipolo. His
A. effective Intervening son Marquez committed murder whom he helped in escaping
B. efficient connecting by providing Marquez money and Car. Is liable as an?
C. causal connecting A. Accessory because his public functions criminal
D. efficient intervening B. Accessory but exempted from liability by virtue of
406. A is charged of a crime in violation of RA 9262 C. Accomplice he abuses his public functions
(AntiViolence Against Women and Their Children). What is the D. Accomplice but exempted from the criminal liability by
nature of the crime committed by A? virtue of relationship
A Mala in se
B. Revised Penal Code 414. In killing A, B used the presence of 4 of his relatives to
C. Special Penal Law ensure that A cannot retaliate against him. Which is the
D. Mala prohibita applicable modifying circumstance?
A. Mitigating
407. What is this PHASE in the commission of the crime where B. Alterative
person did not stop the commission of the crime because of C. Exempting
spontaneous desistance or because of the presence of the D. Aggravating
police until he performs all the acts of execution but does not
produce the felony? 415. When is the testimony of the witness being offered?
A. Internal A At the discretion of the counsel at any time of the
B. External proceedings
C. Objective B. At the time the witness is called to testify
D. Subjective C. At the time the witness identifies the exhibits or evidence
D. After the presentation of the testimonies of the witness
408. When a Filipino killed a Chinese on board a vessel bearing
the flag of Mexico while the vessel is in Philippine waters or 416. The following are the instances in which the testimony
territory, may the criminal law of the Philippines apply? of the witness may be impeached, EXCEPT by _________.
A. No, because the killing happened on board a Mexican A. evidence that the general reputation of the witness for
registered vessel. truth, honesty or integrity is bad
B. Yes, because the offender is a Filipino citizen. B. contradictory evidence
C. No, because the offended party is a Chinese citizen. C. evidence that the witness has made at other times
D. Yes, because the killing happened within the Philippine statements inconsistent with his present testimony
waters or territory D. evidence of the witness wrongful acts
409. A suspension of arraignment for a period of _ is allowed 417. The obligation to present its witness first belong to the
if there is a pending petition for review before the Department accused, if _______.
of Justice. A. the accused agrees to it.
a. 15 days B. None of these
437. This is a governmental body that is charged with the 445. The PNP is the law enforcement agency of the country
responsibility of administering justice. which is under the ________?
a. Law enforcement a. DOJ
b. correction b. DILG
c. Prosecution c. NAPOLCOM
d. court d. DSWD
438. Any person directly vested with jurisdiction (AOR), 446. A person who is under custodial investigation is basically
whether as an individual or as a member of some court, protected by a number of rights mandated under the
Government Corporation, board or commission. constitution and this was even expounded in the legislative
a. Agent of person in authority act (made by congress – “RA” known as _______?
b. Government employee a. Miranda Doctrine
c. Government officer b. R.A. 7438
d. person in authority c. Bill of Rights
d. R.A. 6975
439. A pillar of CJS which occupies a unique position in the
Philippine Criminal Justice System serving as the lawyer of the 447. A body officially assembled under authority of law in
State or government in criminal cases. which judicial power is vested or the administration of justice
a. law enforcement is delegated.
b. court a. court
c. prosecution b. corrections
d. correction c. prosecution
d. law enforcement
440. This document is required by the Prosecutor’s Office 448. A body of civil authority tasked to maintain peace and
before it can entertain a complaint on a case covered by the order, enforce the law, protect life, liberty and property and
Barangay Court. ensure public safety.
a. Certificate of Non-Settlement a. police
b. Certificate of Non-arbitration b. prosecution
c. Certificate to file action c. court
d. complaint affidavit d. corrections
441. It refers to the study of the various agency of our 449. System of taking care of the custody, rehabilitation and
government in charge of processing law violators to ensure treatment of persons convicted of committing crime.
the protection of the society and maintenance of peace and a. police
order. b. prosecution
a. Criminology c. court
b. Criminal Justice d. corrections
c. Victimology
d. Sociology 450. The “Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act”.
a. R.A. 8294
442. Refers to the person who is being implicated to the b. R.A. 7080
commission of a crime and subject of an investigation. c. R.A. 1379
a. Convict d. R.A. 3019
b. respondent
c. Accused 451. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all offenses punishable
d. suspect with imprisonment not exceeding six years.
a. Supreme Court
443. Is the machinery of the state which enforces the rules of c. RTC
conduct necessary to protect life and property and to maintain b. Court of Appeals
peace and order? d. MTC
a. Criminal Justice System 452. It is otherwise known as the Department of the Interior
b. Criminology and Local Government Act of 1990, enacted on December 13,
c. Criminal law 1990. Established the PNP, BFP, BJMP and the PPSC.
d. Criminal jurisprudence a. R.A. 6975
b. P.D. 1184
416. It is that degree of proof requires in criminal case which c. R.A. 8551
would convince a reasonable mind based on moral certainty d. R.A. 6040
but which nevertheless does not preclude the possibility of
error. 453. Refers to that sector of society composed of NGO’s,
a. Preponderance of evidence because oriented groups and advocacy groups that promote
b. Clear and convincing evidence the welfare of the people against all forms of abuse and
c. substantive evidence exploitation.
d. proof beyond reasonable doubt a. crime control
b. political parties
454. It is the process of reducing if not eliminate the existence 463. It is the actual restraint of a person into custody of the
of a cause from initially occurring, thus, lessen the police work law in order for him to answer for the commission of an
as suppressing the spread of criminality. offense.
a. Crime Prevention a. Arrest
b. Crime control b. investigation
c. Criminal apprehension c. invitation
d. law enforcement d. seizure
455. Directly under the supervision of the Department of 464. It refers to the ways and means of trapping and
Justice, its most important function in the Criminal Justice capturing the law breakers in the execution of their criminal
System is to maintain and recognize the rule of law through plan.
the speedy delivery of services particularly in the prosecution a. Instigation
and investigation of all crimes. b. Entrapment
c. Investigation
a. National Prosecution Service d. Raid
b. PNP
c. Ombudsman 465. A pillar of our CJS which is not under or interdependent
d. Solicitor General from any branch of government.
a. prosecution
456. What do you call a court covering two (2) or more b. correction
municipalities? c. court
a. MTC d. community
b. MeTC
c. MCTC 466. During trial of a criminal case, it is the prosecutor who
d. MTC’s directs the prosecution of the offense and he/she did it on the
behalf of the state. Once a case is elevated to the higher court
457. What is that term which refers to the wise use of one’s such as Court of Appeals, who represents the State in the
own judgment in a given situation without referring to your prosecution of the offense?
superior due to the eminence of the situation? a. Chief State Prosecutor
a. Police resourcefulness b. Solicitor General
b. Police discretion c. National or provincial prosecutor
c. Police integrity d. Judge
d. police prudence
467. It refers to the questioning initiated by law enforcement
458. It refers to the art or science of identifying law violators, officer after a person has been taken into custody.
locating and tracing them in order to affect their arrest and a. custodial investigation
gather evidence to prove their guilt in court. b. interview
a. Crime prevention c. inquest
b. criminal investigation d. interrogation
c. Crime control
d. Intelligence work 468. In cases committed by Public officer with salary grade 27
and above in violation of Act 3019, R.A. 1379 or Art. 210 to
459. An attached agency of the Office of the President tasked 212 of the Revised Penal Code a complaint should first be filed
to implement and undertake drug law enforcement. to the office of _______ for the conduct of the required
a. Narcotics Command preliminary investigation.
b. AID-SOTF a. Ombudsman
c. PDEA b. Solicitor General
d. NBI c. Judge of MTC
d. Sandiganbayan
460. Sworn statement, subscribed by Offended party, any 469. In flagrante delicto means ______?
peace officer of public officer in charge of enforcement of the a. caught in the act
law violated filed either to the court or to the office of the b. caught after commission
prosecutor. c. instigation
a. Complaint d. entrapment
b. Information
c. Pleadings
d. Affidavit 470. Courts in the Philippines are cloth with the power or try
cases submitted to for adjudication. What term is use in
461. Is an inquiry or proceeding to determine whether there referring to the authority or power to hear and decided cases.
is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that a a. Jurisdiction
crime has been committed and the respondent is probably b. Venue
guilty thereof, and should be held for trial (Probable cause). c. Jurisprudence
a. preliminary investigation d. Territory
b. Prejudicial question
c. inquest proceeding 471. It is the authority of the court to try/hear cases for the
d. custodial investigation first time to the exclusion of other courts.
a. original jurisdiction
462. Preliminary investigation is conducted on cases b. exclusive jurisdiction
punishable by: c. appellate jurisdiction
a. at least four (4) years, two (2) months and one (1) day. d. concurrent jurisdiction
b. more than four years, two months and one day
496. It is the suffering that is inflicted by the state for the 505. The Office of the ____________represents the
transgression of the law. Government of the Philippines, its agencies and
a. penalty instrumentalities and its officials and agents in any litigation,
b. self-defense proceeding, investigation or matter requiring the services of
c. exemplarity lawyers
d. punishment a. Solicitor General
b. Public Attorney’s Office
497. City and Municipal is the division of our correctional c. Counsel de officio
institution which primarily in charge of those detention d. counsel de parte
prisoner, awaiting for final judgment of their trial and serving
short sentences and under the Bureau of Jail Management 506. An office which Investigate and prosecute on its own or
and Penology. While it is true that even the Provincials Jails on complaint by any person, any act or omission of any public
like the City and Municipal Jails are under the DILG, it is officer or employee, office or agency, when such act or
subject to the control and supervision of the __________? omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology a. Solicitor General Office