CDI 2wm

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Ways and means are resorted for the
purpose of trapping and capturing
the law breaker during the execution
of a criminal act.

A self-incriminatory statement
not tantamount to
acknowledgement of criminal
guilt is called

The police must arrived at the scene of
the crime as quickly as possible,
because of the following EXCEPT what

***he is the only government agent

task to do it***
The fundamentals responsibility of the
officer in charge of protecting the
crime scene is

***preserving the site of the crime in

the same physical condition as it was
left by the perpetrator***
What part of the investigation report
that gives a brief summary of the
major investigative steps

The searchers follow each other
in the path of a curve, beginning
in the outside and curving in
towards the center.

***Spiral method***
Which of the following statements best
supports Charles O'Hara's definition of
investigation as "an art, not a science"?

***It must be discussed in terms of

precepts rather than laws and rigid
Is a subtle category of
physical evidence that is
minute and transient, but

***Trace Evidence***
A search where examination of the
scene using the parallel method,
and then performing a second
parallel search at 90° to the first.
What search is this?

When the witness states that he did
not see or know the occurrence of a
fact, it is assume that this is a kind
of what evidence?

***negative evidence***
What is the implication in the statement
that investigation is an art, not a

***It depends on how the investigator

appreciates the case in the light of
the principles applicable.***
Who shall take full control
of the crime scene?

***The Investigation team

is a legal term used to indicate that
two persons or entities are equally
at fault, whether the malfeasance in
question is a crime or tort.

***In Pari Delicto***

The following are the main
sources where physical
evidences can be obtained from,

***public park***
It is known to many that fingerprint and DNA
serves as important tools for the forensic
analyst and investigators in the
identification of man. From among the list
below, what human identifiers follow them
in terms of accuracy?

Anything which is legally submitted to a
competent tribunal as a means of
ascertaining the truth of any alleged
matter of fact under investigation
before it.

When an investigator finds a tool a the
crime scene, he should first of all:

***wait until the crime scene has

been sketched or photographed and
measurements taken before he
collects the evidence***
The object of crime scene
search is togather which of
the following:

***physical evidence***
In this case, a price, reward
or promise has been
considered to kill the victim:

If the serial number in the firearm or
the chassis/engine number of a
motor vehicle has been

***restoration can be performed

by chemist***
A criminal’s modus operandi is the
details of….

***how, when and where a

criminal usually operates***

MODUS OPERANDI – methods of operation

This is an informal and summary investigation
conducted by a public prosecutor in criminal
cases involving persons arrested and detained
without the benefit of a warrant arrest issued by
the court for the purpose of determining whether
or not said persons should remain under custody
and correspondingly be charged in court.

The method used to support a likely
sequence of events by the observation
and evaluation of physical evidence, as
well as statements made by those
involved with the incident:

***Crime Scene Reconstruction***

The Latin term that means to
“track or trace” and that relates
most closely to the contemporary
police investigation is…

These are facts and circumstances,
which would lead a reasonably
discreet and prudent man to believe
that an offense has been committed by
the person sought to be arrested:

***Probable cause***
This is the medical report stating
the cause of death of an individual:

***necropsy report***
NOTE: Appropriate answer is AUTOPSY
Anyone who, with evident
shall kill another is guilty of

It refers to the forcible
expulsion of a fetus
from the mother ’s womb:

Objects or substances found at
the crime scene which are
essential parts of the crime:

***corpus delicti***
In cadaveric spasm, the stiffening
of the muscle usually starts at the

***hand and fist***

As a general rule, if there is no heart
action for a period of
minutes, death is regarded as

***Five Minutes***
How long a person can hold
his breath without ensuing

***3 ½ Minutes***
Where does blowfly lay their

***Ina dead carcass

(including dead body)***
What are these wounds which if
inflicted may cause the
immediate death of the victim?

Which among the following
is a blunt instrument?

Which of the following does not
fall under the categories of
asphyxial death?

DECAPITATION is beheading
Report writing, being
involved in a study of
reasoning of an incident is
called what?

***Investigation report***
A report present a
conclusion based on what?

Which of the choice below is
called fuel controlled fire?

***A fire that is limited by the

amount of combustible***
The transition phase from growth to
fully developed, where all surfaces
reach ignition temperature almost

Among the following,
what is energy?

The complete and detailed check
of the structures and material
after the fire?

Oxidation is…

***Physical change in
appearance of a material
resulting from the combination
of oxygen***
It restricts the spread of the
fire to the point of
origin or at least to the area

What agent should be used
in fighting combustible
metal fires?

***dry powder***
The man with uncontrollable
impulse to burn anything
without any motivation?

Simply known as the chemical
decomposition of matter
through the action heat.

The combination of foam solution
as fire suppressants must be at

***90% water vs 10% foam

What E in traffic is referring
to tools and system

What is NOT a classification of
vehicles according
to registration and RA 4136?

It is a vehicular route carrying large
volume of traffic and serves as a
main artery in the road network:

***major highway***
What drugs can produce
change in psychological
make-up of its users?

A powerful drug whose
primary component is

How do you call this manic
tendency of unstoppable urges to
drink alcoholic beverages?

In the Philippines, to drink and to get drunk is not
a crime as long as you do it in the privacy without
disturbing your neighbor and community. But in
the case a crime is committed due to drunkenness,
this will constitutes what circumstances affecting
criminal liability?

What do you call the most
powerful natural stimulant?

***Cocaine Hydrochloride***
What is the most important
constituent of opium?

What drug is known as the
"assassins of the youth"?

The presence of drug paraphernalia at the
drug scene in the form of syringe and needle,
tourniquet, spoon or bottle top "cookies" and
tinfoil packet reveals that the drug being
administered are:

***liquid drugs***
From among the following, what
is NOT so prominent methods of
drug administration?

***Through rectum***
The drug that is obtained from the
alkaloid of the leaves of the
Erythorxylon coca and the other species
of ErthroxlonLinne, or by synthesis from
ecgoine and its derivatives is called:

The first use of marijuana was
first recorded where?

Specific Country: Formosa Island
Which of the following are
considered synthetic drugs?

*** Methamphetamine***
A drug obtained from the
female poppy plant known as
“papaver somniferum”:

Ecstasy is an example of…

***Designer drugs***
Are group of drugs that are used
medically to relieve pain, but have a
high potential for abuse. Opiates is an
example of this that may cause
dependence and tolerance.

***Narcotic Drugs***
An investigate process in w/c disguises and
expert cover and deception are used to
gain confidence of suspects for the purpose
of determining the nature of any criminal
activities that maybe contemplating or

***Undercover assignment***
The following are types of
surveillance according
to intensity EXCEPT .

Transforming a coded
message into plain text

***Crypto analysis***
In counterintelligence, surveillance is
categorized according to intensity
and sensitivity. When there is
intermittent observation, varying in
occasion, then this surveillance is

Substances that are without any safe
commercial, industrial, agricultural or
economic usage and are shipped, transported
or brought from the country of origin for
dumping or disposal into or in transit through
any part of the territory of the Philippines.

***Hazardous wastes***
Are substances that either
present short-term acute
hazards or long term
environmental hazards is called?

***Hazardous substances***
Who has the mandate to reduce the
waste problem of the country by 25%
through an integrated waste
management system?

***The Local Government

Which of the following is NOT prohibited
acts under Republic Act 9275.

***Operating facilities that discharge

regulated water pollutants with the
valid required permits or after the
permit was granted for any
compliance of any condition therein***
Any vehicle suspected of violation of emission standards
through visual signs, such as, but not limited to smoke
belching, shall be subjected to an emission test by a duly
authorized testing center for this purpose, the DOTC or
its authorized testing center shall establish a roadside
inspection system. A pass shall herein be issued by the
DOTC to authorize the use of the motor vehicle within a
specified period that shall not exceed how many days for
the sole purpose of making the necessary repairs on the
said vehicle?

***7 days***
Waste reduction through establishing
integrated solid waste management plans
based on 3Rs is a program of the Ecological
solid waste Management Act of 2000. 3Rs
refers to the following EXCEPT for what?

– PART 2

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