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Copyright © 2021 Ammonia Energy Association. All rights reserved.

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Ammonia Energy Association, Low-Carbon Ammonia Certification—Discussion Paper, October 2021,

Ammonia Energy Association

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Background and Purpose..................................................................4
Background.............................................................................................................................. 4
Purpose of this Discussion Paper and Survey...................................................................... 6

Low-Carbon Ammonia Certification Scheme.................................7

Strategic Objectives................................................................................................................ 7
Design Principles..................................................................................................................... 8

Key Methodological References........................................................................................................... 10

GHG Emissions—Scope....................................................................................................................... 12

Pathways—Production and Utilization.................................................................................................. 16

Regulations........................................................................................................................................... 17

Proposed Implementation Strategy and Governance...................................................... 18

Proposed Governance for the Implementation Phase.......................................................................... 18

Proposed Governance for the Operational Phase................................................................................ 20

Establishment Timeline......................................................................................................... 21

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association All rights reserved. 3

Background and Purpose

The Ammonia Energy Association (AEA) is a global non-profit
industry association that promotes the responsible use of ammonia in a
sustainable energy economy.

The AEA’s mission encompasses both the quantify the absolute greenhouse gas (GHG)
decarbonization of ammonia for existing emissions associated with ammonia production
applications, including fertilizers, chemicals, and enable prospective producers and consumers
explosives, and other industrial processes, as well to trade ammonia on the basis of certified,
as the adoption of low-carbon ammonia in new transparent, and verifiable emission reductions.
applications, including direct use as a fuel for
electric power generation or maritime transport Established in 2004, the AEA has unrivaled
and indirect use as a hydrogen carrier, enabling knowledge, networks, and credibility to establish
a new, global trade in low- and zero-carbon the vision for ammonia as a global, tradable,
energy. sustainable energy commodity. AEA members
include over 130 corporations, international
The AEA is seeking to facilitate the and cross-sectoral, including a significant
establishment of a globally harmonised proportion of current and future ammonia
Certification Scheme for Low-Carbon producers, as well as many first-movers in
Ammonia (the Certification Scheme) to support consumer industries for ammonia energy, across
the development of a market for low- and zero- maritime, power, fertilizers, chemicals, and other
carbon ammonia. The Certification Scheme will sectors.

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association All rights reserved. 4

The Certification Scheme will be developed by a This Discussion Paper launches the process
Steering Group and Working Groups organized with an initial Consultation Phase during which
by the AEA and led by AEA members. the AEA aims
Nonetheless, the success of the Certification
Scheme will depend on the participation of 1. To solicit feedback on the Certification
many strategic partners (AEA non-members) Scheme’s proposed objectives, principles,
who will play crucial roles both in informing the governance, and implementation, as well as
design phase and in supporting the adoption 2. To invite expressions of interest in
phase. The AEA aims to formalize existing participating in Working Groups and/or
relationships and forge new links with like- 3. To invite expressions of interest in piloting
minded organizations – international, regional, the Certification Scheme.
and sectoral; governmental, industrial, and The AEA invites any interested organization
academic – in order that relevant parties can to provide feedback through the Certification
be meaningfully integrated into the scheme’s Survey, which is publicly available at
development process.

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association All rights reserved. 5

Purpose of this Discussion Paper and
This Discussion Paper and the accompanying Survey are designed
to illustrate initial thinking around a Low-Carbon Ammonia
Certification Scheme and stimulate discussion of its potential merits,
limitations, and design details.

During September and October 2021, the AEA remain open. The AEA will continue to collect
is soliciting feedback from its Members and key stakeholder input on an ongoing basis, and
Stakeholder Organizations on the development expressions of interest in joining a Working
of its proposed Certification Scheme. In Group or proposing a pilot project are
addition, the AEA invites any interested encouraged at any time.
party to submit feedback through the Survey
( Any information received by the AEA through
the Survey will be used for the purpose of
To be considered within the initial consultation, informing the development of the Certification
feedback must be received by end of day on Scheme. Survey responses will be shared with
Sunday, October 31, 2021. The Steering Group AEA staff and other individuals participating
will then oversee the preparation of a work plan in AEA committees, including its Certification
and assign participants to our Working Groups. Steering Group and Working Groups, and
The AEA anticipates that the Working Groups may be made publicly available. Confidential
will begin to execute their scopes of work in or commercially sensitive information should
November. not be shared through this Survey; please
contact the AEA Certification Project Manager
While the initial Consultation Phase will have ( if you wish
concluded in October 2021, the Survey will to discuss sensitive information.

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association All rights reserved. 6

Low-Carbon Ammonia
Certification Scheme

Strategic Objectives
The AEA is seeking to facilitate the establishment of a globally harmonised Certification Scheme for
Low-Carbon Ammonia to support development of the market for low- and zero-carbon ammonia. The
Certification Scheme will quantify the absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with ammonia
production, and enable prospective producers and consumers to trade ammonia on the basis of certified,
transparent, and verifiable emission reductions.

Question: Do you agree that the long-term

aim of the Certification Scheme should be
to develop a “globally harmonised” standard
(acknowledging that early / pilot projects may
require regional or bilateral agreements)?

Question: Do you agree that the primary

purpose of the Certification Scheme should be
to lower the barriers to international trade of
low- or zero-carbon ammonia?

Question: Do you agree that the Certification

Scheme must begin by quantifying absolute
emissions (carbon intensity of production)?

Question: Are there any critical aspects of

low-carbon ammonia certification that are
omitted or excluded by our proposed “Strategic

Submit your feedback at

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Design Principles

The proposed Certification Scheme aims to support the adoption of a globally harmonised framework
for the accounting, reporting, and verification of the carbon intensity of ammonia (tCO2e/tNH3) as
the basis for certification of emission reductions associated with the implementation of low-carbon
ammonia initiatives, through the following reporting and certification activities:

• Ammonia Projects—Registration and Reporting: the registration of Ammonia Projects under

the Certification Scheme, against approved project design, accounting, monitoring, reporting and
verification methodologies; and
• Ammonia Product—Certification: the issuance of Low-Carbon Ammonia Certificates for verified
emission reductions arising from the implementation of Low Carbon Ammonia Projects registered
under the scheme.

During Registration and Reporting, the Scheme will quantify an absolute carbon intensity for ammonia
produced at a specific site. In addition to carbon intensity, other metrics will be critical to report, including
origin, inputs, co-products, technology pathway, and date of manufacture.

Figure 1.  Illustrative Comparison of Technology Pathways

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association All rights reserved. 8

During Certification, these data are verified and attached to tradable volumes of ammonia. The
carbon accounting undertaken during Registration and Reporting becomes the basis for transparent
demonstration of emission reductions at the production site (well-to-gate) or, optionally, across the
broader value chain (well-to-tank, well-to-wheel).

To satisfy different markets in different jurisdictions, the Certification Scheme may need to provide metrics
that satisfy a range of categories or taxonomies that may not be harmonized.

Question: Do you agree that the certification

process should focus on product tons, creating a
basis for trade, as opposed to verifying plant/site
or corporate emissions?

Question: Do you agree that the basis for

certification should be absolute life-cycle
emissions, as opposed to categories (eg,
technology pathways, blue/green)?

Question: Do you agree that the Certification

Scheme should extend to a CDM approach
(emission reductions—use cases) and not restrict
itself only to quantification of absolute emissions
(carbon intensity—production sites)?

Question: Do you agree that the Certification

Scheme should be open to all ammonia plants
and not restricted to low-carbon production sites
(eg, certifying baseline emissions in advance of

Question: Do you agree that it would be

beneficial to design low-carbon ammonia
certificates to be fungible, i.e., able to be traded
independently from the physical ammonia
product (assuming that there is a robust,
transparent, and trusted system for managing
the full certificate lifecycle including resale and

Submit your feedback at

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

Key Methodological References
Key methodological references consulted for the design and implementation of the scheme include the

• Key References, including UNFCCC guidelines and other key publications

• Standards, including ISO 1406X standards, and GHG Protocol
• National-level accounting and reporting guidelines

Figure 2.  Key Methodology References

References 2006 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories

IFI TWG – AHG-003 International Financial Institutions Guideline for a Harmonised Approach to
Greenhouse Gas Accounting, v0.2.0 INTERIM, June 2021

Standards ISO 14064-1:2018

Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantifica-
tion and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals
ISO 14064-2:2019
Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification,
monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements
ISO 14064-3:2019
Greenhouse gases — Part 3: Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of
greenhouse gas statements
ISO 14066:2011
Greenhouse gases — Competence requirements for greenhouse gas validation teams and verifi-
cation teams
ISO 14067:2018
Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requirements and guidelines for quantifica-
ISO/CD 14083
Greenhouse gases — Quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions arising from
operations of transport chains
ISO 19694-1:2021
Stationary source emissions — Determination of greenhouse gas emissions in energy-intensive
industries — Part 1: General aspects
ISO 20951:2019
Soil Quality — Guidance on methods for measuring greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, CH4) and
ammonia (NH3) fluxes between soils and the atmosphere
ISO/TR 27912:2016
Carbon dioxide capture — Carbon dioxide capture systems, technologies and processes
ISO/TR 27915:2017
Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage—Quantification and verification

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

Question: Are any significant references
missing from “Key Methodology References” on
page 10?

Question: Are there any existing or anticipated

conflicts between the Key Methodological
References that would make it challenging to
pursue global harmonization?

Question: Even with these existing standards

and references, there can be a large variance in
the outcome based on accounting boundaries,
data sources, baselines, and allocation decisions.
How prescriptive should the Certification
Scheme aim to be?

Submit your feedback at

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 11

GHG Emissions—Scope
The Certification Scheme adopts the definitions of GHG Emissions Scope, introduced by the WRI/
WBCSD GHG Protocol, as follows:

• Scope 1 GHG Emissions, including direct emissions

• Scope 2 GHG Emissions, including indirect emissions from purchased electricity, steam, heating and
• Scope 3 GHG Emissions, including indirect emissions from upstream, downstream and end-use

Figure 3.  Emissions Pathways

Well-to-Gate (mandatory)

Well-to-Tank (optional)

Well-to-Wheel/Wake (optional)

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

The Certification Scheme aims to certify absolute well-to-gate emissions (Scopes 1, 2, and upstream
3), with optional Well-to-Tank or Well-to-Wheel/Wake certification. The AEA proposes this minimum
boundary (Well-to-Gate), with optional boundary expansions, in order to develop a certification that is
fit-for-purpose across multiple customer types (producers, traders, retailers, end users) in different and
possibly conflicting sectors or jurisdictions.

Question: Do you agree that the Certification

Scheme should include well-to-gate emissions
(scopes 1+2 and upstream 3) as opposed to
limiting measurement to emissions within the
plant boundary (scopes 1+2 but not 3)?

Question: Do you agree that the Certification

Scheme should only measure and track GHG
emission intensity (CO2e/tNH3) and not other
sustainability metrics (e.g., water intensity, energy
intensity, biodiversity impacts, environmental
justice, etc.)?

Submit your feedback at

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

Figure 4.  Summary of Design Principles
Applicability Project Registration and Reporting Product Certification
Approach Life-cycle (Value-chain)
Functional Units Primary: one metric tonne of Ammonia (tNH3)
Co-products: e.g. hydrogen,carbon black
Reporting Unit Primary: tonnes of CO2-e per tonne of of ammonia
Co-products: tonnes of CO2-e per tonne of co-product
Methodology References See “Figure 2. Key Methodology References” on page 10
GHG species and Global Warming
Potentials (GWP, 100-year horizon)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 1
Methane (CH4) 21
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 265
Fluoroform (HFC-23) 11,700
Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) 1,300
Carbon tetrafluoride (CF4) 6,500
Hexafluoroethane (C2F6) 9,200
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) 22,800
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) 16,100
Well-to-gate (Mandatory) Scope 1 emissions
Scope 2 emissions
Scope 3 emissions (upstream)
Well-to-tank (Optional) Well-to-gate scope, plus:
Scope 3 emissions (downstream)
Well-to-wheel (Optional) Well-to-tank scope, plus:
Scope 3 emissions (end-use)

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

Production Pathways
(not exhaustive)
Conventional Natural-gas reforming
Coal gasification
Conventional + with Carbon Capture and Sequestration
with Carbon Capture and Utilization
Electrolysis-based Electrolysis from grid electricity (no PPA)
Electrolysis from grid electricity (with PPA)
Electrolysis from dedicated renewables
Electrolysis from nuclear power
Novel pathways Biogenic gas reforming
Methane pyrolysis
Ammonia stripping from waste/water
Direct synthesis pathways
Utilization Pathways
(not exhaustive)
Feedstock Manufacturing of Basic Chemicals
Manufacturing of Fertilizers
Manufacturing of Explosives
Manufacturing of Hydrogen
Industrial Use Mineral Processing
Wastewater treatment
Fuel Power Generation

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

Pathways—Production and Utilization
In order to establish trust in the certified ammonia, any ammonia production or utilization pathway
will require a specific methodology that clearly identifies a consistent and transparent approach for
the calculation of lifecycle carbon intensity. A set of initial pathways will be identified and developed
by the Pathways Working Group; additional pathways can be defined during the operational phase of the
Certification Scheme. In addition, a “default pathway” may also be required, providing a near-term route
to certification for projects that fall outside of the initial set of defined pathways.

We expect that the initial pathways defined during the development of the Certification Scheme will be
paired with a commitment from AEA member companies to pilot the protocol for each pathway.

Question: With reference to the “Figure 4.

Summary of Design Principles” table above,
listing 12 ammonia production pathways, are we
overlooking any critical production technologies?

Question: Which of these production pathways

are the most critical to define in the initial phase?

Question: Should any production pathways be

excluded from the Certification Scheme?

Question: With reference to the “Figure 4.

Summary of Design Principles” table above,
listing 10 ammonia utilization pathways, are
we overlooking any critical technologies or

Question: Which utilization pathways are the

most critical to define in the initial phase?

Question: Should any of these utilization

pathways be excluded from the certification

Submit your feedback at

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Another Working Group, focused on Regulations, will conduct a global review of existing and under-
development regulatory measures and standards or certifications for products or processes that are
relevant to low-carbon ammonia, either because the regulations, standards, or certifications apply
directly to ammonia and/or hydrogen, or because they incorporate analytic methods and approaches
that may be used in a low-carbon ammonia certification scheme. The working group will determine
how the Certification Scheme will complement, conflict with, or otherwise relate to existing and under-
development regulations, standards, or certifications.

This work will create opportunities to promote cohesion and reduce friction between the Certification
Scheme and other regulations, standards, or certifications. This will require extensive relationship-building
with international regulatory organizations relevant to the AEA scheme.

Ultimately, this work stream will lead to the characterization of ammonia and definitions of key terms
and classifications, according to the taxonomies or thresholds required by end users and the policies
under which they operate.

Question: Which existing or developing

regulations, standards, or certifications are
critical for initial harmonization with the
Certification Scheme?

Question: Are there any existing or developing

regulations, standards, or certifications that are
NOT appropriate for harmonization with the
Certification Scheme?

Question: Do you agree that the Certification

Scheme should aim to characterize ammonia
(i.e., defining terms like “blue” or “low-carbon”)?

Question: Do you agree that characterization

of ammonia (i.e., defining “blue” or
“low-carbon”) should be driven by insight into
major end-use cases (e.g., thresholds in markets
for emission reductions) rather than by insight
into production pathways (e.g., thresholds
inherent in synthesis technology)?

Submit your feedback at

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 17

Proposed Implementation Strategy and

Proposed Governance for the Implementation Phase

The AEA’s Board of Directors has authorized a Certification Committee to act as the Steering Group for
implementation of the Certification Scheme. The Steering Group reports to the AEA Board of Directors
and ultimately to the members of the AEA. This is the industry group.

Alongside the Steering Group, the AEA proposes to invite key partners to form an Advisory Group
consisting of non-member organizations and stakeholders. This will include Global partners who will
be critical for international harmonization and adoption. Regional partners may play a critical role in
developing, piloting, and implementing the scheme, and this includes both government agencies and trade
associations. Additionally, certain kinds of Commercial partners may also play a critical role in delivering
the scheme, such as certification bodies, verification agents, or trading platforms. This is the non-industry

The Steering Group and Advisory Group will together oversee the development and execution of the
Certification Scheme workplan by three Working Groups: “Principles and Methods,” “Pathways,”

Figure 5.  Proposed Governance for the Implementation Phase

Steering Group Chair (2021–2022): Nicholas Cook, CF Fertilisers
Members: AEA Platinum Member Organizations Representatives and Working
Group Chairs

Advisory Group Partner Organizations and Key Institutional Stakeholders

Secretariat AEA Certification Project Manager: Eman Al-Rabi

AEA Executive Director: Trevor Brown
3rd Party Consultant Support (tbc)

WG 1. Chair (2021–2022): Attilio Pigneri, The Hydrogen Utility

Principles and Methods Members: AEA Member and Partner Organization Representatives

WG 2. Chair (2021–2022): Blake Adair, Nutrien

Pathways Members: AEA Member and Partner Organization Representatives

WG 3. Chair (2021–2022): Jonathan Lewis, Clean Air Task Force

Regulations Members: AEA Member and Partner Organization Representatives

The AEA proposes to develop the Certification Scheme under the direction of these three working
groups, each consisting of representatives from AEA Member companies, partner organizations, and
key institutional stakeholders. These three working groups will be established and begin in earnest in
November 2021.

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Figure 6.  Governance and Working Groups

AEA Board of Directors

AEA Steering Committee

Advisory Committee

Pathways Working Group Principles and Methods

Working Group

Ammonia Third-party
production audit

Certification Registry
Carbon intensity

Regulations Working Group

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

Proposed Governance for the Operational Phase
The three Working Groups will be active during the Implementation Phase (2021–2023) and the scope of
work for each group has been designed to mirror the roles for different groups in the Operational Phase
(2024–), supporting the evolution of the Certification Scheme from implementation to operation.

• WG1: Principles and Methods—relates to Verification Bodies

• WG2: Pathways—relates to Verifiers/Assessors
• WG3: Regulations—ultimately relates to Proponents/Participants

Figure 7.  Proposed Governance for the Operational Phase

Certification Body Composition AEA and Partner Organizations

(new entity) Responsibilities Guidelines Development

Verification Body Accreditation

Methodology Approval

Project Registration

Registration and Issuance of Certificates

Accredited Verification Bodies Organizations Verification Bodies (Global Registries)

Responsibilities Methodology Review

Verifiers/Assessors Accreditation

Verification of Project Reports

Accredited Verifiers/Assessors Organizations Service Providers


Proponents/Participants Organizations Owner/Operators

Financial Institutions

Trading Organizations


Responsibilities Project Design

Project Implementation
Monitoring, Verification, and Reporting

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 20

Establishment Timeline
Consultation Phase Targeted AEA Membership and Stakeholder Consultation
Sep 2021–Oct 2021 Public Consultation (AEA Australia Conference)
Working Group Establishment
Scheme Workplan Announcement (November 2021)

Design Phase Scheme Governance

Oct 2021–Sep 2022 Principles and Methods
Pathway Methodologies
Interplay with Regulations and Market Mechanisms
Scheme Launch—November 2022
Establishment Phase Development and validation of an initial portfolio of methodologies
Dec 2022–Nov 2023 Registration, validation and certification of an initial portfolio of pilot projects
Issue of the first-year certificate for Pilot Projects registered under the scheme

Operation Phase Ongoing management of the scheme

2024–ongoing New methodologies development and validation
New projects registration and validation
Monitoring reporting and verification of projects registered under the scheme,
ongoing issue of certificates (annually)

© 2021 Ammonia Energy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

Ammonia Energy Association Members
as of October 2021

PLATINUM: CF Industries*, The Hydrogen Utility*, InterContinental Energy*, KBR*, LSB Industries,
Monolith Materials, Mitsui & Co., Nutrien*, OCI*, Yara*. GOLD: Acron, AFC Energy, Airgas, Aker Clean
Hydrogen, Asian Renewable Energy Hub, Casale*, Enaex, Engie, Equinor, Fortescue Future Industries,
FuelPositive, Haldor Topsøe*, Hamilton Locke, Hydrofuel, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Origin Energy*,
Proton Ventures*, Ridley Terminals, Starfire Energy*, Syzygy Plasmonics, thyssenkrupp Industrial
Solutions*, Trammo, Tri-State Generation & Transmission. SILVER: AES Gener, Air Products, Ammonigy,
AmmPower, Amogy, Argus Media, BASF, Black & Veatch, Bureau Veritas, Burns & McDonnell, Casa dos
Ventos, CDI Engineering, Consorcio Eólico, CRU Group, CS Combustion Solutions, Cummins, EIFER,
Enterprize Energy, Fertiberia, GenCell Energy, GTI, Gunvor Group*, H2Site, Horisont Energi, HyFuels
Holdings, Intecsa Industrial, Linde, Lotte Fine Chemical, Maersk*, Mercuria, MineARC Systems, Nel
Hydrogen*, OGS Global, Organics Group, Pacific Green Technologies, SagaPure*, Schoeller-Bleckmann
Nitec, Shell, Sperre Industri, Stamicarbon, Thorium Energy Alliance*, TotalEnergies*, Tsubame BHB,
Wabash Valley Resources, Wonik Materials, Woodside Energy. MEMBERS: AHMON, Air Liquide,
Airthium, Apex Clean Energy, Ark Energy, Arizona Public Service, Arranged, AustriaEnergy, BLG,
Brittany Ferries, C-Job Naval Architects, Carbon-Neutral Consulting*, CHZ Technology, Cozairo, Cura
IT, Danaos Shipping, Duiker Combustion Engineers, Energy Estate, Eneus Energy, ESNA, Exmar,
Gaztransport & Technigaz, George Propane Inc, GESCA, Greenfield Nitrogen, Idemitsu Kosan, Incitec
Pivot, Ingenostrum, IT Power Australia, JGC Holding Corporation, John Cockerill, Jupiter Ionics, MAN
Energy Solutions, MicroEra Power*, Nebraska Public Power District, Netsco, New Energy Technology,
Nordex, Northern Nitrogen, NYK Energy Transport (USA), Oceanic Vessels, Osaka Gas USA, Renewable
Hydrogen Corporation Canada, SAFCell, SBM Schiedam, Syntex, Terrestrial Energy, Unconventional Gas
Solutions, UPC\AC Renewables, Varo Energy, Vopak.

* indicates representation on Board of Directors

Ammonia Energy Association, Low-Carbon Ammonia Certification—Discussion Paper. October 2021,

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