Theoretical Calculation and Simulation Analysis of No-Load Torque of Main Reducer

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Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, volume 153

International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation (AMMS 2017)

Theoretical Calculation and Simulation Analysis of

No-load Torque of Main Reducer
Jinli Xu and Ganlin Sheng*
School of Mechanical and Electrical Wuhan University of technology, Wuhan 430070, China
Corresponding author

Abstract—Bearing support stiffness of driving bevel gear is the tightened to tighten the bearing. The torque balance model in
main source of vibration and noise of automobile rear axle main the detection process can be expressed by Figure. 1.
reducer. There are closed relations between bearing preload and
no-load torque of main reducer and support stiffness. Taking the
car’s main reducer as the research object, this paper explored
the closed relations while the driving bevel gear bearing of main
reducer for automobile was under preload. We obtained the
suitable suitable stiffness of the main reducer bearing by
simulation, after which we got the optimum preload and no-load
torque when assembling. This study provides a theoretical
support for reducing vibration and noise of main reducer. 1—flange; 2—locknut; 3—bearing I; 4—bearing II; 5—
driving bevel gear.
Keywords-main reducer; tapered roller bearing; bearing
The no-load torque calculation equation is:
The assembly quality of the main reducer will directly
affect the overall performance of the vehicle, and the key is the
assembly of the driving bevel gear and the passive bevel gear. T = M1 + M 2 (1)
In order to ensure the correct meshing of the teeth, avoiding
the occurrence of mutual movement, and smaller transmission M1 is the friction torque of bearingⅠ and M2 is the friction
shock noise vibration, it is required that the assembly process torque of bearingⅡ. From the above analysis, it is required to
of the main bearing impose a certain axial preload. So the solve the friction torque of the two bearings of driving bevel
driving bevel gear can rotate freely, besides, which also has gear in order to get the value of no-load torque.
enough support stiffness during the working process of main
reducer. In the assembly process of the main reducer, it is B. Theoretical Calculation of Frictional Moment of Tapered
difficult to detected the preload value of the bearing of driving Roller Bearing
bevel gear directly. In this paper, the main reducer is used to In general, the friction of rolling bearing is composed of
detect the bearing preload by the value of the no-load torque in the following parts [1]: 1.Pure rolling friction caused by the
the actual project. Therefore,the value of no-load torque is one elastic hysteresis; 2.Sliding friction caused by the sliding of
of the control parameters of the system’s support stiffness in rolling contact surface; 3.Friction caused by spin sliding at the
practical production. normal direction of the contact surface; 4.Pure sliding friction
According to the actual production standards given by the on the sliding contact surface; 5.Viscous friction of the
long-term experience, no-load torque is required to be lubricant (mainly grease). The friction torque value of 2 and 3
controlled between 0.6 and 0.9N·m. In order to find out the are relatively small, which do not need to be considered. In
best value from this interval, this paper analyzes the cor- summary, the geometric structure and mechanical analysis
relationship between no-load torque, bearing stiffness and under axial load of tapered roller bearings and single rollers
bearing preload, then obtain the best bearing preload and no- can be expressed by Figure.2 and Figure.3 [2].
load torque by determining the best bearing stiffness. This
study provides a theoretical reference for the vibration and
noise reduction of the rear axle.
A. The Concept and Calculation Model of No-load Torque
The no-load torque is the moment required to rotate the
main reducer flange when the driving bevel gear and the
bearing of driving bevel gear are assembled, and the locknut is FIGURE II. GEOMETRY OF TAPERED ROLLER BEARING

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Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, volume 153

Where Fa is axial load; z is the number of rollers. The

equation (6) can be further simplified according to
trigonometric function transformation as follows:

Qo =
z sin α
Fa (7)
Qi = Qo =
z sin α
sin 2γ 2 sin γ cos γ 2 sin γ
Qr = Qo = Fa = Fa
cos γ z sin α cos γ z sin α

FIGURE III. FORCES AND MOMENTS OF SINGLE ROLLER The friction torque generated by a single roller,M' is
expressed from equations(5)、(7)as follows:
Where Qo, Qi and Qr are load that act on the rollers from
the outer raceways, inner raceway and rib respectively; Fo, Fi l
and Fr are frictional forces of outer ring, inner ring and rib- 2 µ r ro (e − sin γ ) sin γ
(r − Dw )mo + ro mi
roller end contact, and Fr=μrQr; μr is the coefficient of friction M '= o + 2 Fa (8)
at rib-roller end contact; mi and mo are viscous rolling Dw zDw sin α
resistance of roller-inner raceway contact and roller-outer
raceway. Because the force and torque in a single roller are According to the equation (8), in order to obtain the
balanced, The equation can be obtained from Figure.2 and equation of the moment of friction with the preload of the
Figure.3 available: bearing as the variable. It is necessary to calculate the viscous
rolling resistance mi and mo.
Fo = Fr + Fi (2) C. Calculation Equation of Viscous Rolling Resistance
Based on EHL Analysis
l Viscous rolling resistance is the frictional moment caused
mo + mi = Fi Dw + Fr ( Dw + sin γ − e) (3) by the eccentricity of pressure distribution obtained from EHL
2 contacts. The principle can be expressed in Figure.4 [4].
At the same time, the equation for calculating the friction
torque generated by a single roller can be expressed in the
lower form by Figure.2 and Figure.3:

M ' = ro Fo − mo (4)

The equation (4) is to analyze the equation obtained by

taking the inner ring of the bearing and the roller as a whole.
M' is expressed from equations(2)~(4)as follows:

ro ( sin γ − e)
(r − Dw )mo + ro mi 2 (5)
M '= o − Fr

Due to the balance of force in a single roller, we can get the It can be seen from Figure.4 that due to the uneven
following equation [3]: distribution of pressure under the EHL effect, the theoretical
calculation of viscous rolling resistance becomes very difficult
Fa and complex. Therefore, scholars have chosen to obtain the
Qo = simplified equation of viscous rolling resistance or the whole
z sin α friction torque by experiments [4-7].
sin α sin θ + cos α cos θ (6)
Qi = Qo Based on the EHL theory, Goksem-Hargreaves [8] had
sin θ sin β + cos β cos θ proposed a dimensionless and dimensional viscous rolling
sin α cos β − cos α sin β resistance equation as follows:
Qr = Qo
sin θ sin β + cos β cos θ
M = c1 ⋅ U c2 ⋅ G c3 ⋅ W c4 (9)

Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, volume 153

8.636 D. Mechanical Analysis of Main Reducer

m= (GU ) 0.658W 0.0126 R 2le (10)
α The preload of bearings of driving bevel gear in main
reducer is loaded by the tightening of the lock nut. An axial
Where c1~c4 are related constants; U is dimensionless force F is generated by tightening the lock nut, the axial force
speed parameter, U=uη0/E'R; G is dimensionless materials F is acted on the inner ring of the bearing I through the flange.
parameter, G=αE'; W is dimensionless load parameter, Three balanced forces are produced as follows:
W=w/E'R; u is mean surface velocity, m/s; η0 is absolute
viscosity at atmospheric pressure, Pa·s; E' is equivalent
Young’s modulus, Pa; R is equivalent radius, m; α is Pressure-
viscosity coefficient, Pa-1. le is effective roller resistance, m.
Aihara and Zhou-Hoeprich [5,6] deduced the corresponding
experimental equation based on the theoretical equation of FIGURE V. THE MECHANICAL MODEL OF BEARINGⅠ
Goksem-Hargreaves. But no matter the theoretical equation
deduced by Goksem-Hargreaves or the experimental equation The relationship among them can be seen as follows:
deduced by Aihara, Zhou-Hoeprich and Dwight C. Witte, the
equation were obtained under limited conditions. These (15)
equations are derived in the case of full flooded. So the
F = F1 + F2 + F f
equation do not have good versatility.
Similarly, for bearingⅡ also has the following relationship:
Based on these problems, H. Matsuyama and S. Kamamoto
[4] have put forward an experimental equation which can be
widely used. They firstly used the EHL theory to make the F ' = F3 + F2 + F f ' (16)
viscous rolling resistance dimensionless:
Where F1 and F3 are forces that act on the bearing block of
m main reducer from outer ring; F2 is the force that act on the
M= (11) supporting sleeve and gasket from inner ring; Ff and Ff' are
bE ' lR
frictional forces that act on the driving bevel gear from inner
After that, based on the equation (9), H. Matsuyama and S. ring. F1 and F3 are the real bearing preload of bearing I and
Kamamoto considered the lubricant starved condition. Besides, bearingⅡ respectively. Furthermore, because the driving bevel
they ensured the experimental conditions to satisfy the gear in this case is conducted by four forces: lock nut produced
operating conditions of the automobile drive system. equivalent force, F; the frictional force that acts on the driving
According to the experimental results, the numerical bevel gear from the bearing I and bearing II, Ff and Ff';the
expression form of c1~c4 are presented by numerical analysis: force that acts on the driving bevel gear from the gasket of
bearingⅡ.The relationship among them is as follows:
c1 = 8.89 (17)
F − F f + F f '− F ' = 0
c2 = −1.1 exp[−4.5(log X L1 ) 0.51
] + 0.75
c3 = −1.0 exp[−5.3(log X L1 ) 0.84
] − 0.04 The relation between F1 and F3 can be obtained from
equations (15) ~ (17):
c4 = 1.6 exp[−2.5(log X L1 ) 0.72 ] − 0.42
F1 = F3 (18)
Where XL1 is dimensionless X coordinate of inlet meniscus,
XL1=xL1/b; b is half width of Hertzian contact, b=R√(8W/π). Through the above analysis, it is known that the preload of
Full flooded conditions are set at |XL1|=1000 by H. Matsuyama, the two bearings in the main reducer is equal. The equation of
and for staved conditions the meniscus distance, |XL1|,is varied the relation between the no-load torque of the main reducer
from 1000 to 1.05 with irregular intervals. In summary, and the preload of the bearing I (or II) is expressed from
according to the actual lubrication conditions(the value of equations (1), (8), (18) as follows:
|XL1|), the viscous rolling resistance of tapered roller bearings
can be calculated as follows: T = z1[( K1 − 1)mo1 + K1mi1 ] + z 2 [( K 2 − 1)mo 2 + K 2 mi 2 ]
+ ( H1 + H 2 ) Fa1 (19)
m = 14.2 E ' lR 2U c2 G c3W c4 + 0.5 (13)
Where z1 and z2 are roller numbers of bearing I and
The viscous rolling resistance m under full flooded bearingII respectively; mo1 and mo2 are viscous rolling
conditions(|XL1|=1000) is given by the following equation: resistances of outer raceway of bearings I and bearings II
respectively; mi1 and mi2 are viscous rolling resistances of inner
m = 14.2 E ' lR 2U 0.75G −0.04W 0.08 (14) raceway of bearings I and bearings II respectively. They can be
calculated by the equation (13). K and H are two bearing

Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, volume 153

constants sets in this paper. The equation are expressed as Where A and B are two parameters. ASTM makes the
follows: following criteria for the value of A in the Walther equation:


K = ro / Dw
l sin γ ν (cSt) >1.5 1—1.5 0.7—1 0.4—0.7
2 µ r ro (e − ) sin γ
2 A 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75
Dw sin α When combined with TABLE I, TABLE II and equation
(21), it can be calculated that C0=2.742. Then the pressure-
III. NUMERICAL CALCULATION viscosity coefficient at 30°C is calculated by
equation(20):α=2.357 × 10-8Pa-1.According to the lubrication
The calculation of viscous rolling resistance requires for
of bearings, the geometric parameters of the main reducer
the viscosity of lubricant and the pressure-viscosity coefficient
bearings, the viscosity of the lubricant, the pressure-viscosity
of lubricant at working temperature. The parameters of the
coefficient and the rotational speed of the work are substituted
main reducer lubricant are shown in the following table.
into the equation (19). The simplified equation of the no-load
torque and the preload of the bearing of driving bevel gear is
GL-5 75W90 obtained as follows:
Kinetic viscosity(mm2/s)
T = 0.1839 Fa1 + 13.7576 (22)
100°C 14.15
98.9°C 14.48
37.8°C 83.93 The unit of T has been converted to N/mm in the process of
30°C 115.83 calculation.
Viscosity index 192
When the no-load torque is measured, the working IV. DYNAMIC SIMULATION ANALYSIS OF MAIN REDUCER
condition of the lubricant is 30°C at atmospheric pressure. At GEAR TRANSMISSION SYSTEM
this temperature, the kinematic viscosity of the lubricant is
115.83mm2/s, and the density is about 0.8801g/cm3. So the A. Establishment of Virtual Prototype Model
dynamic viscosity at this temperature is [9]: In this article, the main parts of the virtual prototype model
of the main reducer are driving bevel gear, passive bevel gear,
η30 o
= v30o C ⋅ ρ 30o C = 0.1019 pa ⋅ s differential shell and differential bearing. And the other parts,
such as flange assembly, lock nut, main reducer shell, gasket
and sleeve.These parts can be set by the relevant constraints
The pressure-viscosity coefficient of lubricant can be and contact force directly instead of its parts function, they will
calculated by the experimental equation proposed by B.Y.C.So not affect the motion characteristics of the main reducer gear
and E.E.Klaus. [10]: transmission system. So these parts can be ignored. As for the
main research object of this paper, two bearings of driving
α = 1.216 + 4.143(log vo ) 3.0627 + 2.848 ×10 −4 Co 5.1903 (log vo )1.5976 bevel gear, in order to simulate the effect of the preload of two
bearings on the vibration characteristics of the main reducer
− 3.999(log vo ) 3.0975 ρ 0.1162 (20)
gear transmission system more accurately. In this paper, two
dampers are used to substitute bearings in the ADAMS. view.
Where α is pressure-viscosity coefficient, kPa-1 × 10-5; ν0 is
kinematic viscosity for testing temperature at atmospheric Firstly, according to the data in TABLE Ⅲ, define the
pressure, mm2/s; Co is viscosity-temperature property based on material attributes of each part in the “Geometry and Material
atmospheric kinematic viscosity at 37.8°C(100°F) and Type” menu.
98.9°C(210°F); ρ is atmospheric density in g/cm3 at
temperature of interest. The equation proposed by B.Y.C. So TABLE III. MATERIAL PARAMETERS OF EACH COMPONENT OF
and E.E.Klaus predicts the pressure-viscosity coefficient of
lubricant at the temperature range from 0 to 135°C within 15 Driving,passive Tapered roller differential
percent of the measured values. bevel gear bearing shell
Material 20CrMnTi GCr15 QT500-7
The viscosity-temperature parameter Co is a constant to Young’s
describe the viscosity temperature characteristics of lubricant. modulus 2.07×105 2.08×105 1.66×105
It is a parameter in the "Walther equation". Amongst the few (N/mm2)
rectifying charts available the standardized ASTM kinematic (Kg/mm3)
7.8×10-6 7.8×10-6 9.83×10-6
viscosity-temperature chart has certainly achieved the most Poisson ratio 0.25 0.3 0.26
wide-spread usage. It is based on the MacCoull-Walther In contact force, the "Impact" mode is chosen to define the
equation relating kinematic viscosity to absolute temperature T parameters required to set the contact force in ADAMS. The
as follows [11-12]: stiffness coefficient of the differential and the bearing are
calculated according to the following equation [13]:
log(log(v + A)) = B − Co ∗ log(T ) (21)

Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, volume 153

4 2 *
600 650 700 750 800 850 900
Because of the relative extrusion and displacement in the Fa1(N) 3188 3460 3732 4004 4275 4547 4819
meshing process between the driving bevel gear and the The preload of bearing I is set as design variable DV_1,
passive bevel gear. The average meshing stiffness of hypoid and take the values in TABLE IV. Continuously, set the
gears can be calculated as follows [14]: following five functions according to the parameters of the
bearing and the parameters in TABLE IV:
=km (0.75ε α + 0.25)k 'th K M K R K B cos β
Other contact force parameters can be found in reference Number Function meaning Function expression
[13]. The constraints are set according to the actual operating 1
Axial stiffness of 1.5653582E+005 *
conditions of the main reducer gear transmission system. In bearingⅠ DV_1**0.1
this article, the torque transferred from the rear axle to the Support stiffness of 4.3007864E+005 *
bearingⅠ DV_1**0.1
passive bevel gear is about 500N·m, and the torque can be Axial stiffness of 2.0884753E+005 *
replaced by a one-way torque in ADAMS. Continuously, two 3
bearingⅡ DV_1**0.1
dampers are applied at the center of bearing I and bearing II to Support stiffness of 5.7380386E+005 *
simulate the radial and axial stiffness of the bearings. Finally, bearingⅡ DV_1**0.1
utilize a one-way moment simulate the friction torque of 5
Friction torque of two
bearings. The virtual prototype model after setup can be seen bearing
as follows: The function 5 represents the friction torque of the two
bearings.This paper focuses on the influence of preload on the
friction torque. Therefore, the change of friction torque caused
by the working speed and the thermal effect of the bearing is
At the same time, the speed of driving bevel gear is set as
design variable DV_2. And setting driver start function is “step
(time, 0,0,0.2, DV_2)”. The range of the daily driving speed of
the models studied in this paper is 2000~4500r/min. Therefore,
in order to simulate operation of the vehicle more idealistically,
set six groups of drive speed. They are 800r/min, 1500r/min,
2000r/min, 3000r/min, 4000r/min and 5000r/min respectively.
REDUCER GEAR TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Finally, use “Design of Experiment” module to simulate.
C. Analysis of Simulation Result
B. The Specific Setting of the Damper and the Resistance
In this paper, the angular velocity and acceleration of
Moment Value
passive bevel gear and Y direction meshing force of the hypoid
The damper is actually a six component spring structure in gear are object of study. The vibration of gear transmission
ADAMS.view. The damper can set three translation stiffness, system of main reducer is evaluated by RMS values of the
three translation damping, three torsional stiffness and three three objects. The driving function of this paper is that the
torsional damping between two components. As the preload of speed starts at 0 and reaches the specified speed after 0.2S. So
bearing mainly affects bearing support stiffness and axial we only take the value after 0.2S for statistical analysis. A set
stiffness, therefore, only three translation stiffness functions of simulation data is taken to show the results of dynamic
with preload as design variables need to be set up in this paper. simulation when DV_1 is 3187.8 and DV_2 is 800.
The relation between the preload and the stiffness of the
bearing can be obtained [15]:

9 8 19 1
K a = 14505Z 10 le 10 sin 10 αFa 10
9 8 9 1
K r = 14505Z le sin α cos αFa
10 10 10 10

Where z is the number of rollers; le is effective roller length, FIGURE VII. THE ANGULAR VELOCITY OF PASSIVE BEVEL GEAR
mm; α is outer raceway half angle, rad. The no-load torque is
divided into seven values. According to equation (22), the
preload of the bearing corresponding to the no-load torque can
be calculated. The results are as follows:

Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, volume 153





According to TABLE VI, angular velocity is mainly related

to the model transmission, and supporting stiffness of the
bearing is big enough, so even if the stiffness values change
within a certain range, there is little effect on the angular
velocity of passive bevel gear. It can be seen from TABLE
VII~VIII that in the high speed stage, there is a great
fluctuation of the angular acceleration of passive bevel gear
GEAR and the Y direction’s meshing force of the hypoid gear at the
no-load torque of 750-800N·mm. When the no-load torque is
These data of Figure.7~Figure.9 is the first set of data in between 600-700N·mm, the gear transmission is relatively
42 sets of data. Because of the limited space, these data only stable. And there is little change in the stiffness of the bearing
shows the first set of simulation results. The Design of in this interval, so several values are relatively close. It is
Experiment automatically generates 42 sets of data according difficult to distinguish from the broken line graph. But from
to the settings of DV_1 and DV_2. After that, the RMS values the specific numerical comparison, six groups of data show
of the curves are extracted in the post-processing. These data that angular velocity of passive bevel gear, angular
are made into the following chart for more intuitive analysis. acceleration of passive bevel gear and Y direction’s meshing
force of the hypoid gear of RMS values are smaller when the
TABLE VI. RMS VALUES OF ANGULAR VELOCITY OF PASSIVE no-load torque is 700N·mm. The results show that the main
BEVEL GEAR reducer gear transmission system is more stable when the no-
load torque is 700N·mm.
A number of studies have shown that the stiffness of
bearings plays a great role on the vibration of the bearing-rotor
system. And the bearing stiffness is determined by the preload
of the bearing. In this paper, no-load torque of the main
reducer is the basic research object. The mathematical model
of bearing preload and no-load torque and bearing stiffness is
obtained by theoretical analysis. Then, the no-load torque in
the 600-900N·mm interval is discretized into seven values.
After that, take the bearing preload as design variable in
ADAMS, the simulation results show that the gear
PASSIVE BEVEL GEAR transmission system of main reducer has better transmission
performance while no-load torque is 700N·mm.
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