Sorronda (Grade 7-LP, 02-27-2023)

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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the different Instrumental Music of Mindanao;
2. Appreciate the importance of Instrumental Music of Mindanao; and
3. Perform the Instrumental Music of Mindanao.
Topic: Instrumental Music of Mindanao
Reference: Music & Arts 7
Materials: Visual Aids, Music and Pictures.
A. Preparation
1. Prayer.
Please stand up class and let us pray. (everyone stands and prayed)

2. Greetings.
Good Morning everyone! Good morning ma’am!

How are you class? We are fine ma’am, thank you.

That’s very good class.

3. Checking of Attendance.
Ok class, let’s check the attendance, who is
No one’s absent ma’am.
absent today?
Very Good!

B. Review of the Lesson

Ma’am, our topic last meeting was all
Before we start to our discussion for today,
about Vocal Music of Mindanao
let’s have a short review first. What was your
previous lesson all about?
Okay, very good! Ma’am, Chants and Lullaby.
Who can give the two types of vocal music in
Chants is a lyrical rendition of different
Correct! Then, what is Chants class? improvised text.

That’s right!

Yakans do chanting through solo and counter

or group singing. They have famous everyday
style chants.
Lugu, Kalangan and Sa-il/ Lunsey.

What are those famous everyday style chants

of Yakan people class?

Very Good!
Dikker and Bayok

In Maranaos they have an extensive vocal

repertoire. Who can give the two types of
vocal repertoire of Maranaos?

Okay, very good! Lullaby is a chant-style or chant formula

Now let’s go on to Lullaby. What is Lullaby use in rocking a baby to sleep.

Okay, that’s good! Ma’am, it’s Ya-ya and Bayok.

Who can give me the two types of Lullaby?
None ma’am.
That’s right, thank you!
Do you have any questions?
Okay, I’m glad that you learned a lot from
your previous discussion, now let’s proceed to
our new lesson for today.
Yes ma’am, we’re ready!
C. Motivation
Before we start our lesson, let’s have an
activity first. This activity will help you to
(The students listen to the music)
determine our lesson for today. Are you

I want you to listen the music that I will be

Ma’am, I observed that there are different
playing because after that, I’m going to ask
kinds of instruments that they used.
some questions.

Okay class, what have you observed in the

Ma’am, they used gongs.
music after listening?
Okay, very good!
Ma’am, they used flute.

What do you think the instrument they used?

Ma’am, our topic for today is all about

Okay, that’s good! What else?

That’s correct!
Now, what do you think would be our topic
for today?

Very good, exactly. Our topic would be about

instruments, particularly “Instrumental Music
of Mindanao”

D. Discussion and Analysis

Today we will discuss about the Instrumental
Music of Mindanao.

1. Kulintang Ensemble- is a gong-chime

collection of instruments important to the musical
culture of the Maguindanao people in the
Southern Philippines. Kulintang music is used
for celebratory occasions such as festivals,
weddings, engagement parties, and baptisms, as
well as in musical competitions.

They have varied functions but are mostly used

for celebrations/ rituals and are mainly divided
into two types:
 Kulintangan
ensembles of 6-8 hanging melody gongs
in a row, hung on ropes in pyramid order,
with the smaller and higher-pitched gongs
near the top.
 Tahunggo, Agung, Salmagi, Blowon
Semagi – suspended gong ensembles (9-
11 gongs, played a melody and drone
player) in various names according to
each tribe; ensemble maybe completed
with 1 or 2 drums. (The students are now listening and
observing the music)
I want you to observe and listen the music that I
will be playing and I have here also a picture of
kulintang ensemble instruments.
(The teacher is now playing the music and
showing the pictures)

2. Bamboo Ensembles - According to Philippine

legends, the first man and woman are born out of
bamboo. Many bamboo instruments were made
for this purpose while some were also used for
entertainment and personal expression. The
different manners in playing bamboo instruments
include: blowing (aerophones), shaking or hitting
(idiophones), and pluncking (chordophones).

Gabbang- a native xylophone in Sulu, a bamboo

keyboard on top, constructed out of wood.
Ordinarily, its main body is shaped like a coffin;
keys are struck with 2 mallets, each with a strip of
rubber fastened to its underside.

(The students are now listening and

Seronggagandi – a guitar like made of bamboo,
observing the music)
cut before one nod and after next. Two cords are
slit loose side by side from the outer skin fibers of
the bamboo itself and these are given tension by
means of bridges. A hole is then cut into the
bamboo just under the 2 cords, to serve as
sounding holes.

(The teacher is now playing the music and

showing the pictures)
3.Solo Instruments

Kudyapi – is a 2-string plucked lute instruments

made of wood which resembles and elongated
guitar usually have 2 strings. It varies in sizes, but (The students are now listening and

normally it is about one and a half meter long. observing the music)

Suling – (Maguindanao and Yakan’s) is made None ma’am.

mainly of “tamiang” bamboo, a long, thin-walled

bamboo tube. The mouthpiece of the suling is
circled with a thin band made of rattan near a
small hole.
Kulintang ensembles is a gong-chime
collection of instruments important to the
(The teacher is now playing the music and
musical culture of the Maguindanao
showing the pictures)
people in the Southern Philippines.

Okay do you have any questions? Or

Kulintangan and Agung.
clarifications class?

E. Generalization

If you really understand the topic for today, what

Yes ma’am.
is kulintang ensembles?

It is important ma’am because Mindanao

Okay, very good! What are the two types of
music is unique because its music is
kulintang ensembles class? imbued with Mindanao’s history and
culture itself.
That’s right! How about bamboo ensembles? Do
you think bamboo instruments made for purpose
for entertainment and personal expression?
Ma’am it is also important because it
Okay that’s good! Now let me ask you, what is reflects those of the various beautiful
the importance of appreciating the instrumental cultures that are filled with their pride and
music of Mindanao? nature of living.

Yes, exactly! Very good.

What else?

Yes, correct! It is important to appreciate the

instrumental music of Mindanao region because
as a fellow countryman despite our differences,
we're one and the same. It is one if the key to
understanding the culture and appreciating it. It
promotes the diverse cultures of Mindanao.

E. Application
On a ½ sheet of paper, please answer the
following questions:

1. What are the two (2) types of Kulintang

Ensembles? (2 points)
2. What are the different manners in playing
bamboo instruments? (3 points)
3. What is the importance of appreciating the
instrumental music of Mindanao? (5 points)

I will give you 5 -10 minutes to finish your

Time is up class pass your answers in front of
the class.

I will divide the class into 5 groups and I will let you choose any instruments / improvised
instruments from Mindanao.

The presentation The presentation The presentation
PRESENTATION was well had organizing was lacked of
organized and ideas but could organization and
well prepared. have been much had little
stronger with evidence of
better preparation.
All students One (1) student Two (2) or more
UNITY AND were always was not involved students were
PREPARATION involved throughout the not involved
throughout the entire process throughout the
entire process actively. entire process
actively. actively.
Performed well Performed task Performed task
APPROPRIATENES that showed that showed that’s showed a
S suitability to suitability to little bit of
their assigned their assigned suitability to
task. task. their assigned


 Research about the Non-Islamic groups in Mindanao.

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