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Dungeons & Dragons® Player's Handbook,

Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast®
Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)
“Now hear the fourfold roots of everything . . .”
—Empedocles, 5th Century B.C.
Earth, air, fire, and water. Sonic, cold, acid, and electricity. From elder
elementals and powerful dragons to minor mephitis and mysterious outsiders,
creatures major and minor are tied to
the powers of the elements.
Some are friends. Some are foes.
All are dangerous.
Continuing the acclaimed Lore
series, this book focuses on a single
creature type as well as related sub-
types, opening a portal from the ele-
mental planes to your campaign. The
original elementals themselves have
been expanded to include proud nobles,
determined guardians, and pesky haunts.
Each creature is designed with a role in
mind, from grudge monsters to chase mon-
sters. With more than 30 new elementals,
six new creatures with elemental sub-
types, and four new prestige classes,
Elemental Lore provides dozens of
options for unleashing the power of the
elements upon your gaming group.

ISBN 1-58994-169-1
' %&#&' '"$'"
DD45 $14.95 www.fantasyflightgames.com

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Elemental Lore

Rob Vaughn

Shawn Muder

Greg Benage

Nick Gomes, Shannon Kalvar, Shawn Muder, Jason Parent

Mitch Cotie, David Griffith, Joseph Querio, Hian Rodriquez, Beth Trott

Brian Schomburg ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by
Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20
COVER DESIGN System License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at
Brian Schomburg www.wizards.com.

EDITING Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are Registered
Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast and are used with permission.
Greg Benage, Rob Vaughn
Copyright © 2003 Fantasy Flight Publishing Inc. Legends and Lairs is
ART DIRECTION a trademark of Fantasy Flight Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
Rob Vaughn

Rob Vaughn

Christian T. Petersen


1975 W. County Rd. B2, Suite 1
Roseville, MN 55113

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Alphabetical Listing of Monsters
Name (CR) Page Name (CR) Page
Table of Contents

Aethon Swimmer (7) 4 Last Breath (2) 31

Amalgam (14) 4 Mercure (8) 33
Backdraft (5) 6 Noble Elementals 34
Carnage Elementals 8 Air (11) 36
Lesser (6) 8 Earth (11) 37
Greater (8) 9 Fire (11) 38
Drought (15) 10 Water (11) 39
Earthen Maw (15 or 6) 12 Plague Wind (7) 39
Gate Snake (4) 14 Primal Earth (6) 41
Golem Bane (9) 15 Primal Spirits 42
Guardian Elementals 17 Cold (18) 43
Air (9, 11, 14) 18 Electric (18) 44
Earth (9, 11, 14) 19 Fire (18) 45
Fire (9, 11, 14) 20 Sound (18) 46
Water (9, 11, 14) 21 Pyre Revenant (14) 47
Harbor Horror (12) 23 Rime Wraith (7) 48
Haunt Elementals 25 Sacred Crocodile (8) 50
Fetor Fiend (1) 25 Sacred Flood (3) 51
Flue Blight (1/4) 26 Telkhine (11) 52
Pyrian (1/2) 27 Vein Slider (10) 54
Stonewise (1/4) 28 Appendix: Prestige Classes 56
Tankard Spirit (1/4) 28 Runecaster 56
Ice Rook Swarm (7) 29 Salvager 58
Isolin (4) 30 Smokeshaper 59
Zephyr 61

are proficient with shields if they are proficient

Definition of Elemental Type with any form of armor.
—Elementals do not eat, sleep, or breathe.
An elemental is a being composed of one of the Air Subtype: This subtype usually is used
four classical elements: air, earth, fire, or water. for elementals and outsiders with a connection
Hit Die: d8 to the Elemental Plane of Air. Air creatures
Attack Bonus: As cleric (Total HD×3/4) always have fly speeds and usually have per-
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude (earth, water) fect maneuverability.
or Reflex (air, fire) Earth Subtype: This subtype usually is used
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier per Hit Die, with for elementals and outsiders with a connection
quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die. to the Elemental Plane of Earth. Earth creatures
Traits: An elemental possesses the following usually have burrow speeds, and most earth
traits. creatures can burrow through solid rock.
—Darkvision out to 60 feet. Fire Subtype: A creature with the fire sub-
—Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paraly- type has immunity to fire. It has vulnerability
sis, and stunning. to cold, which means it takes half again as
—Not subject to critical hits or flanking. much (+50%) damage as normal from cold,
—Can only be returned to life with limited regardless of whether a saving throw is
wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection. allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.
—Proficient with natural weapons only, Water Subtype: This subtype usually is
unless generally humanoid in form, in which used for elementals and outsiders with a con-
case proficient with all simple weapons and nection to the Elemental Plane of Water.
any weapons mentioned in its entry. Creatures with the water subtype always have
—Proficient with whatever type of armor swim speeds and can move in water without
(light, medium, or heavy) that it is described making Swim checks. A water creature can
as wearing, as well as all lighter types. breathe underwater and usually can breathe air
2 Elementals not indicated as wearing armor
are not proficient with armor. Elementals
as well.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)


Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to present either against the PCs or with their help. Haunt
Elemental Lore, the latest softcover book in our elementals are useful as amusing sidetracks,
Legends & Lairs line of sourcebooks for the letting the PCs have a shot at ridding the com-
d20 System. Elemental Lore is a collection of mon folk of minor, yet devious, pests. Noble
elemental creatures and beings with connec- elementals may introduce PCs to the alien
tions to the elemental planes or elemental ener- intrigues of the elemental courts, and telkhines
gy; among their number are creatures suited for may ally themselves with or oppose PCs
use by any DM. searching for rare and hidden magic items.
In this book, you’ll find monsters to fill Finally, the most powerful creatures presented,
many roles in your game. Each was designed primal spirits, are raw forces of nature them-
for a specific purpose, explained below. selves, and may be approached for their knowl-
The first and most classic type of monsters edge, dissuaded or distracted from killing thou-
are “grudge monsters.” These are meant to be sands of innocents, or harnessed as a cause for
simply powerful foes, and can either be used as good.
mid-level encounters or as major enemies. The Finally, the prestige classes presented in the
grudge monsters in this book include: aethon appendix are available for creatures with the
swimmer, backdraft, carnage elementals, appropriate elemental subtypes. They may be
drought, harbor horror, last breath, plague PCs or NPCs, and may be allies, enemies, or
wind, primal earth, and rime wraith. simply peripheral players in the story of your
The next largest category in this book is campaign.
comprised of creatures that may be used by
NPCs, PCs, or other powers to act as guardians,
hirelings, or mercenaries. Such “servant crea-
The Open Game License
tures” might be encountered as part of a normal Elemental Lore is published under the
dungeon delve, having been placed there eons terms of the Open Game License and d20
ago by long-dead masters, or may be minions System Trademark License. The OGL allows
of current friends or foes. Examples are the us to use the d20 System core rules and to pub-
earthen maw, guardian elementals, isolin, mer- lish gaming material derived from those rules.
cure, sacred crocodile, and sacred flood. In fact, material that is strictly rules related
A third category of beings are those crea- is Open Content. You can use this material in
tures that act as adventure goals as well as your own works, as long as you follow the con-
adversaries. These “chase creatures” may pos- ditions of the Open Game License. You can
sess particularly valuable treasure, or they may copy the material to your website or even put it
be especially suited for domestication. The gate in a book that you publish and sell.
snake might be required by the PCs to get to Not everything in this book is Open
one of the elemental planes, while the ice rook Content, however. The names of creatures and
swarm could be necessary for the magic the game statistics, mechanics, and rules
weapons it sometimes sheds. The vein slider, derived from the d20 SRD are designated as
while difficult to tame and control, would be a Open Content. The descriptions of the crea-
highly valued tool for underground travel, and tures are closed content and cannot be repub-
even the heated rage of the pyre revenant might lished, copied, or distributed without the con-
be braved for the boost its ashes give to evoca- sent of Fantasy Flight Games.
tion spells. All illustrations, pictures, and diagrams in
Finally, a few of the monsters in this book this book are Product Identity and the property
may bring roleplaying plots and opportunities of Fantasy Flight Games, © 2003.
with them when introduced into a campaign. The Open Game License is printed in its
You can easily create an adventure around one entirety at the end of this book. For further
of these “plot creatures” when short on ideas. information, please visit the Open Gaming
The golem bane could raise interesting moral Foundation website at www.opengaming-
questions on the creation of golems, and fight foundation.org.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: No coins, half goods (gems only),
no magic
Alignment: Usually neutral

Advancement: 13–24 HD (Huge), 25–36 HD

Shuddering waves of heat preceed the creature
as it lumbers forward, dragging itself by four
ribbon-like tentacles toward the pool of lava.

Aethon swimmers are a sentient race that dwell

on the borderlands between the elemental
planes of earth and fire. Over 12 feet long, the
entire beast appears to be formed of a supple
yet hard black stone with four ribbon-like ten-
tacles radiating out from the torso, each at least
20 feet long. Shorter tentacles extend up and
down the length of both sides of the body.
Aethon swimmers can barely maneuver
on land, nor can they burrow or move freely
through earth or stone. Instead they swim
through caverns and passages of molten rock,
typically those occurring naturally. If no such
avenues of transportation are available, aethon
swimmers make their own pools of molten
rock in which to travel. While clumsy and near-
ly immobile on land, the aethon swimmer is
Aethon Swimmer surprisingly agile in lava, maneuvering its
lengthy form around using its muscular body
Huge Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar, Fire) and tail as well as its shorter tentacles. These
Hit Dice: 12d8+72 (126 hp) side tentacles generate the majority of the heat
Initiative: +7 that the aethon swimmer uses to melt rock and
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), swim 40 ft. sand alike to form the lava within which it
AC: 26 (–2 size, +3 Dex, +15 natural), prefers to live.
touch 11, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+23 Combat
Attack: Tentacle +13 melee (1d8+6)
Full Attack: 4 tentacles +13 melee (1d8+6 and Aethon swimmers that happen onto the
2d6 fire) and bite +11 melee (1d8+3 and 2d6 Material Plane become powerful predators, and
fire) their territorial nature makes them a hazard for
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft. (20 ft. with tenta- anyone attempting to pass nearby. The aethon
cles) swimmer strikes smaller targets with its tenta-
Special Attacks: Augmented grapple, fiery cles to draw them into its molten home, while
aura, improved grab it attempts to flee from creatures that are its
Special Qualities: Blindsight 100 ft., elemen- own size or larger.
tal traits, immune to fire, vulnerable to cold Augmented Grapple (Ex): The aethon
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +6 swimmer is not considered grappled when
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 8, Wis 14, grappling with its tentacles. It can grapple with
Cha 16 its tentacles without taking any penalties on
Skills: Listen +9, Sense Motive +7, Spot +9 other attacks, and it need not take the –20
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, penalty on grapple checks to be considered not
Multiattack, Power Attack, Snatch grappling. Once a target has been grappled, it
Climate/Terrain: Mountains, volcanoes and may be transferred to the aethon swimmer’s
underground mouth as a move action, freeing up the four
Organization: Solitary, pair, or school front tentacles for regular combat. A grappled

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

creature in the aethon swimmer’s mouth auto- Special Qualities: Elemental traits, damage
matically takes bite damage each round, but is reduction 15/adamantine, tremorsense 60 ft.,
probably in more danger from the lava that it is vulnerabilities
submerged in. Up to two targets can be grap- Saves: Fort +19, Ref +6, Will +8
pled in this way without reducing the number Abilities: Str 36, Con 20, Dex 7, Int 10, Wis

of tentacle attacks the aethon swimmer is capa- 10, Cha 12
ble of each round. Skills: Intimidate +29, Jump +27, Knowledge
Improved Grab (Ex): When the aethon (nature) +14
swimmer hits with its tentacles, it can attempt Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat
to start a grapple as a free action without pro- Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Bull
voking an attack of opportunity. Rush, Improved Critical (Slam), Improved
Fiery Aura (Ex): Merely touching or Sunder, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
being touched by an aethon swimmer deals 2d6 (Slam)
points of fire damage. Environment: Any mountain, hill, or
Blindsight (Ex): Using nonvisual senses, Elemental Plane of Earth
including sensitivity to vibrations, acute hear- Organization: Solitary
ing, and echolocation (in lava and air), the Challenge Rating: 14
aethon swimmer maneuvers and fights as well Treasure: None
as sighted creatures. Invisibility and darkness Alignment: Usually neutral
are irrelevant, though the aethon swimmer still Advancement: Gargantuan (26–32 HD),
can’t discern ethereal beings. The creature does Colossal (33–39 HD)
not need to make Spot or Listen checks to
notice creatures within 100 ft. The massive rocks before you move and take
Melting (Ex): As a move-equivalent on a life of their own, as they come together to
action, an aethon swimmer can generate form a creature birthed from stone.
enough heat to melt through nearby rock and
stone. Each action so spent melts an amount of When the mountains themselves rise up against
rock equal to the aethon swimmer’s space in a a threat, it is usually the amalgam that mani-
direction of its choosing. Lava or magma deals fests. This hulking elemental creature is
2d6 points of damage per round of exposure,
except in the case of total immersion, which
deals 20d6 points of damage per round.
Damage from magma continues for 1d3 rounds
after exposure ceases, but this additional dam-
age is only half of that dealt during actual con-
tact (that is, 1d6 or 10d6 points per round).
Immunity or resistance to fire serves as an
immunity to lava or magma. However, a crea-
ture immune to fire might still drown if com-
pletely immersed in lava.

Huge Elemental (Earth)
Hit Dice: 25d8+125 (237 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
AC: 23 (–2 size, –2 Dex, +17 natural), touch 6,
flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+39
Attack: Slam +29 melee (4d6+13)
Full Attack: 2 slams +29 melee (4d6+13) or
rock +14 ranged (2d10+13)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Crushing blow, rock slide,
spell-like abilities, stone vortex

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

stronger and more resilient than a common may make a DC 27 Reflex save for half dam-
earth elemental, since it is composed entirely of age. It takes the amalgam 1d4 rounds to
massive boulders and the powerful elemental reassemble itself so that it may attack again;
spirit that holds them together. It is rumored during this time, the amalgam is not helpless
that a variant of this creature exists that may be but is vulnerable to attack, as it can do nothing

the size of a mountain by itself. while willing the rocks of its body back togeth-
The amalgam is also called the mountain er. The save DC is Constitution-based.
king by the savage humanoid races that wor- Spell-like Abilities: At will—stone
ship it. It often appears as if the rocks of its shape, stone tell. 3/day—spike stones, wall of
body are carefully balanced on one another to stone. 1/day—stone to flesh, transmute mud to
form its body, but in fact it is as strong and stur- rock. Caster level 20th.
dy as the earth from which it was born. It has Stone Vortex (Su): Three times per day,
no apparent eyes and its head is often just a an amalgam can create a vortex of crushing
combination of large stones, making it look rocks by breaking apart and slinging the stones
like a humanoid, but for no other reason than to that make up its body through the air with tele-
intimidate anyone who would awake it from its kinetic force. This strikes any creature within a
deep sleep. 60-ft. radius, dealing 6d12 points of crushing
Amalgams pass in and out of existence damage. A DC 27 Reflex save halves the dam-
without warning. One moment a pile of boul- age. The save DC is Constitution-based.
ders lies inanimate on the mountainside; the Vulnerabilities: The amalgam is
next, an amalgam has formed. None know their extremely susceptible to the spell transmute
purpose or their goals, but they tend to attack rock to mud. The creature takes 1d6 points of
any creatures that seem intent on destroying damage per caster level, but receives a
their natural surroundings on any large scale. Fortitude save against the spell to take only half
Amalgams speak Terran. damage. It is also particularly vulnerable to dis-
integrate spells, suffering a –4 penalty to saves
Combat against them.
The amalgam usually begins combat with its
slam attacks, saving its crushing blow for truly Backdraft
powerful enemies. If it cannot reach its foes, it
Medium Elemental (Air, Fire)
hurls pieces of its own body at them. Thrown
Hit Dice: 10d8+10 (55 hp)
rocks have a range increment of 120 ft.
Initiative: +8
Crushing Blow (Ex): Once every 1d4
Speed: Fly 40 ft. (perfect) (8 squares)
rounds, the amalgam can attack with a crushing
AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +4 deflection), touch 18, flat-
blow against an opponent that is smaller than it.
footed 14
In order to initiate this powerful attack, the
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+7
amalgam must sacrifice all attacks for the
Attack: Touch +7 melee (3d6 fire)
round, instead performing a single melee attack
Full Attack: Touch +7 melee (3d6 fire)
as a full-round action. If the amalgam hits, the
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
target must make a Fortitude save (DC 35) or
Special Attacks: Conflagration, explosion
be killed or destroyed. Even constructs, ele-
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic,
mentals, and corporeal undead are subject to
darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, immunity
this effect, their physical forms obliterated by
to fire, vulnerability to cold
the sheer size of the crushing rock and the ele-
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +3
mental energies charged within it. Only oozes
Abilities: Str 10, Con 12, Dex 19, Int 12, Wis
and incorporeal beings are immune. A success-
10, Cha 17
ful save results in normal slam damage. The
Skills: Spot +15, Listen +15, Intimidate +16
save DC is Strength-based.
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
Rock Slide (Ex): This attack can only be
Lightning Reflexes
performed by the amalgam once per day. As a
Environment: Any land or Elemental Plane of
full round action, the amalgam literally throws
itself at its enemies, creating a moving wall of
Organization: Solitary
massive stones that crushes and maims anyone
Challenge Rating: 5
within the 30-ft.-long by 15-ft.-wide area
Treasure: None
directly in front of it. This attack deals
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral
12d12 points of crushing damage. Targets

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Advancement: 11–20 HD (Large), 21–30 inward to blacken the flesh of the victim inside.
(Huge) The victim may make a DC 18 Fortitude save
each round to halve the damage. This effect
Some say that backdrafts are created when clings to the creature and moves with him.
powerful fire evocation spells go awry and cre- Anyone attempting to heal or attack the

ate a life of their own. While this rumor is pop- enclosed individual during this time also takes
ular among learned scholars, it has never actu- 3d6 points of fire damage from contact with the
ally been proven, nor has flames. Since the fire
anyone of magical might is magical in origin,
been able to create a back- water cannot be
draft through ritual. In effect, used to quench it.
the backdraft could be Any cold intense
explained as the repre- enough to damage
sentation of magical the victim negates
fire whereas normal fire damage from
fire elementals rep- the conflagration
resent the mundane (and vice versa) on a
flames of nature. point-for-point
This creature is basis.
considered an Explosion
abomination by (Su): The most fear-
most fire creatures, some attack of the
who avoid it, while backdraft is its abili-
some evokers have been ty to explode out-
known to summon and ward with tremen-
bind backdrafts into dous force and heat.
their service to This attack is pre-
act as powerful empted by a full-
guardians. round action as the
A backdraft backdraft consumes
appears as a all of the oxygen
floating 4-foot- within 60 ft. in
diameter sphere preparation for
of swirling red, releasing its attack.
green, yellow, During this round,
and white flames. any enemies of
It flies using the Medium size or
limited power it smaller within 60 ft.
has over the ele- must roll a DC 18
ment of air. Backdrafts Reflex save or be
speak the whispering pulled 10 ft. toward
fire language of Ignan. the backdraft and
knocked prone by
Combat the rushing wind.
The backdraft explodes outward in a ferocious
Backdrafts are fairly innocuous in melee, and 60-ft.-radius fireball on its next initiative. The
prefer to use their special attacks via surprise. explosion deals 10d6 points of fire damage;
They tend to hide in large fires, using them as victims may make a DC 18 Reflex save for half
cover before attacking. damage. The backdraft must use a full-round
Conflagration (Su): Three times per day, action the following round to reform its body.
a backdraft can encase an opponent within 30 The reformed backdraft appears at the point of
ft. in an aura of flames as a standard action. The explosion. Save DCs are Charisma-based.
aura lasts 1d4 rounds and deals 3d6 points of
fire damage per round as the heat radiates

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Carnage Elementals
As armies clash upon the field of battle, war-
riors are torn limb from limb and trampled

under the hooves of cavalry and the feet of

infantry formations, their blood sacrificed
upon the earth in a twisted sacrament of car-
nage and death. With each drop of blood
spilled in battle, the earth becomes tainted by
violence and gore, until finally it can no longer
hold within it the atrocities committed on its
surface. It is then, in a shower of earth and
blood, that the carnage elemental is born,
thrown bodily out of its earthen womb.

Carnage Elemental, Lesser

Medium Elemental (Earth, Evil, Water)
Hit Dice: 8d8+24 (60 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 20 ft. (4
AC: 24 (+4 Dex, +10 natural), touch 14, flat-
footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+9
Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d8+3 and pain)
Full Attack: 2 slams +9 melee (1d8+3 and
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Bleeding, death knell, pain,
sneak attack +2d6
Special Qualities: Earth glide, elemental
traits, memory thief
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 16, Wis
6, Cha 14
Skills: Hide +15, Listen +8, Move Silently
+15, Spot +8, Search +14
Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Iron Will, Power
Climate/Terrain: Any field of battle
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 9–16 HD (Medium), 17–24
HD (Large)

The being rises from the bloody earth, trailing

bones, limbs, and blood from its emaciated
mass. A wicked grin cracks in the midst of its
stony face as its claws lunge toward you.

Appearing as a black, vaguely humanoid form

of earth and blood, the lesser carnage elemen-
tal is named for its size. It may, however, be

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

more dangerous than its larger cousin. Whereas Memory Thief (Ex): Whenever a crea-
the greater carnage elemental is a beast of pure ture is slain by the lesser carnage elemental’s
rage and destruction, the lesser carnage ele- death knell ability, the victim must make a DC
mental moves with thought and purpose, mak- 19 Will save or have a small portion of its
ing it a foe of more devastating potential and memories absorbed by the carnage elemental.

greater evil. For whereas the greater is born If the carnage elemental absorbs the memories
with the mindless rage and pain of those that of a half-dozen officers from the same force in
died to create its mass, the lesser is born with a battle, it will have absorbed enough knowl-
their memories and cold, calculating hate. edge to identify the location and identity of the
Those memories point to two specific targets supreme commander of the army, or even pos-
for vengeance: the commanders of the oppos- sibly its liege or head of state, as well as any of
ing armies, those who order the deaths of thou- their knowledge about those individuals’
sands with a wave of their hands. defenses, bodyguards, and daily habits.
Earth Glide (Ex): A lesser carnage ele-
Combat mental can glide through stone, dirt, or almost
any other sort of earth (except metal) as easily
Lesser carnage elementals rise in the darkness, as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing
after the field of battle has been abandoned. leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it cre-
They use the memories of the dead of both ate any ripple or other signs of its presence. A
sides of a combat to pinpoint the location of the move earth spell cast on an area containing a
commanders’ tents or command posts, burrow burrowing carnage elemental flings the ele-
deep beneath enemy lines, and assassinate their mental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1
targets in their sleep. Once a commander has round unless it makes a DC 15 Fortitude save.
been killed, his bodyguards and lieutenants are Pain (Su): Any living creature struck by
fair game if they are close by. Whereas most the lesser carnage elemental’s natural attacks
lesser carnage elementals are sated with the must make a DC 19 Fortitude save or suffer
death of the two commanders, and cease to from powerful magical agonies that cause a –4
exist after that purpose is fulfilled, some carry penalty on all attack rolls and saves for 1d6
their vengeance further: They trace the memo- rounds after the attack. The results of multiple
ries of the killed all the way back to higher gen- pain attacks do not stack.
erals and even heads of state, and in so doing, Sneak Attack (Ex): This ability is identi-
find new targets for their vengeance. cal to the rogue’s sneak attack ability, and is
Bleeding (Su): Any wound caused by a used primarily when attacking the leaders of
lesser carnage elemental bleeds prolifically, the warring armies with surprise from under
unable to be staunched except by exceptional the earth. The lesser carnage elemental deals
curative magic. A creature wounded by the ele- 2d6 additional points of damage on a sneak
mental loses one additional hit point each attack.
round for each wound suffered. The wound
does not heal naturally and resists healing
spells; while a heal spell cures the wound auto-
Carnage Elemental, Greater
matically, the caster of any cure spell must suc- Large Elemental (Earth, Evil, Water)
ceed on a DC 19 caster level check, or the spell Hit Dice: 12d8+84 (138 hp)
has no effect on the injured character. The Initiative: +4
check DC is Constitution-based. Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Death Knell (Su): The lesser carnage ele- AC: 20 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural), touch
mental draws forth the life forces of creatures 10, flat–footed 19
and uses them to fuel its own power. Any crea- Base Attack / Grapple: +9/+12
ture reduced to –1 or fewer hit points by an Attack: Slam +16 melee (1d10+8)
attack (not including the bleeding power) of a Full Attack: 2 slams +16 melee (1d10+8)
carnage elemental must make a DC 19 Will Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
save, or die immediately. Each creature slain by Special Attacks: Absorb body, frenzy, rend,
the carnage elemental in this way grants it 1d8 siphon blood
temporary hit points and a +1 bonus to Special Qualities: Earth glide, elemental
Strength, and all save DCs for the carnage ele- traits
mental’s abilities increase by 1. These effects Saves: Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +3
last for 1 hour. Abilities: Str 27, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 5,
Wis 4, Cha 14

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4 containing a burrowing carnage elemental
Feats: Ability Focus (siphon blood), Cleave, flings the elemental back 30 feet, stunning the
Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Power creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC
Attack 15 Fortitude save.
Climate/Terrain: Fields of battle Frenzy (Ex): A greater carnage elemental

Organization: Solitary, pair or orgy (2–12) can launch into a murderous frenzy twice per
Challenge Rating: 8 day. This is treated in all ways as the barbarian
Treasure: None rage ability, temporarily granting the elemental
Alignment: Always chaotic evil a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution
Advancement: 13–24 HD (Huge), 25–36 HD and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves, but caus-
(Gargantuan) ing a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase
in Constitution increases the carnage elemen-
This hulking brute appears as a twisted and tal’s hit points by 2 points per Hit Die, but these
bloody earth elemental with an only vaguely hit points go away at the end of the frenzy
humanoid shape, possessing powerful arms and when its Constitution score drops back to nor-
legs built of stone, earth, discarded weapons, mal. Unlike a barbarian, a carnage elemental is
blood, and the corpses of dead soldiers. not fatigued at the end of the frenzy. A typical
carnage elemental with a Con of 16 frenzies for
This version of the carnage elemental, less sub- 8 rounds.
tle than its kindred, arises from mounds of dead Rend (Ex): When a target is struck by
bodies and blood-drenched earth and immedi- both slam attacks on the same round by a
ately begins killing any living creature it can greater carnage elemental, the target is auto-
find. Greater carnage elementals speak Terran matically bashed and rended by the creature’s
and can speak halting Common through the fists, dealing an additional 2d10+12 points of
human heads that dot their skin. However, most damage.
cannot expect anything from the elemental Siphon Blood (Su): The greater carnage
other than pain-driven gibberish, insults, and elemental was born in blood, and the lifeblood
threats of harm. of others responds to its pain-ridden call. Every
1d4 rounds as a full-round action, a greater car-
Combat nage elemental may emit a bloody mist from its
Greater carnage elementals begin attacking by body in a 60-ft. radius. The mist limits visibili-
using their siphon blood ability, then rampag- ty as per the spell obscuring mist. Creatures
ing among their weakened foes. must make a DC 20 Fortitude save each round
Absorb Body (Ex): When a creature is they are within the mist or watch as the mist
slain by the greater carnage elemental, it is seeps into their lungs, pulls out their blood, and
absorbed into the elemental’s body as a free siphons it into the carnage elemental’s form.
action. Adjacent characters may prevent the Victims suffer 2d4 points of Constitution dam-
absorption by beating the elemental with an age with a slight (15%) chance that 2 points of
opposed Dexterity check, and may pull the that damage are Constitution drain. A success-
body away entirely with an opposed Strength ful save results in no Constitution damage that
check. If the victim is absorbed, the elemental round. Save DC is Charisma-based.
gains bonus hit points equal to the Hit Dice of
the absorbed creature. Bonus hit points do not Drought
fade; instead, when a greater carnage elemental
has absorbed 13 Hit Dice worth of creatures, it Large Undead
advances by one HD. Creatures absorbed in Hit Dice: 20d12 (130 hp)
this manner may be returned from the dead as Initiative: +3
normal if the elemental is destroyed and a con- Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
secrate spell is cast on the body to be raised. AC: 22 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural), touch
Earth Glide (Ex): A greater carnage ele- 12, flat-footed 19
mental can glide through stone, dirt, or almost Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+12
any other sort of earth (except metal) as easily Attack: Hoof +8 melee touch (1d6 fire plus
as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing 1d4 Constitution drain)
leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it Full Attack: 2 hooves +8 melee touch (1d6 fire
create any ripple or other signs of its pres- plus 1d4 Constitution drain) and bite +3
ence. A move earth spell cast on an area melee touch (1d6 fire plus 1d4 Constitution

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

drain) skin, and flickering flames.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Living creatures that come within 60 ft. of
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, Constitution the drought feel the furnace heat radiating from
drain, desiccating emanation, spell-like abil- its body. They can also smell the dry, dusty
ities scent it carries with it. Creatures that come

Special Qualities: Air closer can see that its hooves have cracked,
walk, damage reduc- leaving only stubs that bleed fire at the ends of
tion 10/bludgeon- its legs. In truth, the drought cannot walk at
ing, immortality, all. Instead, it stumbles above the ground
immunity to cold, on a distorting wave of heat. Its passing
electricity, and dries up creeks and parches fertile farm-
fire, resistance to land, and even the most verdant of land-
acid 15, spell scapes fall into dusty ruin
resistance 27, should the monstrosi-
undead traits. ty linger there.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref These unfortu-
+9, Will +15 nate, tormented
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 16, creatures appear at
Con —, Int 5, Wis 16, random inter-
Cha 24 vals. Not even
Skills: Concentration + 30, the greatest necro-
Listen +5, Spot +5 mancers know for
Feats: Alertness, Empower sure how they
Spell-like Ability (scorching come into being.
ray), Greater Spell Penetration, Many speculate that
Quicken Spell-like Ability (ray they appear when
of enfeeblement), Quicken thousands of animals
Spell-like Ability die of thirst due to
(scorching ray), Spell unnaturally long
Focus (necromancy), droughts. Others
Spell Penetration. feel that they
Environment: Any may be punish-
Organization: Solitary ments sent into the
Challenge Rating: 15 world by particu-
Treasure: None larly demented gods.
Alignment: Usually neutral evil Droughts can speak Abyssal, Celestial,
Advancement: 21–34 HD and Infernal. Their voices sound like the hiss-
(Large) ing of a thousand vents of steam, whispering at
each other even as the creature forces the words
The draft horse slowly plods on, the weight of out. For the most part, droughts do not com-
its fatigue making it unable to lift its hooves municate with mortals. These creatures seem to
above the heat haze covering the ground. As it limit themselves to a single region or nation,
moves forward, you can see that its withered sometimes remaining in a devastated region for
skin is drawn tight around the framework of millennia, preventing re-inhabitation of the
barely visible ivory bones. Glaring eyes of red land. Other tales tell of a drought wandering for
flame stare out of the desiccated skull. a single season, then vanishing.

Droughts look like massive, desiccated draft Combat

horses. They range from six to eight feet tall at
the shoulder. The process of transformation Droughts are physically weak and slow, only
into a drought darkens their hides to sooty able to harm the most defenseless of opponents
black, no matter what color they were in life. with their physical attacks. Their other abilities
Their manes also turn dark, usually either burnt are fearsome, however: The pounding heat
brown or black. Everything soft weathers away from their bodies slowly weakens anyone
from these creatures when they rise from the standing close to them, and they use spell-
grave, leaving behind only hard bone, leathery like abilities to great effect.


Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Breath Weapon (Su): Every 1d4 rounds, Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will—ani-
the drought may breathe an 80-ft. cone of mate dead, control winds (DC 27), ray of
intense, blistering heat that evaporates all mois- enfeeblement (DC 19), scorching ray, stinking
ture in its path. Creatures caught in the cone cloud (DC 20); 3/day—antilife shell, cloudkill
take 14d10 points of damage; half of the dam- (DC 22), disintegrate (DC 23), freedom of

age is from heat (fire resistance applies), the movement, fire shield, slow (DC 20); 1/day—
other half is from the desiccating effect of the acid fog, create undead, creeping doom, finger
dry air as it drains moisture from the creature’s of death (DC 24), horrid wilting (DC 27),
body. Fortitude DC 27 for half. Save DC is incendiary cloud (DC 27). Caster level 16th.
Charisma-based. Save DCs are Charisma-based.
Constitution Drain (Su): The touch of a Air Walk (Su): Droughts usually walk at
drought deals 1d4 points of Constitution drain ground level, but may plod along above ground
to a living foe. The drought heals 2 hit points to get past obstacles or across rivers and
per point of Constitution drained. chasms. They are continually under the effect
Desiccating Emanation (Su): Living of an air walk spell as if cast by a 16th-level
creatures within 120 ft. of the drought must caster.
make a DC 27 Fortitude save each round or Immortality (Su): Droughts cannot be
suffer 1d4 points of Constitution drain. permanently destroyed by any known means,
Whether the target successfully saves or not, he even wishes or miracles. When a drought is
is exhausted while within the area of effect due reduced to 0 hit points, it collapses in a heap of
to the extreme heat. Endure elements does not bones and hide that immediately bursts into
offer protection against these effects, but more flames. Upon the next sunrise, the creature
powerful spells and effects like resist elements reforms at the same spot at which it was
(fire) or any amount of fire resistance allows destroyed, and continues its plodding path.
the target to ignore the exhaustion. Because the
Constitution drain is caused by dehydration, it
cannot be defended against. The save DC is
Earthen Maw
Charisma-based. Colossal Elemental (Earth)
Hit Dice: 30d8+393 (528 hp)
Initiative: –5
Speed: 0 ft (0 squares)
AC: 22 (–8 size, –5 Dex, +25 natural), touch 0,
flat–footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: —/—
Attack: —
Full Attack: —
Space/Reach: 30 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Closure
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/—,
elemental traits, immunities, tremorsense 60
Saves: Fort +32, Ref —, Will +23
Abilities: Str—, Dex—, Con 36, Int 12, Wis
18, Cha 16
Skills: Diplomacy +19, Hide +40, Knowledge
(any 2) +20
Feats: Ability Focus (closure), Alertness,
Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude x2,
Iron Will x2, Skill Focus (Knowledge 1),
Skill Focus (Knowledge 2), Toughness
Climate/Terrain: Mountains, hills, broken
lands or underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 15 as creature, 6 as trap
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Any
12 Advancement: 31–50 HD (Colossal)

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

When a major gate to the Elemental Plane of Closure (Ex): An earthen maw does not
Earth is created, the seed of an earthen maw is look like any sort of creature, instead seeming
planted. The raw energy of the living primor- to be simply a narrow fault or a wide crevice,
dial earth infuses into the rock around the point depending on its state. When it detects large
of the gate, slowly investing in it a transforma- numbers of unsuspecting creatures, the maw

tive process that brings the land itself to life. may enter its open state, the better to crush
The end of this transformation is the earthen those passing through. The crevice is generally
maw, a massive living crevasse or other open- 10 feet wide, 30 feet long (running diagonally
ing into the earth that marks the location of the across the maw’s space), and 30 feet deep.
planar gate. The earthen maw itself is a sessile, Against unsuspecting creatures within the fault,
sentient mass of earth and stone. The earthen the maw gains surprise, and may begin grind-
maw is neither hostile nor benevolent towards ing the fault closed at whim. Creatures in the
most life forms, although it is generally friend- crevice take a cumulative 2d6 points of crush-
ly towards other earth elemental creatures (or ing damage each round they remain in the
at least those entities, earthen or not, that can maw, so creatures in the maw for two rounds
speak Terran). Once one is formed around a take 2d6 points of crushing damage on the first
gate, the denizens of the portal who become round, 4d6 points of crushing damage on the
aware of its presence typically nurture it with second round, and so on until they escape. The
information and friendship and the earthen maw may be escaped with a Climb check of
maw becomes a powerful defender of the gate DC 20, +2 for each round since the fault began
itself. grinding closed, or by flying out.
Typically, however, this slow transforma- If the maw is in its closed state, any crea-
tion (usually taking a century or so to com- ture standing on the area where the crevice
plete) is only finished long after the gate that opens may make a DC 22 Reflex save to avoid
triggered it has closed. These maws know noth- the opening maw. Those that succeed may
ing of their origin, and circumstance becomes jump to safety; those that fail fall inside, sus-
the master of their destiny. Those forming in taining damage from the 30-foot fall. The fol-
badlands occupied by crass and hostile gobli- lowing round, the maw begins grinding the
noid races often become crass and violent fault closed. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
themselves, or just hostile enough to destroy Immunities: The earthen maw, as a crea-
anyone foolish enough to enter the maw’s ture of mostly pure elemental earth and stone,
domain. On the other hand, some maws have takes damage from energy effects and ranged
formed near or even within communities of attacks as if it were an object: acid and sonic as
less hostile creatures; some young earthen normal, electricity and fire do half damage, and
maws have been befriended by elves, and there cold attacks do one-quarter damage. Ranged
are tales of at least one dwarven stonehold that weapons, unless they are siege engines or
has a truly ancient earthen maw acting as both something similar, do half damage before
an elder and last line of defense for the dwar- applying damage reduction.
ven homes themselves. Skills: The earthen maw gains a +12 cir-
cumstance bonus on all Hide checks (already
Combat calculated above) due to its natural stone and
earth structure. Knowledgeable characters may
An earthen maw is a massive creature, at least identify an earthen maw with a Knowledge
30 feet square on the surface (and much larger (nature) check opposing the Hide check, rather
below). The earthen maw is fairly helpless to than a Spot check.
attack any who do not wander directly on top of
its form, but since it is generally stationed as a
guardian of some sort, the enemies tend to
come to it.


Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral good
Advancement: 7–12 HD (Huge), 13–20 HD

The massive snake’s green and blue scales

shimmer with inner light as it slithers forward.
Sparks of lightning dance between the long row
of spikes running down its back. The creature’s
wise, shining blue eyes look deep into yours. Its
voice, a hiss as loud as thunder, rushes forth
along with a faint glowing mist.

Gate snakes look like unnaturally large

pythons, with shocking blue scales and a faint
glow that constantly follows them. The small-
est of them measure 15-ft. long and weight
more than 300 lbs. The largest stretch out to
nearly 40 ft. and weigh in at slightly below
1,000 lbs. Most of these creatures are male;
female gate snakes are increasingly rare. Gate
snakes can live for up to 2,000 years before
eventually dying of natural causes.
Despite their fearsome appearance and
tremendous strength, gate snakes do not fight if
they can help it. These sophisticated and wise
creatures developed a peaceful culture years
ago. Their inability to use tools forced them to
develop a sophisticated oral tradition, one filled
with music and poetry. They traded these songs
Gate Snake with elves and men in exchange for knowledge
Huge Magical Beast and crafted goods.
Hit Dice: 6d10+24 (57 hp) Unfortunately, gate snakes have the
Initiative: –1 incredible ability to create gates to various
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) planes when charged with enough magical
AC: 17 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 7, energy. This ability has made the snakes a
flat-footed 17 much-sought-after tool for those who study the
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+21 arcane, especially those whose curiosity out-
Attack: Bite +13 melee (2d6+10) weighs their moral compunctions. After cen-
Full Attack: Bite +13 melee (2d6+10) turies of abuse as tools in countless wizards’
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft. laboratories, gate snakes as a race went into
Special Attacks: Breath weapon hiding.
Special Qualities: Form gate, magical aura, Gate snakes speak Celestial, Common,
spell absorption Draconic, Elven, and Infernal. They typically
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8 try to reason with intelligent creatures before
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 8, Con 18, Int 20, Wis fighting.
18, Cha 18
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge Combat
(history) +14, Knowledge (the planes) +17, Despite their combat prowess, gate snakes gen-
Perform +13, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft erally avoid conflict. If backed into a corner,
+16, Use Magic Device +16 the gate snake attempts to bargain for its life.
Feats: Iron Will, Magical Aptitude, Skill Focus They know full well that such bargaining is
(Knowledge [the planes]) usually futile; the creatures that hunt them have
Environment: Any (non aquatic) no intention of killing them, just enslaving
Organization: Solitary them for the rest of their natural lives.
Challenge Rating: 4

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

If forced to fight, the gate snake attacks
with its bite. If struck by a spell with an appro- Golem Bane
priate descriptor, the snake unleashes a breath
weapon. Gate snakes invariably flee from pow- Medium Elemental
erful spellcasting foes, rather than risk being (Air, Earth, Extraplanar, Fire, Water)

frozen into gate form. Hit Dice: 13d8+26 (85 hp)
Breath Weapon (Sp): Gate snakes can Initiative: +6
release stored magical energy as a breath Speed: Fly 90 ft. (perfect) (18 squares)
weapon that takes the form of a 60-ft. cone of AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 natural), touch 12, flat-
magically charged mist. Creatures in the cone footed 18
take 1d6 points of damage per spell level Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+13
released. Those in the area of effect may make Attack: Slam +13 melee (1d6+5+2d6 energy)
a DC 17 Reflex save for half damage. Once a Full Attack: 2 slams +13 melee (1d6+5+2d6
spell level is discharged as a breath weapon, it energy) or elemental missile +11 ranged
is no longer considered stored for the purposes (2d6 energy)
of the form gate ability, below. The save DC is Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Constitution-based. Special Attacks: Disable construct, elemental
Form Gate (Su): If the gate snake ever burst, invade
stores twice its HD in spell levels, and at least Special Qualities: Catalyze berserk, damage
one of those spells had an elemental descriptor, reduction 15/—, detect golem, elemental
the snake immediately begins a painful trans- traits, immunities
formation. On the first round, the creature Saves: Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +6
twists around itself and bites its own tail. On Abilities: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 16, Wis
the second round, all of its back spines begin to 15, Cha 14
glow. On the third round, the creature turns to Skills: Disable Device +19, Intimidate +18,
stone (hardness 10) and a gate appears within Knowledge (arcana) +19, Open Lock +11,
the circle of its body. Search +19, Survival +11
The gate opens to a plane that most close- Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility,
ly corresponds to the elemental descriptor of Spring Attack, Track
the highest level spell that the snake has Environment: Any land or elemental plane
absorbed. Some have discovered energies that Organization: Solitary
open gates to other planes, but the following Challenge Rating: 9
list of planes are the only confirmed reliable Treasure: None
destinations: Alignment: Usually lawful neutral
The humanoid-shaped creature looks to be cre-
Spell Type Gate Plane
ated from crystal or glass. Its body seems filled
Acid Elemental Plane of Earth
with fantastic images of fiery tornadoes, churn-
Cold Elemental Plane of Water
ing landslides, rushing rivers, and destructive
Electrical Elemental Plane of Air
Fire Elemental Plane of Fire
When a spellcaster creates a golem, he traps the
The gate uses up one spell level per hour.
essence of an elemental (usually earth or water)
The gate snake is immobile but aware during
to give the otherwise useless creation lifelike
this time, and in extreme pain. When all spell
animation and the ability to follow spoken
levels have been used, the gate snake trans-
commands. The creatures of power that dwell
forms to its normal form and is stunned for 2d6
in elemental planes find these practices to be
reprehensible, and an abuse of the elements
Spell Absorption (Su): Gate snakes
they command and are responsible for. In order
absorb magical energy exactly like a rod of
to combat this defilement, noble elementals
spell absorption, except that the spell level
created a type of servant from all four elements
must be equal to or less than the gate snake’s
that has only one mission in life: freeing
HD; if it is higher, it affects the gate snake nor-
trapped elementals from their golem prisons.
mally. Spells are automatically absorbed,
The golem bane’s body is shaped to
whether the snake wishes them to be or not.
resemble a smooth, transparent humanoid.
The absorbed spells cannot be cast back, but
Its glass-like skin contains an interior
have special effects as described above.
filled with elemental energies. The ele-

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

mental vistas within change from roiling storm
clouds to raging fires to gently cascading snow
or soil, all depending on the creature’s current
mood and what sort of power it is calling upon
at the time. Because they are spawned from a
combination of all four elements, golem banes
feel themselves to have a personal responsibil-
ity to protect and preserve the natural balance
between the sentient races, the world they live
on, and the elemental planes themselves.
Golem banes speak all elemental lan-
guages (Ignan, Aquan, Auran, and Terran) as
well as Common.

The golem bane’s special abilities generally
make fights against golems short affairs. The
golem bane ignores any creatures that aren’t
constructs unless attacked by them. While a
capable combatant against non-golems, it
prefers to flee such encounters. The one excep-
tion to this, and a potent exception it is, is when
faced with a spellcaster that has obviously cre-
ated golems. When encountering such beings,
the golem bane enters a homicidal rage.
Because they are ashamed of such displays,
and because they know that the trapped ele-
mentals will relish the opportunity for revenge,
golem banes generally use their catalyze
berserk ability to let the golem itself destroy the
Detect Elemental (Su): A golem bane
can detect golems with unerring accuracy with-
in five miles of its location.
Elemental Burst (Su): Every 1d4 rounds
as a standard action, the golem bane may
release a blast of fire, cold, acid, electricity, and
sonic energy from its body that extends from
the creature in a 30-ft. radius. Creatures in the
radius suffer 12d6 points of energy damage
unless they make a DC 18 Reflex save to sus-
tain half damage. Because the energy damage
is a merging of all the elemental energy types,
only resistance to all of them grants any resis-
tance at all to the attack.
Catalyze Berzerk (Su): When in the
presence of a golem, the golem bane can
encourage its spirit to break free from the will
of the creator. Any golem within 60 ft. of the
golem bane that fails a DC 18 Will save is sub-
ject to this effect. Those that fail their Will save
and normally have a 1% cumulative chance of
going berserk each combat round (flesh and
clay golems, for instance) instead have a 10%
cumulative chance of going berserk each com-
bat round. Those golems that fail their Will

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

save and normally never go berserk (stone and case, guardian elementals react negatively to
iron golems, for instance) have a 5% cumula- being pulled into a “mixed elemental” world;
tive chance of going berserk each combat their fundamental nature is to destroy things
round. A golem whose berserk state was cat- not of their element, regardless of whatever
alyzed by a golem bane immediately seeks out compulsions are placed on it. This makes them

and attempts to destroy its creator. When in this difficult to control or to use reliably. Any spell-
state, the golem can locate its creator with caster calling a guardian must make a caster
unerring accuracy at any distance, as long as level check, modified by Cha, with a DC equal
the creator is on the same plane as the golem. to the elemental’s HD. Failure results in the
Free Elemental (Su): Once a golem has elemental succumbing to an uncontrollable
gone berserk, its elemental spirit may be freed. rage. If the creature is not bound by a magic
The golem bane must make a touch attack circle, it lashes out, killing any living creature
against the golem. The golem must then make it can find. If it is bound, it becomes impossible
a DC 18 Fortitude save or fall inanimate to the to bargain with.
ground. The essence of the elemental within All guardian elementals are particularly
has been bonded to the golem bane’s own ele- strong (huge, greater, and elder) elementals
mental essence, soon to be returned to the with unique powers suiting their roles as pro-
appropriate elemental plane. tectors of their planes. They also have a grand
Immunities (Ex): The golem bane is appearance, usually incorporating one or more
immune to all attacks that use a form of ele- spectacular elements into the more mundane
mental energy (sonic, cold, fire, acid, and elec- look of their normal cousins.
tricity). All guardian elementals share the follow-
Spell-like Abilities: 3/day—find the ing special abilities, in addition to the normal
path, gaseous form, move earth, dimension abilities granted to an elemental of their type
door, passwall, transport via plants, wind walk; and size.
1/day—plane shift (DC 19), wall of ice (DC Guardian Immunity (Su): The magic of
16), wall of iron (DC 18), wall of fire, wall of their home plane protects the guardians from
stone (DC 17), wind wall. Caster level 13th. harm. They gain a +4 racial bonus to all saving
Save DCs are Charisma-based. throws.
Opposed Elements (Ex): Guardian ele-
Guardian elementals mentals are particularly resistant to other ele-
ments, as their first and foremost duty is to pre-
These elemental spirits form out of the raw vent incursions from those elemental planes
stuff of their respective elemental planes. They bordering theirs. Their damage reduction
generate naturally as a response to the incur- increases by 10 against natural attacks by crea-
sions of outside forces. Guardians respond hos- tures of the opposed elemental subtype (earth
tilely to any creature not native to their realms. vs. air, fire vs. water), and by 5 against natural
The longer an incursion continues, the more attacks by creatures with other elemental sub-
guardians appear to deal with it. types. Additionally, guardian elementals have
Any gate opened onto one of the elemen- resistance 15 against spells and effects with
tal planes might call forth guardian elementals. their opposed element as a descriptor, and
For every 10 minutes that the gate is open, resistance 5 against spells and effects with any
there is a 10% chance that 2d4 guardians will other element as a descriptor. In the case of ele-
respond. Once guardians begin to attack, others mental energies, cold equates to water, electric-
home in on the intrusion, with one additional ity relates to air, and acid equates to earth.
guardian appearing every minute. The Augmented Senses (Su): Guardian ele-
guardians exhibit intelligent behavior patterns, mentals can sense the flow and movement of
including massing for an assault against obvi- the elements that make up the world around
ously dangerous foes. them. This gives them blindsight to a radius of
Guardian elementals may (5% chance) be 60 ft. Additionally, creatures of the elemental
accidentally summoned in place of a normal type show up even more distinctly in their sens-
elemental by the appropriate level of summon es, allowing them to sense and pinpoint any
monster or summon nature’s ally spell. such creatures within 120 ft. Finally, they can
Alternatively, a huge guardian elemental may sense any form of dimensional travel or gate
be summoned on purpose with a greater planar within a one-mile radius.
ally or greater planar binding spell. In either

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Air Guardian
Air Guardian, Huge Air Guardian, Greater Air Guardian, Elder
Huge Elemental Huge Elemental Huge Elemental
(Air, Extraplanar) (Air, Extraplanar) (Air, Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 16d8+64 (136 hp) 21d8+84 (178 hp) 24d8+96 (204 hp)
Initiative +13 +14 +15
Speed: Fly 100 ft. (perfect) Fly 100 ft. (perfect) Fly 100 ft. (perfect)
(20 squares) (20 squares) (20 squares)
AC: 21 (–2 size, +9 Dex, +4 natural) 26 (–2 size, +10 dex, +8 natural) 27 (–2 size, +11 Dex, +8 natural)
touch 17, flat-footed 12 touch 18, flat-footed 16 touch 19, flat-footed 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +12/+24 +15/+28 +18/+32
Attack: Slam +19 melee (2d8+4) Slam +24 melee (2d8+5) Slam +27 melee (2d8+6/19–20)
Full Attack: 2 slams +19 melee (2d8+4) 2 slams +24 melee (2d8+5) 2 slams +27 melee (2d8+6/19–20)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Abrasion, air mastery, whirlwind Abrasion, air mastery, whirlwind Abrasion, air mastery, whirlwind
Special Qualities: Augmented senses, damage Augmented senses, damage Augmented senses, damage
reduction 5/—, elemental traits reduction 10/—, elemental traits reduction 10/—, elemental traits
guardian immunities, opposed guardian immunities, opposed guardian immunities, opposed
elements, spell-like abilities elements, spell-like abilities elements, spell-like abilities
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +23, Will +9 Fort +15, Ref +27, Will +11 Fort +17, Ref +28, Will +15
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 29, Con 18, Str 20, Dex 31, Con 18 Str 22, Dex 33, Con 18
Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11 Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +11, Spot +12 Listen +14, Spot +15 Listen +29, Spot +29
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Alertness, Blind-fight, Combat Alertness, Blind-fight, Cleave,
Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby
InitiativeB, Mobility, Spring Improved InitiativeB, Mobility, Attack, Improved InitiativeB,
Attack, Weapon FinesseB Spring Attack, Weapon FinesseB Mobility, Power Attack, Spring
Attack, Weapon Focus (slam)
Climate/Terrain: Elemental Plane of Air Elemental Plane of Air Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary or squad (2–8) Solitary or squad (2–8) Solitary or squad (2–8)
Challenge Rating: 9 11 14
Treasure: None None None
Alignment: Usually neutral Usually neutral Usually neutral
Advancement: 17–20 HD (Huge) 22–23 HD (Huge) 25–48 HD (Huge)

The guardian descriptions do not repeat the Air guardians speak Auran, though they
abilities listed for the elementals in the MM. rarely choose to do so. The voice of an air
guardian sounds like a thunderclap, just barely
Air Guardian restrained into understandable speeds.
A vaporous giant swerves towards you, the
pearl and gray mist that make up its substance
roiling in an unseen wind. Great wings sweep Air guardians use their incredible speed and
back from its shoulders, although they fade in agility to their advantage. They rarely engage in
and out as the substance that forms them twists melee combat, preferring to blast opponents
in the air. It raises translucent hands, unleash- from a distance. Several guardians often coor-
ing lightning drawn from somewhere deep dinate their attacks on a single target, attempt-
within its cloudy depths. ing to destroy it before moving on. They are
intelligent enough to single out spellcasters and
Air guardians are creatures of great speed and archers for special consideration.
power dedicated to the purity of the Elemental In addition to their standard air elemental
Plane of Air. They appear whenever impure abilities, air guardians possess the following
creatures invade the plane, pushing aside lesser special abilities:
creatures in their path of destruction. Most Abrasion (Ex): Every 1d4 rounds as a
intelligent denizens of the Elemental Plane of standard action, the air guardian may call up a
Air give them a wide berth. Like all blast of wind loaded with fine particles. This
guardians, they are difficult to reason with. blast of wind covers a 60-ft. cone. Any creature

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Earth Guardian
Earth Guardian, Huge Earth Guardian, Greater Earth Guardian, Elder
Huge Elemental Huge Elemental Huge Elemental
(Earth, Extraplanar) (Earth, Extraplanar) (Earth, Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 16d8+80 (152 hp) 21d8+105 (199 hp) 24d8+120 (228 hp)
Initiative –1 –1 –1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) 40 ft. (8 squares) 40 ft. (8 squares)
AC: 19 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +12 natural) 21 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +14 natural) 23 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +16 natural)
touch 7, flat-footed 19 touch 7, flat-footed 21 touch 7, flat-footed 23
Base Atk/Grapple: +12/+29 +15/+33 +18/+37
Attack: Slam +19 melee (2d10+9) Slam +24 melee (2d10+10) Slam +27 melee (2d10+11/19–20)
Full Attack: 2 slam +19 melee (2d10+9) 2 slam +24 melee (2d10+10) 2 slam +27 melee (2d10+11/19–20)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Earth mastery, push, tar Earth mastery, push, tar Earth mastery, push, tar
Special Augmented senses, damage Augmented senses, damage Augmented senses, damage
Qualities: reduction 5/—, darkvision 60 ft., reduction 10/—, darkvision 60 ft., reduction 10/—, darkvision 60 ft.,
earth glide, elemental traits, earth glide, elemental traits, earth glide, elemental traits,
guardian immunities, opposed guardian immunities, opposed guardian immunities, opposed
elements, spell-like abilities elements, spell-like abilities elements, spell-like abilities
Saves: Fort +21, Ref +8, Will +11 Fort +23, Ref +10, Will +13 Fort +25, Ref +12, Will +15
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 8, Con 21, Str 31, Dex 8, Con 21 Str 33, Dex 8, Con 21
Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11 Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +10, Spot +9 Listen +14, Spot +14 Listen +29, Spot +29
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Alertness, Awesome Blow, Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave,
Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush,
Iron Will, Power Attack Bull Rush, Iron Will, Power Improved Critical (slam), Iron Will,
Attack, Weapon Focus (slam) Power Attack, Weapon Focus (slam)
Climate/Terrain: Elemental Plane of Earth Elemental Plane of Earth Elemental Plane of Earth
Organization: Solitary Solitary Solitary
Challenge Rating: 9 11 14
Treasure: None None None
Alignment: Usually neutral Usually neutral Usually neutral
Advancement: 17–20 HD (Huge) 22–23 HD (Huge) 25–48 HD (Huge)

caught in the cone takes 1d4 points of damage

per HD of the air guardian and is blinded for Earth Guardian
1d4 rounds. Creatures in the cone may make a The great mound before you heaves itself to its
Reflex save (DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the elemen- feet. Its amorphous legs and arms swing with
tal’s HD + Con modifier) to halve the damage surprising speed, while lumps of gold, silver,
and negate the blindness. Creatures with the and dark metals arrange themselves like armor
earth subtype take 1d8 points of damage per along its stony hide. The scent of freshly tilled
HD of the air guardian rather than 1d4. soil surrounds you as the creature closes.
Spell-like abilities (Sp): At will—call
lightning (DC 13), faerie fire (DC 11), fog Earth guardians are every bit as strong and
cloud, gust of wind (DC 12), shocking grasp. tough as their lesser kin. Oddly, they smell like
Greater and elder air guardians gain: 3/day— fresh-tilled earth, leading some scholars to sug-
blink, color spray (DC 11), and cone of cold gest that these creatures are very close to the
(DC 15). Elder air guardians gain: 1/day— primal creative powers of the universe.
chain lightning (DC 16), prismatic spray (DC Like all guardians elementals, earth
17), and storm of vengeance (DC 19). Huge guardians have an unwavering hatred for any-
guardians cast as 9th-level casters, greater thing not native to their home plane. They even
guardians cast as 11th-level casters, and elder go so far as to attack creatures of their own
guardians cast as 14th-level casters. Save DCs plane that have been “infected” by being
are Charisma-based. summoned into other worlds. They can
speak Terran but usually only speak to

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Fire Guardian
Fire Guardian, Huge Fire Guardian, Greater Fire Guardian, Elder
Huge Elemental Huge Elemental Huge Elemental
(Extraplanar, Fire) (Extraplanar, Fire) (Extraplanar, Fire)

Hit Dice: 16d8+64 (136 hp) 21d8+84 (178 hp) 24d8+96 (204 hp)
Initiative: +11 +12 +13
Speed: 70 ft. (14 squares) 70 ft (14 squares) 70 ft (14 squares)
AC: 19 (–2 size, +7 Dex, +4 natural) 24 (–2 size, +8 Dex, +8 natural) 25 (–2 size, +9 Dex, +8 natural)
touch 15, flat-footed 12 touch 16, flat-footed 16 touch 17, flat-footed 16
Base Atk/Grapple: +12/+24 +15/+28 +18/+32
Attack: Slam +17 melee (2d8+4 plus Slam +23 melee (2d8+5 plus Slam +27 melee (2d8+6/19–20
2d8 fire) 2d8 fire) plus 2d8 fire)
Full Attack: 2 slams +17 melee (2d8+4 plus 2 slams +23 melee (2d8+5 plus 2 slams +27 melee
2d8 fire) 2d8 fire) (2d8+6/19–20 plus 2d8 fire)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Burn, flame lance Burn, flame lance Burn, flame lance
Special Augmented senses, damage Augmented senses, damage Augmented senses, damage
Qualities: reduction 5/—, elemental traits, reduction 10/—, elemental traits, reduction 10/—, elemental traits,
guardian immunities, immune to guardian immunities, immune to guardian immunities, immune to
fire, opposed elements, spell-like fire, opposed elements, spell-like fire, opposed elements, spell-like
abilities, vulnerable to cold abilities, vulnerable to cold abilities, vulnerable to cold
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +23, Will +11 Fort +15, Ref +26, Will +13 Fort +17, Ref +29, Will +15
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 29, Con 18, Str 20, Dex 31, Con 18 Str 22, Dex 33, Con 18
Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11 Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +11, Spot +12 Listen +14, Spot +14 Listen +29, Spot +29
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes Alertness, Blind-fight, Cleave, Alertness, Blind-fight, Cleave,
Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Combat Reflexes, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved
Iron Will, Mobility, Spring InitiativeB,, Mobility, Power Critical, Improved InitiativeB,
Attack, Weapon FinesseB Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Mobility, Power Attack, Spring
FinesseB, Weapon Focus (slam) Attack, Weapon FinesseB,
Weapon Focus (slam)
Climate/Terrain: Elemental Plane of Fire Elemental Plane of Fire Elemental Plane of Fire
Organization: Solitary or squad (2–8) Solitary or squad (2–8) Solitary or squad (2–8)
Challenge Rating: 9 11 14
Treasure: None None None
Alignment: Usually neutral Usually neutral Usually neutral
Advancement: 17–20 HD (Huge) 22–23 HD (Huge) 25–48 HD (Huge)

inform a target of its impending destruction. An will die in the attempt. Against flying oppo-
earth guardian’s voice sounds like a vast hol- nents, they use their tar ability to force the flier
low booming, as though a cave opening to the to earth.
center of the earth were given voice. Tar (Ex): Every 1d4 rounds as a free
action, an earth guardian may exude an amaz-
Combat ingly dense, inflammable, tar-like substance.
This tar may then be thrown as a ranged touch
Earth guardians attack relentlessly, without fear attack (with a range increment of 120 ft.) or
of destruction. They know that if they fall, a used as a melee touch attack. If it hits, the tar
thousand more guardians will take their place. entangles the creature, giving it a –2 penalty on
Every moment they delay the “infection” from attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity.
spreading in their lands is another moment for Additionally, the target must make a Reflex
more guardians to rally. save (DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the guardian’s HD
If faced with opponents who have strong + Con modifier) or be covered in the tar, adding
ranged attacks, earth guardians sink into the 100 lbs. (for huge guardians) to the creature’s
ground, then move into an advantageous posi- encumbrance. Greater guardians’ tar adds 200
tion with their earth glide ability. They may lbs. to the target’s encumbrance, and elder
send one or more of their number in an over- guardians’ tar adds 300 lbs. to the target’s
land charge, fully expecting that the decoys
20 encumbrance. This extra weight is likely to

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Water Guardian
Water Guardian, Huge Water Guardian, Greater Water Guardian, Elder
Huge Elemental Huge Elemental Huge Elemental
(Water, Extraplanar) (Water, Extraplanar) (Water, Extraplanar)

Hit Dice: 16d8+80 (152hp) 21d8+105 (199hp) 24d8+120 (228hp)
Initiative: +4 +5 +6
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), swim 120 ft. 40 ft. (8 squares), swim 120 ft. 40 ft. (8 squares), swim 120 ft.
AC: 21 (–2 size, +4 Dex, +9 natural) 22 (–2 size, +5 Dex, +9 natural) 23 (–2 size, +6 Dex, +9 natural)
touch 12, flat-footed 17 touch 13, flat-footed 17 touch 14, flat-footed 17
Base Atk/Grapple: +12/+27 +15/+31 +18/+35
Attack: Slam +17 melee (2d10+7) Slam +21 melee (2d10+8) Slam +25 melee (2d10+9/19–20)
Full Attack: 2 slams +17 melee (2d10+7) 2 slams +21 melee (2d10+8) 2 slams +25 melee (2d10+9/19–20)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Drench, vortex, water Drench, vortex, water Drench, vortex, water
mastery, wave mastery, wave mastery, wave
Special Augmented senses, damage Augmented senses, damage Augmented senses, damage
Qualities: reduction 5/—, elemental traits reduction 10/—, elemental traits reduction 10/—, elemental traits
guardian immunities, opposed guardian immunities, opposed guardian immunities, opposed
elements, spell-like abilities elements, spell-like abilities elements, spell-like abilities
Saves: Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +11 Fort +23, Ref +18, Will +13 Fort +25, Ref +21, Will +14
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 18, Con 21, Str 26, Dex 20, Con 21 Str 28, Dex 22, Con 21
Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11 Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11 Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +11, Spot +12 Listen +14, Spot +14 Listen +29, Spot +29
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave
Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will Improved Bull Rush, Improved Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Power Attack Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Critical (slam), Improved Sunder,
Reflexes, Power Attack Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
Power Attack
Climate/Terrain: Elemental Plane of Water Elemental Plane of Water Elemental Plane of Water
Organization: Solitary or squad (2–8) Solitary or squad (2–8) Solitary or squad (2–8)
Challenge Rating: 9 11 14
Treasure: None None None
Alignment: Usually neutral Usually neutral Usually neutral
Advancement: 17–20 HD (Huge) 22–23 HD (Huge) 25–48 HD (Huge)
increase a creature’s load, causing walking
creatures to be slowed and flying creatures to Fire Guardian
fall. Whether the target successfully saved or The bright blue-white glow of the elemental
not, the tar may be removed as a full-round flame before you throws everything around it
action that provokes attacks of opportunity. If into stark relief. Its flames leap and roar,
the creature leaves the tar on for more than one trapped in a vaguely humanoid form. Blazing
minute, it hardens into a stony shell, preventing white flames burn where its eyes should be,
the creature from moving until someone cuts it flaring hot enough to melt stone. The air
off (hardness 8, hit points 30). Creatures with around the creature takes on the scent of pure
the air subtype receive a –4 penalty to their sav- burnt ash.
ing throws against this attack.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will—grease Whatever process creates guardian elementals
(DC 11), melf’s acid arrow, soften earth and refines these creatures into a white-hot fury.
stone. Greater and elder guardians gain: They burn so brightly that other creatures can
3/day—slow (DC 13), spike stones, stone barely stand to look at them. Even other crea-
shape, wall of stone. Elder guardians gain: tures from the Elemental Plane of Fire avoid
1/day—disintegration (DC 15), earthquake them, fearing that somehow their presence will
(DC 18), and freedom of movement. Huge consume the fuel that keeps them burning.
guardians cast as 9th-level casters, greater Fire guardians speak Ignan, though
guardians cast as 12th-level casters, and elder they rarely choose to do so. Of all the
guardians cast as 15th-level casters. Save DCs guardians, they are the least controlled,
are Charisma-based.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

flinging themselves into the defense of their guardian may fire two lances that do 10d8
plane with wild abandon. Their frenzy of points of fire damage each. An elder guardian
destruction sometimes spills over onto may fire four lances that do 12d8 points of fire
bystanders. A fire guardian’s voice sounds like damage each. Separate targets must be within
the roaring of a great fire. 30 ft. of each other. The target may make a

Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 the elemental’s HD +

Combat Con modifier) for half damage. Creatures that
fail the save have accidentally exposed one of
Fire guardians attack in a reckless frenzy, strik- their possessions to the ray, which must make a
ing out at every moving target without regard Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the elemental’s
for whether it is friend or foe. They also take HD + Con modifier) or be destroyed. A critical
great advantage of their immunity to fire, tar- failure on the Reflex save causes two items to
geting powerful destructive spells at their feet. be targeted for destruction. Items are affected
If they outnumber their attackers, one guardian in the following order: shield, armor,
squares off with each target, while the remain- helmet/hat/headband, item in hand, cloak,
ing rain spells down into the fray. stowed or sheathed weapon, bracers, clothing,
The following powers are in addition to and jewelry. The flame lance deals double
standard fire elemental and guardian powers: damage to creatures with the water subtype.
Flaming Burst (Ex): Fire guardians’ Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will—burn-
slam attacks are considered flaming burst ing hands (DC 11), fire shield, scorching ray
weapons, doing an additional 2d10 points of (DC 12). Greater and elder guardians gain:
fire damage when a critical hit is scored. 3/day—fireball (DC 13) and wall of fire. Elder
Flame Lance (Ex): Every 1d4 rounds, a guardians gain: 1/day—delayed blast fireball
fire guardian may unleash lances of white-hot (DC 17) and incendiary cloud (DC 18). Huge
flame as a standard action. The lances have a guardians cast as 9th-level casters, greater
range of 200 ft. and may target one creature guardians cast as 11th-level casters, and elder
each. A huge guardian may fire one lance that guardians cast as 14th-level casters. Save DCs
does 8d8 points of fire damage. A greater are Charisma-based.


Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

level casters, and elder guardians cast as 14th-
Water Guardian level casters. Save DCs are Charisma-based.
The water around you heaves upwards into a
mockery of the human form. Rippling and Harbor Horror

swirling within its unnatural confinement, the
water’s restless motion hints at unspeakable Gargantuan Elemental (Water)
power. The creature’s surface reflects nothing of Hit Dice: 26d8+182 (299 hp)
the world around it, as if it drinks in every image. Initiative: +3
Speed: Swim 120 ft. (24 squares)
Water guardians patrol the fathomless depths of AC: 18 (–4 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural), touch 9,
the Elemental Plane of Water, seeking out any flat-footed 9
intruders. Their unusual, non-reflective surface Base Attack/Grapple: +19/+42
makes them unnerving to look at. Attack: Slam +27 melee (2d12+11)
Like all water elementals, water Full Attack: 2 slams +27 melee (2d12+11)
guardians speak Aquan, and deign to speak Space/Reach: 20 ft./20 ft.
with their fellows more often than most Special Attacks: Drench, shipbane, water-
guardians. They realize that the guardians can- spout, whirlpool
not hope to patrol the endless depths of the Special Qualities: Blindsight 240 ft., bound,
Plane of Water without the aid of others. They damage reduction 10/magic, elemental
also use their area of effect spells selectively, traits, fire immunity, fog cloud
making sure not to harm the plane’s denizens. Saves: Fort +22, Ref +11, Will +7
This forethought means that most water Abilities: Str 32, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 12, Wis
guardians can count on assistance from their 8, Cha 14
fellow creatures, a radical departure from the Skills: Hide +20, Listen +28, Spot +28
normal guardian/denizen relationship. Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Diehard,
Endurance, Great Cleave, Improved Bull
Combat Rush, Improved Grapple, Improved Sunder,
Power Attack
Water guardians are typically very cautious when Climate/Terrain: Shallow salt water
they engage in battle. They try to avoid causing Organization: Solitary or reef (2–4)
collateral damage. In battle, the guardians work Challenge Rating: 12
well together, concentrating their attacks on a Treasure: Double normal
single target whenever possible. Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Water guardians have the following Advancement: 27–52 HD (Colossal)
unique abilities in addition to their elemental
and guardian powers: Many a wizard has summoned and bound
Wave (Ex): Every 1d4 rounds as a stan- water elementals to protect and aid merchant
dard action, the water guardian can unleash a and military vessels that travel through haz-
sweeping wave of freezing water in a 60-ft. ardous waters. Some of these magical bindings
cone. Any creature caught in the cone takes 1d4 suddenly become imprisonment when the ship
points of damage per HD of the guardian ele- the elemental is bound to sinks because of
mental and is knocked off its feet and pushed to weather, reefs, or piracy.
the farthest edge of the cone. Creatures in the Years of captivity in the shallow waters
cone may make a Fortitude save (DC equal to surrounded by the wreckage of its prison is
10 + 1/2 the elemental’s HD + Con modifier) to enough to drive nearly any creature mad, and
halve the damage and remain unmoved and the destructive force that was born of just such
standing. Creatures with the fire subtype take circumstances is known as a harbor horror.
1d8 points of damage per HD of the guardian These nearly insane water elementals are
elemental rather than 1d4. trapped near the sunken ship to which they
Spell-like abilities (Sp): At will—blur, were bound, and now seek the destruction of all
chill metal (DC 12), chill touch, create water, ships and those who remind the horror of the
and fog cloud; Greater and elder guardians spellcaster that bound it thereto. In time, the
gain: 3/day—control water, hold monster (DC horror becomes part of the wreckage, the reefs
15) and ice storm (DC 14). Elder guardians and rocks upon which it rests, and the water
gain: 1/day—horrid wilting (DC 18) and ele- around it.
mental swarm. Huge guardians cast as 9th- In some cases, a harbor can become
a refuge for several of these creatures,
level casters, greater guardians cast as 11th-

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

A creature within 5 feet has one-half conceal-
ment and creatures farther away have total con-
cealment. A moderate wind (11+ mph) dispers-
es the fog in 10 rounds; a strong wind (21+
mph) disperses the fog in 3 rounds. Caster level

Ship Bane (Ex): A harbor horror’s ability
to manipulate water within a 1000-ft. radius
can easily overturn small craft (1 foot of length
per Hit Die of the horror) and stop larger ves-
sels (10 feet long per HD). Even the largest
ships (20 feet long per HD) can be slowed to
half speed.
Waterspout (Ex): Once every 1d4
rounds, a harbor horror can launch a blast of
water as a ranged touch attack at targets other-
wise beyond its reach. The waterspout has a
range of 240 ft. and does 10d6 points of dam-
age, half of it nonlethal, as the target is blasted
with water, sand, rocks and debris.
Whirlpool (Ex): As a full-round action, a
harbor horror can create a whirlpool within 60
ft. The whirlpool is up to 60 feet deep and 30
feet wide at the top and lasts for 1d4+1 rounds.
Creatures and objects of up to Huge size take
2d8 points of damage per round within the
whirlpool and must also make a DC 25 Reflex
save or be smashed against the stones and
either when a group of warships with elemental wooden spars of the horror’s wreckage for a
companions is destroyed in shallow water, or further 2d8+11 points of damage. The target (if
when a single harbor horror purposefully targets able to swim) may make a DC 25 Reflex save
other ships that have elementals bound to them, to escape from the whirlpool each round, oth-
thus creating more shipwrecks and more hor- erwise it is trapped within it. Creatures escap-
rors. ing the whirlpool still take damage that round.
As the whirlpool picks up wreckage and sand
COMBAT in the shallows, it creates a swirling cloud of
debris centered on the center of the whirlpool
A harbor horror typically creates a fog cloud
and extending outward 30 feet. The cloud
centered on itself and a target ship in an attempt
obscures all vision, including darkvision,
to force the ship aground on nearby reefs or jut-
beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have one-
ting rocks. If the ship is too cautious, the horror
half concealment, while those farther away
uses its blindsight to target ships and swimmers
have total concealment. Those caught in the
with whirlpools and waterspout attacks. The
cloud must succeed at a Concentration check to
horror is capable of mighty strikes, attacking
cast a spell (DC 20 + spell level). As a standard
with watery blows combined with the massive
action, a harbor horror can move a whirlpool it
rocks and broken wood of the shipwreck and
created in any direction within range, up to 30
reefs with which it has merged.
Drench (Ex): The harbor horror’s touch
Bound: Originally due to the magics that
puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns,
trapped it, but now because the very debris and
and other open flames of nonmagical origin if
rocks it was once bound to are now a part of its
these are of Huge size or smaller. The creature
form, a harbor horror cannot move more than
can dispel magical fire with a touch as if using
120 ft. from the shipwreck that spawned it.
dispel magic (caster level 10th).
Fog Cloud (Su): A harbor horror can cre-
ate a bank of fog twice per day that billows out
across a 200-ft. radius. The fog obscures all
sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Haunt Elementals
Haunt elementals are bodiless elemental spirits
that can be benevolent advisors, minute pests,

or significant dangers. They generally arrive on
the Material Plane by accident, riding along
when an elemental is summoned and being left
behind when the elemental is dismissed. They
cannot live for long (and indeed, are power-
less) unless they are occupying some amount
of a specified element. These fragile forms are
easily destroyed, but often well hidden.
To most, haunt elementals are simply
troublesome spirits and supernatural pests.
Druids and clerics with elemental domains
often act as exterminators, sending them back
to their home planes when possible. Artificers,
however, value the creatures, having discov-
ered that haunts make excellent power sources
for minor constructs that do not require (nor
could they contain) such powerful entities as
true elementals.
Haunt Traits: A haunt elemental pos-
sesses the following traits (unless otherwise
noted in a creature’s entry).
—Elemental Jump (Su): At will and as a
standard action, haunt elementals may use a
dimension door ability with double the normal
range. This ability does not move the creature’s Fetor Fiend
body; rather, the haunt’s bodiless spirit travels
Small Elemental (Water)
to the new destination. Haunts may only travel
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp)
to and from amounts of their element large
Initiative: +8
enough to contain them. They are automatical-
Speed: 40 ft. (4 squares)
ly aware of all viable destinations within range
AC: 18 (+1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15,
of the spell. This is the only action a haunt may
flat-footed 14
take if its body has been destroyed (see below).
Base Attacks/Grapple: +1/–4
Caster level 10th.
Attack: Slam +3 melee (disease)
—Immortal (Ex): The forms that haunt
Full Attack: 2 slams +3 melee (disease)
elementals take on are not their true bodies.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
The creatures themselves are bodiless spirits.
Special Attacks: Disease, evasion
When a haunt’s body is destroyed, the haunt
Special Qualities: Elemental traits, haunt traits
must use its elemental jump to find a new batch
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
of host element. If none are in range, the haunt
Abilities: Str 10, Con 15, Dex 18, Int 12, Wis
is helpless, unable to be seen or heard and
12, Cha 15
unable to affect its environment in any way. It
Skills: Hide +13, Move Silently +9, Tumble +9
loses one point of Constitution per round when
Feats: Improved Initiative
in this state. When it reaches zero Constitution,
Environment: Any urban, sewer
it is forced back to its home plane.
Organization: Stink (3–5)
—Skills: Haunts gain a +10 bonus to
Challenge Rating: 1
Hide checks when they are in the midst of their
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Haunt elementals speak the language that
Advancement: —
corresponds with their element (Aquan, Auran,
Ignan, or Terran). Older haunt elementals may
Fetor fiends are disgusting creatures that
also speak Common.
resemble imps made of organic waste,

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)


trash, and water. They roam the sewer systems

of large cities or walk the streets of cities where Flue Blight
waste flows aboveground in ditches, spreading Tiny Elemental (Fire)
disease among the humanoid populace. They Hit Dice: 1/2d8+2 (4 hp)
delight in making other creatures sick and wal- Initiative: –2
lowing in the filth that makes up their bodies. Speed: —
AC: 17 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13,
Combat flat-footed 16
Disease (Ex): A fetor fiend can cause a minor Base Attack/Grapple: —/–—
version of filth fever with its touch. The disease Attack: —
is usually marked with boil-like sores at first, Full Attack: —
which then spread deeper into the body to Space/Reach: 5 ft./—
cause internal infection. The DC to resist infec- Special Attacks: Everburning, malevolent
tion and recover from the disease is 11, and the flame
damage is one point of Dexterity and one point Special Qualities: Elemental traits, haunt traits
of Constitution. The save DC is Charisma- Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0
based. Abilities: Str —, Con 15, Dex 12, Int 7, Wis
Evasion (Ex): Fetor fiends constantly 10, Cha 12
leap about in combat, granting them evasion as Skills: Hide +9, Sleight of Hand +5
per the rogue class ability. Feats: Lightning Reflexes
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1/4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: —

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Special Attacks: Beneficient flame
The flue blight is a malevolent creature that Special Qualities: Elemental traits, haunt traits
haunts fireplaces, stoves, and hearths. Though Saves: Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +3
some have been found to inhabit campfires, Abilities: Str 10, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 15, Wis
such haunts are often easily extinguished and 17, Cha 13

quickly find themselves with no new flame to Skills: Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge
inhabit. Urban flue blights are extremely diffi- (nature) +6, Listen +9, Spot +9
cult to contain and destroy, however, and even Feats: Weapon Finesse
when most fires in a city are extinguished, they Environment: Any land
can remain hidden in glowing embers and coals Organization: Solitary
for several days. Most appear as normal and Challenge Rating: 1/2
inviting fires, except when they believe no one Treasure: None
is looking. At that time, one may witness a Alignment: Always good
cackling humanoid face staring out from the Advancement: —
frame of brick or stone.
Like the stonewise, the pyrians are a race of
Combat good haunt elementals. While the thanks for
giving fire to man is usually claimed by major
Malevolent Flame (Su): A flue blight can deities of creation, smithing, or the sun, crea-
raise or lower the temperature of the fire it tures from the Elemental Plane of Fire claim
occupies at will. The fire can only be forced that these innocuous fire spirits are the true
within normal temperature ranges and size for giver of flame. That status has made them pari-
the fuel fed to it, and cannot be lowered so far ahs among their fellows, but pyrians care not;
that it goes out. It can char food, burn hands they continue about their mission with right-
that feed the fire, lower the fire so that it pre- eous zeal. Specifically, they see themselves as
vents warmth from spreading, and even send shepherds of flame. They instruct primitive
forth showers of sparks that might cause flam- races in its creation and use, and prevent civi-
mable objects within a foot of the fire to ignite. lized races from using it for destructive pur-
The flue blight can never do more than one poses.
point of damage per round with this ability (DC
11 Reflex save to avoid) and flammable objects
may make a DC 11 Fortitude save (modifiers as
appropriate for the material) or begin to slowly Beneficient Flame (Su): Pyrians’ movements,
smolder, catching on fire in 1d10 rounds. The like their malevolent cousins the flue blights,
save DC is Charisma-based. are limited to the fire they occupy. However,
Everburning (Ex): A fire infested by a their abilities have a wider range and greater
flue blight cannot be extinguished by normal power. They can affect up to 1 cubic foot of fire
means. A spell with the cold descriptor can per round, raising or lowering its temperature
extinguish the fire and force the flue blight to to within the range of any normal fire. This
flee the fireplace for less-hostile accommoda- power has a range of 15 ft. Pyrians use this
tions. Some winter travelers actually cultivate a power, among other things, to extend the life of
flue blight’s presence for this reason, accepting a fire by maximizing the efficiency of the fuel
the minor burns and charred food for the guar- that it burns, to put out dangerous fires or those
anteed heat source. being used for evil purposes, and to consume
the fire’s fuel more quickly to prevent the fire’s
Pyrian spread. In the rare instances that a pyrian feels
the need to attack an evil-doer, it can make
Tiny Elemental (Fire) swipes at such foes with its fiery slam attack.
Hit Dice: 1/2d8+1 (5 hp) Flammable objects that a pyrian attempts to
Initiative: +4 ignite must make a DC 11 Fortitude save (mod-
Speed: — ifiers as appropriate for the material) or catch
AC: 16 (+2 size, +4 Dex), touch 16, flat-foot- fire immediately. The save DC is Charisma-
ed 12 based.
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/–8
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d3 fire)
Full Attack: 2 slams +7 melee (1d3 fire)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./5 ft.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

cern location, vision. The stonewise cannot be
Stonewise coerced to use these abilities with threats,
Tiny Elemental (Earth) blackmail, or even mental compulsions or
Hit Dice: 1d8+3 (7 hp) mind-influencing affects. However, stonewise
are good beings, and may use their abilities if

Initiative: +2
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) convinced that their services will work towards
AC: 13 (+2 size, –3 Dex, +4 natural), touch 9, the good of all; they also love expensive gems
flat-footed 13 and precious metals, and can be bargained with
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/–8 to accept such treasures for important informa-
Attack: — tion. Caster level 12th.
Full Attack: —
Full Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. Tankard Spirit
Special Attacks: Stone rain Tiny Elemental (Water)
Special Qualities: Elemental traits, haunt Hit Dice: 1/2d8+1 (3 hp)
traits, secrets of the earth Initiative: +4
Saves: Fort +5, Ref -3, Will +4 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 5, Con 16, Int 18, Wis AC: 17 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14,
18, Cha 19 flat-footed 15
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge Base Attack/Grapple: —/—
(history) +8, Knowledge (local) +11, Attack: —
Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobili- Full Attack: —
ty and royalty) +8, Knowledge (the planes) Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
+8 Special Attacks: Sputter
Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge [local]) Special Qualities: Elemental traits, haunt
Environment: Any land traits, transmutation
Organization: Solitary Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Challenge Rating: 1/4 Abilities: Str 6, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10,
Treasure: Gems only Cha 10
Alignment: Always good Skills: Escape Artist +8, Hide +4
Advancement:— Feats: Dodge
Environment: Any tavern or inn
Stonewise are benevolent spirits of the earth Organization: Solitary
that collect and dispense wisdom. They appear Challenge Rating: 1/4
as small head-size rocks with squat arms and Treasure: None
legs. These haunt elementals consider their Alignment: Always chaotic neutral
knowledge and secrets to be more valuable Advancement: —
than any cause or territory, and quickly flee any
threat or combat in order to protect the knowl- These haunt elementals are also called
edge they contain. “dwarf’s bane” and “barkeep’s blight” because
they ruin stores of alcoholic beverage. While
Combat they often remain hidden in their watery
Stone Rain (Su): The only offensive attack a homes, a barkeep can easily tell if he has a
stonewise has is its ability to animate pebbles tankard spirit infection because all of his stock
and send them flying towards opponents. All becomes water as the tankard spirit absorbs the
creatures in a 15-ft. radius around the alcohol in it. They are also moody creatures
stonewise must make a DC 14 Reflex save or that dislike being poured into a glass or tankard
take 1d3 points of damage from the assault. and take out their frustrations on whatever
Success negates all damage. Spellcasters must creature happens to be trying to drink them.
make DC 10 + spell level Concentration checks Sputter (Ex): Inattentive tankard spirits
to cast spells within the stone rain. The save may accidentally let themselves be poured into
DC is Charisma-based. a tankard, interrupting their absorption of the
Secret of the Earth (Sp): Stonewise can alcohol. The misplaced tankard spirit takes its
call upon the knowledge of the earth to cast ire out on the drinker, forcing its way into the
divination spells. At will—augury; 1/day— lungs when drunk and causing a choking fit.
divination, locate object, meld into stone; Any creature subject to this attack must make a
DC 11 Fortitude save each round or suffer a
1/week—scrying, stone tell; 1/year—dis-

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

point of nonlethal damage. Success forces the
tankard spirit from the victim’s lungs, as does
unconsciousness. The save DC is Constitution-
Transmutation (Ex): Tankard spirits

love to consume alcohol from barrels of spirits
and ale. A spirit can easily transform any full
barrel of spirits or ale into a barrel of purified
water in the span of a day. A purify food and
drink cast on a barrel infested with a tankard
spirit causes it to flee the barrel.

Ice Rook Swarm

Tiny Elemental Swarm (Cold, Extraplanar,
Hit Dice: 11d8+20 (69 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: Fly 40 ft. (average) (10 squares)
AC: 18 (+2 size, +4 dex, +2 natural), touch 16,
flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/—
Attack: Swarm (2d6 plus 1d6 cold)
Full Attack: Swarm (2d6 plus 1d6 cold)
Face/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Distraction, ice javelin volley
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/—,
elemental qualities, immune to cold, swarm
qualities, vulnerable to fire their savagery. When encountered on the
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +6 Material Plane, they are likely to launch attacks
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 16, at any non-elemental creature. As they do not
Cha 10 communicate beyond an animal level, no one
Skills: Listen +12, Spot +15 can be entirely certain what provokes a hostile
Feats: Alertness, Hover, Lightning Reflexes, response. Some sages theorize that, like the
Skill Focus (Spot) birds they resemble, ice rooks are attracted to
Environment: Elemental Plane of Water shiny objects. Unlike normal birds, they have
Organization: Solitary, flight (2–4 swarms), the power to take what they want, killing whole
or murder (5–12 swarms) villages just to get a single bright coin.
Challenge Rating: 7 When trapped on the Material Plane, ice
Treasure: Normal* rooks create rookeries of ice on high mountain
Alignment: Usually neutral peaks. These vast colonies may contain up to
Advancement: None three murders of the rooks (up to 36 swarms)
living together. What treasure can be found
High above you, a thousand shards of translu- there must be pried from the cold, dead fingers
cent ice scatter the sun into rainbow patterns. of fools who climbed the peaks looking for a
Then some of them twist and dive towards you, fight. A rookery holds hundreds of nests made
the friction of the air melting their birdlike of strands of pure ice, woven and frozen
forms into long javelins of ice. together over time.

These natives of the Elemental Plane of Water Combat

look like crows made of pure, translucent ice.
Light reflects off of their polished surfaces, Ice rook swarms rarely swarm down onto their
making them shine like diamonds. The rooks targets. Instead, a handful of the rooks streak
flock together in large masses, although occa- down at the target. As they descend, the crea-
sionally a single one might appear as the ser- tures’ bodies elongate into javelins of ice.
vant of a powerful magician. The javelins inflict piercing and cold
Ice rooks are noted for their beauty and damage.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

form after the combat. Furthermore, any time
If forced to engage in direct combat, the swarm the swarm is damaged using an electricity or
assails any within its space with a deadly com- negative energy effect, there is a 25% chance
bination of claws, beaks, and bone-breaking that a javelin falls to the ground. Each javelin
cold. may only be thrown once, and is destroyed

Distraction (Ex): Any living creature upon use.

vulnerable to a swarm’s damage that begins its Swarm qualities: The ice rook swarm
turn in its square is nauseated for 1 round; a DC has all of the normal abilities and immunities of
17 Fortitude save negates the effect. a swarm (see MM).
Spellcasting or concentrating on spells within
the area of a swarm requires a Concentration
check (DC 20 + spell level). Skills that involve
patience and concentration require DC 20 Medium Outsider (Air, Extraplanar)
Concentration checks. Hit Dice: 7d8+28 (59 hp)
Ice Javelin Volley (Ex): One per round, Initiative: +6
an ice rook swarm can unleash a volley of ice Speed: Fly 80 ft. (perfect) (16 squares)
rooks that transform themselves into magical AC: 20 (+6 Dex, +4 natural), touch 16, flat-
javelins. The volley has a range increment of footed 14
60 ft. and targets all creatures in a 10-ft. cube. Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+8
Each creature is the target of 1d6 javelins. The Attack: Bite +13 melee (1d8+1 plus poison)
javelins have an attack bonus of +14 and are Full Attack: Bite +13 melee (1d8+1 plus poi-
considered +2 distance icy burst javelins son)
(1d6+2+1d6 cold). Javelins caught using the Face/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Deflect Arrows or Snatch Arrows feats can be Special Attacks: Entangle, poison
kept as treasure (see below). Special Qualities: Concealment, hide in plain
*Ice rooks in javelin form can be harvest- sight, web
ed as one-use magical weapons. For each vol- Saves: Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +6
ley that a swarm launches, there is a 25% Abilities: Str 12, Dex 23, Con 18, Int 3, Wis
chance that one ice rook remains in javelin 13, Cha 8
Skills: Hide +28*, Listen +13, Move Silently
+18, Spot +13
Feats: Alertness, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse
Environment: Elemental Plane of Air
Organization: Solitary, pair, or nest (6–10)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 8–15 HD (Medium), 16–20
HD (Large)
You catch glimpses of an almost invisible, spi-
der-like creature made of crystal and mist. A bit
of its thorax and one of its clawed legs flashes
into view as it moves, visible more as distor-
tions than as solid objects. For now, the crea-
ture seems to be ignoring you, intent upon
something struggling high above.

Isolins are native predators of the Elemental

Plane of Air. They rarely come to the Material
Plane, although sorcerers and wizards looking
for protection from flying creatures may sum-
mon them. Isolins look like man-size spiders
made of constantly shifting glass and smoke.
They weigh no more than one pound and smell
like a dusty room. Isolins move by scuttling on
the air itself.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Unlike many outsiders, isolins do not includes a +4 racial bonus.
object to being trapped on the Material Plane. Poison (Su): Injury, Fortitude DC 17, ini-
For them, the transition from one plane to tial damage target’s fly speed is halved, sec-
another requires little effort. On their home ondary damage paralysis. This supernatural
plane, they hunt whatever creatures fly into poison’s ability to halve the target’s fly speed is

their traps. On the Material they do just the permanent, and even affects temporary flight
same, stretching impossibly designed webs abilities granted by spells and spell-like abili-
high into the air to capture flying creatures for ties. Any time the subject flies in the future, by
consumption. whatever means, his fly speed is half normal.
Isolins are prized as guards against aerial This effect persists until removed with a
attackers. Unlike ordinary spiders, they can remove curse. The paralysis lasts 1d3 hours.
anchor their webs to thin air. Additionally, their Concealment (Ex): Attacks targeting an
poison somehow strips flying creatures of isolin have a 40% chance to miss due to the
flight, crippling the victim. creature’s near invisibility.
These predators create web lairs high in Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Isolins’ airy
the sky. When their spring mating season ends, substance makes them nearly invisible. On any
isolins drag a large, fast flier of some kind up round that an isolin does not move more than 5
into their lair. There they lay up to 100 eggs feet, it can make a Hide check with no penal-
beneath the victim’s flesh; within 1d4 days ties, regardless of objects to hide behind.
these eggs hatch, killing the victim and releas- Isolins also do not suffer penalties to Hide
ing a new horde of isolins into the world. checks while moving.
Isolins are barely more intelligent than Web (Ex): Isolins create massive webs
animals. Fortunately for those who would use anchored in the air. These webs are almost
them, isolins tend to settle wherever they find a impossible to spot (Spot DC 20). Creatures
steady supply of food; those desiring isolins as trapped in the web are treated as though affect-
guards typically maintain a huge stock of fly- ed by an entangle attack. Isolins are immune to
ing creatures to ensure the richness of the local their own webs, as well as those of other
hunting. isolins.
Skills: Isolins have a +10 racial bonus to
Combat Hide checks.
Isolins ignore creatures that cannot fly unless
directly attacked. An army could walk by under Last Breath
a horde of them, and so long as none of them
Medium Elemental (Air, Incorporeal)
took to the air, the isolins would just sit and
Hit Dice: 4d8–4 (14 hp)
wait. Nothing that walks is prey. If attacked,
Initiative: +4
isolins attempt to retreat into a nearby web.
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)
Flying targets, on the other hand, are
AC: 16 (+4 Dex, +2 deflection), touch 16,
almost always attacked if they come into an
flat–footed 12
isolin’s view. The predator generally waits for
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/—
the flier to become entangled somewhere in its
Attack: Incorporeal touch +7 melee (1d4)
elaborate webs, but drops down on unsuspect-
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +7 melee (1d4)
ing fliers if the opportunity presents itself.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Isolins choose targets based on flight speed and
Special Attacks: Steal breath
maneuverability; extremely fast targets like air
Special Qualities: Create spawn, daylight
elementals get preference over slower targets
powerlessness, elemental traits, incorporeal
like human fliers.
Entangle (Ex): By making a touch attack
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +8, Will +2
against an opponent up to one size category
Abilities: Str —, Dex 18, Con 8, Int 14, Wis
larger than itself, an isolin can wrap a target in
12, Cha 14
sticky webs. If the attack succeeds, the target is
Skills: Hide +4*, Listen +3, Search +9, Sense
entangled. Entangled creatures may make a DC
Motive +8, Spot +10
16 Strength check or DC 12 Escape Artist
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
check to escape. Both are standard actions that
Climate/Terrain: Any land and under-
provoke attacks of opportunity. The webs have
hardness 0 and 6 hit points. The check DCs are
Organization: Solitary or pack (2–6)
Constitution-based, and the Strength check

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Last breaths are often summoned by evil
clerics and wizards to be used as assassins in
the dark, as they are able to slay even powerful
foes in their sleep. Their link to such dark mag-
ics and assassination, as well as their shadowy

nature, further enhances the myth that they are

a form of undead. The fact that new last breaths
are created when they slay a target only rein-
forces the idea.
Humanoid in shape, but composed of
black shadowy wisps of air, last breaths lack
eyes completely, with only holes where they
should be that show the landscape or room
behind them. Many last breaths appear to bear
daggers or scimitars, or wear the shape of a
shadow cloak, but none of these cosmetics
affect their abilities.

Last breaths prefer to close quietly with their
foes and strike them dead from the shadows. If
confronted in the open, they tend to flee unless
otherwise compelled (via summon monster
spells or other effects). If forced into combat,
they attack clerics as a preference, hoping the
cleric will waste valuable time attempting to
turn or rebuke them.
Challenge Rating: 2 Steal Breath (Su): A last breath with
Treasure: Normal complete surprise or attacking a helpless,
Alignment: Usually neutral evil unaware foe (or more frequently a sleeping vic-
Advancement: 5–8 HD (Medium), 9–12 HD tim) may steal the breath from its victim as a
(Large) full-round action. Each round of this attack, the
victim must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or
With the silence and suddenness of death itself, suffer a 1d6 points of Constitution damage and
the incorporeal creature approaches your 1d4 points of Strength damage. This attack
bedridden companion. It scans the room quick- does not waken a sleeping victim unless he
ly, searching for possible witnesses. When its successfully makes two saving throws against
eyes pass over your hiding spot, you see that it in a row. For each point of Strength drawn
they are nothing but empty holes in the shape of from a victim, the last breath gains a +1 deflec-
its head. tion bonus to AC and a +1 to attack and dam-
age. These bonuses fade at a rate of one per
Last breaths are evil creatures of air laced with hour.
the power of shadow. Although formed of Daylight Powerlessness (Ex): Last
tainted air and shadows, they appear much akin breaths are utterly powerless in natural sunlight
to wraiths or dark ghosts, and are often mistak- and flee from it. They cannot make any attacks,
en for undead when chased away from their nor use any of their special qualities or abili-
victims. They slip into homes and fortresses ties.
unobserved and silent, able to cross through Create Spawn (Su): If a humanoid is
most non-magical protective barriers. Once slain by the steal breath ability of a last breath,
inside, they search out those who slumber in its own breath emerges the next night as a
order to steal their breath away. Although diffi- being of pure evil, a free-willed last breath.
cult to harm in combat, they are cowardly and This last breath looks vaguely like the body it
timid, preferring to take advantage of the emerged from. The slain humanoid may still be
defenseless and weak instead of challenging brought back to life through all of the normal
more potent adversaries. means, as its spirit has not left it . . . simply a
piece of its bodily processes. However, a crea-

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

ture that has died and been brought back to life Spot +13, Tumble +20
in this manner, in addition to Feats: Improved Critical (firebolt), Improved
any other side effects of the InitiativeB, Point Blank ShotB, Precise Shot,
spell used to bring him back Rapid Shot
to life, loses 1d4 points of Environment: Any

Constitution. Organization: Always soli-
Skills: Last breaths tary
gain a +10 racial bonus to Challenge Rating: 8
Hide checks in natural shad- Treasure: Standard
ows. Alignment: Lawful
Summoning a last Neutral
breath: A last breath can Advancement: By
be summoned using character class
the summon monster
IV spell. The spell As the cloaked form
must be cast at night, rises from a crouch on
as the last breath won’t the roof above, you can
come during the day, even see a red-tinged, man-
in a place of perfect dark- shaped shadow being cast
ness. A summoning spell behind it, as if it were lit
used to summon a last from within by a dark-
breath gains the evil descrip- ly burning flame. A
tor. hiss of amusement
escapes its lips, punctu-
ated by a volley of fire
Mercure streaking out from its
Medium Outsider hands.
(Extraplanar, Fire)
Hit Dice: 8d8+48 (68 Mercures are outsiders
hp) that have forged a link
Initiative: +11 to the Elemental Plane of
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares) Fire. Though they are
Armor Class: 21 (+7 Dex, +4 nat- humanoid-shaped, they have
ural), touch 17, flat-footed 14 a bright reddish tinge to their
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+10 skin, and their eyes are jet
Attack: Flame blade +10 melee black, devoid of any iris or
touch (1d8+4) or firebolt +16 pupil. Much of the his-
ranged (2d6 plus 4d6 tory of their race is
fire/19–20/x3) shrouded in mystery, and
Full Attack: Flame blade +7/+2 the exact location of
melee touch (1d8+4) or their home plane is a
firebolt +16/+11 (2d6 plus closely guarded secret.
4d6 fire/19–20/x3) or firebolt While intelligent, mercures
+14/+14/+9 (2d6 plus 4d6 are extremely taciturn, and
fire/19–20/x3) rarely respond to questions
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. with more than a nod or a
Special Attacks: Firebolt, flame grunt. Instead, they are
blade creatures of action, and usu-
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., uncanny ally indicate their intentions simply by inciner-
dodge ating their targets. More than one bravo has
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +8 mistaken the silent stare of a mercure for weak-
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 25, Con 18, Int 14, Wis ness, and been turned into a small pile of ash
14, Cha 14 because of it.
Skills: Balance +18, Climb +12, Hide +18, Mercures are known far and wide across
Intimidate +13, Jump +14, Listen +13, the planes as mercenaries, bounty hunters,
Move Silently +18, Sense Motive +13, and soldiers for hire. While they general-
ly have no desire for actual wealth, the

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

fees they charge for their services are still exor- Fire, from which molten projectiles issue forth
bitant. They see the money that they receive for at high speeds. This attack does both projectile
their work as a mark of esteem for being the damage and fire damage. A mercure can gener-
best in the business. Mercures tend to spend ate and fire firebolts as easily as an archer may
that acquired wealth as fast as they make it, draw forth arrows from a quiver. Unlike most

using it to fund gambling binges, lavish living, missile weapon attacks, however, launching a
and the best and fanciest equipment. Observers firebolt does not provoke attacks of opportuni-
note that mercures seem to take little pleasure ties. The projectiles have a range increment of
in these sensual pursuits, however, and are 120 ft. Anyone hit by the projectiles must also
often restless to be back in the heat of battle. make a DC 16 Reflex save or catch on fire, tak-
Although they are fascinated by the fire ing 1d6 points of fire damage per round for 1d4
that gives them their deadly edge, mercures are rounds. Flames can be put out as a move action.
not creatures of wanton destruction. They do The save DC is Charisma-based.
not seem to show any real preference for align- Flame blade (Su): Similar to its firebolts,
ing themselves with good or evil, but instead but less deadly, a mercure’s flame blade can be
live by a strict code of professional ethics. summoned forth at will as a free action. It is
Mercures accept the jobs they take based on the otherwise identical to the spell flame blade.
challenges the jobs present. While they prefer Caster level is equal to the mercure’s HD.
to be paid well, the mercenaries have been Blindsight (Ex): A mercure uses its
known to occasionally waive their usually out- entire skin as a sensory organ. It is exquisitely
rageous fees if a job seems particularly inter- sensitive to the movements of air currents
esting and challenging. Once a mercure accepts around it and can sense the heat signatures of
a job, he sees it through until he either fulfills nearby creatures. This gives it the equivalent of
his contract, he dies, or his employer is no the blindsight power out to a 60-ft. radius in
more. most conditions, except those that are totally
Because they are not a prolific race, it is absent of temperature and air pressure.
extremely unusual that more than one mercure Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Mercures posses
will ever be encountered at a time, and they almost supernatural reflexes, and can react to
never work together on the same job. On the danger instantaneously. A mercure retains his
rare occasions that mercures do meet each Dexterity bonus to AC even if he is caught flat-
other outside their native plane, they usually footed or struck by an invisible attacker.
take care to avoid each other. The exception to However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to
this situation is when mercures find themselves AC if immobilized. If a mercure gains the
on opposite sides of a job or a contract. On uncanny dodge ability as a class ability, he
such occasions, mercures choose to do battle automatically gains improved uncanny dodge
exclusively with each other, ignoring all other instead.
foes. Dueling mercures usually lay waste to
their surroundings as they shrug off the major-
ity of each others’ fiery attacks. The winners of
Noble Elementals
such duels are mostly unknown, as witnesses Whereas normal elementals are the everyday
typically flee the resulting inferno in terror. inhabitants of the elemental planes, noble ele-
mentals consider themselves the more civilized
Combat elite. While it is true that greater and elder ele-
mentals could possibly overpower these small-
For obvious reasons, mercures prefer to destroy
er brethren, the nobles’ damage reduction and
their opponents at range. They are comfortable
spell-like abilities would make such a contest
in close combat as well, however, and confi-
drawn out and tedious. Therefore, the two tend
dent enough in their firepower to go toe-to-toe
to leave each other alone. Besides, the greater
with armored warriors. Their flame blade abil-
and elder elementals have little time for laws
ity only comes into play in dire circumstances;
and pleasantries, and these, more than territory
the mercure is much more likely to take a 5-ft.
and power, are what the noble elementals so
step away from a foe and unload with a rapid
crave. Such desires may bring them into con-
fire volley of projectiles. If overwhelmed, they
flict with other residents of the planes, howev-
make liberal use of their Tumble skill to escape
er; the efreet of the Elemental Plane of Fire are
one such example.
Firebolt (Su): Mercures attack by open-
ing small portals to the Elemental Plane of

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

The elemental nexus, a place where all their own that may impact the elemental
the elemental planes may meet, is the preferred planes. While the elemental nobles have no
dwelling place of these creatures. There they power over the greater or elder of their type,
have created a court where they may forge their and little ability to enforce any laws, denizens
laws (which few follow) and make a show of of their respective planes are likely to heed
enjoying courtly pleasantries (which none of their wishes, if only out of habit and respect.
them have the physical capacity to enjoy). The nobles only answer to greater and elder
Some say that these elementals have been cor- elementals when the massive brutes build up
rupted by the practices and mindsets of the enough thought to actually command the
mortals of the Material Plane, and that their nobles to do something. Unlike common ele-
lifestyle is merely a puppet show of things they mentals, no hostile relations exist between
can never attain. Regardless, their combined nobles of elements that normally oppose each
power is considerable, and their agendas, how- other.
ever misled, can have far-reaching conse- Noble elementals speak all elemental lan-
quences on several planes. guages, as well as Druidic and Common.
All noble elementals appear as large ele-
mentals of their corresponding type, but have a Noble Qualities
refined and civilized air about them. Noble ele-
mentals can change their appearance to seem All noble elementals, regardless of their type,
different from their common brethren, and can share the following abilities.
easily be identified as noble elementals simply —Telepathy (Su): A noble elemental can
by the way they act. A noble elemental is never communicate with creatures within 100 ft.,
alone, always having some creature of its own regardless of whether or not they share a com-
elemental subtype to act as a servant or body- mon language.
guard. Druids and clerics of nature deities often —Summon Elemental (Sp): As a stan-
travel to the elemental court to view the pro- dard action three times per day, a noble
ceedings held there or to bring up grievances of elemental can attempt to summon other

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

elementals with a 50% chance of success. It
may summon another noble elemental of any Air Noble
type, two huge elementals of its type, 1d4 large Large Elemental (Air, Extraplanar)
elementals of its type, or 2d4 medium elemen- Hit Dice: 12d8+36 (90 hp)
tals of its type. A summoned noble elemental

Initiative: +11
cannot perform its own summon ability for one Speed: Fly 120 ft. (30 squares) (perfect)
hour after being summoned. This ability is usu- AC: 20 (–1 size, +7 Dex, +4 natural),
ally employed if the noble feels it is over- touch 16, flat-footed 13
whelmed in combat or if it needs a larger Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+15
entourage to accompany it for appearance’s Attack: Slam +15 melee (2d6+2)
sake. This ability is the equivalent of a 6th- Full Attack: 2 slams +15 melee (2d6+2)
level spell. Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
—Pact of Ages (Ex): A noble elemental Special Attacks: Auran lord, independent
can request aid of any elemental of its type that whirlwinds, spell-like abilities, steal air,
is not greater or elder in status. If the elemental vortex
in question was summoned by another, the Special Qualities: Damage reduction
noble elemental can attempt to wrest control 10/magic, noble qualities
away with a caster level check. The noble ele- Saves: Fort +7, Ref +17, Will +8
mental rolls a d20 and adds half its HD plus its Abilities: Str 14, Dex 25, Con 16, Int 19, Wis
Charisma modifier, opposed by a DC equal to 19, Cha 20
11 + the summoner’s caster level. Elementals Skills: Bluff +20, Concentration +18 (+22),
not of the noble elemental’s type will not grant Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) +19,
it aid, but such creatures, if free-willed, will Knowledge (the planes) +19, Spellcraft +19
demonstrate respect by not attacking or harm- Feats: Dodge, Flyby Attack, Leadership,
ing the noble unless compelled to do so. As Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse
above, the noble elemental can wrest control of Environment: Elemental Plane of Air
the elemental away from its summoner, but an Organization: Court (4–8)
elemental thus freed will not give aid to the Challenge Rating: 11
noble elemental; it merely goes on its way Treasure: None
without attacking the noble. Alignment: Usually lawful neutral
—Elemental Mastery (Ex): Noble ele- Advancement: By character class
mentals gain a +4 to attack and damage when
within 100 ft. of a large source of their element A barely visible creature formed of air stands
(i.e., a sea, the open sky, solid earth or stone, or before you. If it hadn’t been for the blowing
a forest fire or active volcano). If in actual con- wind, you might never have noticed the three
tact with that source, the noble elemental gains dancing vortices and could have walked right
fast healing 5 as well. into them.
—Create Element (Su): A noble elemen-
tal can create quantities of its element from Air nobles are quick to make rash decisions and
nothing. As a full-round action, it can create a are considered extremely flighty and moody.
number of 10-ft. cubes of the element equal to Their mood can quickly veer from something
its HD. It can do this for up to 10 rounds each akin to a warm summer breeze to a rage more
day, creating a total of up to 10 times its own like that of a tornado. Air nobles usually appear
HD worth of 10-ft. cubes of elemental materi- as three miniature whirlwinds that wrap and
al. This material is always mundane (a noble dance about each other in a circle. When
earth elemental cannot create precious metals, angered, these whirlwinds combine to form a
etc.). larger tornado as black as the midnight sky.

Air nobles are mobile and deadly. The wide
expanses of air on the Material Plane mean that
it is almost always in contact with its chosen
element. However, as destructive as they have
the potential be, air nobles rarely attack without
at least some thought beforehand.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Auran Lord (Su): The air noble is a mas- Full Attack: 2 slams +16 melee (3d6+7)
ter of elemental air magic. Any spell from the Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
air domain or that has the air or electricity Special Attacks: Crushing force, push, spell-
descriptor that is cast (not targeted) within 100 like abilities, terran lord
ft. of the air noble may be redirected, at the Special Qualities: Damage reduction

noble’s whim, to new targets (if the spell tar- 10/magic, earth glide, noble qualities
gets creatures) or its area of effect redirected to Saves: Fort +15, Ref +2, Will +7
any area within range of the spell. Abilities: Str 25, Dex 7, Con 26, Int 13, Wis
Independent Whirlwinds (Su): Instead 17, Cha 17
of the normal air elemental’s whirlwind ability, Skills: Concentration +23 (+27), Intimidate
the air noble can create independent Large +17, Knowledge (the planes) +16
whirlwinds to ram into its opponents. Creating Feats: Cleave, Combat Casting, Improved Bull
a whirlwind is a standard action, and the noble Rush, Leadership, Power Attack
elemental may create three per day. Each Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth
whirlwind has one-quarter the noble’s hit Organization: Court (4–8)
points, attacks using the noble’s slam attack Challenge Rating: 11
bonus, and has the noble’s AC. Instead of doing Treasure: None
damage with a hit, however, the whirlwinds Alignment: Usually lawful neutral
force size Large and smaller creatures to make Advancement: By character class (sorcerer)
a DC 21 Reflex save or be pushed back 5 ft.
and knocked prone. Flying creatures that fail A tall but rough-hewn humanoid statue formed
their save are blown back 1d6x10 ft. of marble, gems, and valuable metals stands
Controlling any number of whirlwinds is a before you, and then what you thought was a
move action. priceless work of art turns to take you in with
Spell-like Abilities: At will—control its emerald eyes.
winds, obscuring mist, wind wall; 3/day—call
lightning (DC 18), control weather, lightning Earth nobles are mentally a bit slower than any
bolt (DC 18), telekinesis (DC 20), wall of force. of the other nobles. However, even as the least
1/day—chain lightning (DC 21). Caster level intelligent noble race, the lords of the earth are
12th. Save DCs are Charisma-based. still quite a bit more intelligent than their rocky
Steal Air (Su): As a full-round action that kindred. An earth noble appears as a large and
provokes attacks of opportunity, the air noble genderless humanoid statue of earth and stone,
can remove all air, including oxygen, from the its body cut through with veins of precious
immediate vicinity of a target of size Large or gems and metals. Unlike fire nobles, the earth
smaller within 120 ft. The air remains removed noble is keen on sitting down and thinking
until the air noble is no longer within 120 ft., about a problem, for years if need be, before
dismisses the effect, or is killed. If the target making a decision.
makes a DC 21 Fortitude save, he managed to
take in enough air and may hold his breath as Combat
described in the DMG. If he fails the Fortitude
save, he must begin to make Constitution Earth nobles, unlike many of the other noble
checks as described in the DMG or begin to elementals, find a certain pleasure in melee
suffocate. In any case, no speech is possible combat. Their powerful strength and the ready
while under the effect, so spells with verbal availability of their element make them more
components cannot be cast. The save DC is fearless in the face of a threat, should they
Charisma-based. finally be moved to action.
Crushing Force (Su): As a full-round
action that provokes attacks of opportunity, an
Earth Noble earth noble can use its mastery of elemental
Large Elemental (Earth, Extraplanar) earth magic to bring great gouts of earth and
Hit Dice: 12d8 +84 (138 hp) rock exploding from the ground beneath any
Initiative: –2 one target of Large size or smaller within 120
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) ft. The target takes 10d6 points of crushing
AC: 17 (–1 size, –2 Dex, +20 natural), damage and is stunned for 1d6 rounds. A DC
touch 7, flat-footed 17 19 Reflex save halves the damage and
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+20 negates the stunning.
Attack: Slam +16 melee (3d6+7)

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat
bull rush maneuver without provoking an Reflexes, Leadership, Spell Focus (evocation)
attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers Environment: Elemental Plane of Fire
given in terran lord, below, also apply to the Organization: Solitary or court (4–8)
elemental’s opposed Strength checks. Challenge Rating: 11

Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will—acid Treasure: None

arrow, resist elements (electricity only), soften Alignment: Usually lawful neutral
earth and stone, stone shape, stone tell; Advancement: By character class
3/day—cone of acid (as cone of cold, but deals
acid damage) (DC 18), spike stones, wall of A large creature consisting of twisting ropes
iron (DC 19), wall of stone (DC 18); 1/day— and pillars of flame stands before you. A
Earthquake (DC 21). Caster level 12th. Save haughty and commanding voice issues forth
DCs are Charisma-based. from it, demanding your obedience.
Terran Lord (Su): The earth noble is a
master of elemental earth magic. Any spell Fire nobles are the most aggressive of the
from the earth domain or that has the earth or nobles. They are quick to judge others and
acid descriptor that is cast (not targeted) within have a temper described as “hot as a thousand
100 ft. of the noble earth elemental may be suns” by many who have fallen under their
redirected, at the noble’s whim, to new targets wrath. Fire nobles often appear as a triad of
(if the spell targets creatures) or its area of dancing pillars of flame that wrap about each
effect redirected to any area within range of the other at the middle and spin constantly. They
spell. are known to have a rivalry with the water ele-
Earth Glide (Ex): An earth noble can mental nobles, but deal with this in a peaceful
glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other manner befitting a creature of royal stature.
sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish
swims through water. Its burrowing leaves Combat
behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any
ripple or other signs of its presence. A move Fire nobles make token efforts at diplomatic
earth spell cast on an area containing a bur- solutions, but are quick to abandon such tactics
rowing earth noble flings the noble back 30 if their opponents do not back down immedi-
feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it ately. They prefer, like most noble elementals,
succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save. to attack at long range with their assortment of
spells before sullying their hands with melee
Fire Noble Burn (Ex): Anyone struck by a fire
Large Elemental (Extraplanar, Fire) noble’s slam attack must succeed at a DC 19
Hit Dice: 12d8+36 (90 hp) Reflex save or catch fire and take additional
Initiative: +9 fire damage every round until they spend a
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) move action to put themselves and their equip-
AC: 18 (–1 size, +5 Dex, +4 natural), touch ment out. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds and
14, flat-footed 13 deals 2d6 points of additional fire damage per
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+15 round until put out. Creatures that strike the
Attack: Slam +11 melee (2d6+2+2d6 fire) noble with unarmed or natural attacks take 2d6
Full Attack: 2 slams +11 melee (2d6+2+2d6 points of fire damage and must also make the
fire) Reflex save to keep from catching fire.
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Ignan Lord (Su): The fire noble is a mas-
Special Attacks: Burn, ignan lord, possession, ter of elemental fire magic. Any spell with the
spell-like abilities fire descriptor that is cast (not targeted) within
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 100 ft. of the fire noble may be redirected, at
10/magic, noble qualities the noble’s whim, to new targets (if the spell
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +8 targets creatures) or its area of effect redirected
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 19, Wis to any area within range of the spell.
19, Cha 20 Possession (Ex): This powerful ability
Skills: Concentration +19 (+23), Intimidate can be used as a full-round action against an
+20 Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge opponent of size Large or smaller. First, the
(the planes) +19, Spellcraft +19, noble makes a melee touch attack that pro-
Diplomacy +19 vokes attacks of opportunity. If the noble hits

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

and its opponent fails a DC 21 Will save, the A humanoid creature made of pristine water
noble enters the target’s body and may control reclines upon a floating pool before you,
it for 1d6 rounds as if using a dominate monster regarding you with an eyeless face.
spell. Each round the noble remains in the
body, the victim must make a DC 19 Fortitude Within the great planar ocean of the Elemental

save or suffer 2d6 points of fire damage as the Plane of Water, these creatures ponder the mys-
noble’s elemental energies rage within him. If teries of the universe for years at a time,
the noble wishes, it can exit the body to reform unmoving. Water nobles share much in com-
adjacent to it, doing 6d6 points of fire damage mon with earth nobles, in that they believe
(DC 19 Fortitude save for half) in the process. great thought should go into any decision.
The save DC for the possession is Charisma- However, they do not suffer from the reduced
based, while the save DC for the fire damage is intelligence of their earthen cousins and are
Constitution-based. considered the wisest of the nobles. Water
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will—day- nobles often appear as levitating pools of crys-
light, flaming sphere (DC 17), flare (DC 15), tal-clear water on which a genderless
heat metal (DC 17), resist elements (cold only); humanoid form sits, legs crossed.
3/day—charm monster (DC 19), fireball (DC
18), wall of fire, protection from elements Combat
(Cold only), scorching ray, summon monster IV
(fire subtype only). 1/day—incendiary cloud. Aquan Lord (Su): The water noble is a
Caster level 12th. Save DCs are Charisma- master of elemental water magic. Any spell
based. from the water domain or that has the water or
cold descriptor that is cast (not targeted) within
100 ft. of the water noble may be redirected, at
Water Noble the noble’s whim, to new targets (if the spell
Large Elemental (Extraplanar, Water) targets creatures) or its area of effect redirected
Hit Dice: 12d8+84 (138 hp) to any area within range of the spell.
Initiative: +2 Freeze blood (Su): As a full-round action
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 120 ft. that provokes attacks of opportunity, the water
AC: 20 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural), touch noble can freeze the very blood of any living
11, flat-footed 17 creature of size Large or smaller within 120 ft.
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+18 The target suffers 10d6 points of cold damage
Attack: Slam +13 melee (2d8+5) and is slowed for 1d6 rounds. A DC 21
Full Attack: 2 slams +13 melee (2d8+5) Fortitude save halves the damage and negates
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. the slow effect. The save DC is Charisma-
Special Attacks: Aquan lord, freeze blood, based.
independent vortexes, spell-like abilities Independent Vortexes (Su): Instead of
Special Qualities: Damage reduction the normal water elemental’s vortex ability, the
10/magic, noble qualities water noble can create independent Large vor-
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +10 texes to ram into its opponents. Creating a vor-
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 19, Wis tex is a standard action, and the noble elemen-
19, Cha 20 tal may create three per day. Each vortex has
Skills: Concentration +19 (+23), Diplomacy one-quarter the noble’s hit points, attacks using
+20, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge the noble’s slam attack bonus, and has the
(the planes) +19, Sense Motive +19, noble’s AC. Instead of doing damage with a hit,
Spellcraft +19 however, the vortexes force size Large and
Feats: Combat Casting, Diehard, Endurance, smaller creatures to make a DC 21 Reflex save
Iron Will, Spell Penetration or be pushed back 5 ft. and dazed for one round.
Environment: Elemental Plane of Water Controlling any number of vortexes is a move
Organization: Solitary action. This ability can only be used underwater.
Challenge Rating: 11 Spell-like Abilities: At will—control
Treasure: None water, create water, fog cloud, obscuring mist,
Alignment: Usually lawful neutral water breathing; 3/day—cone of cold (DC 20),
Advancement: By character class ice storm (DC 19), sleet storm (DC 18);
1/day—horrid wilting. Caster level 12th.
Save DCs are Charisma-based.


Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

plague wind start with the elemental rushing
Plague Wind into the party, engulfing them all, and moving
on. It then targets clerics and other healers with
Large Elemental (Air, Incorporeal) direct attacks, ignoring paladins and others that
Hit Dice: 9d8+9 (49 hp) are immune to disease.

Initiative: +3 Disease (Ex): Any creature that is

Speed: fly 60 ft. (12 squares) engulfed by or is successfully struck by the
AC: 12 (–1 size, +3 Dex) touch 12, flat- plague wind is exposed to filth fever (Injury,
footed 9 Fort save DC 12, 1d3 days incubation, 1d3 Dex
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/— and 1d3 Con damage per day).
Attack: Incorporeal touch +8 melee (1d3 and Engulf (Ex): Although physically very
disease and poison) weak, the plague wind merely has to move over
Space / Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. an opponent in order to affect it with the worst
Special Attacks: Disease, engulf, nausea, poi- of its attacks, affecting as many targets as it can
son cover in a single round. Opponents who notice
Special Qualities: Elemental traits, incorpore- the plague wind approaching can make oppor-
al traits, negative-energy taint, nigh-invisi- tunity attacks against it, but if they do so they
ble, regeneration 5 are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +4 do not attempt attacks of opportunity must suc-
Abilities: Str—, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis ceed on a DC 17 Reflex save or be engulfed; on
12, Cha 6 a success, they move back or aside (opponent’s
Skills: Spot +13, Listen +13 choice) as the plague wind moves forward.
Feats: Dodge, Flyby Attack, Lightning Engulfed creatures are subject to the wind’s
Reflexes, Mobility poisons, diseases and nausea. The save DC is
Climate/Terrain: Any or underground Dexterity-based.
Organization: Solitary Nausea (Ex): Any creature that becomes
Challenge Rating: 5 engulfed by the plague wind must make a DC
Treasure: None 15 Fortitude save or become nauseated for one
Alignment: Any evil round, as per the DMG (unable to attack, cast
Advancement: 10–18 HD (Large), 19–27 HD spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything
(Huge) else requiring attention. The only action such a
character can take is a single move action per
Also known as “spirits of contagion” and “ele- round). The save DC is Constitution-based.
mental pestilence,” the dread plague wind is a Poison (Ex): The poisonous air of the
fast-moving, tainted creature of elemental air. plague wind affects any creature engulfed by
It is unknown whether they create areas of its form or hit with a touch attack (Contact,
pestilence and disease or are the by-products of Fortitude save DC 15, 1d2 Con primary and
such environments. Regardless, it is in such secondary damage). The save DC is
places that these creatures are found, swooping Constitution-based.
about and spreading the foul diseases within Negative Energy Taint (Ex): The taint of
them that are fueled by negative energy. negative energy within the plague wind allows
The plague wind is a nearly invisible dis- it to be turned or rebuked as an undead crea-
turbance in the air, a barely discernible area ture, although it does not allow for a cleric to
that tastes and smells spoiled, stale, and dirty. It destroy or control it. In addition, cure spells
bears an almost palpable aura of contamina- cause damage to the plague wind, and inflict
tion. The negative energy invested in the spells heal damage.
plague wind by constant disease and death Nigh-Invisible (Ex): Plague winds are
grants it near immortality until cured of its hard to see, even under ideal conditions, and it
plethora of diseases and poisons, as well as takes a DC 22 Spot check to notice one before
allowing it to be manipulated by positive and it attacks. Creatures who fail to notice a plague
negative energy as if it were undead. wind in their path may walk right into it, and
are automatically engulfed. After the first
COMBAT round of attacking, the plague wind fills with
A plague wind is hostile to all life it encounters, vividly colored fumes and poisons, and is easi-
attempting to infest and slay any sentient ly seen.
creature it meets. Most encounters with a

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Regeneration (Ex): No standard attacks
deal normal damage to a plague wind. To slay
a plague wind, it must suffer nonlethal damage
equal to or greater than its hit points and then
be struck with both a neutralize poison and

cure disease spell.

Primal Earth
Large Elemental (Native, Earth)
Hit Dice: 6d8+30 (57 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
AC: 11 (–1 size, +2 Dex), touch 9, flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+13
Attack: Slam +8 melee (2d4+7 and poison)
Full Attack: 2 slams +8 melee (2d4+7 and
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Engulf, petrification, poison,
spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Elemental traits, variable
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +3
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 8, Wis
12, Cha 9
Skills: Spot +7, Hide +3
deadly, slowly petrifying those it attacks,
Feats: Ability Focus (engulf), Cleave, Power
sometimes a fair time after the death of the pri-
mal earth itself.
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground
Organization: Solitary or pack (2–4)
Challenge Rating: 6 COMBAT
Treasure: No coins, half items (gems only), Primal earth is inherently hostile to all organic
no magic life. Typically, a primal earth rushes forward to
Alignment: Neutral engulf foes of size Large or smaller. Only if it
Advancement: 7–12 HD (Large), 13–18 HD is opposed will it switch to melee tactics and
(Huge) begin changing its form to best suit the fight.
Although they have a variety of spell-like abil-
Where the magical energies of the earth are at ities, primal earths rarely use them in combat.
their strongest, in ley line nexuses and other The natural crystalline venom of primal earth is
power locations, the earth and rock can buckle nearly as deadly as being smothered by the full
and even flow under the arcane pressures mass, as it slowly crystallizes those unfortunate
forced upon it. Sometimes sentience forms enough to be struck by it.
within this flow of rock, imbued by the magics Engulf (Ex): Although it moves slowly,
coursing through it. Primal earth is one such primal earth can simply slide over Large or
being. It is hostile to almost all forms of life, smaller creatures as a standard action. It cannot
turning them into lifeless stone with a touch. make a slam attack during a round in which it
Although primarily a mobile earthen engulfs. Primal earth merely has to move over
ooze, the primal earth can take many forms and the opponents, affecting as many as it can
often does so for attack and defense, adopting cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks
new forms as needed to best deal with its foes. against the primal earth, but if they do so they
Wherever a primal earth travels, it leaves a trail are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who
of once-living stone masses (often melted via do not attempt opportunity attacks must suc-
the use of soften earth and stone and thus diffi- ceed at a DC 17 Reflex save or be
cult to determine the original form thereof). engulfed; on a success, they are pushed
Even the very touch of primal earth can be

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

back or aside (opponent’s choice) as the primal any spell on the Earth domain list or with the
earth moves forward. Engulfed creatures are earth descriptor, eliminating the need for any
subject to the primal earth’s petrification abili- other component(s) or foci. Additionally, such
ty (though not its poison), and are considered to spells are considered empowered. One primal
be grappled and trapped within its body. The earth can supply a single permanent component

save DC is Dexterity-based. (one packet of powder) worth 1,000 gp.

Petrification (Su): Any living creature
engulfed by a primal earth must make a DC 18
Fortitude save or be permanently turned to
Primal Spirits
stone. The save DC is Constitution-based. Primal spirits represent a unique alchemy of
Poison (Su): The poison produced by a circumstance and magic. They form when a
primal earth is a magical byproduct of its for- massive, generally cataclysmic natural event
mation. This poison is treated as a standard poi- occurs, forcing the magical world to respond
son in all respects, except that its magical ori- with these powerful entities. The events that
gins give it a chance to ignore the spells slow create them range from a single moment of per-
poison and neutralize poison. For such spells to fect beauty to the devastation of a volcanic
work, the caster must make a caster check as if eruption.
trying to dispel a magical effect (1d20 + caster Born of pure magic, primal spirits have
level). The DC is 18. The statistics of the poi- perceptions and thoughts unlike those of any
son are as follows: Injury, DC 18, 1d8 natural creature. Even other elementals find
Dexterity primary damage, 2d8 Dexterity sec- them difficult to understand. A primal spirit’s
ondary damage. If a creature is reduced to zero world is completely bounded by its creation
Dexterity by this poison, the creature is perma- event. It can only barely perceive things
nently turned to stone. beyond it, whether they are other living crea-
Variable Form (Ex): The body of the pri- tures or the flow of time itself.
mal earth is mutable at will. As needed, it can Some primal spirits seem to exist for only
manifest hard stone plating and armor, craft a few moments, appearing and then vanishing
defenses against various energy forms, and back into the magic from which they came.
even form solid stone pseudopods to smash or Others take up permanent residence in places
cut its foes. Primal earth has one mutable point far from mortals, existing for eons before final-
to spend per Hit Die. Typically, a standard pri- ly fading away. Some scholars theorize that
mal earth places all six of its points into armor, more permanent primal spirits originate in con-
covering itself with a rough, stony surface, or figurations of natural elements that channel
spends five points on increasing its speed if it is magical energy into specific patterns. If true, the
currently on the move. The primal earth can latter speculation raises the possibility that a suf-
change its mutable points once per round on its ficiently knowledgeable magician (or a god)
turn as a free action. The mutable points can be could create primal spirits for a specific purpose.
spent as follows: Whatever their origin, every primal spirit
embodies two separate, distinct poles that
1 point +2 natural armor (stacks) reflect the nurturing and cruel sides of nature.
1 point +1 slam damage (stacks) The twin personalities of the primal spirits,
1 point 2 points of energy resistance (any combined with their alien perception of the
one energy type) (stacks) world, cause them to act in seemingly random
2 points Change slam damage to slashing ways. One moment the primal spirit may seem
or piercing damage helpful; the next it turns its arcane might on the
4 points Additional slam attack (full supplicants beseeching it. Fortunately, physical
attack bonus and damage) and magical transformations herald the spirit’s
5 points +10 ft. to speed (does not stack) transition from one personality to another,
allowing an attentive observer to detect the
Spell-like abilities (Sp): At will—soften change and potentially seek shelter.
earth and stone; 3 times/day—stone shape; Despite the dangers, many mortal magi-
1/day—stoneskin. Caster level 7th. cians bargain with primal spirits. Each spirit
Primal Earth as a spell component: If possesses fundamental knowledge of the magi-
the remains of a primal earth are properly pre- cal world, burned into it during its birth. They
pared with a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check, can create items of great power, reveal secrets
they can be used as a spell component for known only to the gods, or even explain the

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

most occult elements of magic. Of course, AC: 23 (–8 size, +9 Dex, +12 deflection) touch
striking such a bargain is difficult when the 19, flat-footed 14
spirit could turn and erase you from existence Base Attacks/Grapple: +15/—
at any moment. Attack: Incorporeal touch +17 melee (10d10

Primal Qualities Full Attack: 2 incorporeal touches +17 melee
(10d10 cold)
A primal spirit possesses the following traits, Space/Reach: 30 ft./20 ft.
unless otherwise noted in a spirit’s specific Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
entry: Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/evil
—Dual Being: A primal spirit has two or damage reduction 10/good, elemental
separate aspects, one good and one evil. It has traits, immune to cold, incorporeal traits,
a 10% chance to transform from one to the mastery of cold, primal spirit traits, regener-
other every round it interacts with a sentient ation 5 (fire), vulnerable to fire
being. Damage carries over from one form to Saves: Fort +19, Ref +17, Will +13
another. It always detects as both good and Abilities: Str —, Dex 28, Con 28, Int 18, Wis
evil. The two aspects are identical except for 19, Cha 34
their feats (the bonuses from which are only Skills: Concentration +16, Decipher Script
calculated into the stat block if they exist for +16, Heal +28, Intimidate +29, Knowledge
both aspects). (arcana) +28, Knowledge (nature) +28,
—Incorporeal. Sense Motive +28
—Immunity to their elemental type (i.e., Feats: Good — Craft Arms and Armor, Craft
the primal spirit of cold is immune to cold). Rod, Craft Staff, Great Fortitude, Improved
—Resistance 15 to all other energy types. Counterspell, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll,
—Environmental Awareness (Su): All pri- Weapon Focus (touch)
mal spirits have complete awareness of the Evil — Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item,
environment and all things in it within one Forge Ring, Greater Spell Penetration,
mile of their location. They can take 10 on Improved Critical (touch), Improved
any Spot or Listen check, and can always Initiative, Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus
detect invisible creatures. (touch)
—Regeneration 5. Lethal damage type Environment: Any cold
based on type. Organization: Solitary
—Spell resistance 27. Challenge Rating: 18
—Mastery of Elements (Su): Any spell- Treasure: None
like abilities that the primal spirit casts are Alignment: Neutral good and neutral evil
considered maximized if they have the spirit’s Advancement: 22–30 HD (Colossal)
energy type as a descriptor.
—Telepathy. The great white bear’s blue crystal gaze locks
—Except where noted otherwise, all pri- with your own. Its eyes speak of eons of time,
mal spirits speak the four elemental languages. rolling slowly forward. Suddenly the creature’s
Although primal spirits need to spend eyes and fur turn the color of midnight and an
time to create magic items, they do not need to unearthly howling rips though the air around
spend gold or experience points. After a period you.
of focusing their energies as appropriate for the
normal magic item creation rules, the items The primal spirit of cold appears to the human
appear, forged from the elements themselves. eye as a blizzard of snow, sleet, and icy cold,
For the purpose of item creation, primal spirits shaped vaguely like a massive polar bear. The
are considered to have access to any spell with creature stands up to 50 feet tall at the shoulder.
a descriptor matching their own. Like all primal spirits, the primal spirit of cold
is an incorporeal being. It communicates by
Primal Spirit of Cold telepathy, placing words directly into the minds
of those it wishes to deal with. When good, the
Colossal Elemental spirit has blue crystal eyes and bright white fur.
(Air, Cold, Incorporeal, Water) When its evil aspect is dominant, it has black
Hit Dice: 21d8+189 (283 hp) fur and dark, blood-red ice shards for eyes.
Initiative: +5 The primal spirit of cold appears in
Speed: Fly 50 ft. (average) (12 squares) the hearts of particularly dangerous bliz-

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)


zards, then vanishes when the blizzard passes. storm (DC 22), sleet storm (DC 21), wall of ice
The primal spirit of cold may also appear in (DC 22); 3/day—elemental swarm (air or
frozen places of great natural beauty. These water), otiluke’s freezing sphere (DC 24), polar
places are invariably some of the coldest places ray (DC 25). Caster level 18th. Save DCs are
on the Material Plane: the hearts of glaciers and Charisma-based.
valleys so deep in arctic shadow that they never
see the light of day. When appearing at these Primal Spirit of Electricity
locales, the primal spirit of cold tends to attract
offerings from native folk. They either regard Huge Elemental (Air, Incorporeal)
the spirit as a god or as an uncontrolled force Hit Dice: 21d8+63 (157 hp)
that must be placated. Initiative: +7
In its good aspect, the primal spirit of cold Speed: Fly 240 ft. (perfect) (16 squares)
acts as a protector of arctic lands. When it AC: 24 (–2 size, +7 Dex, +9 deflection) touch
transforms into its evil incarnation, it seeks to 21, flat-footed 14
spread cold to the far reaches of the world, Base Attacks/Grapple: +15/—
blanketing everything in eternal winter. Attack: Incorporeal touch +21 melee (6d6
Full Attack: 2 incorporeal touches +21 melee
Combat (6d6 electricity)
The good primal spirit of cold generally seeks Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
to incapacitate its foes. Its evil form strikes out Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
with its full power, devastating anything that Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/evil
dares to stand against it. or damage reduction 10/good, elemental
Spell-like abilities (Sp): At will—chill traits, immune to electricity, incorporeal
metal (DC 20), cone of cold (DC 23), con- traits, master of electricity, primal traits,
trol weather (DC 23), fire shield (cold), ice regeneration 5 (force and sonic)

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Saves: Fort +15, Ref +14, Will +11 haste, lightning bolt (DC 23), mirror image,
Abilities: Str —, Dex 25, Con 16, Int 18, Wis wind wall; 3/day—call lightning storm (DC
19, Cha 28 24), chain lightning (DC 26), elemental swarm
Skills: Concentration +16, Decipher Script (air). Caster level 18th. Save DCs are
+16, Heal +28, Intimidate +29, Knowledge Charisma-based.

(arcana) +28, Knowledge (nature) +28,
Sense Motive +28 Primal Spirit of Fire
Feats: Good — Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous
Item, Craft Staff, Dodge, Hover, Improved Gargantuan Elemental (Fire, Incorporeal)
Counterspell, Flyby Attack, Weapon Hit Dice: 21d8+84 (178 hp)
Weapon Focus (touch) Initiative: +9
Evil — Craft Arms and Armor, Flyby Attack, Speed: Fly 40 ft. (average) (8 squares)
Hover, Improved Critical (touch), Improved AC: 20 (–4 size, +8 Dex, +9 deflection), touch
Initiative, Quicken Spell-like Ability (light- 19, flat-footed 14
ning bolt), Spell Focus (evocation), Weapon Base Attacks/Grapple: +15/—
Focus (touch) Attack: Incorporeal touch +17 melee (8d8 fire)
Environment: Any Full Attack: 2 incorporeal touches +17 melee
Organization: Solitary (8d8 fire)
Challenge Rating: 18 Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Treasure: None Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Alignment: Neutral good and neutral evil Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/evil or
Advancement: 22–30 HD (Huge) damage reduction 10/good, elemental traits,
immune to fire, incorporeal traits, mastery of
From out of the clouds streaks a great falcon, fire, primal traits, regeneration 5 (cold)
its steel gray feathers reflecting the lightning Saves: Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +11
that crashes around it. Its blue eyes blaze with Abilities: Str —, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 18, Wis
magical fury as its screech overwhelms the 19, Cha 28
thunder. Skills: Concentration +16, Decipher Script
+16, Heal +28, Intimidate +29, Knowledge
The primal spirit of electricity takes the form of (arcana) +28, Knowledge (nature) +28,
a great falcon. It appears to have a 20-foot Sense Motive +28
wingspan and reaches approximately 10 feet Feats: Good—Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
tall. Its good aspect has brilliant silver Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Forge
plumage, which darkens to steel gray when evil Ring, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes,
rises to dominance in its heart. The air around Weapon Focus (touch)
the primal spirit crackles with barely contained Evil—Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item,
power and is heavy with the sharp smell of Improved Critical (touch), Improved
ozone. Initiative, Quicken Spell-like Ability x3
The primal spirit of electricity manifests (blindness/deafness and fireball), Improved
in the hearts of raging thunderstorms. Unless Initiative, Weapon Focus (touch)
somehow sustained, the spirit then vanishes. Environment: Any
The good-aligned primal spirit of electricity is Organization: Solitary
playful but generally benign. The evil form is a Challenge Rating: 18
raw force of destruction. It incites storms to Treasure: None
ever-greater efforts, raining devastation down Alignment: Neutral good and neutral evil
upon a helpless world. Advancement: 22–30 HD (Huge)

Light shines off of the golden scales of the large

Combat lizard crouched before you. Its emerald tongue
The good primal spirit of electricity generally darts out to sample the air while wise green
seeks to outrun its foes, although it can be ter- eyes watch your every move.
rible when dealing out punishment for per-
ceived transgressions. Its evil aspect enjoys The primal spirit of fire takes the form of a 20-
toying with its prey, lashing out with the ele- foot-long lizard. Its low-slung body appears to
mental fury of a thousand storms. hug whatever surface it stands on. When
Spell-like abilities (Sp): At will—blind- good, this spirit has golden scales and
ness/deafness (DC 22), call lightning (DC 23), emerald eyes. As the darkness within

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

comes to the fore, its scales darken to ember Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
red, while its eyes dim to black. The air around Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/evil
this spirit is dry and scorched, leaving most or damage reduction 10/good, elemental
nearby creatures desperate for breath. traits, immune to sonic, incorporeal traits,
The primal spirit of fire appears in the mastery of sonic, primal traits, regeneration

hearts of large, wild fires. It dances along the 5 (electricity)

edges of such conflagrations, delighting in the Saves: Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +13
consumption of the world. When the fire final- Abilities: Str —, Dex 21, Con 20, Int 18, Wis
ly dies out, it vanishes. It may also appear for 19, Cha 28
short periods of time during major volcanic Skills: Concentration +16, Decipher Script
events or when great meteors strike the land. +16, Heal +28, Intimidate +29, Knowledge
The primal spirit of fire resides more perma- (arcana) +28, Knowledge (nature) +28,
nently in the great old volcanoes of the world. Sense Motive +28
Stories claim that a sufficiently maintained Feats: Good — Craft Staff, Craft Wand,
forge can also draw forth the spirit. Although Dodge, Hover, Improved Initiative,
no one knows the truth of such tales, there are Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus
a few ruined dwarven citadels that display evi- (touch)
dence that this primal spirit once dwelt there. Evil — Craft Rod, Dodge, Forge Ring, Hover,
While the good-aligned primal spirit of Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring
fire embraces the role of fire in the natural Attack, Weapon Focus (touch)
order, its evil aspect simply lashes out, destroy- Environment: Any
ing everything in its path. Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 18
Combat Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral good and neutral evil
Both the good and evil forms of the primal spir- Advancement: 22–30 HD (Huge)
it of fire are devastating combatants. They use
their immense magical powers to soften up tar- The magnificent horse turns its head, its neigh-
gets before wading into combat. These spirits ing laughter echoing across the plains. Its gray
only stop attacking when their opponents are flanks flash in the sun as it races up into the
completely destroyed. The evil side of the ele- sky.
mental is considerably more dangerous than
the good, using its quickened spells in addition The primal spirit of sound takes the form of a
to touch attacks. massively built wild stallion. Although com-
Spell-like abilities (Sp): At will—blind- pletely incorporeal, it appears solid to the
ness/deafness (DC 21), fireball (DC 22), fire unaided eye. When aligned with good, it has
shield (fire), heat metal (DC 21), scorching gray or brown coloration with a golden mane.
ray, wall of fire (DC 23); 3/day—delayed blast As its heart turns to darkness, its hide blackens
fireball (DC 26), elemental swarm (fire), fire and its eyes take on a bright white glow.
storm (DC 23), incendiary cloud (DC 27); Anyone entering the presence of the primal
1/day—meteor swarm (DC 28). Caster level spirit of sound feels a low vibration in his
18th. Save DCs are Charisma-based. bones.
The primal spirit of sound is perhaps the
Primal Spirit of Sound most transient of the primal spirits, appearing
Huge Elemental (Earth, Incorporeal) for a few fleeting seconds in locations of sud-
Hit Dice: 21d8+107 (201 hp) den great movement, like a landslide or
Initiative: +9 avalanche. It may be seen for several hours at a
Speed: Fly 80 ft. (average) (16 squares) time on the plains beneath great thunderstorms,
AC: 22 (–2 size, +5 Dex, +9 deflection), touch racing the primal spirit of electricity as it
19, flat-footed 14 swoops through the skies above.
Base Attacks/Grapple: +15/—
Attack: Incorporeal touch +21 melee (6d6 Combat
sonic) The primal spirit of sound has almost no
Full Attack: 2 incorporeal touches +21 melee dichotomy between its good and evil sides. The
(6d6 sonic) two sometimes even work together, switching
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft. about to confuse and distract opponents.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Generally, it tries to race away from conflict. If
forced to engage, it tries to incapacitate as
many foes as possible, then kill its helpless

Spell-like abilities (Sp): At will—shatter
(DC 21), shout (DC 23), silence (DC 21),
sound burst (DC 21); 3/day—elemental swarm
(earth), greater shout (DC 27), otiluke’s teleki-
netic sphere (DC 27), power word (stun) (DC
27), repulsion (DC 25), wall of force; 1/day—
power word (kill) (DC 28). Caster level 18th.
Save DCs are Charisma-based.

Pyre Revenant
Large Elemental (Fire)
Hit Dice: 12d8+36 (90 hp)
Initiative: +13
Speed: fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares)
AC: 23 (–1 size, +9 Dex, +5 deflection),
touch 23, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+13
Attack: Slam +18 melee (1d8 plus 2d6 fire)
Full Attack: 2 slams +18 melee (1d8 plus 2d6
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison of anger, spells,
whirlwind of fire But there are sorcerous foes whose evil is
Special Qualities: Damage reduction both eldritch and potent enough to taint even
10/magic, darkvision 60 ft., elemental the purifying flames of the pyre. As the fire
traits, fire subtype, spell resistance 25 whips up around the body of the arcanist,
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +17, Will +5 something evil seems to take it over. As the
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 28, Con 16, Int 14, Wis ashes of the fire spread to the wind, the embers
12, Cha 21 seem to burn on, malevolent and dangerous.
Skills: Concentration +18, Hide +15, Listen The burning ashes whip themselves up into a
+11, Spellcraft +17, Spot +11 whirlwind of heat and destruction, somehow
Feats: Empower Spell, Improved Initiative, invested with the arcane powers of the caster
Silent Spell, Spell Focus (evocation), and energized by tainted elemental fire.
Weapon Finesse
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground COMBAT
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 14 A pyre revenant is a potent spellcaster in its
Treasure: Normal own right, able to hurl a vast assortment of
Alignment: Usually evil (any) fiery magic as it creates a swath of destruction
Advancement: 13–24 HD (Large) everywhere it goes. Few are long-lived, how-
ever; consuming everything in their path, they
At the end of nearly every heroic tale, the vil- quickly become a target for other powers in the
lain gets his. Many a powerful villain’s corpse area.
is then burned in order to prevent easy resur- Spellcasting: The pyre revenant casts
rection by his remaining followers, allies, and spells as a 10th-level sorcerer. Typical Sorcerer
those powers that found him useful or who Spells Known (6/7/7/7/7/5; save DC 15 + spell
would have him as a pawn. By consuming the level): 0—arcane mark, dancing lights, daze,
body in a pyre and then scattering the ashes, all flare*, light, mage hand, read magic, resis-
but the most powerful magics can be thwarted, tance; 1st—burning hands*, endure ele-
and thus the victory against evil can be more ments, obscuring mist, protection from
than a fleeting moment of peace. good, shield; 2nd—flaming sphere*,

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

pyrotechnics, resist elements, scorching ray*; Whirlwind of Fire (Su): The pyre revenant
3rd—explosive runes, fireball*, protection can transform itself into a whirlwind of fire
from elements; 4th—fire shield*, wall of fire*; once every 10 minutes and remain in that form
5th—cone of fire (as cone of cold)*. All spells for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In this
known to the pyre revenant are cast as sorcerer form, the pyre revenant can move through the

spells, even if they do not appear on the sorcer- air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirl-
er spell list. *Evocation spells have a save DC wind of fire is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 20
of 16 + spell level. Save DCs are Charisma- feet wide at the top, and up to 30 feet tall (and
based. at least 10 feet tall). Creatures of size Medium
Poison of Anger (Su): Any creature suf- or smaller take 4d6 points of fire damage when
fering more than 25 total points of damage caught in the whirlwind and may be lifted into
from the pyre revenant’s spells or attacks must the air. A successful DC 16 Reflex save halves
make a DC 19 Fortitude save or suffer from a the damage and prevents the target from being
debilitating magical disease. The poison of lifted into the air. Those that fail are held sus-
anger has a one-day incubation period and pended in the storm of burning ash, automati-
deals 1d6 points of Strength damage and 1d6 cally taking 4d6 points of fire damage each
points of Constitution damage per day of the round. A creature that can fly is allowed a DC
affliction. The poison of anger cannot be 16 Reflex save each round to escape the whirl-
stopped with a remove disease or neutralize wind. The creature still takes damage on the
poison spell, but can be halted by a remove round it leaves. The elemental can eject any
curse. The save DC is Constitution-based. carried creatures whenever it wishes, deposit-
ing them wherever the whirlwind happens to
Pyre revenant as a spell component:
The ashen remains of a pyre revenant can be
used as a component to enhance any fire spell.
One pinch of ash can be gathered for every Hit
Die of the destroyed pyre revenant. Each pinch
grants a single spell with the fire descriptor a
+2 enhancement bonus to its save DC, and is
used up in the casting.

Rime Wraith
Medium Undead (Cold, Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 8d12 (52 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: 50 ft. (good) (10 squares)
AC: 19 (+5 Dex, +4 deflection),
touch 19, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/—
Attack: Incorporeal touch +9
melee (1d6 cold plus 1d6
Strength damage)
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch
+9 melee (1d6 cold plus 1d6
Strength damage)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Rime breath,
spell-like abilities, strength dam-
Special Qualities: Cold mantle,
create spawn, darkvision 60 ft.,
heat powerlessness, immune to
cold, incorporeal traits, lifesense,
undead traits, vulnerable to fire

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +8 Rime Breath (Su): Once every 1d4
Abilities: Str —, Dex 20, Con —, Int 16, Wis rounds (but no more than five times per day), a
14, Cha 18 rime wraith can breathe a cone of icy cold at its
Skills: Bluff +14, Hide +15, Intimidate +14, targets as a standard action. The 30-ft. cone
Knowledge (arcane) +13, Listen +14, Spot does 5d6 points of damage to any caught in its

+14, Survival +12 path, as well as lessening any exposed objects’
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Track, hardness by 2d6. A DC 18 Reflex save halves
Weapon Finesse (touch)B the damage and negates the loss of hardness to
Environment: Any any objects on the character’s person.
Organization: Solitary, brace (2) or lodge Unattended objects may make a DC 18
(2–12) Fortitude save to resist the loss of hardness.
Challenge Rating: 7 Once an object’s hardness reaches 0, future
Treasure: Standard cold damage applies directly to the object’s hit
Alignment: Always chaotic evil points (though objects take quarter damage
Advancement: 9–15 HD (Medium) from cold).
Spell-like abilities (Sp): 3/day—cause
The air boils and freezes around a gaping fear (DC 15), obscuring mist; 1/day—sleet
emptiness, thick white frozen vapor streaming storm (DC 17). Caster level 7th. Save DCs are
down it like a cloak. Although the creature Charisma-based.
itself cannot be seen, you can feel its hungry Strength Damage (Su): The touch of a
gaze clawing at your skin, searching for a sin- rime wraith deals 1d6 points of Strength dam-
gle moment of weakness or emanation of age to a living foe. A creature reduced to zero
warmth. Strength by a rime wraith dies. This is a nega-
tive energy effect.
Rime wraiths are the spirits of hunters, fisher- Cold Mantle (Ex): Any creature that
men, and others who drowned in the dead of attacks the rime wraith with an unarmed attack
winter after slipping under the ice. They or natural weapon takes 2d6 points of cold
embody the killing cold of winter, the darkness damage per attack. The mantle also reduces the
at the end of life, and hatred for all things that hardness of weapons that strike it by 1d6, mak-
live within the normal cycle. Trapped in a ing them brittle and easily shattered. Once a
world that they both hate and fear, rime wraiths weapon’s hardness reaches 0, hitting the man-
lash out at any living creature. tle with it causes cold damage to the weapon
The wraith spirit itself has no visible pres- (though objects take quarter damage from
ence. However, it is so cold that it freezes water cold). The mantle leaves an easily detectable
vapor out of the air, creating a highly visible (Spot DC 5) trail of ice that lasts for 2d4 min-
misty mantle that moves and flows around the utes.
wraith, allowing onlookers to pinpoint its loca- Create Spawn (Su): Rime wraiths may
tion easily. The creature also leaves a visible only be created under the circumstances
trail of ice wherever it goes. Knowledgeable described above, but a humanoid reduced to
characters (Knowledge [religion] DC 15) can zero Strength by a rime wraith still becomes
identify the distinctive mark as a rime wraith’s undead. Within 1d4 rounds, it rises as a shadow
trail. with the cold descriptor under the control of the
rime wraith that killed it.
Combat Heat Powerlessness (Ex): Rime wraiths
are utterly powerless in severe heat (above
Rime wraiths use their senses, tracking skill, 110° F), unable to even generate a cold mantle
and incorporeal nature to great advantage. in such conditions. Short-term effects like fire-
They are canny enough to flee from a combat balls do not change ambient air temperature
that is going badly, then track down their tar- enough to cause this condition, but longer-term
gets later for a better opportunity. A rime wraith spells like wall of fire ward off rime wraiths.
generally targets weak-looking opponents first; Lifesense (Su): Rime wraiths notice and
if no obviously weak targets are available, it locate living creatures within 60 feet because
attacks the heaviest-armored individual, as of the heat they give off, just as if they pos-
those with the heaviest armor usually have the sessed the blindsight ability. They also sense
worst touch AC. the strength of life forces automatically, as
if using the deathwatch spell.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Sacred Crocodile
Huge Magical Beast (Lawful, Water)
Hit Dice: 11d10+55 (115 hp)

Initiative: +3
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 40 ft.
AC: 21 (–2 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural), touch
11, flat–footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+29
Attack: Bite +19 melee (2d8+10)
Full Attack: Bite +19 melee (2d8+10), tail
slap +14 melee (1d12+5)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, spell-like
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/law-
ful, underwater invisibility
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +6
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 16, Wis
16, Cha 12
Skills: Concentration +12, Diplomacy +10,
Knowledge (any two) +17, Listen +10,
Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +10, Spot
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Negotiator, Spring
Climate/Terrain: Aquatic
Organization: Solitary or colony (2–7)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Half coins, half goods, standard
Alignment: Any lawful
Advancement: 12–22 HD (Huge), 23–33 HD

The massive shape rises from the water next to

your boat. Its jaws open wide, wide enough to
tear a sizable chunk out of your hull . . . but
then it speaks, its voice ancient and wise.

Guardians of clear blue lakes and rivers,

defenders of lost islands and taboo temples,
these massive blue crocodiles have been
infused with the essence of the waters in which
they reside. They appear as blue-green croco-
diles of massive proportions, with wise,
knowledgeable eyes. Most locations that are
home to these beasts are well known to the
locals as impassable or protected areas. They
are usually assigned to sacred enclaves of the
gods, forbidden cities, portals to other planes,
or the homes of ancient evils.
Not extraplanar creatures in and of them-
selves, these beasts have been blessed with the
forces of elemental water, elevating them from
fierce predators to nearly unstoppable water

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

guardians. They are able to travel invisibly (for example, a 13 HD sacred crocodile would
though water and, unlike natural crocodiles, gain access to 7th-level spells). Sacred croco-
can live interchangeably in fresh and salt water. diles also gain the granted power of each
They never need to come to the surface to domain, using HD in place of cleric levels.
breathe, although many do remain at the sur-

face or along the shore in order to warn
approaching creatures away from the areas
Sacred Flood
they guard. Medium Elemental (Extraplanar, Good,
Although fierce guardians, the long ages Water)
spent patrolling a sacred environment also Hit Dice: 4d8+24 (42 hp)
allow for significant time spent in contempla- Initiative: +7
tion. These immortal beasts therefore often Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
become the guardians of sacred lore, lost AC: 21 (+3 Dex, +8 natural), touch 13,
prophecies, and other ancient knowledge. In flat–footed 18
many cases, the sacred water guardian forms a Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+7
relationship with the local priesthood, whether Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d6 and holy water)
they were the priests who summoned the croc- Full Attack: 2 slams +4 melee (1d6 and holy
odile or the locals who respect and fear it. water)
Sacred crocodiles speak Common, Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Aquan, and either Infernal or Celestial. Special Attacks: Engulf, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Elemental, fast healing 3,
COMBAT holy, positive energy being
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +1
Sacred crocodiles usually float menacingly
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 12, Wis
towards those who appear to be mistakenly
14, Cha 14
entering their sacred areas, but take full advan-
Skills: Knowledge (the planes) +6, Knowledge
tage of their invisibility when attacking those
(religion) +7, Listen +7, Spot +7
with more purposeful and informed intent. A
Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative
sacred crocodile can upset most small water-
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground
craft, then attack those who end up in the water.
Organization: Solitary, pair, inquisition (2–8),
If the trespassers use a boat that is too large to
crusade (10–100)
capsize, the beast usually attempts to grab any-
Challenge Rating: 3
one who gets too close to the water or wait until
Treasure: None
its occupants attempt to disembark.
Alignment: Usually neutral good
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability,
Advancement: By character class
the sacred crocodile must hit a Large or small-
er opponent with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, The water flows from the portal and takes on a
the sacred crocodile grabs the opponent with its humanoid shape, positive energy glowing with-
mouth and drags it into deep water, attempting in it.
to pin it to the bottom.
Underwater Invisibility (Su): This abili- Sacred floods are self-aware liquid entities
ty is constant, allowing the sacred crocodile to native to the Elemental Plane of Water. Their
remain invisible even when attacking, as long existence was first discovered when a conjurer
as it remains submerged. This ability is inher- used a flask of holy water as a focus when
ent and not subject to the invisibility purge intending to summon a water elemental. While
spell. Any portion of the sacred crocodile that is they vary in outlook among their society from
not submerged becomes visible immediately. lawful to chaotic, not a single sacred flood can
Spell-like Abilities: Sacred crocodiles be anything but good, for they are filled with
may choose three of the following domains: the essence of it. Led by charismatic paladins
Animal, Evil, Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic, and clerics of their race, they seek out forces of
Protection, Strength, and Water. The sacred evil everywhere to combat or destroy, and
crocodile may cast each 1st- through 6th-level occasionally a great extraplanar force of evil or
spell from its chosen domains once per day as negative energy is of sufficient power to moti-
a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to vate large groups of the race to leave their
its HD. Advanced sacred crocodiles gain access plane and seek it out in a holy crusade.
to higher-level spells at the same rate that a While most elemental beings are
cleric would, using its HD to simulate levels often irritated or angered by summons to

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

the target, it takes a full round for the sacred
flood to regain its normal form. When engulf-
ing a target that is subject to damage from holy
water (undead and evil outsiders), the sacred
flood deals 4d4 points of positive energy dam-

age per round.

Holy (Su): A sacred flood is always under
the effects of a bless spell, granting a +1 morale
bonus on attack rolls (already calculated
above) and saving throws against fear effects.
In addition, their natural attacks are considered
good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming
damage reduction. Their slam attacks also
shower opponents with holy water, dealing 2d4
points of additional damage to undead and evil
outsiders. Finally, a sacred flood constantly
gains the benefits of a protection from evil
spell, granting it a +2 deflection bonus to AC
against evil creatures and a +2 resistance bonus
on saves against attacks made by evil creatures.
If either the bless or the protection from evil
effect is dispelled, the sacred flood may repro-
duce them as free actions. Caster level equal to
the sacred flood’s Hit Dice.
Positive Energy Being (Ex): As beings
blessed by positive energy, sacred floods gain a
50% additional benefit from curative magics,
but can be turned by an evil cleric as a good
the Material Plane at the behest of a mortal cleric turns undead, and rebuked by a good
spellcaster, sacred floods live for such cleric as an evil cleric rebukes undead. They
moments where they know they are being cannot be destroyed or commanded, however.
called to strike at their hated enemies, those Spell-like Abilities (Sp): At will—bless
beings infested with the energies of evil and water; 3/day—bless; 1/day—aid, magic circle
decay. against evil.
Summoning the sacred flood: A cleric
COMBAT may summon a sacred flood by casting sum-
mon monster IV using a flask of holy water as
Most sacred floods attack evil beings or undead a material component. As usual, higher-level
on sight, acting with little to no regard for their summon monster spells can summon larger
own safety. Not amazing tacticians, they typi- numbers of the creatures, and only require the
cally charge straight into combat. When fight- single flask of holy water as a component (not
ing a powerful foe who is obviously sensitive a flask per creature summoned).
to the holy water that comprises its body, a
sacred flood attempts to grapple and engulf the
foe. Telkhine
Engulf (Ex): If a sacred flood successful- Medium Elemental (Water)
ly grapples an opponent, it has the option to Hit Dice: 9d8+45 (85 hp)
engulf it. The sacred flood thins itself out over Initiative: +3
the target and is no longer able to do anything Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 90 ft.
except attempt to maintain the grapple. In this Armor Class: 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch
form it gains a +8 circumstance bonus on grap- 11, flat-footed 15
ple checks, but the target is no longer consid- Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8
ered grappled. Targets of up to Large size are Attack: Slam +8 melee (1d6+2)
considered entangled by this effect, while larg- Full Attack: 2 slams +8 melee (1d6+2)
er creatures do not have their abilities Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft.
impaired in any way. If it is thrown free of Special Attacks: Spells, suppress magic,

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

watery clone For the most part, adventurers come into
Special Qualities: Damage reduction contact with telkhine when they are unwitting-
10/magic, darkvision 60 ft., elemental traits, ly in pursuit of the same magical object or arti-
quickened counterspell
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +7

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 21, Wis
14, Cha 14
Skills: Concentration +12, Knowledge
(arcana) +12, Knowledge (the planes) +10,
Listen +8, Spellcraft +10, Spot +8, Use
Magic Device +10
Feats: Combat Expertise, Heighten Spell,
Improved Disarm, Iron Will
Environment: Any
Organization: Cabal (2–5)
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Advancement: By character class
The watery being regards you with eyes that
are nothing like a human’s. Its elongated form,
comprised of some coagulated liquid, shim-
mers constantly. Within its body, you can see a
primal magical energy in constant flux.

Possesed of an intelligence that is wholly

alien, telkhine are denizens of the Elemental
Plane of Water. Amorphous in shape, they
are beings of pure magic distilled into liquid
form. Telkhine speak Aquan and their own
language, but do not usually deign to com-
municate with solid creatures. Telkhine do
not usually associate with other elementals,
preferring their own kind instead.
Most of what is known of the telkhine
has been gleaned from writings made by
horizon walkers. These writings speculate
that the telkhine race is originally not from
the Elemental Plane of Water, but is from
another dimension entirely. On their native
plane, they performed experiments with power-
ful conjuration magics that went beyond their
control. The resulting cataclysm flung the
telkhines’ consciousnesses across the
dimensions, and their minds and energies
managed to find a foothold in the
Elemental Plane of Water. There, what
parts of them exist in this reality were able
to shape bodies for themselves. According
to the creatures, however, as strange as it
may sound, they are still partly back in their
home dimension, and these bodies are only
expressions of part of their selves. Although
telkhine can survive in many environments,
existing outside of a liquid environment
seems to irritate them.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

fact that the telkhine also desire. It is believed of a weapon or other magical item by hitting it
that the telkhine do not seek out magical items with a melee touch attack. If this attack lands,
for the power they intrinsically hold, but rather the telkhine makes a dispel check, as if it were
that they someday hope to find an item or items making a targeted dispel against the item. The
that will allow them to once again locate their telkhine is considered to be casting a greater

home plane and reunite with their “other dispel for this purpose. If the dispel check is
selves” there. Telkhine are not automatically successful, the telkhine suppresses the magical
hostile to humanoid races, but they do possess properties of the item for one round for every
a certain arrogance that prevents them from Hit Die it possesses.
communicating well with them. Watery Clone (Su): Telkhine have the
Although telkhine seek to acquire magi- ability to instantly summon miniature dupli-
cal items of all kinds, they seem to posses a cates of their opponents in combat. Once per
special lust for magic potions. Notes from the round, when a telkhine successfully hits an
journals of Zural, a horizon walker known for opponent in melee with its slam attack, it can
his fascination with the telkhine, reveal some attempt to create a watery clone as a free
specifics of this attraction. It seems that action. The target must make a DC 16 Will
telkhine, rather than ingesting magic potions, save; if the target fails, a water elemental with
use them as topical salves. The telkhine are half the target’s Hit Dice appears adjacent to
able to absorb the potions through their pliable the telkhine, and begins attacking the target
membranes. This produces a calming effect on immediately. The water elemental should be
them, much the same way some humans enjoy one of the normal elementals listed in the MM;
bathing in mineral water. if none of the elementals listed have half of the
target’s Hit Dice, round down and choose the
Combat closest one. The water elemental that is created
is of roughly the same shape and form as the
Quickened Counterspell (Su): Telkhine have target touched by the telkhine, and attacks this
the ability to attempt to instantly counterspell opponent exclusively until the opponent is
any spell cast at them. Whenever a telkhine is defeated or it is destroyed. The elemental
targeted with a spell, or would be within a remains for a maximum of one round for every
spell’s area of effect that is centered within 100 Hit Die of the telkhine that created it.
ft., it can make a dispel check against the spell
as if it had a greater dispel readied. The
telkhine uses its Hit Dice as its caster level for Vein Slider
purposes of the dispel check. If the telkhine
Colossal Elemental (Earth)
makes the dispel check successfully, the spell is
Hit Dice: 24d8+201 (309 hp)
countered. A telkhine does not actually need to
Initiative: –3
ready an action to use this power as a subject
Speed: Burrow 20 ft. (4 squares), vein slide
attempting to counterspell ordinarily would. In
100 ft. (20 squares)
order to use this ability, however, a telkhine
AC: 24 (–8 size, –3 Dex, +25 natural), touch 0,
must be conscious that someone is attempting
flat-footed 21
to target it with a spell.
Base Attacks/Grapple: +18/+44
Spells: A telkhine casts spells as a 9th-
Attack: Bite +28 melee (1d4+15)
level sorcerer. All spells may be cast underwa-
Full Attack: Bite +28 melee (1d4+15)
ter without penalty. Typical Sorcerer Spells
Space/Reach: 30 ft./20 ft.
Known (8/5/4/3/2; save DC 12 + spell level):
Special Attacks: Improved grab, swallow
0—arcane mark, detect magic, light, mage
hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic,
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/—,
resistance; 1st—comprehend languages,
elemental qualities, tremorsense 1 mile, vein
magic aura, magic missile, ray of enfeeble-
ment, shield; 2nd—glitterdust, mirror image,
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +7, Will +10
see invisibility, touch of idiocy; 3rd—blink,
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 5, Con 26, Int 4, Wis 10,
major image, slow; 4th—confusion, dimension
Cha 8
Skills: Listen +15, Spot +16
Suppress Magic (Sp): Telkhine are able
Feats: Alertness, Diehard, Endurance, Great
to temporarily suppress the extraordinary
Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes,
properties of magical items by touching
Toughness (x3)
them. Once per round, a telkhine may
54 attempt to neutralize the magical properties
Environment: Elemental Plane of Earth or

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral

Advancement: 25–40 HD (colossal)
The stone before you groans as it is sucked
backwards into the man-size maw of some
enormous beast. Massive flat teeth grind the
stone to powder while an enormous worm-like
body slides forward through the stone.

Vein sliders are massive creatures native to the

Elemental Plane of Earth. Coiled up, they can
easily fill a 30-foot cube; stretched out, many
reach almost a length of 100 feet. Their mottled
skin is red and white and formed of hard stone
and flecks of metal. The creature has one mas-
sive mouth, approximately 15 feet wide, and no
detectable sensory organs.
On their home plane, vein sliders travel
though earth and stone, searching for large sup-
plies of raw ore. They feed on such deposits,
processing the ore into refined metals and con-
suming the trace elements. When summoned
into the Material Plane, vein sliders serve a
similar purpose, although they are greatly
slowed by the weight of “dead stone.” They combined with their roomy interiors and slow
chew through such unappetizing fare at a digestive system, make them speedy if some-
steady pace until they find something more what unreliable transports in an underground
palatable. realm.
Vein sliders rarely come to the surface on
the Material Plane. Grass, sun, and sky hold Combat
nothing of interest for them. They can be found
Vein sliders retreat into solid stone as quickly
deep in the roots of mountains or in the subter-
as possible rather than fight. If somehow
ranean realms of deep-dwelling folk. Most sur-
unable to run away, they gum their opponents
face dwellers never encounter one of these
with their slow-closing maw. The creature’s
creatures; if they do, they are likely only to see
great size and strength make even this ineffec-
a gaping mouth, groping though a stone wall in
tive weapon dangerous, but hardly life threat-
search of a tasty morsel.
ening to a skilled opponent.
Despite their fearsome appearance, vein
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability,
sliders are remarkably gentle creatures. They
a vein slider must hit with its bite attack. It can
possess no aggressive instincts at all, nor do
then attempt to start a grapple as a free action
they perceive other beings as threats. So long
without provoking an attack of opportunity. If
as they can graze on complex ores, they are
it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold
more than happy to share and share alike. Vein
and can attempt to swallow the foe the follow-
sliders’ passive natures make them excellent
ing round.
allies for almost any race, although evil races
Swallow Whole (Ex): A vein slider can
take some delight in tormenting the poor crea-
try to swallow a grabbed opponent of a smaller
size than itself by making a successful grapple
Vein sliders make good ore processors
check. Once inside, any living creature is
and excellent transport creatures. Their natural
shunted to the creature’s secondary gullet;
ability to process ore into pure metals allows
because the vein slider gains nourishment
underground communities to completely avoid
only from ore, too much organic material
the dangerous smelting process. Their remark-
would actually poison it. Unliving crea-
able speed when traveling along veins of ore,

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

tures (constructs, undead, etc.) that wish to
avoid digestion by crawling into the secondary
gullet, or living creatures that wish to crawl
into the creature’s main digestive system, may
do so by bypassing a complex series of valves
Prestige Classes

with a DC 20 Reflex save. Creatures in the vein

slider’s main digestive system take 24d10
points of crushing damage (DC 20 Reflex save
for half damage) and 24d10 points of acid dam-
age (DC 20 Fortitude save for half damage) Runecaster
each round. Among races that are tied to the Elemental
The main digestive system is impossible Plane of Earth, like stone giants or xorns,
to cut out of, and can only be exited via the runecasters play the part of seer, mystic, and
manner described above. The secondary gullet spiritualist. Most runecasters are also clerics,
can be cut through using a slashing or piercing and are considered elders of their communities.
weapon of any size to deal 30 points of damage They are often consulted on potential mar-
(AC 25, damage reduction 10/—), but the hole riages between members of a tribe, the direc-
closes within 1d4 rounds. The vein slider’s sec- tion of major engineering projects, and other
ondary gullet can hold up to four Large, 16 matters of import to the community.
Medium, 64 Small creatures, 256 Tiny, or Only the most serious-minded and dedi-
1,024 Diminutive or smaller opponents. cated individuals can become runecasters. The
Vein Slide (Ex): A vein slider normally profession requires years of seclusion spent
travels slowly in order to eat and digest, but it tracing, carving, and reciting different runes
can travel at great speed (80 ft. per round) until the caster is able to distill the inherent
along pure or nearly pure veins of ore. This power contained in each rune.
ability is similar to burrowing, but does not To complete their apprenticeships, all
leave any trail. runecasters undergo a final trial, the test of
stone. They set out alone, journeying away
Training a vein slider from their community equipped with nothing
Training a vein slider requires six months of more than a little bit of food, water, and some
work, a DC 27 Handle Animal check, and a DC simple carving tools. The potential runecaster
27 Knowledge (the planes) check. The vein travels through caverns, across mountainsides,
slider can be trained to open and close its and among the other rocky places of the world,
mouth on command, to take in or release pas- until she arrives at a place of power. There she
sengers without harming them, and to travel at waits and listens. If she is worthy, she hears the
varying speeds. It cannot be trained to attack. A stones themselves cry out to her and offer her
vein slider handler usually rides in the crea- their mysteries. It is then that she uses her hand
ture’s mouth, where he controls the vein slider tools to prepare the runestones that she will use
with a special rig that pierces the flesh of its for the rest of her life. Each runecaster
digestive walls. inscribes her runestones with different symbols
of power given to her by the earth itself, so no
two runecasters ever know the same symbols.
Hit Die: d8.

To become a runecaster, a character must fulfill
all the following criteria:
Race: Earth subtype.
Skills: Knowledge (arcana or religion) 4
ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks.
Feats: Endurance.
Spells: Ability to cast arcane or divine
spells of at least 2nd level.


Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

before becoming a runecaster, she must decide
Class Skills
to which class she adds the new level for pur-
The runecaster’s class skills (and the key abili- poses of determining spells per day.
ty for each) are Concentration (Con), Craft Runestones (Ex): Upon attaining the first
(Int), Decipher Script (Int, exclusive skill), level of the runecaster prestige class, a
Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) runecaster carves and blesses or mystically pre-
(Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession pares special runestones that she uses as either
(Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). a divine or arcane focus in the casting of spells.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. When using these runestones, the runecaster
casts all divination spells at caster level +2.
Class Features Roll the Bones (Su): As a standard
action, the runecaster can roll her runestones in
All of the following are class features of the combat. When she does so, fate either blesses
runecaster prestige class. her friends or curses her foes. Roll a die; a high
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: result gives all of the runecaster’s allies in a 50-
Runecasters gain no additional skills with ft. radius a +1 luck bonus to all attacks, damage
weapons, armor, and shields. rolls, and saving throws. A low result gives all
Spells per Day/Spells Known: When a of the runecaster’s enemies in a 50-ft. radius a
new runecaster level is gained, the character –1 to all attacks, damage rolls, and saving
gains new spells per day (and spells known, if throws. The runecaster’s enemies receive no
applicable) as if she had also gained a level in saving throw against this effect, which has a
a spellcasting class she belonged to before caster level equal to the runecaster’s total HD.
adding the prestige class. She does not, howev- Runestone Metamagic (Su): At 2nd
er, gain any other benefit a character of that level, the runecaster may use her runestones to
class would have gained (improved chance of spontaneously apply metamagic feats to her
controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or spells. She may apply any metamagic feat,
item creation feats, and so on), except for an even those she doesn’t know, to any spell
increased effective level of spellcasting. If a as a free action, using the listed number
character had more than one spellcasting class

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Class Base Fort Ref Will
Appendix: Prestige Classes

Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells per Day

1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Runestones, roll the bones +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 1 metamagic/day +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 2 metamagic/day, stonebones +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 3 metamagic/day +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 4 metamagic/day, stone tell +1 level of existing class

of metamagic levels instead of using a higher Salvagers sometimes take advantage of

spell slot. For instance, at 3rd level, the the fact that so many other beings use water-
runecaster may heighten one of her spells per ways as dumping grounds for their trash.
day by 2 levels, or make one of her spells silent Instead of trying to recover lost valuables, they
and stilled, or make two of her spells enlarged, look for discarded documents or records that
etc. This ability may be used in combination might be tossed over the side of a ship or into a
with regular application of metamagic feats. sewer. They then use this intelligence to set
Stonebones (Su): At 3rd level, the themselves up as information brokers. Evil sal-
runecaster may inscribe permanent protective vagers might use information obtained in this
runes on her body. These protective runes make fashion for blackmail or extortion.
the runecaster’s bones and skin denser, giving Hit Die: d6.
her damage reduction 10/bludgeoning.
Stone Tell (Su): Upon reaching 6th level, Requirements
the runecaster learns to speak directly to the
earth. She is considered to be constantly under To become a salvager, a character must fulfill
the effect of a stone tell spell, with a caster all the following criteria:
level equal to the runecaster’s total HD. Race: Aquatic or water subtype.
Skills: Appraise 4 ranks.
Powers: Bardic knowledge and evasion
Salvager abilities.
When a ship goes down at sea, a courier
drowns in a flash flood, or an eldritch city is Class Skills
swallowed by the waves, they are thought lost The salvager’s class skills (and the key ability
to the rest of the world. While they may have for each) are Appraise (Int), Concentration
gone out of the reach of many, they have (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int),
slipped into the domain of the salvager. Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex),
Salvagers are creatures from and of the water Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex),
that specialize in the recovery of lost wealth Knowledge (any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move
and valuable artifacts from watery environs. As Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession
they become more experienced, they develop (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str),
the ability to tune their awareness to the very Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha).
water around them, using their senses to evade Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.
danger and locate even greater spoils.
Some salvagers work on commission to Class Features
recover specific artifacts or valuables for a
patron, while other salvagers are treasure All of the following are class features of the
hunters, pure and simple. Salvagers are gener- salvager prestige class.
ally chaotic in nature, and live by the rule that Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
possession is nine tenths of the law. The most Salvagers gain no proficiency with any weapon
daring of salvagers go beyond simple recovery or armor.
missions, and may even actively seek to plun- Bardic Knowledge (Ex): At least half of
der the hoards of powerful underwater crea- the work a salvager does in the recovery of rare
tures like dragon turtles or krakens. To crea- or precious objects is done before he ever
tures such as these, the salvager is a menace, enters the water. Salvagers are experts at
a parasite to be constantly guarded against. researching obscure information concerning

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Class Base Fort Ref Will

Appendix: Prestige Classes

Level Attack Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Bardic knowledge, hide in plain sight, trap sense +1
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Locate object 1/day
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Trap sense +2
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Locate object 2/day
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Commune with nature, trap sense +3

people, places, or artifacts, and continue to

progress in their bardic knowledge ability with Smokeshaper
every level of the salvager prestige class they
obtain. Smokeshapers are wizard and sorcerer artifi-
Hide in Plain Sight (Su): Salvagers are cers with a strong connection to the Elemental
experts at the art of the quick escape, and have Plane of Fire. They have a flair for the con-
learned to use underwater lighting effects and struction of talismans of magical power, and
natural surroundings to conceal themselves choose to spend most of their time in their
with a supernatural ease. This power operates forges creating ever more intricate and power-
as the shadowdancer power of the same name, ful items. Smokeshapers have such a passion
but only works when the salvager is in an for their crafts that when they have finished
underwater environment. their masterpieces, they are able to animate
Trap Sense (Ex): Salvagers often find their creations by infusing them with living
themselves in tight places underwater, explor- flame. Smokeshapers are born, not made, and
ing sunken ships, underwater caverns, or the their gifts cannot be taught.
like. Beginning at 1st level, the salvager devel- Whatever the normal tendencies of their
ops a knack for dodging man-made traps and race, smokeshapers live to craft new weapons
natural pitfalls. This power operates as the bar- and armor, plan new projects, and uncover
barian class ability of the same name, but only magical knowledge. Among fire giants, for
works for the salvager in underwater environ- instance, smokeshapers are islands of artistic
ments. Unlike the barbarian class ability, this sensibility and style amidst a sea of raw aggres-
power also gives the salvager the listed bonus- sion. However, smokeshapers are still creatures
es against natural disasters such as cave-ins or embodying fire, and as such can be quite tem-
rockslides. peramental, especially regarding their work.
Locate Object (Sp): Upon reaching 2nd Those smokeshapers who cannot control their
level, the salvager begins to develop the mysti- outbursts live alone, preferring to work in their
cal ability to tune in to his surroundings under- forges or laboratories in solitude.
water. By concentrating on the water itself, the Most craftsmen appreciate an audience,
salvager can discern the location of desired however, and the smokeshaper is no different.
objects. This power functions as the locate Nobles and leaders among fire creatures often
object spell. The salvager can use this ability sponsor smokeshapers in hopes that they will
once per day at 2nd level and twice per day at create some truly awesome weapon that the
4th level. This ability only operates when the king or lord can then use to conquer his ene-
salvager is underwater. Caster level equal to the mies.
salvager’s HD. Although smokeshapers would rather
Commune with Nature (Sp): Upon spend their time creating than destroying, none
attaining the 5th level of the salvager prestige can deny their martial prowess. A smokeshaper
class, the salvager gains the ability to com- in full battle regalia, mounted atop his cinder-
pletely harmonize his awareness with that of an mare and wielding an incandescent blade, is a
underwater environment. This power operates truly awesome sight.
as the druid spell of the same name, but only Hit Die: d8.
when the salvager is in a natural underwater
setting such as a lake, river, or ocean. The sal-
vager can use this power once per day, with a
caster level equal to the salvager’s HD.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Class Base Fort Ref Will
Appendix: Prestige Classes

Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells per Day

1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Crafting affinity, endless fire +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Incandescent blade +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Firehawk +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Cindermare +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Ashen doppelganger +1 level of existing class

benefit a character of that class would have

gained (improved chance of controlling or
To become a smokeshaper, a character must rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation
fulfill all the following criteria: feats, and so on), except for an increased effec-
Race: Fire subtype. tive level of spellcasting. If a character had
Skills: Craft (alchemy) 4 ranks, Craft more than one spellcasting class before becom-
(either armorsmith, blacksmith, sculptor, or ing a smokeshaper, he must decide to which
weaponsmith) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks. class he adds the new level for purposes of
Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, determining spells per day.
Craft Wondrous Item. Crafting Affinity (Su): The smokeshaper
Spells: Ability to cast arcane spells. is assumed to be able to cast any spell with
the fire descriptor, but only for the purpos-
Class Skills es of crafting magic items. Further, the
smokeshaper may expend 10% less
The smokeshaper’s class skills XP per smokeshaper class level
(and the key ability for each) and spend 10% less gp per
are Concentration (Con), smokeshaper class level
Craft (Int), when crafting any magic
Knowledge (all skills, item involving the ele-
taken individually) ment of fire.
(Int), Perform (Cha), Endless Fire
Profession (Wis), and (Ex): At 1st level, the
Spellcraft (Int). smokeshaper gains the
Skill Points at Each ability to sponta-
Level: 2 + Int modifier. neously convert any
of his spells to spells
Class Features of an equal or lower
All of the follow- level from the cleri-
ing are class fea- cal Fire domain.
tures of the This is in all other
smokeshaper pres- ways similar to the
tige class. way a cleric converts
Weapon and spells into either cure or
Armor Proficiency: inflict spells. If the
Smokeshapers gain smokeshaper wishes to
proficiency with light apply metamagic feats
and medium armor and to these spontaneously
no weapons. converted spells, he must use
Spellcasting: A smokeshaper continues a full-round action to do so, and must give up
training in magic as well as in his crafting. an appropriate level of spell after metamagic
Thus, when a new smokeshaper level is gained, modifiers.
the character gains new spells per day as if he Incandescent Blade (Su): At will and
had also gained a level in a spellcasting class using only hand tools, the smokeshaper can
he belonged to before he added the prestige craft temporary weapons out of nothing more
class. He does not, however, gain any other than fire, smoke, red hot coals, and scrap metal.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

The smokeshaper may fashion any simple or duplicate of himself. The smokeshaper sculpts
martial melee weapon appropriate for his size. the duplicate out of ash and smoke, and paints
It takes one round for the smokeshaper to con- it with fire. Upon completion, the ashen dop-
struct a single incandescent weapon of size pelganger behaves exactly as the 7th-level spell
Medium or smaller, or two rounds to construct simulacrum, except fire is substituted for the

Appendix: Prestige Classes

a single incandescent weapon of size Large or shadow descriptor in the spell. The ashen dop-
larger. The incandescent weapon is considered pelganger takes one day to construct, and lasts
to be +1 flaming burst and lasts one minute per for one week per character level. Creating the
smokeshaper class level of its creator. ashen doppelganger does not cost the smoke-
Firehawk (Su): Once per day, the smoke- shaper any experience points, unlike the nor-
shaper can create a large blazing bird out of fire mal use of the simulacrum spell.
and smoke. The fiery raptor takes one minute
for the smokeshaper to fashion, and he must
have access to sufficient materials to create a
Medium sculpture. Once the smokeshaper is Zephyrs are the master heralds of the lords of
finished sculpting the bird, the firehawk ani- air, and are trusted to deliver the most impor-
mates and serves the smokeshaper as a tant of missives. The dedication and focus
guardian, sentry, or combatant for one hour per required to become a zephyr is substantial
smokeshaper class level of its creator. The fire- indeed. Only those with the best flying skills,
hawk only takes commands from the smoke- greatest resourcefulness, and highest level of
shaper that created it, and follows all of its cre- intelligence are even considered to become
ator’s commands to the best of its ability. zephyrs. Once selected, potential candidates
Particularly crafty smokeshapers may use fire- are put through a rigorous training course of
hawks to lure good-aligned individuals to their languages, planar knowledge, and mental recall
doom by fooling them into thinking they are techniques. Those that excel are eventually
phoenixes. given their final test. They are taken to an
The firehawk uses the same statistics as inhospitable plane, typically a far-off place of
an adult arrowhawk (see MM), replacing all demons and darkness, and are given a message
instances of electricity with fire. to deliver in no less than 10 days. In that time,
Cindermare (Su): Once per week, the the prospective zephyr must survive the dan-
smokeshaper may create an appropriately sized gers of the foreign environment, engineer an
blazing steed out of scorching cinders and raw escape from the hostile plane, find the subject
flame. The fiery steed takes one hour for the of his message delivery, and deliver the mes-
smokeshaper to fashion, and he must have sage successfully. If successful, the candidate
access to sufficient materials to create an is confirmed as a zephyr with all the ranks,
appropriately sized sculpture. Once the smoke- responsibilities, and privileges thereof.
shaper is finished sculpting or painting the Zephyrs ordinarily pledge their allegiance
steed, the cindermare animates and serves the to a noble air elemental or djinn caliph, but a
smokeshaper or any one individual with a fire few have been known to serve other masters.
subtype that the smokeshaper indicates, as des- Armies with a plethora of arcane resources
ignated when the cindermare animates. Once often seek to entice zephyrs to serve as military
its master is chosen, no other creature, includ- messengers by offering them wealth or magical
ing the smokeshaper if he designated another items. Powerful cabals of wizards also some-
master, may give the cindermare commands. times attempt to bind zephyrs to their service to
The cindermare lasts for one day per smoke- deliver secret communiqués to their servants.
shaper class level of its creator. Due to their airy composition and great inge-
A cindermare created by a Medium nuity, however, zephyrs are difficult to trap into
smokeshaper uses the same statistics as a night- service; most serve masters of their own choos-
mare (see MM); a cindermare created by a ing.
Large or larger smokeshaper uses the same sta- Hit Die: d8.
tistics as a cauchemar nightmare (see MM).
Neither cindermare has the nightmare’s astral
projection and etherealness capabilities, how-
Ashen Doppelganger (Sp): Once per
month, the smokeshaper can create a fiery

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Class Base Fort Ref Will
Appendix: Prestige Classes

Level Attack Save Save Save Special

1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Planar travel 1/day, perfect recall
2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Planar travel 2/day, ultimate linguist
3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Planar travel 3/day, teleporter
4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Planar travel 4/day, evader
5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Planar travel 5/day, unstoppable messenger

its own power. By concentrating, zephyrs can

attune the frequency of their form’s existence
To become a zephyr, a character must fulfill all to that of another plane, and travel there. This
the following criteria: power operates as the plane shift spell, except
Race: Air subtype that the zephyr needs no planar fork and the
Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Knowledge spell only affects the zephyr himself. This abil-
(the planes) 5 ranks, Survival 5 ranks ity may only be used when a zephyr is deliver-
Languages: Zephyrs must speak four ing a message for his liege or returning from
languages besides their native tongue, includ- such a delivery. Caster level equal to the HD of
ing at least one other elemental language. the zephyr.
Ultimate Linguist (Sp): Zephyrs are
Class Skills masters of communication, and cannot let a
small thing like a difference of language stand
The zephyr’s class skills (and the key ability in the way of delivering critical messages. They
for each) are Concentration (Con), Diplomacy eventually acquire the ability to communicate
(Cha), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide with nearly any intelligent creature. At 2nd
(Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) level, a zephyr can use the tongues spell at will.
(Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen Caster level is equal to the HD of the zephyr.
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Teleporter (Sp): Getting to the correct
Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis). In plane is the first step; getting to the right loca-
addition, zephyrs receive all languages as class tion on that plane is a whole other matter. At
skills. 3rd level, the zephyr may exchange any of his
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. planar travel uses per day for a teleport spell.
Evader (Sp): Anyone worthy of having a
Class Features: message delivered by a zephyr generally has
All of the following are class features of the excellent defenses, and sometimes overzealous
zephyr prestige class. guardians. Additionally, there are those who
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: would counter the zephyr’s message for their
Zephyrs gain no proficiency with any weapon own purposes. At 4th level, to evade these
or armor. obstacles, a zephyr may exchange any of his
Perfect Recall (Ex): In the course of planar travel uses per day for dimension door,
their training, zephyrs are taught that to deliver dispel magic, or gaseous form spells. Caster
an incomplete or inaccurate message is some- level is equal to the HD of the zephyr.
times worse than delivering no message at all. Unstoppable Messenger (Su): During
Accordingly, zephyrs are taught to develop the course of a message delivery, a zephyr can
their memories so that they can perfectly overcome barriers and effects that would ordi-
remember any conversation or dialogue that narily hinder his progress, trap him, or hem him
might take place in their presence. This ability out. At 5th level, he may ignore protection from
also allows the zephyr to repeat any conversa- evil, good, law, chaos, or any of the magic cir-
tion it overhears, verbatim. cle of protection spells. The zephyr also
Planar Travel (Sp): Zephyrs deliver the becomes immune to spells like banishment,
most important messages for the lords of air, dismissal, dimensional anchor, and dispel evil,
and must have the ability to go virtually any- good, law, or chaos. This power only operates
where. Starting at 1st level, a zephyr gains for the zephyr while he is on a mission deliver-
the ability to travel to different planes under ing a message for his liege or superior.

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)
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Alexandre Machado (Order #5673)

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